A new federal terror advisory contains
a threat assessment that characterizes Americans who “mislead” others into questioning government-approved messages as being on par with terrorists. That is as anti-American
messaging as could be imagined. America was founded on questioning
governments, foreign and domestic. And that has been her saving grace, the
reason for her unique success.
assessment specifically identifies those who engage in “the proliferation of
false or misleading narratives, which sow discord or undermine public trust in
U.S. government institutions” as “threat actors.” It also cites “widespread
online proliferation of false or misleading narratives regarding
unsubstantiated widespread election fraud and COVID-19” as having a deleterious
effect on government institutions.
it’s the actions of government institutions that often have a deleterious
effect on (people’s views of) government institutions…and on the people. But,
no matter, our First Amendment rights are out the window. 1984 is here. “Wrong-thought” has been criminalized.
not stopped—and reversed-- this is the end of the Great Experiment and the Land
of Opportunity.
fellow threat actors, what are we to do about this?
off, we must realize that “misinformation” is what has typically been put out
by governments since governments were instituted among men. The larger and more
powerful the government in relation to the people, the more preposterous the misinformation,
false narratives, outright lies and other propaganda it will churn out. And the
less it will tolerate dissent and independent thought. This is a historical
fact. It was true of feudal kings. Offend the king and it could be “off with
your head.” The Third Reich blamed all Germany’s troubles on the Jews. So it
imprisoned and exterminated them. The Soviet Union killed millions of folks who
didn’t toe the party line. Speak out against the government? Hello
“re-education” camp or gulag. And today we have Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, Syria,
Sudan, Eritrea, North Korea…and, of course, China. (How’s your “social credit score?” You might be about
to find out.) China graciously exported the pandemic to the West, and it now
appears many Western nations may be attempting to appropriate its system of
government, as well. Talk about forgiveness and tolerance. Amazing. The
governments of Australia, New Zealand, Austria, several other European nations,
and even Canada and the United States have quickly and zealously headed down
the road to tyranny.
Leftists in the U.S. are attacking the First
and Second Amendments (among others). These are the essence and guarantor of
our freedoms, respectively. They are marginalizing, canceling and even
incarcerating those who have the effrontery to challenge their narrative.
Meaning their power. That is tyranny. That is terrorism. They
are “threat actors.” And they do this while accusing Trump
Christians, patriots, rednecks, Rogan listeners, Republicans, rural residents,
truck drivers—and anyone else with whom they disagree-- of being a “threat to
our democracy.” The truth is precisely the opposite, of course. They are
the threat to our democracy. Demonstrably and inarguably. They want to
squelch free speech and vigorous dialogue. They wish to take away your
right to protect yourself and your family. They wish to pack the court. They
wish to end the filibuster. They wish to eliminate the Electoral
College. We don’t wish to do any of those things to them or anybody
else. Oh, and they locked us all down and masked us all up for the past two
There has
been much talk of a Second Civil War or a Second American Revolution. Either,
of course, would be tragic, insofar as violence and bloodshed are concerned.
But what we really need, and what might help avoid either of the
aforementioned, is a second Declaration of Independence. If our elite
rulers knew—were absolutely convinced-- that we will no longer accept their
forays into tyranny and despotism, will no longer meekly acquiesce to their
every wish and whim no matter how banal, damaging, or evil, perhaps we could start
reclaiming and restoring “our democracy.”
I’ll even
offer to write it.
It might
go something like this:
“As Americans, we still hold these truths to
be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their
Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and
the pursuit of Happiness. And that legitimate governments are instituted among men
to secure these rights, not attempt to repeal them. We must never forget
that just governments derive their powers from the consent of the governed.
These are the defining characteristics of America, the blueprint for this
nation, and we will not throw our birthrights away. As our Founders noted, whenever
any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of
the people to alter or to abolish it. Indeed, when a government is trending
towards absolute despotism, it is their duty to do so. For, as
Americans, we owe it to our forefathers, ourselves, and our posterity to reclaim
our former freedoms and see to a rebirth of our once blessed and unrivaled republic.
“The following are some of the abuses, injuries, and
usurpations compelling us to make this Declaration:
“Our leaders have used a pandemic, that they
partially paid for, to tell us that we couldn’t leave our houses. For the first
time, they quarantined the healthy. They told us that we must wear a mask over
our mouths and noses at all times, even indoors. They said we couldn’t visit
our loved ones in hospitals or in hospice. Pure, unadulterated evil. They
barred us from attending weddings and funerals. They informed many of us that our
jobs are ‘not essential,’ even as they paid many not to work. Preposterous!
They have fomented and excused months-long violent protests and riots by some
which led to numerous deaths and billions of dollars in damage…while
incarcerating without charge many who peacefully walked our Capitol Building. They
have unilaterally instituted a two-tier system of justice, where laws apply
utterly differently to different people based on ideology. They have weaponized
the FBI, CIA, DOJ, DHS, and IRS against the American people, and are now even
attempting to do the same with our military. They have, through extreme
incompetence or malevolence given succor to our enemies and created grave
doubts in the minds of our friends and allies. They have decided not to tend to
or defend our Southern border, leaving us wide open to criminals, drug and sex
trafficking, and potential acts of terrorism. They do this because they wish to
replace us legal citizens with those who they can more easily control—and whom
they can count on to vote for them in the future. Monstrous! Moreover, they
have created conditions mandating that crime rates will surge across the nation,
making all of us less safe. They have disabled our energy industry, making us
once again dependent on foreign actors and adversely affecting our national
security. They have mismanaged the economy, driving up inflation and diminishing
our quality of life. They have—in a myriad ways—caused absolutely needless pain
and suffering for scores of millions of Americans, as reflected in the
skyrocketing rates of substance abuse and suicides. All these are egregious and
frightening acts signaling a descent into tyranny.
“Yet, whenever we have petitioned for redress, we
have been summarily rebuffed. Our repeated petitions have been answered only by
repeated injury. We have been mocked, scorned, cancelled.
“Our leaders must know that we will not choose
hopelessness and despair. We will not tolerate their arrogance, scorn, and
contempt. We will, once more, be free.
we the citizens of the United States of America, appealing to the
Supreme Judge of the universe for the righteousness of our intentions, do
solemnly publish and declare that, to this end, we mutually pledge to each
other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.”