Thursday, October 31, 2024

Happy Halloween Garbage People!


            Hello, fellow garbage people! Happy Halloween!

                       I assume many of you will be dressing up as refuse for Halloween tonight. Hefty bag? Trash bin? Dumpster? All great costumes! However, those of you who wish to do something a bit more out of character could put on a Chicago White Sox jersey and go as a minor league ballplayer! But I kid! Speaking of kids, if you happen to be dressed up as a nanny, don't go knocking at Doug Emhoff's door! No, seriously! Ha, ha, ha!

                       As I have referenced in the past, this can be a confusing time of year, because when somebody comes knocking at your door, you don’t know if it’s a youngster dressed up looking for a treat or a politician looking to trick you into handing over your hard-earned cash—or possibly your soul.

                       But back to Halloween costumes. I think Democrats should go as a projector or a gaslight. Or perhaps as Beelzebub. People need to understand any ‘treats’ they offer are actually ‘tricks’ to gain ever more power over us.

                       The scariest thing of all? They do this all year long.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Democrats, Demons, And Reparations

                     The Republican Party was founded in Wisconsin, a free state, in 1854, as an abolitionist party. That’s right, the party was incepted with the idea of eventually abolishing slavery and emancipating slaves. Freedom is in its DNA. The Democrat Party, by contrast, has at its core always and ever wanted only one thing: control. It demanded power over slaves back then and demands power over all of us now. This led to the Civil War, started by Democrats when the decision was made to fire on Fort Sumter in April of 1861.

                       Since then, Democrats sabotaged Reconstruction, manned the KKK, supported Jim Crow laws, opposed integration, and are now doing everything in their substantial power to divide us again. This time by gender, class, and political orientation as well as race.

                       And Democrats have demonically attempted to keep control over African-Americans by getting them addicted to government ‘largesse,’ and falsely promising them money and services if they will only vote for them in perpetuity. A little ‘quid pro quo’ among friends, as it were. No big deal, right?

                       Ironically—and tragically—Democrat policies have so damaged many Black folks that they no longer understand that they are being controlled—and don’t even appear to want to be free. Democrats would rather Black folks be kept on their modern-day plantation, with a little food and shelter provided, without the need to fend for themselves. Or think for themselves.

                       It must be said that the same goes for many white folks now. Far too many.

                       Reparations? I don’t typically believe in them. However, if any group or entity should pay reparations it should be The Democrat Party. To Black folks and descendants of dead Union Army members alike. And-- given what it has done to the country-- maybe to the rest of us, as well. Can we get a petition going? No, seriously, let’s bring this to Washington. It would be worth it to see the looks on the faces of Alexandria Occasional-Cortex, Adam Schiff, Maxine Waters, et. al.

                       Recently, Sen. Elbert Guillory eloquently explained his decision to leave the Democrat Party and become a Republican. He touches on several of the points I have just enumerated. It is wonderful 4-minute viewing.

                       Free at last, indeed.



Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Early, Mail-In Voting Is For Losers (Republicans)


Early voting combined with mail-in voting renders Election Day utterly moot. Moreover, when paired with ‘drop-off boxes’ and the Democrats’ “No I.D. needed” scam, the declared result is virtually guaranteed to be controversial. For good reason.

To be valid, elections must be conducted in person on one day-- with paper ballots that are counted the same day, like they are in nearly every other legitimate democracy and Republic on earth.

With something like 70% of the votes cast early and by mail-in ballots, it is as if the first three quarters of the Super bowl were played in the weeks before the ‘actual’ event-- with just the fourth quarter played on Super Bowl Sunday.

And then, of course, whatever the score happens to be at the ‘end’ of the game, the final result wouldn't be announced until days-- or perhaps weeks—later…after some necessary, completely unbiased and trustworthy behind the scenes analysis to make sure the ‘correct’ outcome is achieved.

Naturally, in true Democrat Party fashion, the winner of the game-- and the attendant media-- would then declare this Super Bowl the “most fair and transparent” in history, and the final score to be “the most certain and accurate” in the annals of the game.

Moral of the story? If Americans’ votes are to truly mean something, one side cannot be allowed to set the parameters and make all the rules. If Republicans really wish to compete and win, they cannot sit idly by as their political opponents call the shots—and the penalties. And, alone, conduct the ‘further reviews.’ The playing field must be leveled if it is to be ‘fair’ and ‘equitable,’ two things that Democrats claim to love. Of course, this is just as preposterous as their claim that they want to ‘save our democracy.’ Democrats don’t give a donkey’s ass about fairness, equity, or democracy. The only thing they care about is power.

And that is why they will do anything to win.

Sadly, it is up to the rest of us to make certain the playing field is a fair one.


Monday, October 28, 2024

Mika Brzezinski Takes Crazy To A New Level

I thought perhaps I’d seen and heard it all, and that those on The Left couldn’t possibly attain a higher level of hypocrisy and insanity. I see now that I was mistaken.

There is batsh*t crazy…and then there is Mika Brzezinski crazy. Which would make the merely batsh*t crazy blush with shock, astonishment, and envy.

Mika used a recent Morning Joe broadcast on Fake News MSNBC to embark on a rant so unhinged and unmoored from reality that it boggles the mind. Mika bizarrely stated, “As important as Trump’s fascism is,” before asserting “it’s the lead story every day” and referring to “his cozying up to, uh, dictators.” She not only called Trump a fascist, as if everyone know this unassailable fact, but implied fascism is very important to his identity. And then averred that Trump has somehow been snuggling/spooning with the likes of Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong Un, and Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

But she was just getting started. She referenced “what he has said about our veterans” and “what he wants to do with the military against his political adversaries.” Unlike Democrats and their organ grinder monkeys in the mainstream media, Trump truly respects the military, the individuals that comprise it, and veterans in general. And it is the Democrat Party, as evidenced by the Obama-Biden-Harris administration, that has weaponized the military against its enemies…i.e. American citizens who have the temerity to publicly disagree with its agenda. For the vast majority of folks, this would have been enough stupid slander for a lifetime, but not for Mika, who was almost foaming at the mouth now. She then asserted, “He is killing us. I’m talking about us women. He’s killing us.” He is? Are women’s bodies being piled up like cordwood somewhere where we can’t see them?

Ah, of course, she was referring to Trump being insufficiently thrilled by abortion. So she said: “He’s making us afraid to have babies.” This is the Mother of All Non Sequiturs. Trump certainly does not want women to be afraid to have babies, Mika. You just told us women like you want to get pregnant so you can abort your babies. You are the ones, definitionally, who don’t wish to have babies. And logic has been aborted with your babies. (Incidentally, thanks for not calling them ‘fetuses.’ And for, apparently, being able to recognize what a ‘woman’ is.) And, by-the-way, Trump is on record as being against blanket bans on abortion-- and merely wants to return the issue to the states.

Mika, on the verge of tears-- crocodile or otherwise-- then claimed that all the preposterously negative stories on Trump were the result of “very good reporting” that “shouldn’t be questioned by idiots.” Got that, rubes? We idiots have no damn right to question our superiors, whether they be in government or media.

The United States is the only country in history to have a government instituted expressly to protect its citizens from…abuses by government. That is why it has been so successful-- and beloved by its citizens.

Today’s Democrat Party—and its media remoras—hope to fundamentally change that. They wish to destroy democracy (and grant themselves perpetual power) by asserting that they must destroy their opponents in order to prevent ‘our democracy’ from being destroyed.

If we want our children to be prosperous and free, we must abort their plans.

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Weak Men And Unhappy Women-- Welcome To The Democrat Party!


                        As Tucker Carlson recently noted, the Democrat Party is the party of weak men and unhappy women. And these are inextricably linked. Where there are weak men, there are unhappy women. It is the way of the world.

                       Yet, weak men and unhappy women are both bad for society, as well as themselves. Weak men cannot be deeply content, and unhappy women by definition are not.

                       Weak men typically cannot please women, whether it be in the workforce, the bedroom, or the battlefield of life.

                       Weak men do things like make the decision to leave Afghanistan without protecting American citizens or loyalists, or the rest of the Afghanis they leave behind. What’s more, they may leave billions of dollars in military equipment behind to be used against their own country later—or their allies. And, ironically, they allow the primitive tribal force to which they essentially surrendered to further oppress-- and physically abuse—women.

                       By contrast, strong men make for happy women. And a functional society.

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Am I Upset? Damn Right I Am!


“You seem a bit upset,” some have said to me recently.

Really? I wonder if it's because countless children are having their genitals mutilated, many on the taxpayer dime. Or because needless wars are going on in various places around the world, wars that should have been prevented by a little integrity, strength and willpower. I wonder if it's because hundreds-- perhaps thousands-- have been jailed for just hanging around the ‘People's House’ and protesting an election that they thought was clearly stolen. I wonder if it's because the likes of Ashley babbitt were shot and killed by a cowardly, faceless Capitol Police officer who got promoted after the murder. I wonder if it's because concerned parents, Christians and patriots are being labeled ‘domestic terrorists,’ while actual terrorists and the likes of BLM and Antifa are being coddled, funded, and allowed to roam free. I wonder if it's because one political party says it has to save democracy by attacking, imprisoning, or killing members of the opposing political party, of which I happen to be a member. I wonder if it could be because of any of that?

What's more, I wonder if it could be because so many won't vote for a candidate who has put out what they call ‘mean tweets,’ but will vote for those who are pro war-- and in favor of the genital mutilation of kids, the illegal alien invasion, throwing the innocent into jail while freeing the guilty, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. Or, possibly, the fact that the candidate charged with the allegedly ‘mean tweets’ was typically (allegedly) ‘mean tweeting’ about those doing the mutilating, imprisoning, and killing! And that so many despise the alleged ‘mean tweeter’ to such an extent that they are willing to vote for the pro kid’s genital mutilation, pro imprisoning and killing one’s political opponents’ candidate… whose tweets are allegedly slightly less mean spirited. I wonder if it might be because of any of that? In any case, I wouldn't trust anyone who has so little sanity, character, integrity, and backbone that they are not a little bit peeved about now.

And the kicker is, the opponents of the allegedly mean-spirited candidate baselessly—and ceaselessly—call him Hitler. And Stalin. And Mussolini. And label his supporters as ‘fascists’ and domestic terrorists. That is far more than mean-spirited. It is slander. It is disgusting. It is insane. And it must be shocking and painful to those whose families had loved ones imprisoned, tortured, or killed by the monstrous tyrants. And remember, it is Trump’s opponents who have tried to cancel, imprison, and assassinate him, not the other way around.

Less than 40 years ago, the United States stood tall against the Evil Empire, to the benefit of the entire world. Now, far too many of those currently comprising its government are evildoers themselves…to the detriment of the entire world.

‘Upsetting?’ I sure as hell hope so.

Am I mad? Damn Right I Am.

Signing off,

PO’d in the USA.

Friday, October 25, 2024

This Post Should Not Be Allowed

                        The preposterously Orwellian-named Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM), Biden-Harris administration, Clintons, Obama, assorted other Democrats and Marxists, transgender community, Deep State bureaucrats, DOJ, DHS, CIA, FBI, IRS, and NEA-- among others-- don’t want anyone to write this, think this, or read this. But here goes, anyway. It’s really quite simple.

                       Schools were meant to teach students how to think, not what to think-- to educate, not indoctrinate. There are only two sexes. The Earth’s climate has always been changing, often faster and more dramatically than it is today. Diversity is not necessarily a good thing. (Think diversity of crime, death, invasive species, etc.) The mainstream media is biased against conservatives. Incredibly so. There is a reason the U.S. became the most successful nation in history—and it has little to do with size, oceans, or resources. Capitalism has lifted much of the world out of poverty, whereas Marxism/Communism put much of it into poverty. We are born with certain unalienable rights, granted by our creator. Among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. You cannot tax and spend a nation into prosperity, just as a heavily taxed family can’t spend its way into wealth. Those who desperately seek power for power’s sake should never be trusted with it. You can’t save a democracy by trying to silence, imprison, or kill your political opponents. No person or government that actually values democracy would make that claim.

                       How many of the above statements do you agree with? They are all true. And most progressives/Democrats don’t want you to think, say, or read any of them. In the United States of America. Think of that.

                       That should scare the hell out of us. And make us mad as hell. What are we going to do about it?

                       If today’s Democrats can’t control you, they hate you. If you don’t obey them, do what you want, succeed, and tell the truth-- especially while having fun doing so—you will drive them nuts.

                       Let’s start with that.


Thursday, October 24, 2024

Regularly Sporadic Current Events Quiz #15


Regularly Sporadic, Sporadically Regular Current Events Quiz (#15)

(Can you get a perfect score?)


1) Former President Trump recently briefly worked at what retail outlet?

a)      Orange Julius

b)      Bed, Bath & Beyond

c)      Total Wine 

d)      McDonald’s

e)      Home Depot


2) What did Kamala Harris say to the two Christian students who shouted, “Christ is King” and “Jesus is Lord” at a recent rally?

a)      “Who are Christ and Jesus?”

b)      “You’re at the wrong rally.”

c)      “Go to hell!”

d)      “Amen.”

e)     “I was born into a middle class family.”


3) Who did former teacher Tim Walz once host in his high school classroom according to a recent report?

a) Jesus

b) Kamala Harris

c) Chinese Communist officials

d) Donald Trump

e) Taylor Swift


4) Which network refused to release a transcript of its interview with Kamala Harris, because, many believe, it was too embarrassing to her?

a) CNN


c) CBS

d) It doesn’t matter, they’re all the same

e) Both c and d


5) Which group recently bragged that it has destroyed more than 20,000 musical instruments in the past year alone?

a) The Taliban


c) Hamas

d) Antifa

e) The Rolling Stones


6) What organization has a stated goal of destroying Elon Musk’s ‘X’ platform?

a) The Taliban


c) The Democrat Party

d) The (absurdly named) ‘Center for Countering Digital Hate’

e) Most likely, all of the above


7) Tim Walz has come under scrutiny for recent false statements he has made. What statements has he made?

a) “I speak honestly.”

b) “I’m a knucklehead.”

c) Both a and b

d) “I want my mommy.”

e) “Man, I feel like a woman!”


8) Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau claimed, while under oath, that Jordan Peterson and Tucker Carlson were being funded by what country’s state-owned news outlet?

a) Iran’s

b) Russia’s

c) Canada’s

d) Zimbabwe’s 

e) Trinidad & Tobago’s


9) Which former Democrat presidential candidate recently switched to the Republican Party?

a) Barack Obama

b) Jimmy Carter

c) Hillary Clinton

d) Tulsi Gabbard

e) Bill Clinton


10) Who successfully launched the largest rocket in history, and subsequently returned its enormous first-stage booster to the tower from which it was launched?

a) NASA/the U.S. government

b) Russia

c) China

d) Kamala Harris

e) Elon Musk’s SpaceX


Correct answers: d, b, c, e, a, e, c, b, d, e

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Western Governments Despise Their Own Citizens

                         Increasingly, Western governments want their subjects citizens to be utterly compliant-- and pliant-- little state-loving automatons. Or they will threaten to incarcerate you in favor of illegal aliens, who they know are indebted to them…and ergo almost certain to vote for them in the next election.

                       This is certainly the case in formerly jolly old England. It is what Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are now, as well. And America is racing in the same direction. This will be America, too, after November 5th-- or seventh-- or ninth-- or 20th-- or whenever Democrats have conjured up enough votes to steal a second consecutive election from Donald Trump. And, at that moment, it will be game over, evil wins.

                       Thank God our founders were much less tolerant than we are or the past 248 years would have been much different for everyone on earth. They refused to put up with what they considered an excessive tax on tea, and taxation without representation in general. We are yet putting up with the forced genital mutilation of our children, the denial of objective truths, the attack on Christianity and tradition, the massive influx of illegal aliens who are ‘granted’ more rights than citizens are, and the attempted incarceration and assassinations of our current government’s political enemies. Oh, and we also have taxation without representation, as most citizens are vehemently opposed to the aforementioned agenda and ‘policies.’

                       As conservatives, we have no logical alternative but to accept that our own governments detest us. Like many other truths, this is not an easy pill to swallow. But it is the truth, and it is therefore necessary that we do so.




Tuesday, October 22, 2024

The Devolution Of The Democrat Party--Defining Deviancy Down


As the percentage of Democrat voters with a college degree has risen dramatically in recent years, the percentage of Democrat voters that don't believe in God has risen apace. As has their love of abortion. This is not coincidence. These three things are inextricably connected. In fact, abortion is the highest sacrament of their new state-sponsored religion. While other primitive societies have engaged in child sacrifice, none have done so with the gleeful, prideful zeal with which today's Democrats go about exterminating unborn children…most often for their own convenience and nothing else.

Let me be clear: if a person says he or she doesn’t believe in God, what they are really saying is that they have a deep, unyielding, and abiding faith in something else…or perhaps nothing at all. Personally, I have tried hard to be an atheist, but I just can’t convince myself to truly believe in it. I see too many things that make me question my non-belief, and ultimately my faith in faithlessness it is shattered.

A person-- or society-- can believe in God, government, or themselves as the highest power…and proceed to act accordingly. Those that choose government or themselves as the Supreme Moral Arbiter (we call them Democrats) always eventually fail…usually taking countless others with them.

Monday, October 21, 2024

Walz Claims Trump "Will Use The U.S. Army Against People Who Disagree With Him"


Tim Walz recently told students at the University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire that President Trump “will use the U.S. Army against people who disagree with him.” Walz said of Trump, “He’s talking about that he considers anyone who doesn’t support him or who will not bend to his will an enemy of our country. It’s a serious issue. He is saying that he would use the military to go after them. Think about this.” It is not the first time that Walz has fired off a shot without result, although usually he has trouble loading his gun, figuratively or literally.

This is not only crazy talk, it is projection. It is the Democrats who will do anything to stay in power, including inciting hatred to the point that there have been multiple attempts on Trump’s life. It is abundantly clear that Democrats will use any and all departments of the federal government—departments that they have weaponized—against not only Trump, but any and all who have the temerity to disagree with them. On anything. From jailing, without charge, several ‘Jan. 6ers’ who were peacefully standing around the Capitol Building, to trying to game the system in every election, to conducting massive armed early morning raids on the likes of Roger Stone, to trying to imprison or kill Trump, Democrats make it clear that they will not put up with any dissent. You know, in order to ‘save our democracy.’ They are not just elite exploiters of gaslighting and purveyors of projection, they are natural born totalitarians.

Let’s look at what’s really happening now. Inarguably.

First, the Obama-Biden-Harris administration authorized labeling concerned parents at school board meetings, Christians, and patriots as “domestic terrorists.”

Then it purged the military of conservatives, Christians, and patriots.

These two steps were planned and necessary precursors to the remarkable-- and horrifying-- Federal Directive just issued, that would allow the U.S. military to potentially use lethal force against American citizens on their own soil. Via DoD Directive 5240.01, the U.S. Department of Defense has authorized U.S. military “defense intelligence components” to use “lethal force” against American citizens in certain emergency situations.

We have to look clearly at what is happening here, now, no matter how disturbing it may be. These are not disparate, unconnected acts, but part of an ongoing, concerted, and multi-pronged effort to get rid of those who typically don’t vote for Democrats—or at least render them impotent. The ‘Great Replacement Theory’ is all too real, and apparently not to be limited to masses of illegal immigrants streaming across our border to be feted, funded and allowed to vote by Uncle Sam.

How much evidence can one possibly need?! RINOs are either morons, utterly spineless…or in cahoots with Democrats. It is that simple. Period. It is fruitless and naïve to pretend evil doesn’t exist. It is another thing altogether to aid and abet it. (And that thing is sinful.)

Trump did not use the military against his opponents when he was president. On the contrary, he strove to protect the rights of all Americans.

The same cannot be said of virtually any of today’s top Democrats.


Sunday, October 20, 2024

Pew Research Survey Finds Democrats Love Abortion, Big Government, Disdain Republicans


Pew Research recently conducted a survey of both Democrats and Republicans in order to learn more about both ahead of next month’s election. Here is some of what they found, with my emphasis on the donkey party.

Pew discovered that the share of Democrat voters with at least a four-year college degree has doubled just since the 1990s. In 1996 22% had obtained a bachelor’s degree, today 45% have done so.

The percentage of Democrats surveyed who say they’d prefer an even bigger government that provides ever more services was 59% just nine years ago in 2015. Today? 74%.

Even more significant, while just a few decades ago the overwhelming majority of Democrat voters identified as Christian, today fully 46% do not.

In just the past decade, according to Pew Research, the number of Democrats who say abortion should be legal in all-- or nearly all-- cases has risen by 20%, from 65% in 2014 to 85% today. Moreover, 73% of Democrats say abortion by medication should be legal in their state…and preferably everywhere.

Lastly, it isn't just Christians, limited government, and babies for which Democrats have antipathy, but also their Republican counterparts. Three decades ago, only 17% of Dems surveyed had a ‘very unfavorable’ view of their opposing political party. Today, 55% of them do. And, of course, the vast majority-- 92%-- hate Donald Trump, and by extension, his (MAGA) supporters. Meaning they disdain somewhere between a third and a half of their countrymen.

All of these findings are tied together. It is no coincidence that more and more of those indoctrinated at state-funded public universities detest those who dare to disagree with them. It is no coincidence that these mind-numbed Kool-Aid drinkers also support abortion until birth. (Or just a wee bit after. Right, Tampon Tim?) And it is certainly no coincidence that they eschew Christianity in favor of an all knowing, all-intrusive, preposterously gigantic nation-state.

When the majority of people in a society-- especially one founded on limited government of, by, and for the people and the idea of inherent rights to life, liberty, and happiness granted by our Creator—decide that there is an inherent right to (taxpayer-funded) abortion, you know a Rubicon has been crossed. Whether characterized as genocide or infanticide, there can be no avoiding comparisons to the Third Reich, the Soviet Union, or Pol-Pot’s Khmer Rouge. This is, at minimum, not a good look for an ostensibly free democratic republic. It is not open-minded, enlightened, or tolerant. It is not simply “women’s healthcare.” What other aspect of “health care” necessarily, specifically, and deliberately involves the killing of another?

The ongoing destruction of the Judeo-Christian work ethic and values is intentional. As is the attack on the traditional family. The same goes for the assault on our founders, the idea of two equal, complimentary but markedly different sexes, and Capitalism.

Ironically, it is all part of The Left’s New Religion, a religion that marginalizes and/or excludes Jesus Christ and the idea of an all-knowing and benevolent God, in favor of an all-knowing and benevolent state, with child sacrifice as one of its sacraments.

The Incans, Mayans, Aztecs, Canaanites, and Phoenicians, among other ancient societies, practiced child sacrifice. Not many have since. Seems more regressive than progressive, doesn’t it?

Worshipping oneself-- or a government comprised of humans-- is absurd, sacrilegious, and, ultimately, self-defeating. But it is foundational to today’s Democrat Party.




Saturday, October 19, 2024

Proof That COVID Vaccines Really Work!


Recently, a rather liberal gentleman with whom I work went to the local pharmacy to get a COVID booster shot. I called him three days after he received the shot to ask how he was doing, as he hadn’t returned to work. He said, “I think it nearly killed me. I couldn’t get out of bed for two days. I had the sweats, the chills, and my skin beaded up. I shook, had tremors, and ached all over. I had a low-grade headache and couldn’t eat. I literally had to crawl to the bathroom on all fours.”

And then he said, “But I am really glad I got the shot! I don’t want to get sick, especially with long COVID.”

My mouth fell open.

Well, if he had died from the shot, the experts could truthfully claim that he was now fully protected from COVID. “Look, he can never get COVID again. Never! This proves that the vaccine works, and the skeptics and ‘Deniers’ are wrong! He is protected…for eternity! The vaccines are amazingly effective!”

Hell, even if his corpse somehow did contract the virus, they’d say: “This is a very mild case, due to the vaccine and boosters. Look, you can see his heart rate hasn’t changed, his blood pressure is steady. The coronavirus is no threat to him now! And never will be! Praise be to the Vaccine! And Mr. Science, Dr. Fauci!”

Friday, October 18, 2024

It's Time For Another Conservative Revolution


Senility has overtaken President Biden. Stupidity has long since claimed Vice-President Harris. Authoritarians have seized control of the Democratic Party. (‘Democratic Party?!’ Is that like the ‘People’s Republic’ of China?!)

A creeping unease has blanketed the nation in the post-COVID years. Darkness and fear have permeated our society. A malignant force tries to possess us.

Is there a countervailing spirit or movement taking shape? If so, is it big enough? Will it be in time? Will we join it, help it grow, sustain it through the bad times, and guide it to victory?

The ‘60s rebels, revolutionaries, and counterculture radicals now run the government and control virtually all of our institutions. Collectively, they are ‘The Man.’ Turns out, they are not as fond of freedom as we are, and probably never were. They are equally annoyed by anyone who dares to disagree with them. Ironic, if predictable.

For the second time in our history, we need a conservative revolution. As the Founders proved, that is not an oxymoron, but the only way to save our country.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Harris-Walz Yard Signs And Bumper Stickers: Are We Safe?


              I don’t know about you, but I don’t feel safe when I see a “Harris-Walz” yard sign or bumper sticker.

              When first I thought of composing that sentence, I considered it sarcasm, a mockery of the preposterously ridiculous claims of various leftist snowflakes upon being confronted with a “MAGA” hat, Trump supporter, American flag, traditional values, the truth…or anything else whatsoever that doesn’t completely comport with their bizarre and tragically skewed world view.

              Soon thereafter, however, I realized that it was, in fact, true. I don’t mean that I actually fear for my bodily safety upon seeing such accoutrement, even though a great many of the Biden-Harris/Democrat policies have led to a much more violent and dangerous society. But I do fear—truly, deeply and mightily—that a Harris-Walz administration would lead to even more unrest, division, and violence afflicting the country than is occurring now. And to even worse inflation and a still shakier economy.

              And to an even more dangerous world, one with even more conflict breaking out all over, possibly triggering World War III or its equivalent.

              I fear the elimination of the filibuster and the packing of the court.

              And I fear the effective repeal of the First and Second Amendments, without which none of the rest of the amendments comprising the Bill of Rights can be salvaged—or even matter. No one has ever been secure in their person or property without the right to free speech, religion, and assembly…and the right to defend themselves and their loved ones.

              And I fear the day has already arrived when totalitarian wannabes like Harris and Walz (who is a big fan of China) use any and all means necessary to discredit, cancel, or eliminate their political opponents—to preserve our democracy! (Translation: “to strip power from the rubes, morons, and deplorables who disagree with us, and enhance and enshrine our now unopposed and unbridled power until the sun expires.”)



Wednesday, October 16, 2024

The U.S. Government Now Effectively A Criminal Organization


I saw a ‘tweet’ recently suggesting that the government of the United States has become a ‘criminal organization.’ (I don’t remember precisely when or from whom the ‘tweet’ was issued.) I know that statement is hard to swallow, unpleasant as a root canal. And hard to fathom for those who grew up in the Great Depression and lived through World War II, Camelot, and the Reagan Revolution.

It is, however, nonetheless true. Government as mafia. Turns out, Uncle Sam is a Capo, head of an unimaginably vast criminal racket. Criminal racket definition: an act of organized crime where one or multiple people or entities attempt to earn recurring gains illegally through a business or businesses. Big Pharma come to mind? It is the largest donor to Congress (both parties). And what is the relationship of the Democratic Party to Big Media? Unions? (Although that appears to be changing!)

Don’t wish to believe government is a criminal organization? Sorry, but it is simply irrefutable.

Think of the millions of illegal aliens, many of them criminals, allowed to cross our border in recent years. Countless numbers of whom have been given cell phones, pre-loaded credit cards, driver’s licenses, and/or been put up in nice hotels. Or sent to ‘battleground states.’ For some reason. Coincidence, I’m sure. The government doesn’t want you to think about the staggering amount of crime, sex-trafficking, and fentanyl that has come across the border with them. Mention this, and you will likely be accused of racism, xenophobia…or of spreading ‘misinformation.’

Think of ‘Fast & Furious,’ a criminal operation if there ever was one. Brought to you—and others—by the Obama administration. Or of the Steele Dossier, 51 top intelligence officials swearing that Hunter’s laptop was a Russian PSYOP, or Biden’s quid pro quo with Ukraine regarding a certain prosecutor looking into…malfeasance on the part of the Bidens. And then, of course, there is election interference. From spreading lies, pressuring social media outlets, changing election law and procedure, and using unprecedented lawfare on its political opponents—and worse—the government as constituted by today’s Democrats will do anything to retain and enhance its power. It will pay any bribe, utilize any lie, cause any hardship, support any leftist, and oppose any political foe…in order to assure the survival and the success of…the government as constituted by today’s Democrats.

As our first president, far more eloquent and steeped in a knowledge of history than any politician today, so astutely noted: “Government is not reason; it is not eloquence. It is force. And force, like fire, is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.”

Tragically, we the people are rapidly becoming government’s fearful servants-- and government our dangerous master.



Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Minnesota Uniquely Imbecilic, Politically?


 States like California, Illinois, Massachusetts, and New York have long been hotbeds of leftist thinking and societal experimentation. Which is why so many folks have fled them for elsewhere, usually red states. Yet, if we go back far enough, we find that California gave us Ronald Reagan, Illinois gave us Abraham Lincoln, and Massachusetts gave us John Adams. And, just recently, New York bequeathed us Donald trump.

Which led me to this thought: Minnesota is uniquely imbecilic, politically speaking. The Land of 10,000 Lakes, while beautiful, has also spawned about the same number of whacko politicians. These include, but are by no means limited to, “Gov. Goofy,” Jessie “the body” Ventura (who wasn’t Gov. Goofy), Ilhan Omar (who temporarily married her brother), Al Franken, Tim Walz…and Communists (but I repeat myself) like Gus Hall, who ran for president on four separate occasions, the last time in 1984. Gus was general secretary of the Communist Party of the United States of America (CPUSA) from 1959 until his death in 2000.  (Poor Gus might have just been about four decades ahead of the curve. He might have a fighting chance today.)

What’s more, the Loony State voted against Ronald Reagan in both 1980 and 1984-- the only state to do so in the latter election, in which it voted for yet another ultra-liberal, home-grown embarrassment named Walter Mondale. (Known to many as Walter “Mondull.”)

And now Tim Walz, who appears to be a big fan of Chinese style Communism as well as Tampons in boys bathrooms, is running for Vice-President so that he can help do to the country what he has done to Minnesota. Which is gleefully preside over a burning city, increased crime rates, a vanishing surplus, and the rapid collapse of the once impressive Minnesota school system. But again, to be fair, he is holding fast to his vow to insert feminine hygiene products into boys’ bathrooms across the North Star State. Joy!





Monday, October 14, 2024

Yes, Virginia, There Is A DOJ


The U.S. Department of Justice (snort, giggle) is suing Virginia, alleging that the commonwealth removed noncitizens from its voter rolls too close to Election Day. Say what?

The preposterously named Department of Justice (DOJ) alleges that Old Dominion’s Board of Elections-- and Susan Beals, Virginia Commissioner of Elections-- violated the federal National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) which decrees that states must tidy up their voter rolls no later than 90 days before an election under a clause ludicrously known as the Quiet Period Provision (QPP).

This is akin to the FBI suing a police department for arresting drunk drivers too close to their destination. It is insane. If you are not a citizen you don’t (and shouldn’t) have the right to vote in this—or any other-- country’s elections, presidential or otherwise. If, as an alien, you don’t have the right to vote 6 months before an election, you don’t suddenly accrue the right to vote, say, 30 days before that election without being granted citizenship. What’s more, ‘Election Day’ in America has been rendered an anachronistic phrase in this post-COVID era. A voter may be able to send in a mail-in ballot weeks or months before ‘Election Day.’ And some states may count votes for days or weeks after ‘Election Day.’ ‘Election Season’ would be more accurate. Ergo, should states be legally unable to clean up their voter rolls too close to Election Season?

So, apparently, states must keep in mind that there is a limited window in which to try to curtail crime and protect the votes of its citizens from being rendered moot. If a state wants to do the right thing, it better do it quickly, by God, because if a right thing isn’t done with the utmost haste it is no longer the right thing. DUH!!

Even Kamala Harris could tell them that.


The Left Owns Our Institutions, But We Still Own Ourselves


                It is general knowledge that virtually all the major American institutions have been taken over by The Left. It is similarly widely known that most European countries are governed by left-leaning elites and left-leaning institutions. The same goes for Canada and Australia. It is disturbing to find out that even many of Israel’s institutions are now controlled by “progressives.”

                So, why is it that leftists always take control of government and institutions in a free society, even when the majority of the people in that free society could be considered center-right? What seems a puzzler, a conundrum, really isn’t. It is simply because leftists want power more than conservatives do and are therefore willing to do more to obtain it. Some of these power-obsessed leftists falsely believe they are intellectually and morally superior to everybody else and are therefore entitled to power and control, and to some it is an aphrodisiac. Either way, it is not good for…everybody else.

                CBS, one of America’s leftist media outlets, recently interviewed Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris via its ’60 Minutes’ program. Unable to stomach airing the interview as it actually transpired, the network decided to edit it to make Harris appear to be somewhat in control of her faculties. Viola’, mind-boggling word salads became semi-decipherable, if not particularly cogent, remarks.

                Thus, an allegedly unbiased ‘free press’ entity engaged in blatant election interference. Would they have done the same for Donald trump? Of course not, that is laughable on its face, impossible to conceive. CBS, like every other mainstream media outlet, has chosen sides and thrown in with the current ruling elite of the Democratic Party, no matter how brain dead they may be.

                Harris’ opponent, the aforementioned Donald Trump, was understandably chagrinned by CBS’ malfeasance, and publicly said so. This led an even more laughably biased outlet, The Daily Beast, to run a headline reading: “Trump, Still Fixated on ’60 Minutes,’ Whines About ‘Illegal’ Edits to Harris’ Sit-Down.”

                What a spoilsport, ‘whining’ just because a major media outlet is openly trying to help his opponent win! I mean, ‘fixate’ on something else, you loser! Right? And now he’ll probably ‘whine’ about The Daily Beast stating he’s ‘whining’ about what CBS did to him! Some people! This just proves he’s a lying, unstable fascist!

                The Daily Beast is to journalism as Kamala Harris is to rocket scientists. As the Chicago White Sox are to baseball teams. Yet, sadly, leftists control of the media—and the pursuit of knowledge-- is getting ever more complete. Unbiased ‘fact-checking’ and attribution are becoming virtually impossible. Research any topic online and no legitimate site will appear for many, many pages—if at all-- whether the search engine you use is Google, Bing, or others. Posts from MSNBC, CNN, The Washington Post, NPR, Al Jezeera, HuffPost, Salon, The Daily Beast, and even Rolling Stone, will typically all show up before say, Fox news, The New York Post, The Daily Caller, or The Blaze. Don’t believe me? Try it for yourself.

                Kamala Harris can’t speak, is utterly incompetent, dumb as a rock, routinely contradicts herself, admits she owns an ‘illegal’ firearm despite her desire to ban firearms for others-- and her husband knocks up and allegedly abuses women out of wedlock. Moreover, she was never elected and can’t keep her employees. And she has co-presided with President Biden over disastrous foreign and domestic policies for the past four years. And, in my opinion, she is likely to win the upcoming election and become the next president of the United States. If she does, what would that tell us?

                There are only four possibilities: 1) The majority of American voters have become so dumbed down they can no longer rationally process information of any kind. 2) The mainstream media, ‘social’ and legacy, still have the ability to persuade the masses. 3) There is rampant election fraud occurring, especially in ‘battleground states.’ 4) Some combination of these.

                You might well say, “I think it has to do with the Democrats’ promising to give so much money and free stuff to so many.” True enough, but I would argue that falls into category number 1, as systemic and massive government giveaways always eventually lead to disaster. As Margaret Thatcher said, “The problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.” Yes, and those other people quite logically decide to quit investing—and working. And then the economy tanks and society collapses. And there is no money to take from some to give to others.

Our elite leftist rulers control our institutions, of that there can be no doubt.

If enough of us still control ourselves, however, they will never be able to truly enslave us.

As Churchill noted, “Courage is rightly considered the foremost of the virtues, for upon it all others depend.”

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Beauty Under Attack. Literally.


              A recent P.J. Media post noted that Newsweek's Marni Rose McFall penned a 2,000-word article denigrating SNL’s Sydney Sweeney for being a “conservative hot girl.” The nerve!

                       McFall sniffed, "Sweeney appears to have kicked off the latest wave of conservative hot girls at a time when conventional beauty standards have been adopted as a purported antidote to 'wokeness.'"

                       McFall also seems to place RNC national spokeswoman Elizabeth Pipko and Republican Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna into the same made-up category.

                       And her preposterously petty disdain for attractive conservative women is shared by others, including Bournemouth University's Amy Tatum, who added: "This focus on 'hot girls' is a way for the right in the U.S. to fight back against perceptions of 'wokeness.’” Or it could be simple appreciation for femininity and beauty.

                       Which doesn’t sit well with so-called progressives in any case. The post noted that “diversity, equity, and inclusion advocates have discouraged admiration of beauty due to its exclusivity, implying that exclusion equates to hate.”

                       Which might explain why Luna’s primary opponent threatened to have Luna assassinated via a Russian-Ukrainian hit squad. There is such a thing as a “Russian-Ukrainian hit squad?” Though the two nations are engaged in a lengthy and brutal war, they can get together every now and then to take out an American politician or two? Really? Maybe that explains the two attempted assassinations of Trump.

                       Anyway, according to a recording obtained by Politico, Luna’s primary opponent, an establishment Republican of the RINO variety, said in part: “I really don’t want to have to end anybody’s life for the good of the people of the United States of America. That will break my heart. But if it needs to be done, it needs to be done.” That sounds remarkably like what so many Democrats/Progressives/TDS sufferers have said about Donald Trump.

                       The Left seeks to deface and destroy everything: buildings, sports, language, art, education, dialogue, the media, movies, music, history, the economy, dignity, security. Among other things. It hates tradition, hates excellence, hates achievement, hates beauty, and fears and despises the truth. Todays supposed ‘progressives’ would take us back to the Dark Ages. They are the opposite of the Founders, they are the destroyers. They are the opposite of Howard Roark. They don’t want to build beautiful buildings, they want to burn them down. They don’t value independence of mind, they praise group think and the herd mentality. They deface statues, buildings, and people. They don’t want to contribute to society, they want to sow division, hatred, and chaos.

                       They don’t want to Make America Great Again, they want to destroy her.

                       Beauty, like excellence and integrity, irks them…because these are standards they cannot-- or do not wish to-- attain.

                       Beauty and competence? It’s Easier to tout ugliness and sloth.





Friday, October 11, 2024

Where Are The Renaissance Men? (And Women)


 A recent article by the inimitable Victor Davis Hanson noted that we are in dire need of Renaissance men and women, people who are well-versed in many disciplines, not limited to a narrow specialization. Hanson bemoaned a modern society that is so compartmentalized by “professionals” and the “tyranny of credentialism” that “a tiny credentialed and often incestuous elite manages the lives of a vast underclass whose daily lives are scripted by top-down master planners—as an autonomous and skeptical middle class disappears.”

Hanson cited Aristotle, Cicero, De Vinci, Jefferson, Franklin, and Churchill-- among others-- as examples of multi-faceted and multi-talented geniuses, Renaissance men, from the past…and Elon Musk as perhaps the best example alive today.

This caused me to ask myself why it appears that people of this ilk, with the desire and ability to master many disciplines, are becoming fewer and farther between? Why are there almost no Renaissance men anymore?

Sadly, I believe there are several reasons for this. First and foremost, our schools. They no longer teach kids how to think, but what to think. They have largely jettisoned the classics, rhetoric, debate, history, economics, et. al., for “instruction” on gender theory, DEI, and CRT. In short, too many of our school systems are far more interested in indoctrinating our children than in educating them. This is—or should be—criminal. It is a form of child abuse, with permanent deleterious affects that reverberate through time.

Ironically, the advancement of technology has also contributed to the dumbing down of society. Machine and artificial intelligence is rising, human intelligence falling. There is a correlation. Too many of us rely on calculators to do even the most basic math for us, and Google to do our research and tell us what is real, right, and true. The rapid advance of AI can only exacerbate this problem. We are writing ourselves out of our own story.

Benjamin Franklin was a journalist, publisher, printer, author, politician, diplomat, inventor, scientist, and philosopher.

What would a new Renaissance person look like? Gender theory expert, master of DEI, CRT professor, Tik-Tokker, video gamer, Pornhub aficionado, influencer, Instagram guru?

           We have been lied to, indoctrinated, hypnotized, anesthetized, and (figuratively) lobotomized…all to the benefit of a clearly non-benevolent government. Coincidence?

Thomas Jefferson was a diplomat, the third U.S. President, founder of the University of Virginia, an inventor, agronomist, and architect… and the author of the Declaration of Independence.

           Independence is a key to being a multi-faceted boon to society. The Thomas Jeffersons and Elon Musks of the world think outside of the box, they don’t simply believe-- and do-- what those in power want them to believe and do. They refuse to be indoctrinated and (figuratively) lobotomized.

           And it’s a far better world because of them.





Thursday, October 10, 2024

Malaise 2.0

                     During his speech to the nation on July 15, 1979, President Jimmy Carter called the problems facing the nation a “crisis of confidence.”

                       He said: “It is a crisis that strikes at the very heart and soul of our national will. We can see this crisis in the growing doubt of the meaning of our own lives and in the loss of unity and purpose as a nation. The erosion of confidence in the future is threatening to destroy the social and political fabric of the nation.”

                       He went on to say that this profound lack of confidence was caused in large part by a profound distress at the fact that the government seemed no longer to work for a majority of Americans. Carter added, “A majority of our people believe that the next 5 years will be worse than the past 5 years.”

                       Read that again. Could it be any more applicable today?! The similarities are truly astounding. A crisis of confidence. A lack of real meaning in too many of our lives. A lack of purpose. A loss of unity…threatening to destroy the social and political fabric of the nation. A government that seemed too large and out of touch with the majority of Americans. A majority of citizens believing that the next few years are likely to be even worse than the past few.

                       Wow. Déjà Vu.

                       Are you better off than you were four years ago? And, if you are, you are likely working for the government…or one of its chosen adjuncts…not the people.

                       Carter never used the word “malaise” in his Malaise Speech. But he meant it.

                       Thank God Ronald Reagan was waiting in the wings to rescue America after Carter’s time in office. The hostages Iran held for 444 days were released on the very day Reagan was inaugurated. The Gipper fulfilled his promises to rebuild America’s dilapidated military, revitalize its economy…and restore its confidence and self-esteem.

                       I have often noted that Donald Trump is the ‘anti-Reagan’ in terms of personality. Reagan was soft-spoken, self-deprecating, and didn’t care who got the credit as long as the job was completed properly. But Trump is just as vital to America’s future today as Reagan was then. Maybe more so. Our military and economy must be revitalized, and our reputation abroad must be restored if we are to avoid endless wars. Peace through strength. And, most importantly, Trump can restore our confidence, hope, and sense of purpose. He can Make America Great Again.

                       So that, going forward, it can once again be “Morning in America,” not “Mourning in America.”