Friday, February 7, 2025

FBI Still Refusing To Provide Information Pertaining To The Murder Of Seth Rich


Seth Rich was a DNC operative. He was mysteriously murdered in the summer of 2016, just weeks before Wikileaks released the results of its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails. The matter of who leaked Clinton’s emails to Wikileaks directly pertains to the Russian Collusion Hoax that was perpetrated against President Trump. The murder is still unsolved. And the FBI still refuses to turn over records pertaining to the case to Attorney Ty Clevenger, despite a Federal judge ruling that it must do so way back in November of 2023. Even earlier, in September of that year, a judge demanded that the FBI and DOJ provide everything they had regarding Seth Rich to Attorney Clevenger.

The FBI responded by requesting another 66 years before they’d be required to release the information.

66 years?! “If we put our best people on it, and maybe work a little overtime, I think we should be able to get our notes and emails together for you in, say, 66 years.”

What the hell?! How can they get away with this preposterous intransigence? 66 years is essentially the span of time from the invention of the automobile until we landed on the friggin’ moon! They should be able to get any and all materials relevant to this investigation together in 66 hours! 66 days, tops.

This is just another example of a massive DNC-weaponized agency protecting itself…and the Democrat Party…from a catastrophic public relations disaster and any subsequent accountability or penalties.

In a nutshell, it’s bullshit and shouldn’t be permitted in a nation supposedly governed by equal justice and the rule of law.

This ties in, of course, with the way USAID and other federal agencies have been screaming about being investigated for waste and corruption. Democrats are making speech after speech, inside and outside the Capitol-- each one shriller and more devoid of facts or rationality—in rabid defense of their favorite bloated cash cows. They appear to have gone bat-guano crazy, completely around the bend, off their rockers, off the rails, out of their minds. Really and truly. It is alternately hilarious and frightening to see.

‘Common sense’ sends them into a frenzy. Truth and transparency frightens them. Accountability is their kryptonite. Speaking of truth, they care neither about ‘democracy’ nor the people they are supposed to serve. They only care about their own power and money. They are frauds and charlatans. And hypocrites.

In fact, it’s beginning to look like they may be trying to foment—dare I say it-- an insurrection.


Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Trump Versus The Deep State


President Trump is moving fast, taking names and kicking butts. In fact, he is moving so quickly to remove the rot that many people, including some of his supporters, will likely soon begin to think he’s going too fast, and may wish for more ‘normalcy.’ You can be certain that Democrats, the Deep State, and their Praetorian Guard in the mainstream media will incessantly fill the airwaves with sights and sounds purporting to depict wronged ‘public servants’ and migrants alike. They will claim that the poor and marginalized will soon suffer because of the sudden reduction in vital government agencies and services. Nearly all of these claims will be bunk. Disinformation. Fake news. The rest will be presented without pertinent information and with much bias. One-sided reports will be passed off as news/journalism. (What else is new? They got the ‘fundamental’ change they wanted years ago, and now cling to the status quo like barnacles to a ship’s hull.)

Since there is no way to reach ideologically possessed progressives and Marxists, as ‘citizen journalists’ we must do all we can to bring truth to light. For without transparency, government is illegitimate.

Most folks don’t understand the depth and breadth of the grift, graft, and corruption in the federal government as it was bequeathed to Trump. It isn’t just the low information voter who is uniformed. The staggering level of corruption to be exposed by the Trump administration and its DOGE will be mind-blowing, sickening. Just for starters, USAID has been funding anti-Republican entities. That’s what a good government does, right, fund organizations that attack its political opposition? USAID also allegedly funded poppy cultivation in Afghanistan, which aids in heroin production, sales of which help fund the Taliban. Who wouldn’t want their tax dollars to be used for that?! There are gajillions of government agencies and NGOs, many of whom spend our money wantonly, and against our wishes. The 2024 Festivus Report is full of such stupefying spending boondoggles. Did you know that the Department of Health and Human Services spent nearly half a million dollars to determine if lonely rats sere fonder of cocaine than socialized rats? No? Or that the National Endowment for the arts funded ice-skating drag queens? That is vital to our national security! I doubt many are aware that $2.1 million of their hard-earned tax dollars were used to fund Paraguayan border security, or to help build a $12 million pickle ball complex in Las Vegas. Why did the Biden government spend our money to make Paraguay’s border more secure while refusing to protect our own? Hell, I bet even the pickle ball complex has walls around it. This is anything but representative government.

Moreover, the Obama and Biden administrations so weaponized the intelligence and other agencies against their political opponents that they simply must be hollowed out and rebuilt, nearly from scratch, leading to significant and unavoidable bumps along the way.

Unfortunately, we have come a very long way from the founding concept of limited government by, of, and for the people. We are much closer to a mind-blowingly gargantuan government by, of, and for those in government. This must be checked and at least partially reversed, or the American ideal and genius will be lost forever. Can it even be done? Truthfully, I am not sure. But we must not get squeamish, we must not flag, we must not fail in this endeavor.

Democrats and Deep Staters will stop at nothing to defend their power and grift. That has been clear for a long time. They think nothing of obstructing the will of the people. They will stage an insurrection with no remorse. Their efforts will far surpass anything that occurred on Jan. 6. Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) has already called for violence in the streets. Preposterously, they will claim to do this to “save our democracy.” Even more preposterously, some people will believe them. Trump has no choice but to go at it hard and fast, if he wants to rid the republic of the blight and corruption.

If Trump and team are eventually successful, I will personally go to South Dakota and help prepare Mount Rushmore for a new arrival.



Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Illinois Democrats To Allow Illegals To Change Their Names To Evade ICE


Illinois Democrats are pushing a bill that would make it easier for illegal aliens to legally change their names in order to avoid being discovered-- and deported-- by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (I.C.E.) House Bill 5164 would remove restrictions on illegal immigrants wishing to change their names, and has already passed both houses of Illinois Congress and been sent to Gov. Pritzker’s desk for approval. 

This kind of blatant disrespect for the rule of law is sadly typical of Illinois ‘lawmakers’ who have also blocked Chicago police from collaborating with federal authorities to deport illegal immigrants who have been involved in drug trafficking, gang activity, prostitution, human trafficking, or child sex crimes. (Not to worry, though, those who ‘misgender’ will be dealt with harshly!)

If this bill is enacted, will there be a sudden surge in the number of swarthy, dark-skinned “Bob Smiths” in Chicago? Or will we hear of John Muhammad Johnsons and Uncle Sam Menendez’?

Pritzker, who is large enough to blot out the sun, seems to also deeply enjoy obstructing Trump, the will of the people, and justice in general.

It would be best for the nation if Trump channeled his inner Teddy Roosevelt and Andrew Jackson and dealt with Pritzker accordingly.




Monday, February 3, 2025

A Message To The World


Message to the world: The future is binary.

What do I mean by that? This:

Will you choose Capitalism or communism? Productivity or idleness? Optimism or pessimism? Confidence or fearfulness? Belief or doubt? Freedom or slavery?  Common sense or absurdity? Making your country great again or weakness and dissolution? Togetherness or divisiveness? Good or evil? Big government and little people or smaller government and bigger people? Societal suicide or survival and renaissance?

True patriots are stirring in many nations. The people will be heard, though the elites, power brokers, and legacy media fervently try to silence them.

Are you with us or against us?

The time is now. There may not be another opportunity to check their power and reassert our freedoms.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Of Pharmaceuticals And National Security


How could The United States of America have possibly let its enemies/China have near total control over the manufacture and production of its pharmaceuticals?! How could that possibly happen?! It has literally let people who disdain America and Americans have control over the vast majority of Americans’ life-saving medications. Who thought that was a good idea? If the honest answer is “no one,” than how the hell did it happen?!

Would we have let Japan supply us with all of our armaments in World War II?! Insanity!

The Trump administration has a great deal of work to do. The border, economy, forever wars, inflation, national debt, Deep State, crime…and pharmaceutical security, among other problems, such as undoing all the damage the Biden administration visited on America. It is a nearly unfathomable task, especially with Democrats opposing Trump every step of the way, though early returns look promising.

National security—no, national survival—is at stake.

China, accidentally or not, unleashed the coronavirus on the world-- with the help of Dr. Fauci and the NIH-- leading to the subsequent Pandemic of Idiocy and Tyranny. That virtually all the facial masks and testing kits available during that time were made in China is indefensible. That China claimed it produced roughly half of all COVID-19 vaccines available globally is a crime.

This is, figuratively at least, bad medicine. And a bitter pill to swallow.

Let’s hope the Trump administration can somehow fundamentally change this dynamic and Make America Healthy Again.

Proof That Teachers Aren't What They Used To Be


Results of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) national assessments in mathematics and reading were recently released. Suffice it to say these results were not inspiring. In fact, they were flat out depressing, embarrassing, and abysmal.

The gap between low and high performing eighth grade students widened significantly. The 2024 NAEP assessment for reading and writing found the worst 8th-grade literacy rate in U.S. history. One in every three 8th-graders does not meet basic literacy standards. Translation: one-third of students who are scheduled to enter high school in just one year cannot read or write at grade level.

8th-grade math scores are just as bad, the average score being 8 points lower than in the pre-pandemic year of 2019 and an incredible 11 points lower than in 1990. Not one state in the U.S. increased its NAEP math scores between 2019 and 2024. 48 states saw their scores decrease. Talk about going in the wrong direction! And fast!

There are millions of 8th graders that are "below basic" in reading, which tells us they cannot extract meaning from words on a page. They have little comprehension or retention, so putting a textbook in their hands is a virtually useless endeavor. A taxpayer-funded Kindle won’t help, either.

According to ‘the Nation’s Report Card,’ 1 in 3 eighth graders are essentially functionally illiterate. In cities such as Detroit, Cleveland, Fort Worth, Milwaukee, and Baltimore, less than half of 8th graders can read any but the most basic text. “See Harper. See Harper run. See Harper try to read. See harper cry.”

Far too many of today’s ‘educators’ care far more about indoctrinating kids into what to think than they do about teaching them how to think. Screw reading, writing, and arithmetic, teaching them to be left-wing activists is a higher priority. And, of course, many of today’s teachers got into the profession to be close to kids so that they can have a crack at having sex with them. Many more get their jollies by referring youngsters for hormone treatments and genital mutilation procedures…and keeping that information from their parents.

Of course, a significant percentage of ‘educators’ are Marxists who simply want to impart their hatred of America and Capitalism into their young charges. Many are also zealous supporters of the LGBTQ community and have Pride! flags adorning their classrooms in place of American flags. Some are pro-Palestine and/or pro Sharia law. Many support fake holidays like Juneteenth and demonstrably false curricula such as the 1619 Project and CRT. Countless college professors teach women’s/Black/Gender/Sex studies, and eschew American History, economics, or STEM courses.

In the not-too-distant past, teachers were almost universally thought to be heroes. And most were. Now, all too many are anti-heroes. Malevolent indoctrinators, accessories to evil, fomenters of insanity, promulgaters of prevarication.

And all that may be understatement. If you and your ilk tell some students that they are oppressors because of their skin color, and others that they are victims because of their skin color…and that there is nothing either group can do about it, if you deliberately attempt to damage children-- physically, intellectually, and emotionally—while preposterously claiming the high ground…you just might be one of the worst people on the planet. Period.

Assess that.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

"Muhammad" Now Most Popular Name For Baby Boys In England, Germany


“Muhammad” was the top choice for parents naming their baby boys in England and Wales in 2023, with more than 4,600 children registered with the name, out of all possible choices. Moreover, there are several common spellings of the name, meaning that, in one form or another, it is even more widespread than the report, issued by the Office for National Statistics indicated. Muhammad is now the most common name for baby boys in Germany, too. And it is in the top 10 for boys’ names in the (formerly) United States.

In the U.K., Muhammad has been among the top 10 names for baby boys since 2016, but has now overtaken “Noah” for the top spot according to the O.N.S..

Think about that. Think about the symbolism of Muhammad overtaking Noah. In The West. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the Bible, Noah “was a righteous man, the only blameless person living on earth at the time, and he walked in close fellowship with God. Now God saw that the earth had become corrupt and was filled with violence. God observed all this corruption in the world, for everyone on earth was corrupt.” As punishment for disobeying Him, He would visit a great flood upon the earth and its inhabitants. God told Noah to build an ark. And so he did. He took his wife, three sons, and their wives with him. And, of course, the animals.

By contrast, Muhammad had several wives over time, one of whom was apparently 6-years-old when betrothed, 9 when the ‘marriage’ was consummated. Noah took a diversity of animals on the ark, hoping to see to the repopulating of the earth. Christianity urges its adherents to love one another, even one’s enemies. Sharia law calls for devout Muslims to convert, enslave, or kill non-Muslims, i.e. “infidels.”

Once common Biblical names such as John, Abraham, Mary, and Esther are becoming ever scarcer in the West. They are being replaced by ‘hip’ and non-binary names like Max, Bailey, Quinn, and Sage. And, of course, Muhammad.

While there is nothing inherently wrong with this trend, a name like “Mohammed Muhammed Mohammad” doesn’t exactly shout diversity and inclusion. Neither does Sharia law.

Yet there is a burgeoning—and bizarre—partnership of sorts between hyper-secular progressives and radicalized Muslims, both of whom seem hell bent on fundamentally transforming the U.S.—or destroying it outright. The combination of cultural degradation, Marxism, and Sharia law would be fatal to all Western nations if not aggressively opposed. Ironically, if progressives and devout Muslims were successful in their power grab, they could not possibly co-exist, one would have to utterly defeat the other.

Better to go back to the Biblical roots of our founding. Better to be that shining city on a hill.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

EU's Equality, Preparedness, And Crisis Management Commissioner Says Disinformation Becoming A 'Pandemic'


In an interview with Ukraine’s Ukrinform, EU Equality, Preparedness, and Crisis Management Commissioner Hadja Lahbib recently compared those who spread “disinformation” to those who do not get vaccinated. Lahbib averred that those who are “not prepared to distinguish facts from disinformation” spread falsehoods and “contaminate” others like a “virus.” She characterized the EU’s “Democracy Shield,” a recent initiative meant to address “information and manipulation” surrounding elections, as a sort of “disinformation vaccine.”

She stated in part: “In a pandemic, when someone who is not vaccinated becomes contaminated, they spread the virus, affecting more and more people. The same goes for disinformation. People who are not prepared to distinguish facts from disinformation spread it among other people, ‘contaminating’ them too. So, disinformation is very contagious, and then the ‘pandemic’ is really hard to stop.”

Naturally, the high-end bureaucrat cites the progressive litany of talking points, such as Russian disinformation, Russian collusion, and the threat to democracies from far-right politicians and groups. She claimed: “These threats are everywhere. Threats may come from media that seek to sow confusion, incite people to a revolution against the system.”

Ukrinform recently reported, perhaps to buttress Ms. Lahbib’s assertion, that several European newspapers have decided to stop publishing posts on Elon Musk's social network ‘X’ due to concerns about “toxicity and disinformation on the platform.”

My turn. In that case, it is the mainstream media that is the Mother of All Virus Spreaders. Similarly, most ‘progressive’ politicians know the difference between facts and disinformation but deliberately spread disinformation anyway. This intentional mass spreading of contagion should be cause for the gravest penalties. If there is a Disinformation Pandemic, it is a pandemic of the elites. If there is a burgeoning revolution, it is not really against the system, but against these insufferable elites.

Lahbib, and those like her, are dangerous projectionists and would be tyrants. By contrast, Elon Musk and ‘X’ are the real shields, the anti-virus if you will, saviors of free speech. Without which, it is never long before virtually all other freedoms are extinguished, as well.

Recently, people like Musk-- and a few courageous conservative politicians—have kicked the proverbial liberal hornet’s nest, and our entrenched leaders are now buzzing around and lashing out, desperate to protect their fiefdoms from the great unwashed. Their haughty proclamations are a modern-day version of “let them eat cake.”

Not to mix metaphors, but the dominoes are starting to fall-- and the elite, effete progressives in power can see the writing on the wall. And they don’t like it. Not one bit.

So, I bet Lahbib and her ilk would love to have a ‘special’ vaccine for us, one that would make us all believe whatever the government and globalist ‘experts’ tell us. One that would keep us comfortably numb. And perpetually dumb.

They are the ones spreading the contagion of misinformation, disinformation, and outright lies.

And the only effective vaccine for that…is the truth.


Wednesday, January 29, 2025

The Alternative To The Alternative For Germany (AfD) Party Is Societal Suicide


Elon Musk recently spoke to the Campaign Kickoff event of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, thus driving the mainstream German and EU media into a frenzy. This only days after his anti-rape-gang comments greatly disturbed the powers-that-be in Britain. This tells me we could use more like him. Musk said such ‘far-right’ things as “Children should not be guilty of the sins of their parents,” and “You should be optimistic and excited about a future for Germany. That’s really my message, is be optimistic, excited, and preserve German culture and protect the German people.” My God, what a monster! I’m surprised he didn’t come right out and say “Make Germany Okay Again.”

Memo to Germany, in care of Alice Weidel, co-chairwoman of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party: It is going on 80 years since you started living in shame. That is three to four generations. Obviously, a lot can happen in that span of time, a lot can change. There was a time that a strong Germany was a danger to the world. Today, a weak Germany poses a danger-- especially to free, Western societies. You owe it to your children—and theirs—to defend your nation from without and within, something that, tragically, is not currently being done. You owe it to America. (Why? Think of the Marshall Plan, or European Recovery Program). But most of all, you owe it to yourselves. As a recently defeated American politician might say, it is time to unburden yourselves from what has been. And prepare for a glorious future.

Today, in a perverse irony, it is the ‘liberal’ left that is the most anti-Semitic, the most vitriolic, and the least tolerant-- in America and in Germany. When did common sense become intolerant, racist, and misogynistic? When did the truth become ‘disinformation?’ Why did we let this happen?

Germany has given the world the printing press, contact lenses, the electron microscope, the diesel engine, aspirin, and airbags—not to mention, on a personal note, beer and sauerkraut.

Every nation has things in its past that it is not proud of, but the best way to make amends—to others and yourselves—is to strive to be better than ever before. Upset the Lefties and be a friend to Israel. Become the economic engine you were not so long ago. Make your military strong enough to deter any enemy and prevent needless conflict. Invent. Explore. Dream big. And be proud of yourselves once again.

Imagine the possibilities of a Germany made great again, joining with its fellow European nations and the United States! All independent. All prosperous. All secure. All free.

The Socialists and global elites have had their day. But we know that war is not peace. Freedom is not slavery. Ignorance is not strength. Men are not women. To say otherwise is non-sensical, radical, insane.

But hard work, common sense, and shared values will lead to a bright future. And the truth really will set us free.

If you live in a country where you are afraid to share your rational thoughts, beliefs, and opinions, that society isn’t free. If you live in a nation where one side of the political spectrum can impose its policies at will, and openly try to cancel, imprison—or kill—its political opponents, when it is not (ironically) calling them ‘Hitler,’ you are a victim of a form of slavery.

What is needed now is nothing less than a Worldwide Emancipation Proclamation, in which the people declare their freedom from the global elites and Leftist tyranny.

Godspeed to us all.





Tuesday, January 28, 2025

An 1812 Overture: Britain To Fall Or...?


England has done some great things for the world, from fostering freedom and democracy and the rule of law, to helping the world fight monstrous tyranny in the 20th century. But England is now succumbing to another form of tyranny and is sadly forgetting who she was. Which way will the Brits go? Whither Britain? What will it be, chaps? The world waits with bated breath.

Memo to the British: it is time to turn around your lengthy decline. Don't do it for anyone else. Do it for yourselves. The United States recently took a big step towards righting itself. Now it is your turn. Disraeli, Churchill, and Thatcher wait in silence to lead you all home. Though many of you disdain him, it would behoove you to look at the accomplishments of Donald J. Trump. (The ‘J’ must stand for Jackson, as in Andrew Jackson, as Trump has the same dauntless demeanor, fighting spirit, and passion for America.) Brits, we've kicked your butts twice (the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812) and saved your butts twice (WW I and WW II), but it's up to you to save yourselves this time.

Keir Starmer? How does a nation go from Disraeli and Churchill to May and Starmer? In Churchill’s day, women and children took to underground bomb shelters at night to seek protection from the German bombardment. Today, women, and especially children, are raped and branded in broad daylight in many English towns. The vast majority of the perpetrators are young Muslim immigrant men. Despicably, the ‘authorities’ cannot yet be roused to do anything about it. London’s Mayor, Sadiq Khan, has essentially stated, “Well, that’s just part of living in a large, vibrant and diverse world city.” Excuse me?! Islam directs that infidels are to be either converted, enslaved, or killed! And so, the British have a choice: stiffen up or go down. Salvage their Christian heritage or become part of a new Muslim caliphate.  Churchill would know what to do, which path to take, which option to choose. And, in truth, there really is only one choice: sink or swim.

If England can summon its former strength and sanity, swimming should not be too difficult, even at this late stage. Remember, the US went to war with England before it was the US. We took on the greatest military in the world when we didn't have one! That is American guts! That is American crazy! And that is why America still exists. Churchill: “Never surrender!” Trump: “Fight, fight, fight!”

The US: from George Washington to Andrew Jackson to Donald Trump. The UK: from Benjamin Disraeli to Winston Churchill to……Keir Starmer?! You’ve gotta be kidding me?

Odd that the British helped defeat the Nazis, and stood alone against them for many months, waiting for an invasion that fortunately never came, yet now won't even defend their island, though this invasion has long since begun.

There is a passage in the classic Johnny Horton song “The Battle of New Orleans” about Andrew Jackson’s troops chasing the British in 1814 that reads:

Yeah, they ran through the briars
And they ran through the brambles
And they ran through the bushes
Where a rabbit couldn't go
They ran so fast
That the hounds couldn't catch 'em
On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico

(Of course, now we’d have to change that last line to “Gulf of America.”)

Don’t surrender now, Brits. Keep a stiff upper lip. America has sobered up. It looks as if Canada might be doing the same. Make the Commonwealth Great Again! Just remember who you once were. And know that we are praying for you.