Democratic Campaign Follies
attempting to persuade young women to support Hillary Clinton in the upcoming
primaries (one failed former Secretary of State trying to aid another), Madelyn
Albright said, “We can tell our story about how we climbed the ladder
and a lot of you younger women don’t think you have to — it’s been done — it’s
not done and you have to help. Hillary Clinton will always be there for you." It
has been done, Mads. Repeatedly. But,
here again, if you are a woman you “have to” vote for a woman? Just as you are
a racist if you are white and didn’t vote for Obama. (That is racist by definition!). We
know it couldn’t have anything to do
with policies or what’s best for the country in the long term! Then, “Hillary
Clinton will always be there for you?” With a straight face, yet? She was
“there” for Kathleen Willey, Paula Jones, Monica Lewinsky, et. al., all right,
Albright, but I’m not sure they were comforted by that.
continued, “And just remember: there’s a special place in Hell for women who
don’t help each other.” (Hillary burst out laughing and the audience cheered at
that remark). So gals, you’ll be cast into Hell if you don’t vote for Hillary.
Oh well, maybe you can “hook up” with Bill.
was strangely silent about what happens to those women who don’t vote for Carly
In a related story, feminazi
Gloria Steinem has suggested that young women supporting Bernie Sanders’
presidential campaign are doing so to gain the attention of men. “When you’re
young, you’re thinking, ‘Where are the boys? The boys are with Bernie,'” Steinem
told Bill
Maher recently on his HBO show “Real Time.” This has earned her
the wrath of many in the “Twitterverse,” according to reports.
Gloria, maybe they’re just sick
and tired of Billary and/or aren’t versed in political and economic history.
from Hillary winning six consecutive
coin flips against Bernie Sanders in Iowa, were there vote-counting
shenanigans, as well? A man named Keane Schwarz is certain he knows the outcome of his
precinct’s vote. Why? He was the only
caucusgoer in his county, Woodbury County Number 43. Yet, the Iowa Democratic
Party’s final results show that Hillary Clinton won one county delegate and
Bernie Sanders none. Schwarz told The Des Moines Register, “I voted for Bernie.
It was really suspicious…it also doesn’t help the optics that the state party
chairwoman drove around for years in a car with “HRC2016” license plates.”
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