It is general knowledge that
virtually all the major American institutions have been taken over by The Left.
It is similarly widely known that most European countries are governed by
left-leaning elites and left-leaning institutions. The same goes for Canada and
Australia. It is disturbing to find out that even many of Israel’s
institutions are now controlled by “progressives.”
So, why is it that leftists
always take control of government and institutions in a free society, even when
the majority of the people in that free society could be considered
center-right? What seems a puzzler, a conundrum, really isn’t. It is simply because
leftists want power more than conservatives do and are therefore willing
to do more to obtain it. Some of these power-obsessed leftists falsely believe
they are intellectually and morally superior to everybody else and are
therefore entitled to power and control, and to some it is an aphrodisiac.
Either way, it is not good for…everybody else.
CBS, one of America’s leftist
media outlets, recently interviewed Democratic presidential nominee Kamala
Harris via its ’60 Minutes’ program. Unable to stomach airing the interview as
it actually transpired, the network decided to edit it to make Harris appear to
be somewhat in control of her faculties. Viola’, mind-boggling word salads
became semi-decipherable, if not particularly cogent, remarks.
Thus, an allegedly unbiased
‘free press’ entity engaged in blatant election interference. Would they have
done the same for Donald trump? Of course not, that is laughable on its face,
impossible to conceive. CBS, like every other mainstream media outlet, has
chosen sides and thrown in with the current ruling elite of the Democratic
Party, no matter how brain dead they may be.
Harris’ opponent, the
aforementioned Donald Trump, was understandably chagrinned by CBS’ malfeasance,
and publicly said so. This led an even more laughably biased outlet, The Daily
Beast, to run a headline
reading: “Trump, Still Fixated on ’60 Minutes,’ Whines About ‘Illegal’ Edits to
Harris’ Sit-Down.”
What a spoilsport, ‘whining’
just because a major media outlet is openly trying to help his opponent win! I
mean, ‘fixate’ on something else, you loser! Right? And now he’ll probably
‘whine’ about The Daily Beast stating he’s ‘whining’ about what CBS did to him!
Some people! This just proves he’s a lying, unstable fascist!
The Daily Beast is to
journalism as Kamala Harris is to rocket scientists. As the Chicago White Sox
are to baseball teams. Yet, sadly, leftists control of the media—and the
pursuit of knowledge-- is getting ever more complete. Unbiased ‘fact-checking’
and attribution are becoming virtually impossible. Research any topic online
and no legitimate site will appear for many, many pages—if at all-- whether the
search engine you use is Google, Bing, or others. Posts from MSNBC, CNN, The
Washington Post, NPR, Al Jezeera, HuffPost, Salon, The Daily Beast, and even
Rolling Stone, will typically all show up before say, Fox news, The New York
Post, The Daily Caller, or The Blaze. Don’t believe me? Try it for yourself.
Kamala Harris can’t speak, is
utterly incompetent, dumb as a rock, routinely contradicts herself, admits she owns
an ‘illegal’ firearm despite her desire to ban firearms for others-- and her
husband knocks up and allegedly abuses women out of wedlock. Moreover, she was
never elected and can’t keep her employees. And she has co-presided with
President Biden over disastrous foreign and domestic policies for the past four
years. And, in my opinion, she is likely to win the upcoming election and
become the next president of the United States. If she does, what would that
tell us?
There are only four
possibilities: 1) The majority of American voters have become so dumbed down
they can no longer rationally process information of any kind. 2) The
mainstream media, ‘social’ and legacy, still have the ability to persuade the
masses. 3) There is rampant election fraud occurring, especially in
‘battleground states.’ 4) Some combination of these.
You might well say, “I
think it has to do with the Democrats’ promising to give so much money and free
stuff to so many.” True enough, but I would argue that falls into category
number 1, as systemic and massive government giveaways always eventually lead
to disaster. As Margaret Thatcher said, “The problem with Socialism is that
eventually you run out of other people’s money.” Yes, and those other people
quite logically decide to quit investing—and working. And then the economy
tanks and society collapses. And there is no money to take from some to
give to others.
Our elite leftist rulers control our
institutions, of that there can be no doubt.
If enough of us still control ourselves,
however, they will never be able to truly enslave us.
As Churchill noted, “Courage is
rightly considered the foremost of the virtues, for upon it all others depend.”