Thursday, July 25, 2024

Scenes From The 2024 Democratic National Convention!


Scenes From the Democratic National Convention

August 19-22

United Center

Chicago, Illinois


*Day One: Hillary Clinton-- ”I was so sorry to hear of the unexpected and tragic passing of Kamala Harris, our beloved standard-bearer! And from blunt head trauma! Who could conceive of such a thing?! Bill and I were shocked—shocked I tell you!—to hear of this dastardly deed! I just hope she is, once and for all, unburdened by what has been!”

* Day Two: Barack Obama, A.K.A. “The Lightbringer”--(“Blah, blah, blah, I am the greatest, blah, blah, blah.” (Pauses talking about himself to bask in the crowd’s adulation.) “…and so, it is my great honor to introduce to you…the 47th president of these United States, my wife, Michelle Obama!” (Michelle comes out, waving both arms.)

*Day Three: Hillary Clinton—“I was so sorry to hear of the unexpected and tragic passing of Michelle Obama early this morning…blah, blah, blah. And from strangulation?! Who could even conceive of such a thing?! Bill and I were shocked to our very core upon hearing this news!”

*Day Four: Hillary Clinton-- “I am so honored…and so surprised…to be your nominee for president in 2024!! Thank you all! Also, you might be asking yourself why I’m not up 30 points by now…”


Secret Service Follies Or Something More Sinister?

                        The Democratic Party-- and their human remoras in the lamestream media—crank out hoaxes as if from an industrial-strength Pez dispenser. (See my earlier writings.) There is literally nothing they won’t do, as they have no shame. (See my pervious posts.) They have jumped the shark so often lately, the Discovery Channel is rumored to be dedicating an entire months programming to them.


                       Step right up and see the Next Great Hoax!

                       A man with explosives, a detonator, laptop-- carrying a backpack, rangefinder, and AR-15 rifle-- was able to survey the Butler, PA site of a Trump rally with a drone hours before he climbed up on a rooftop and shot Trump. The 20-year-old had no presence whatsoever on social media, and registered as a Republican shortly before trying to assassinate Trump. Bizarre. Oh, and according to one report, he had several encrypted offshore bank accounts. Odd. The Secret Service agents on hand to protect Trump-- at least the ones that weren’t siphoned off to protect Jill Biden, who was, coincidentally, speaking at a nearby event at roughly the same time-- ceded control of the aforementioned rooftop/building in question to local law enforcement, despite the fact that it had perfect site lines and was within 150 yards of where Trump spoke. Weird. And the local law enforcement types told the Secret Service that they didn’t have enough resources to cover said rooftop/building. And the Secret Service subsequently ignored that fairly relevant bit of information. In any case, the head of the Service, the now infamous though unapologetic Ms. Cheatle, said the very gently sloping roof was too dangerous to place her agents on. Even though snipers were placed on another nearby roof of steeper grade. Call me a skeptic, but that sounds kinda fishy to me. Long before Trump was shot and a rally goer killed, attendees were vigorously pointing to the roof and yelling that there was a man with a gun on it. To no apparent avail. Turns out, law enforcement had identified Crooks as a person of interest at the Butler, Pa., rally 62 minutes before the gunman fired, and still let Trump take the stage.

        After the fact, the FBI immediately asserted that, while it couldn’t open the assassin’s phone, it somehow knew he acted alone. Strange. They were equally quick to note that they identified him by DNA, even though he had no prior criminal record. Hmm. Wouldn’t it be more likely that they would identify him by his license plates, registration or next of kin?

                       And now none of the people responsible for the near catastrophic debacle will talk about it, no matter how hard pressed. The whole affair seems unbelievable.

                       Because it is.





Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Biden Time: Poll Numbers, Schmoll Numbers!


                        Why wouldn’t Biden have been unconcerned about his poll numbers? I mean, he hid in the basement last time and got more votes than anyone in history, correct? If he knows anything, he knows that it’s not the voters that count, but those who count the votes. And he thinks the vote-counters did a helluva job last go ‘round, right?

                       What he likely wasn’t aware of, however, is the fact that, if the vote counters declared him the winner on or after Nov. 5th, 2024, even the DNC realized that too many people might be incredulous—and angry. The proverbial jig would’ve likely been up. That, and that alone, is why so many sentient Democrats were urging Joe to go.

                       They will fete him later, certainly post-mortem, as he was a willing puppet and successful conduit for the advancement of radical leftist policies.

                       But, after the debacle in Afghanistan (A.K.A. the American Dunkirk), the incredibly embarrassing recent debate, assorted other blunders—and Trump’s Phoenix-like rise from being shot by a would-be assassin at a July 13 rally, objective observers knew it was time for Joe to go.

                       Biden advisors “Dr.” Jill and Hunter knew this, too, but it is hard to go back to Delaware with diminishing prospects for glow, show or blow.

                       So, à la The Crash, Biden might have been asking Jill, “Darling, you got to let me know, should I stay or should I go?”

                       Turns out, that question was answered for him. By the very same people-- who until very recently-- assured us Biden was just fine.



Notes On A Crazy Week


Notes On A Crazy Week

*Everyone (else) is smarter than our elites, including Ugandan children.

*Those pushing ”fake” or “staged” Trump assassination attempt theories are nut-jobs. (And you know who you are Joy Reid, Michael Steele, et. al.) These ass-hats should, at minimum, immediately apologize to the families of those killed and seriously wounded.

*Former White House press secretary Jen Psaki called on the Republican National Committee to overhaul its planned programming for the Republican National convention to avoid "escalating" the country's rhetoric following the failed assassination attempt against former President Trump. In an appearance on “Meet the Depressed” “Meet the Obsessed” "Meet the Press" this past Sunday, Psaki said she felt "scared" in the aftermath of the attempt on former President Trump's life. Many other leftists and pundits have also called for Republicans to dial down the political rhetoric. Psaki actually stated that we need to “restore civility.” Escalate rhetoric?! Restore civility?! Had Democrats followed their own advice in recent months and years, perhaps Trump wouldn’t have been shot. Psaki has nothing to worry about. It is Trump—and his supporters-- that should be scared, as they are continually mocked, smeared, cancelled, threatened, thrown in prison…and shot at. By the likes of Psaki and her ilk. Most modern-day Democrats are an amazing—and repulsive—mix of hypocrisy, vitriol, and cowardice.

*One thing I have not heard anyone else mention: in the minds of establishment Democrats, Joe Biden had to be pushed aside after his recent debate performance and other cringe-inducing gaffes. Not just because he is so obviously non compos mentis, but because, were he to win the upcoming presidential election like he supposedly did the last one, almost everyone would realize that it was illegitimate—rigged. And the realization that it was just one more hoax perpetrated on the American people might be enough to spur an actual revolt.




Sunday, July 21, 2024

And No One Really Cares


 The unhinged young man who tried to take Donald Trump’s life at a recent campaign rally may well have been acting on his own. But, even if that proves the case, he likely thought his actions were an effort to “save our democracy.” How could he not, after the Democrat-Media Complex has, for the past several years, incessantly stated that Trump must be stopped-- by any means necessary—to “save our democracy.” Trump has been referred to as “Hitler” countless times, a villain, an extremist, and, of course, “a threat to democracy. Our democracy. Meaning the Democrats’ democracy, as they believe it is rightfully theirs. But neither Democrats nor the media will be held accountable for their words and actions, because, well, they never are. There exists not only a two-tiered justice system in this country, but a two-tiered system of blame, accountability and condemnation. It is revolting.

This unequal treatment is unlikely to ever be “fundamentally transformed,” because we tolerate it. We tolerate a lot of things. To wit:

*Democrats and the media falsely accused the Trump campaign of colluding with the Russians. And no one cared.

*Democrats, the media, and 51 top intelligence officials ludicrously claimed that the Hunter Biden laptop “had all the earmarks of a Russian disinformation campaign.” And no one cared.

*Antifa, BLM, and assorted thugs burned down parts of our major cities, did billions of dollars in damage and killed and injured dozens of people. And no one really cared.

*Statues of past heroes and historic figures-- even including Washington, Lincoln, and Churchill—were vandalized or destroyed. And no one cared.

*We were locked down for many months on end and told that we couldn’t even attend the weddings—or funerals—of our loved ones. Our kids were kept out of school. Many folks were told that their jobs weren’t all that important. Many businesses closed. And no one really cared.

*Dozens of Christian churches have been burned down across Canada in the past several years. Literally thousands upon thousands of Christian churches, schools, cemeteries, and monuments have been vandalized, looted, or burned across Europe in recent years. And no one cares.

*A statue of child Jesus at Holy Family Roman Catholic Church in New York was recently beheaded. And no one cared.

*Hardly a day goes by that we don’t hear of an illegal immigrant raping, assaulting, or murdering someone. And no one truly cares.

*The Biden administration has repeatedly tried to imprison its primary political opponent—to save our democracy—and no one truly cares. Least of all spineless RINOs and other Republicans.

*And now this. A Trump supporter has been killed, two others critically injured, and Trump himself was shot in the head. (And a CNN analyst said that it is “not legitimate” for Trump and his supporters to “perceive themselves to be under threat.”)

Yes, you could substitute “And too few cared” for “And no one cared” in this post to be more precise, but the point remains the same. Unless enough of us rise up and say, “We’re just as mad as hell…and we’re not going to take it anymore!”…we will have to keep taking it. Forever.

Somewhere, the founders weep.





University DEI Plan Claims Individualism, Timeliness Part Of White Supremacy Culture


                        A Duke University School of Medicine DEI plan from 2021, recently revealed, asserts that concepts such as “individualism” and “timeliness” can be a part of “white supremacy culture.” The report states: “White supremacy culture is the idea (ideology) that white people and the ideas, thoughts, beliefs, and actions of white people are superior to People of Color and their ideas, thoughts, beliefs, and actions.”

                       The report continues: “In the workplace, white supremacy culture explicitly and implicitly privileges whiteness and discriminates against non-Western and non-white professionalism standards related to dress code, speech, work style, and timeliness. Some identifiable characteristics of this culture includes [sic] perfectionism, belief that there’s only one right way, power hoarding, individualism, sense of urgency and defensiveness.”

                      Individualism? Who needs it? We know all Blacks not only look alike, but think alike, right? I mean, Black folks like their chicken and watermelon…and are not very good swimmers. Everyone knows that. And they all vote Democratic. As President Biden so astutely noted back in 2020: If a Black person isn’t committed to voting for him, then that person “ain’t Black.” Period. (True story!) We wouldn’t want them making up their own minds, anyway. That could lead to chaos and fewer votes for Democrats. Fortunately, Blacks don’t have the mental capacity-- or courage-- to be independent thinkers. And it would be unfair of us—racist really-- to think that Black people are capable of obtaining valid IDs like the rest of us. And who could expect a person of color to dress appropriately or be on time? So, it is much better to treat people as part of a group, or groups, nothing less, nothing more. Intersectionality rules!

                     The previous paragraph, of course, was sarcasm. And individualism is, by definition, not a white supremacy culture…or part of any group’s culture, ethos, or standard. It is, however, the key to a rich and rewarding life and society. One might almost say it is the real key to diversity. The best kind of diversity. Our government and institutions used to recognize this. No longer.

       Are professors now the dumbest people? And why are our institutions of higher learning led by people with lower IQs? Sure, that may be stereotyping, but we’re supposed to lump people together now in various groups, correct?

      Maybe it would be best if we went back to treating people like individuals.




Saturday, July 20, 2024

Democrat Power Brokers: Biden Must Be Pushed Aside

          One thing I have not heard anyone else mention: in the minds of establishment Democrats, Joe Biden has to be pushed aside after his recent debate performance and other cringe-inducing gaffes. He must step down, or at least announce he is not running for re-election, not just because he is so obviously non compos mentis, but because, were he to win the upcoming presidential election like he supposedly did the last one, almost everyone would realize that it was illegitimate—rigged. And the realization that it was just one more hoax perpetrated on the American people might be enough to spur an actual revolt.

        That is the truth.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Biden Tells Americans To "Lower The Temperature"


                        The Divider-in-Chief, President Joe Biden, recently urged as all to “lower the temperature” of political debate. Good idea. Fabulous. Then maybe stop calling your political opponents racists, fascists, far-right extremists, and Nazis.

                       Oh, and perhaps stop trying to imprison or assassinate them, too.

                       Biden calling for others to be less inflammatory is akin to Hitler calling on Germans to dial back anti-Semitism. Or mainstream media outlets calling for truth and objectivity. The preposterousness of such a statement is immediately clear.

                             Whenever things look bad for Democrats, and/or they sense that they may be blamed for something, they quickly say, “Let’s calm down, and cool the (political) temperature!”

                       Otherwise, it’s “You guys are far-right extremists, no good dog-faced pony soldiers, Hitler-loving deplorable monsters who should be neutralized before you destroy our democracy!"

                       They are nought but hypocritical, projecting clowns. And should be dealt with as such.


Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Chicago's Mayor Implies That Richard Nixon Is Responsible For The City's Gun Violence


Chicago’s newest far-left leader, Mayor Brandon Johnson, recently implied President Richard Nixon was to blame for the Windy City’s massive and pervasive gun violence problem. Well, Democrats specialize in blaming others for the very problems their policies create. In fact, (titular) President Joe Biden blames former President Trump for virtually everything. But Nixon? He passed away more than 30 years ago!

The Mayor’s preposterous statement was spawned in part by the more than 100 people who were killed or wounded in shootings in Chicago over the Fourth of July weekend alone.

              Johnson stated: "Black death has been unfortunately accepted in this country for a very long time. We had a chance 60 years ago to get at the root causes. And people mocked President Johnson, and we ended up with Richard Nixon. I'm going to work hard every day to transform this city. That's what it takes to build a better, stronger, safer Chicago." Now tell us the one about the three bears.

              If Black death is accepted by anyone in this country, it is by the (mostly Black) perpetrators…and the Democratic Party. Note to B.J.: Johnson was a racist, Nixon was not. Nor did he have anything to do with the number of homicides in Chicago. The mayor’s vague statement about what it takes to “build a better, stronger, safer Chicago” sounds much like Biden’s “Build Back Better” trope. How is that slogan working out for us?

              The only way to significantly reduce the murder rate in Chicago, whether by firearm, knife, baseball bat, or candlestick, is to institute policies that will help foster intact families and a greater chance for a successful and fulfilling life.

              Blaming Richard Nixon, who was never an Illinois pol and hasn’t been president for half a century, is delusional in the extreme. But then, being delusional is a hallmark of today’s Democrats.

              What’s next, will Detroit’s mayor blame his city’s crime on Dwight Eisenhower? Will California Gov. Gavin Newsome blame his state’s homeless crisis on Herbert Hoover? It’s rampant crime on Calvin Coolidge? Perhaps Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker will blame the population exodus afflicting his state on Warren G. Harding or William Howard Taft. Chester A. Arthur? Surely other lefties will join in the blame game, too. The way things are going today, the more unhinged the better, right? I can see New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez blaming his legal troubles on William McKinley. Or Whoopi Goldberg blaming a yeast infection on Rutherford B. Hayes.

              I’m sure readers can come up with more possibilities.

              After all, nothing is too crazy anymore.


Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Spanish Court Rules Kiss Without Consent Is Sexual Assault


              Luis Rubiales has been accused by Spanish state prosecutors of sexual assault and coercion for kissing a player on the lips without her consent after the Women’s World Cup final, according to the country’s prosecutors’ office.

Rubiales, now suspended, was the president of the Spanish soccer federation. In a fit of excitement, he kissed Jenni Hermoso on the lips during the awards ceremony after Spain beat England to win the championship last August 20th in Sydney, Australia. And, according to a recently passed sexual consent law, Rubiales could face a fine-- or a prison sentence of one to four years if found guilty of sexual assault. You see, the new law dispensed with the difference between “sexual harassment” and “sexual assault.” And, apparently, with the difference between sexual harassment, sexual assault, and a celebratory kiss for that matter.

Older folks (like me, for instance) may well remember the famous V-J Day kiss, where the victorious, elated sailor grabbed a female stranger in a white dress on the streets of New York City, then bent her over and gave her a lengthy smooch. In some places, that would be considered an “assault” today. One which might lead to a lengthy prison sentence. Yet felons go free on little or no bail and parents may have their kids taken from them by the state if they don’t agree to allow their children’s genitalia to be mutilated “transgendered.”


No one is—or should be—in favor of truly unwanted advances, but prison time for a kiss?!


              In 1943, Dooley Wilson wrote a classic song titled “As Time Goes By” for the iconic movie “Casablanca.” The opening lyrics:


You must remember this
A kiss is just a kiss
A sigh is just a sigh
The fundamental things apply
As time goes by


             “A kiss is just a kiss.” Or is it?


 It seems the fundamental things apply less and less……as time goes by.