Sunday, May 31, 2020

Frey Fiddled As Minneapolis Burned

Frey fiddled as Minneapolis burned.
Far-left Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey told police (and firefighters) to stand down while rampaging groups of thugs looted, pillaged and burned down parts of his city yesterday. This is the same mayor who just days before had proclaimed that it would be a “public health disaster” if he were to allow in-person religious services. Much less dangerous to allow theft, destruction, and arson-- on a grand scale-- to continue unchallenged.
To be fair, Mayor Frey was thinking of people’s safety. He was so concerned about the health of the rioters that he provided free facial masks to those without them and praised those already wearing them. (This may have been the first time in history that an official praised criminals for covering up their faces.) Proper etiquette and safety considerations are important when you are trying to destroy a neighborhood! Fortunately, the masks also help prevent one from inhaling the smoke and toxic fumes emanating from the various fires one has set.
Frey’s response was so weak he even ceded the rioters the Minneapolis Police Department’s Third Precinct. Experiencing no real push-back, the rioters vowed to expand their attacks into the suburbs. Many businesses allowed by the government to stay open during the COVID-19 pandemic boarded up shop and will remain closed until the threat of violence and destruction recedes.
Press and pundits, naturally, blamed President Trump for the horrendous violence. Even though he immediately decried the death of George Floyd and opened a federal investigation into his death at the hands (and knee) of a white policeman. And even though Minnesota, a solidly blue state, has a Democratic governor and Minneapolis has been run by Democrats for 43 consecutive years. But, hey, if Democrats can blame Trump for New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s decision to place people with the coronavirus in nursing homes, I guess anything is possible.
Watching Gov. Walz’s press conferences dealing with the urban terrorism was a source of macabre humor. He spoke at length without wearing a face mask. The person responsible for signing his remarks for the deaf, who obviously doesn’t even need to speak, chose not to wear one, either. Yet a Minneapolis cop and a member of the National Guard stood at a socially-distancing-correct remove from the governor-- and each other—each wearing a cheap cloth facial mask. Did their masks get issued with their guns? The city was literally burning down around them and they stood there proudly sporting a small facial diaper. Don’t mind the mushroom clouds, I’m wearing a mask! Don’t want to risk catching an airborne disease. Or being seen as less than woke! This is as if a ship’s captain, after pledging to go down with his ship, pulled on a facial mask. Preposterous. Meaningless in any real sense.
There is another aspect of the riots that is inexplicable to any sentient being that has been paying attention. When folks peaceably gathered at the Michigan state capitol to protest Gov. Whitmer’s unconstitutional continuing lock-down orders, many in the media-academia complex derided them as dangerous thugs, would-be terrorists and Nazi sympathizers. Not a fly was harmed, nothing was looted, burned or destroyed. There wasn’t even much—if any-- foul language on display. The handful of Nazi symbols displayed were meant to be seen as what they are: heinous totems of tyranny and vile government overreach, to call out Gov. Whitmer’s totalitarian tendencies. Yet when the rioters in Minnesota ransacked a Target store, burned an auto parts outlet to the ground, set cars and gas stations alight, allegedly roughed up an elderly lady in a wheel chair, set fire to a new low-income housing unit and a Native American youth center, the self-same media-academia complex was outraged that Trump called them “thugs.” “Thugs” is a pronounced understatement for those who will loot and steal, arbitrarily destroy private property and innocent people’s businesses and livelihoods, and assault and endanger others.
It is no coincidence that nearly all the major cities that have been run by Democrats for decades are devolving into dystopian hell-holes full of violence, human dung, used hypodermic needles and the homeless. People are fleeing New York, Chicago, L.A. and San Francisco. Portland and Seattle are deteriorating. Minneapolis is on fire. Oakland and Baltimore are crime-ridden, textbook examples of urban blight. Etc., etc.
            If not stopped, our elite “progressive” rulers will see that America is “fundamentally transformed” into a third world “s***hole” country where everyone shares the privation equally.
Except for the elite progressive rulers themselves, of course.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Pandemic, Fear And Devolution

            The times, they are a-changin,’ as Bob Dylan once said. There are numerous troubling trends in American society today, nearly all of which have a central theme: we have lost our lust for freedom and are content to have government take care of us. Here are just a few of examples:

1)      A new study by the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) found that 75% of institutions of higher learning in America censor comments on their social media pages, a clear violation of the First Amendment. Moreover, nearly 9 of 10 block users, using content filters that include “matters of local and national concern, campus controversies, criticism of colleges’ corporate partners or sports teams, and even the weather,”  according to a summary report of the study. Well, we certainly don’t want to put up with criticism of our field hockey squad, and no one wants to be subjected to reports of bad weather, so it’s understandable. But seriously, what the hell are they afraid of?

2)      Beginning May 1st, San Diego required all residents to wear face masks when they step outside of their homes and are within six feet of non-household members. This despite the fact that California has been relatively untouched by the COVID-19 pandemic and that even the states that were hit hard are starting to loosen up restrictions. San Diego County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher stated: “We believe this is going to be a part of life in the new normal. Now is the time, the voluntary compliance is over and now it is time for strict compliance throughout all communities.” Why? “Until such time when we have a vaccine or a widely available therapeutic drug, there are going to be parts of life that are going to change. Getting in the habit of having a face covering when you leave your house—that’s going to be part of the change.” How convenient for Muslims. And burglars. And rioters.

3)      According to NewBostonPost, a recent poll shows that the number of young Americans who consider themselves to be “patriotic” has fallen dramatically just since 2002, from 89% to 63%. Of course, far more of those identifying as Republican professed to be proud of their country than did those identifying as Democrats or independents. Harvard freshman Katie Heintz, who worked on the poll, noted that Republicans were “far more likely to associate patriotism with positive attributes” such as “loyalty” and “responsibility,” while Democrats associate it with “things like racism, xenophobia, and ignorance.” Ironically, many of the young Democratic-Socialists couldn’t spell ignorance if they were spotted the “ignor” and the “ance.”

We have survived numerous other pandemics and crises without deliberately destroying our economies and making everyone hide under their bed. The Spanish Flu outbreak of 1918-1919 was a true pandemic. As was the Asian Flu (sound familiar) outbreak of 1957, which took the lives of approximately 113,000 Americans, the percentage equivalent of 180,000 today. Another massive flu outbreak occurred in 1968…and again in 2009, with H1N1. Yet, no shelter-at-home orders were given, funerals weren’t broken up, weddings prohibited and lone paddleboarders arrested. Stores and restaurants weren’t closed, nor were other “non-essential” businesses shut down. People could buy seeds and find toilet paper. So, why? Why has the reaction to this pandemic, this crisis, been so stunningly different? Why are so many shaking their heads and wondering what has changed? Why does everything surrounding it seem so surreal and vaguely disturbing, over and above the illness and death itself?
 One reason is the alacrity and gusto with which governments—both federal and local—have seized upon the crisis to control their citizens behavior. But there is another reason, one which makes possible the one just mentioned. An extraordinarily large percentage of people—especially younger people— now admit to having no religion. The percentage of professed Christians in the United States has dropped precipitously in the past several decades. Consequently, people are more afraid. In losing their religion and Judeo-Christian values, they have lost the comfort that belief in God can bring. Since so many now don’t believe in Heaven or an afterlife, they fear death, even though they do not love life.
The American Revolution ushered in an unprecedented era of prosperity and freedom, lasting well over 200 years, one that greatly benefitted not only the United States, but large portions of the globe. The Revolution was based on the concept of natural rights and the principle of limited government, of, by and for the people. Those concepts are now all but forgotten, the Revolution over.
 The American Devolution has begun.

Friday, May 29, 2020

Trickle-Down Inhumanity

                Many millions of people die every year from a plethora of diseases. Millions die from the flu. Why have our leaders reacted completely differently to the coronavirus than to all other viruses that have come before?
                Power hungry elites and political leaders have succeeded in brainwashing the bulk of the populace into relinquishing their freedoms, ergo their power. When you give power away, you don’t get it back. That is the “new normal” to which they are so fond of referring. We have not yet achieved “herd immunity,” which would be impossible under shelter-at-home orders, but we have certainly succumbed to a herd mentality.
    Make no mistake, this is just a dress rehearsal. It is a fact that our leaders are pleasantly surprised at how easy it has been to get us to stay inside and abide by their orders. There will be more brainwashing, lock-downs and orders to come…until we are not comfortable being free.
Open borders? We don’t have open faces or dialogues. Walls? We are putting them up at every retail outlet, every check-out stand. Yet each additional order, every new mandate, every outrage and assault on our freedoms finds us responding, “thank you sir, may I have another?”
                We have been schooled to be leery of each other, to disdain those who don’t wear hazmat suits in public. Despite the ubiquitous banal commercials assuring us that “by staying apart we will all come together” one day, this trickle-down inhumanity, like identity politics, is tearing us apart. This constant social distancing is making us less connected…and ever easier to control. Which is entirely the point.
                No more pleasant smiles, at least visible ones, no confident grin, reassuring hug or warm embrace. This distancing finds its way into the home, too. Many are too frightened to share a passionate kiss. Romance is just a quaint notion, part of a…distant…past. The things that make life worth living—and possible—are being stolen from us via a colossal hoax. We need to come together and rise up against this grand theft of our freedoms, this larceny of our souls. If we fail to do so, all we will have to look forward to is a future of artificial intelligence, robots, sexbots and sterile wipes.

    We are writing ourselves out of our own story. Very soon a happy ending will be impossible. Beyond our reach.

     Just like each of us from all others.  

Thursday, May 28, 2020

CDC Issues Rat Warning, School Guidelines

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) is on a roll. It recently issued a warning that rats in many areas are becoming extremely aggressive due to a lack of restaurant waste and could therefore pose a threat to humans. According to the USA Today, the CDC issued a statement reading: “Jurisdictions have closed or limited service at restaurants and other commercial establishments to help limit the spread of COVID-19. Community-wide closures have led to a decrease in food available to rodents, especially in dense commercial areas.” Therefore, some jurisdictions have noted a pronounced increase in rat activity. The lock-down is even adversely affecting rats? This is not good news since rats (and mice) can—directly and/or indirectly—transmit more than 35 different diseases to humans.
Bobby Corrigan, an urban “rodentologist,” told NBC News: “They’re mammals just like you and I, and so when you’re really, really hungry, you’re not going to act the same. You’re going to act very bad, usually. So these rats are fighting with one another, now the adults are killing the young in the nest and cannibalizing the pups.”

Perhaps we can capture these rats and send them to China.

Corrigan’s remarks were particularly striking. They’re “just like you and I” and act very badly when really hungry? So they kill their kids and eat them?
Well, who can’t relate? “Kids, your mom and I lost our jobs because the government doesn’t consider them ‘essential.’ Now we have no money for food and are getting kind of hungry, so we have some more bad news for you…”
But the CDC wasn’t done yet. It also issued extensive new safety guidelines for schools, should they reopen this fall, in order to combat the coronavirus. A brief summary of the guidelines follows:

*Students, if over the age of two, must wear face masks.
*No sharing of supplies or items that can’t be easily cleaned/sterilized between uses.
*Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces between uses.
*Separate all belongings into individual cubbies or labeled containers
*Avoid the sharing of electronic devices or learning aids.
*Desk to be a minimum of 6-feet apart and all facing the same direction.
*Only one student per seat on school buses and skip rows between riders.
*Tape to be placed on sidewalks and walls to ensure kids stay six feet apart.
*Physical barriers or screens to be placed between sinks in bathrooms.
*Hallways to be one-way routes.
*Students stay with the same staff all day, no switching teachers.
*Student arrival and departure times to be staggered to limit crowding.
*Recommend daily health and temperature checks.
*Shared spaces such as cafeterias and playgrounds to remain closed.
*Kids to eat lunch in classrooms.

Good luck with all that. On the bright side, maybe the kids can leave enough crumbs to help out the rats.


Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Katha Pollitt: I'd Vote For Biden If He Boiled And Ate Babies

                Despite Senate staffer Tara Reid’s sexual assault allegation against him, The Nation columnist Katha Pollitt recently averred, “I would vote for Joe Biden if he boiled babies and ate them. He wasn’t my candidate but taking back the White House is that important.” Pollitt added, “I cannot believe that a rational person can grasp the disaster that is Donald Trump and withhold their support from Biden because of Tara Reade. I would say this even if I had no problems with Reade’s account.”
                In one sense, this isn’t surprising, given progressives views on abortion. It’s rather consistent, really. On the other hand, it’s despicable and monstrous, the more so because she wasn’t “kidding.” To leftists, the end justifies the means, as long as it is their end. In this case, taking back the White House from the Orange Man. If her guy happens to be a serial sexual harasser—and cannibal—it’s all good if he can take down a president she deems misogynistic and racist.
                Imagine if Trump or any conservative had said of Brett Kavanaugh, “I don’t care if he did assault her. In fact, I don’t care if he boiled babies/blacks/lesbians and ate them, I’m voting for him anyway.” How would a “rational person” have viewed that statement? Might it have generated more controversy amongst the mainstream media?

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Coronavirus Reporting: Two Possibilities

If Trump Is Re-elected:

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

MSNBC: “The coronavirus continues to spread. Experts now say the virus has mutated into several different forms, making an effective vaccine nearly impossible. One of the new mutations of the deadly disease now seeks out peoples of color and members of the LGBTQ community, relentlessly—and almost exclusively.”

CNN: “It appears as if the coronavirus is happy with the re-election of Donald J. Trump, as health officials say, in the hours after the polls closed, the virus broke out in a terrifying, unprecedented second wave. Sorry to say folks, we’re all gonna die.”

New York Times: “With the explosion of new COVID-19 cases since the election, experts and governors around the country are saying a new, more draconian lockdown is needed immediately. Health officials say this one is likely to last at least four years.”

Washington Post: “The worst-case scenario seems to have come true. Many experts warned Americans that if Trump were to be re-elected, COVID-19 might prove to be unbeatable. This outcome is even more inexplicable than 2016’s. Let’s face it, Americans are dumb.”

If Biden (Or Any Democrat) Wins

Tuesday, January 19, 2020

MSNBC: “More fantastic news today, friends: experts say the coronavirus has been nearly defeated, largely due to the great work of the new administration. Happy days are here again!”

CNN: “We are happy to pronounce the coronavirus as dead as Donald J. Trump’s presidency! In fact, we here at CNN are no longer going to cover the virus. It is time to move on… as they say… to other things. Such as the impeccable work of the new administration.”

New York Times: “With the stunning, rapid demise of COVID-19, which experts say is due largely to the work the new administration did even prior to entering the White House, high-placed sources say the White House will now turn its brainpower toward solving the climate change crisis, eliminating want, and ensuring fair elections forever.”

Washington Post: “The economy is rallying, the Earth is nearly healed, and the COVID-19 pandemic is fading into memory. In light of this, the president is encouraging people to turn out en masse for the numerous Planned Parenthood rallies around the country this week. Proceeds from the rallies will go to fund ‘fourth trimester’ or ‘after-term’ abortions. Administration officials and blue-state governors alike say it is now time to open states up, albeit with prudence and caution, noting that Christian and Jewish churches and synagogues will remain closed in perpetuity, as health-care officials say the virus is most likely to stage a return in these venues.”

Monday, May 25, 2020

Biden Speaks

Joseph Biden Residence-- Basement

May 29, 2020

Joe Biden: “My fellow Albanians, I’m proud to speak to you this morning from—uhh, umm—my home here in Unaware…I mean Delaware. I think, right? (Looks around.) I mean I think we can all agree it’s absolutely critical that I defeat Joe Biden in the upcoming erection…I mean election. (Looks around, concerned, as if hearing something he doesn’t like.) Oh, that’s right, I am Joe Biden. And I approved this message! Anyway, I can beat Ronald K. Trump! And you know what? If you don’t know the difference between me and Ronald…you ain’t black! Moreover-- (Geese start honking furiously again, drowning him out.) Dammit! It’s those pelicans again! I’ll just go shut them up but good. (Walks off camera. There is a long stretch where he is gone. Commotion is heard, not seen. Finally, he returns, somewhat disheveled.) There, that’s better. That’ll show those damn ducks! (A chagrinned look comes over his face.) But I can assure you no birds were hurt in the filming of this commercial! Anyway, where was I? Where am I? Oh, yeah, I can beat Joe Biden! (Looks around, concerned, as if hearing something he doesn’t like.) Oh, that’s right, I am Joe Biden. Ha! Just kidding, knew it all along! Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me…uhh, umm…Joe Biden.”


Sunday, May 24, 2020

Study Finds Coronavirus Transmitted By Talking

                A new study, the results of which were recently published in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, appears to show that the simple act of talking can transmit diseases like the coronavirus. This is because respiratory droplets produced during normal indoor conversation can supposedly remain suspended in the air for eight to 14 minutes. These droplets, which carry the virus, eventually settle, often landing on surfaces such as tables, faucets and doorknobs. Researchers say this could explain how people with mild or no symptoms may infect others in close quarters such as offices, elevators, nursing homes, cruise ships and other confined spaces.
                The findings are thrilling academics, elites and rulers, as they strengthen the case for forcing citizens to wear masks. It is just a matter of time before some of them use the study’s results to tell us to just shut up and stop talking altogether. This study, combined with another recent one showing that the virus can enter the body through the eyes, gives our leaders ever more ammo with which to control us. Look for yet another study to soon prove that coronavirus easily and often penetrates our bodies through our ears and the fascist wannabes to try to convince us all to wear earmuffs, goggles and face masks. In this way, we will be rendered effectively insensate, senseless if you will.
                As Mark Steyn has said, covered people are incompatible with an open society. That is, unfortunately, precisely the point.

   Speak no evil, hear no evil, see no evil.

   Cause no trouble.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Church Services Particularly Dangerous, Leftists Say

                Leftists never let a good crisis go to waste. They utilize any and every opportunity to take further control of the media and schools, and to denigrate and marginalize traditional religion. This is per a long-standing playbook on how to take over free societies like the United States. Every Marxist worth his salt, from Karl to Saul Alinsky, knew/knows exactly the steps needed to convert a free society into a totalitarian one.
                This is why, in the midst of the coronavirus crisis, progressives have been particularly vehement in warning against church services. Even Business Insider chimed in recently, issuing a report stating that people should avoid attending church services for several years in order to help reduce the spread of the coronavirus. The BI report talked of “super-spreader events,” occurrences in which one person supposedly infects an unusually large number of others. The report gave as examples a church service in South Korea and a February bat mitzvah and synagogue worship in New York, after each of which several dozen people tested positive for the virus. The report noted that indoor events with many people are inherently more likely to spread diseases than outdoor events and those with fewer in attendance and stressed that this is “what makes religious services dangerous.” (Emphasis mine.) It went on to opine that church services are precisely “the types of gatherings we should avoid for years.” If not forever. Even outdoor and drive-through services have to be prevented.
                How convenient. Just when we need them most, our statist elite leaders tell us that religious services are too “dangerous” to be allowed to occur. Because, you know, they are looking out for us. What a load of crap. Leftists—and now effectively the entire Democratic Party—consider church services “dangerous” because they are a threat to their primacy. They don’t need no other Gods. In fact, they won’t tolerate them. And they genuinely dislike folks who “cling to their God and their guns,” not coincidentally the only two things that can keep them from being enslaved by their statist elite leaders.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Maryland Restaurant Provides "Bumper Tables"

                You’ve heard of bumper pool and bumper cars, but how about “bumper tables?” Fish Tales Bar & Grill, a waterfront restaurant in Maryland, is another business that has come up with a creative way to keep its customers socially distant. The establishment’s owners, Shawn and Donna Harman, purchased small, wheeled, metal-frame tables that are surrounded by giant inner tubes that make it impossible for diners and drinkers to get too close to each other. The wheels allow users to walk around the bar and restaurant’s parking lot and outdoor seating area while having a bite or sipping a drink.
                The Harmans say that the tables are “a novelty” and a “great photo opportunity” for their customers, adding that if two of the tables are put together, “you can’t get within six feet of each other—and it’s fun.”
                The tube tables might be a bit unwieldy in the bathroom, but, if you should fall into the ocean, you’re good to go.


California Governor Threatens To Lay Off First Responders...First

            California Governor Gavin Newsome recently told CNN’s Jake Tapper that if his state doesn’t get federal financial assistance, first responders will be the first government employees to be laid off. WTF?
Tapper asked Newsome, “Can you explain what you think will happen to California if the federal government doesn’t give you money to help you out?” Newsome replied, “I hope they’ll consider this: the next time they want to salute and celebrate our heroes, our first responders, our police officers and firefighters, consider the fact that they are the first ones who will be laid off by cities and counties.” Newsome added, “So we’ve got to square our rhetoric with the reality.”
Care to explain why governments would get rid of first responders, police officers and firefighters first, Gov. Newsome? Why would you/they axe “our heroes” first? Why not a bunch of pencil-pushing bureaucrats? Hell, it’s virtually impossible to fire or furlough any government employee, whether it is the county assistant dog catcher or an unelected, mid-level clerk at city hall. And all these public sector employees get crazily bloated pensions from early retirement until death. What would lead you to oversee the dismissal of front-line emergency personnel in the midst of a pandemic?
Not that government is ever concerned with spending too much of taxpayer’s money, but, if for some reason you suddenly feel like you can’t afford the most “essential” workers you have, here’s an idea for you to mull over, governor: Stop handing out millions of dollars to illegal aliens!
 This is the mind on drugs. (Some free in California!) Talk about playing politics. This is the left “at work.”

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Americans Now Fear Risk More Than Tyranny

            The times, they are a-changin,’ as Bob Dylan once said. There are numerous troubling trends in American society today, nearly all of which have a central theme: we have lost our lust for freedom and are content to have government take care of us. Here are just a few examples:

1)      A new study by the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) found that 75% of institutions of higher learning in America censor comments on their social media pages, a clear violation of the First Amendment. Moreover, nearly 9 of 10 block users, using content filters that include “matters of local and national concern, campus controversies, criticism of colleges’ corporate partners or sports teams, and even the weather,”  according to a summary report of the study. Well, we certainly don’t want to put up with criticism of our field hockey squad, and no one wants to be subjected to reports of bad weather, so it’s understandable. But seriously, what the hell are they afraid of?

2)      Beginning May 1st, San Diego required all residents to wear face masks when they step outside their homes and are within six feet of non-household members. This despite the fact that California has been relatively untouched by the COVID-19 pandemic and that even the states that were hit hard are starting to loosen up restrictions. San Diego County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher stated: “We believe this is going to be a part of life in the new normal. Now is the time, the voluntary compliance is over and now it is time for strict compliance throughout all communities.” Why? “Until such time when we have a vaccine or a widely available therapeutic drug, there are going to be parts of life that are going to change. Getting in the habit of having a face covering when you leave your house—that’s going to be part of the change.” How convenient for Muslims. And burglars.

3)      According to NewBostonPost, a recent poll shows that the number of young Americans who consider themselves to be “patriotic” has fallen dramatically just since 2002, from 89% to 63%. Of course, far more of those identifying as Republican professed to be proud of their country than did those identifying as Democrats or independents. Harvard freshman Katie Heintz, who worked on the poll, noted that Republicans were “far more likely to associate patriotism with positive attributes” such as “loyalty” and “responsibility,” while Democrats associate it with “things like racism, xenophobia, and ignorance.” Ironically, many of the young Democratic-Socialists couldn’t spell ignorance if they were spotted the “ignor” and the “ance.”

We have survived numerous other pandemics and crises without deliberately destroying our economies and making everyone hide under their bed. The Spanish Flu outbreak of 1918-1919 was a true pandemic. As was the Asian Flu (sound familiar) outbreak of 1957, which took the lives of approximately 113,000 Americans, the percentage equivalent of 180,000 today. Another massive flu outbreak occurred in 1968…and again in 2009, with H1N1. Yet, no shelter-at-home orders were given, funerals weren’t broken up, weddings prohibited and lone paddleboarders arrested. Stores and restaurants weren’t closed, nor were other “non-essential” businesses shut down. People could buy seeds and find toilet paper. So, why? Why has the reaction to this pandemic, this crisis, been so stunningly different? Why are so many shaking their heads and wondering what has changed? Why does everything surrounding it seem so surreal and vaguely disturbing, over and above the illness and death itself?
One reason is the alacrity and gusto with which governments— federal, state and local—have seized upon the crisis to control their citizens behavior. But there is another reason, one which makes possible the one just mentioned. An extraordinarily large percentage of people—especially younger people— now admit to having no religion. The percentage of professed Christians in the United States has dropped precipitously in the past several decades. Consequently, people are more afraid. In losing their religion and Judeo-Christian values, they have lost the comfort that belief in God can bring. Since so many now don’t believe in Heaven or an afterlife, they fear death, even though they do not love life.
The American Revolution ushered in an unprecedented era of prosperity and freedom, lasting well over 200 years, one that greatly benefitted not only the United States, but large portions of the globe. The Revolution was based on the concept of natural rights and the principle of limited government, of, by and for the people. Those concepts are now all but forgotten, the Revolution finally over.
The American Devolution has begun.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Researchers Using Smart Phones To Track Millions

                “Researchers” have discovered that Americans are now venturing out of their homes more frequently for the first time since social distancing guidelines and shelter-in-place orders were instituted in mid-March, even though experts have urged them not to. For their own good, of course. And, possibly, the amusement of the experts.
                Researchers at the University of Maryland, led by Lei Zhang, the director of the Maryland Transportation Institute, have been tracking the smartphones of well over 100 million Americans to see if they are complying with stay-at-home orders. The researchers say that for the first six weeks after the orders were given the percentage of people staying at home increased or stayed the same. But in recent days, Zhang said, “It has been consistently dropping across the country.” The researchers consider people to be “staying at home” if their phones moved less than one mile each day. (I guess the dead don’t have smart phones or it would be hard to separate them out from those obeying the lockdown orders.)
                Zhang’s team monitors the percentage of people staying at home, the number of trips people make on average, and how many total miles they travel, among other things, and have used this data to develop a social distancing index with which to grade states and counties on a scale from 0 to 100. (100 represents perfect compliance and 0 total disregard for expert’s demands.) According to Zhang, the index has decreased for every state in the union recently, except for Rhode Island. Apparently, the inmates are getting uppity.
                But Zhang is by no means the only one keeping tabs on Americans as if they were big game animals wearing radio tracking collars. Thomas Walle, CEO of Norway-based Unacast, has also been keeping track of how well Americans have been complying with stay-at-home mandates. His company collects and analyzes location data from various sources, including smartphones. Walle says he has observed the same trend as Zhang has, noting that he has also seen a spike recently in the number of devices in the same location. He stated: "This is an early indication that we need to follow in the days and weeks to come of people having a fatigue. You can definitely see that there's starting to be a little trend here that people are more outside and less at home." How dare they!
                Walle also stated the obvious: that, after a lengthy quarantine and the arrival of warmer weather, people are anxious to step outside of their homes. He said that some folks may have a false sense of security since the curve seems to be flattening, while allowing that others may feel that they have to get back to work. You think?
                Don’t you wonder what color and number the pin is that represents you on these researchers’ map walls? I can see them standing there, hands propping up their chins, exclaiming, “Hey, that guy is more than a mile from his domicile! We must stop him and re-educate him!”

You better watch out
You better not fly
Better not pout
I'm telling you why
Lei Zhang is watching you now  

He's making a list
And checking it twice
He’s gonna find out who's compliant alright
Lei Zhang is watching you now

He sees you when you are cheating
He knows when you're away
He knows if you've stayed home or not
So stay home for goodness sake!

O! You better watch out!
You better not fly
Better not spout off
I'm telling you why
‘cuz Lei Zhang is watching
 Lei Zhang is watching
Look out! Big Brother is watching you now!
Yeah he is!

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The NFL Considers New System For Encouraging Minority Hires

                The NFL is considering implementing a radical new program for coercing clubs to hire minority head coaches and general managers, according to a recent report by’s Jim Trotter.
                The plan, if approved, would incentivize teams to hire minority head coaches and general managers by rewarding them with improved draft positions for so doing. Trotter laid out some of the particulars, including:

*If a team hires a minority head coach, its third-round pick in the following year’s NFL Draft would be moved up six spots.

*If a team hires a minority “primary football executive,” meaning a general manager, that same third-round pick would be moved up 10 spots.

*If a team hired a minority head coach and general manager to fill its latest openings, the third-round pick would be moved up 16 spots, possibly becoming a second-round pick.

*If a team’s minority coach or general manager is still on the job entering his (or her) third season, that team’s fourth-round pick in that year would be moved up five spots.

                This new system would augment or replace the league’s current “Rooney Rule,” which mandates that teams interview at least one minority candidate for each and every coach and general manager opening. Many observers believe the Rooney Rule as currently constituted is inadequate, since only four NFL teams currently have minority head coaches
                That’s as may be, but the new proposal is unworkable on its face. I am certainly not against more minorities filling head coaching and GM positions, but this plan does not…go far enough. Moreover, I’d like to see specific, real world examples of how this would play out. Allow me to present some scenarios under my proposal, a modified version of the NFL’s.  
    Let’s take it for granted that we can’t trust teams in a highly competitive league where success brings staggering sums of money to hire people they believe are best suited to getting the job done. That would be illogical. I think we can all agree it would be easier and fairer to just make certain that coaches and GMS are represented in the same proportion they are found in the general population, though, frankly, I don’t know if that should be the global, national, regional, or local population.
   Anyway, let’s say Team X interviews a straight white Christian male (boo!), a Two-Spirited Native American lesbian, a gay mulatto transvestite and a male Muslim from North Africa. Let’s say the team hires the gay mulatto transvestite. It would have its third-round pick moved up 6 spots in the next year’s draft but would have its pick moved down 1 spot each for not hiring the Two-Spirited Native American lesbian or the male Muslim from North Africa. The net affect of the team’s hiring decisions would be that its third-round pick would be moved up four spots. Now, if the team hired everyone but the straight white Christian male, its pick would be moved up 18 spots, potentially placing it into the top half of the second-round. Conversely, if the team hired the straight white Christian male, it would forfeit its third-round pick altogether and be subject to a fine of 50% of its highest annual pre-COVID-19 pandemic revenue…and the disdain and mockery of everyone in the mainstream media.
  Similar rewards and punishments could be established for every race, ethnicity, religion and sexual identity/proclivity/perversion currently known. It is the new American Way.

 Are you ready for some football?!

German Cafe Employs Unique Tool To Promote Social Distancing

                First it was gloves and then it was masks. And now…pool noodles? Ja! A café in Germany has asked customers to wear pool noodles on their heads to ensure social distancing is maintained. The Café Rothe in the town of Schwerin handed out straw hats-- with two pool noodles attached crosswise at the top-- to customers upon reopening after coronavirus restrictions were lifted.
                Instead of utilizing boring old floor markings and other such trite measures, the café’s owners decided to employ the colorful, 56-inch-long pool toys to discourage people from getting too close to each other. Jaqueline Rothe told CNN that her customers were enjoying the company and the sunshine while partaking of coffee, cake or beer. She said the café’s current motto is “Keep the social distance.”  The café’s Facebook page contains a photo of customers sporting the unusual headgear while happily seated at outdoor tables. (See below.)

              What’s next in the effort to keep us apart? Jousting lances? Actual 10-foot poles?

  There is one thing we do know with certainty: it is a wacky world in which we’re living.


The "Price Is Right" Raises Money For Planned Parenthood

                The left politicizes everything. Sports, weddings, funerals, you name it. Even, apparently, game shows. Recently, The Price Is Right raised over $97,000 for Planned Parenthood. In the midst of a pandemic. Let’s help cause more deaths! Yay, charity! It’s not as if the organization needs the money. Speaking of charity, Planned Parenthood’s local affiliates have received an average of $543 million in government grants and reimbursements every year since 2010, courtesy of taxpayers, whether those taxpayers are opposed to abortion or not. 
                But, what the hell, I can’t wait to see what’s next. Surely it’s only a matter of time until we see Xi Jinping on Deal or No Deal trying to earn a million bucks for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). NAMBLA members will compete for cash on Family Feud. Let’s Make A Deal will invite the Muslim Brotherhood on in hopes of it winning fabulous prizes. Antifa will compete on Jeopardy: “We’ll take ‘violent, preposterously named thug groups’ for $300, Alex.” Who wouldn’t tune in to watch the Southern Poverty Law Center have a go at the Wheel of Fortune? How long until Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez appears on Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader in hopes of snagging a million dollars for the Democratic-Socialists?
    On second thought, even that dimwitted group may realize that AOC is not, in fact, smarter than a fifth grader, and probably can’t even spell her own hip three-letter moniker, if spotted the ‘A’ and the ‘O.’ Sí?

Monday, May 18, 2020

Baseball To Ban Spitting?

                Play ball!

                But don’t spit. Or high-five a teammate. Or take a shower at the ballpark. These are all verboten under the 67-page return-to-play rules that Major League Baseball is proposing  in hopes of preventing the spread of coronavirus while opening a truncated season by early July, The Athletic recently reported. The return-to-play guidelines, drafted by league officials, would also ban hugging and chewing tobacco and enforce social distancing measures. Players would be subject to daily temperature screenings and be forced to sanitize their hands every half-inning, while coaches, management, stadium personnel-- and their families-- would be tested for COVID-19 on a weekly basis. Anyone testing positive would be immediately quarantined.
   Players not in the lineup for any given game wouldn’t be allowed in the dugout. Instead, they would be placed in auxiliary seating at an approved social distance. All non-playing personnel in the dugout would have to wear face coverings. As previously mentioned, players would not be allowed to shower at the stadium after games, a rule that will not sit well with the players’ wives and significant others. The return-to-play guidelines still have to be approved by the players’ union before the season can commence.
  How would these new rules be enforced? How will spitters be penalized? If a batter is facing a 3-2 count and reflexively spits, is he charged with a strike? I’ve heard of striking out looking and striking out swinging, but will he “strike out spitting” in this instance? Conversely, if a pitcher spits, is he charged with the equivalent of a balk? Does the opposing team’s batter go to first base? Or do armed security guards dash out and yank him from the mound, ingloriously hauling him away to be quarantined, never to pitch again? Are coughing, sneezing, belching and farting also forbidden? How about crotch-adjusting? What happens if a player yells at an ump or vice-versa? Or will they be forbidden from speaking, as well? If a manager wants to come out and talk to an umpire will they both have to have little plexiglass screens hanging from their helmets/hats/heads to protect each other from dangerous droplets?
 There are more downsides to the proposed guidelines. Immediately after MLB announced the no-spitting rule, stocks of all the major manufacturers of chewing tobacco, sunflower seeds and bubblegum fell by as much as 50%. And what will become of peanuts and Cracker Jack?
 Will MLB also rip out the long urinals from each stadium’s men’s rooms? In the past, men cued up at these stainless-steel conduits, elbow to elbow, like cows at a feeding trough. Will beer sales be curtailed or banned to prevent just such a gathering? Or will guys’ restrooms soon feature an endless series of stalls, spaced in a socially distant-compliant manner, perhaps each sporting a bidet in place of a standard toilet?
 Social distancing? No showers? No chewing, spitting, hugging or high-fiving? This isn’t America’s Past-time anymore.

Take me out of the ballgame
Take me out of the crowd
Buy me some Purell and some face masks
I don`t care if I never go back
Cause its root, root, root for our safety
No one cares about the game

Cause it's one, two, three spits you're out
Of the old ballgame
Cause it's one, two, three spits you're out
Of the old ballgame

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Felon Released To Avoid Coronavirus Arrested For Murder

                Cornelius Haney, a felon who has a criminal history stretching back more than a decade and who was serving a seven-year sentence for robbery, was released on April 15th in accordance with a state executive order designed to protect the prison population from the COVID-19 pandemic. The order allowed some inmates to be freed early and enter what it termed “special needs parole,” a status which does not subject the now former inmates to any enhanced supervision.

                Haney has now been arrested for allegedly murdering 21-year-old Heather Perry.

                But at least Haney is coronavirus-free.

                Progressive officials around the country have commuted inmates’ sentences in order to prevent prison populations from being victimized by the pandemic. Protecting innocent lives has not been a Democratic priority for years now, as evidenced by their virtually unanimous support for abortion, late term or otherwise. Power hungry leftists—excuse me, that is redundant, as there are no other kind—are pro-abortion and pro-open borders. They are pro illegal alien and favor granting more rights to criminals in general and illegal aliens in specific, including, in many cases, the right to vote. This is undeniably a matter of cold calculus. They wish to replace or overwhelm troublesome red state voters and deplorable Trump supporters with a new demographic comprised of people they know will vote for them (out of gratitude if nothing else).
                Bummer about Ms. Perry, who may or may not have been a Democrat, but progressives have to prioritize. They have “special needs,” too. They need all of us to be terrified of the coronavirus, but unconcerned about crime, economic collapse and tyranny.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

For What It's Worth

There’s something happening here
What it is ain’t exactly clear

Americans are acting like frightened children, their leaders like rulers and despots. Told they have to cover their faces if they step outside, most don’t bat an eye. Told their jobs aren’t “essential” and they must not work, that rather it is their job to stay home and hope things get better…sometime… they nod their heads and do as they are told. Those that don’t are subject to lectures, warnings, fines, and even jail time.

There’s a cop with a gun over there
Telling me I got to beware

Some are even being pepper-sprayed, tasered or beaten with batons if they don’t comply with social distancing orders.

What a field-day for the heat

Those that have had the temerity to exercise their right to peaceably assemble and protest are called fascists and selfish, the exact opposite of reality.

Singing songs and carrying signs

In this case the signs they are carrying mostly say something like “We’d Like to Go Outside.”

Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
It starts when you’re always afraid
You step out of line, the man come and take you away

The left famously never lets a crisis go to waste. They have latched onto this one like a starving dog on a meaty bone, used it like a Shake-and-Bake bag, like a hooker on crack. But they have carefully, skillfully prepared for this crisis/opportunity for decades. They have almost total control of the media, the school systems and higher education, the entertainment fields and Hollywood. They occupy most of the Big Business boardrooms and own Big Tech. They have succeeded in keeping our borders porous, opening the country up to people unfamiliar with the concepts of limited government (of, by and for the people) and the rule of law. And they know those immigrants will no longer be taught about America’s founding principles or its uniqueness and historic exceptionalism. Nor will they hear or see anything of the sort from mainstream media outlets. They have also succeeded in greatly diminishing the role that Christianity and the traditional family play in American society. And, finally, they have slowly molded Americans in their own image, changing them from a tough, principled, independent, freedom-loving people into a docile, dependent society that clearly values safety over freedom. One that prefers being taken care of to taking chances. In retrospect, this was inevitable…as long as conservatives declined to seriously fight back.

A popular public service commercial aired back in the 1970s. It showed a lone Native American standing and looking over the landscape. A landscape marred by litter and trash. A single tear rolled slowly down his cheek as he took in the desecration of the land. The tagline was “Keep America Beautiful.”

Today, I often picture Thomas Jefferson or George Washington standing and looking out at what America-- Americans—have become, a single tear rolling slowly down their cheek. The tagline in my mind is, “Keep America Free.”

Yet I fear that may no longer be possible. It may already be too late.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Coronavirus Can Enter Body Through Eyes, Study Shows

                A new study purports to show that the coronavirus can—and does-- enter the human body through the eyes. A team of researchers from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine discovered that ACE-2, a protein created by the eyes, acts as a “gateway” to internal cells, making them a target for the virus.
                This means that gloves and facemasks are not enough. Look for government officials at every level to immediately order their subjects (i.e. you and I) to start wearing eye masks and blindfolds to protect themselves. The blindfolds will not only help prevent us from contracting the coronavirus, they will further lessen any residual human to human contact and prevent us from risking any ambulatory motion. To our rulers they will have the additional benefit of prohibiting us from seeing what they are doing, although, judging by current events, they need no further obfuscation.
                I would no longer be surprised if a Democratic governor somewhere in the fruited plain mandates the wearing of pink barbeque mitts and purple skorts at all times, subject to fines and imprisonment. Just because he or she thinks he or she can. Nor would I be surprised if the vast majority of us robotically replied, “Yes sir/ma’am, pink barbeque mitts and purple skorts, we’ll do it. Should we report others not in compliance?”

                “My, what big eyes you have, Big Brother!”

                “The better to see you with, my dear.”

                “What big ears you have!”

                “The better to hear you with.”

                “What big arms you have!”

                “The better to reach and shelter you with.”

                “And what a big dick you have!”

                “The better to bugger you with, ha, ha, ha! Trust me, you’ll like it. It’s for your own good.”

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Australia Calls For Independent Review Of COVID-19 Outbreak

                Australia is calling for an independent review of the COVID-19 outbreak, and China is not thrilled about it. China has warned Australia that it will face economic consequences if it doesn’t back off from its call for an investigation into its handling of the coronavirus. This would be a bitter pill for Australia to swallow since China is the largest market for Australian wine and beef.
                Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne said the threats will not deter her nation’s push for transparency and termed the threats “economic coercion.” Payne stated, "Australia has made a principled call for an independent review of the COVID-19 outbreak, an unprecedented global crisis with severe health, economic and social impacts. We reject any suggestion that economic coercion is an appropriate response to a call for such an assessment, when what we need is global cooperation.” Hear, hear!    
                The Chinese Ambassador to Australia, Cheng Jingye, said any probe could encourage Chinese citizens to boycott Australian products and Chinese tourists to avoid travel to the country. (I’m not sure the latter is a big threat right now, speaking of the coronavirus!) In an interview published in the Australian Financial Review, Ambassador Jingye said, “Maybe the ordinary people will say ‘Why should we drink Australian wine? Eat Australian beef?’”
                Or maybe the ordinary people in China will say, “We’d really like to get our hands on some bandicoots, emus and wombats, but those darn Aussies don’t trust our beloved communist government.”
                Or…maybe the ‘ordinary people’ in China will say, “Nice country you got there, Australians. Shame if somethin’ happened to it.”

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Washington Gov. Inslee Allows One-On-One Home Bible Study

                Jay Inslee, the governor of Washington, recently amended his March order banning religious gatherings of any size to allow home-based Bible study and prayer. Of course, he only did this after being sued by Joshua Freed, the First Liberty Institute and the North Creek Law Firm. Freed demanded to be permitted to hold one-on-one Bible study meetings outdoors at his own home during the coronavirus crisis. Inslee’s order of March 23 prohibited all religious gatherings regardless of size, though it did allow for “essential” businesses such as cannabis retailers to remain open.
                First Liberty’s executive general counsel, Hiram Sasser, told Fox News that the governor twice declined to respond to their requests seeking a one-on-one Bible study exemption before his lawyers eventually conceded in open court. Mark Lamb, owner and founder of North Creek Law, gave a statement to Fox News saying, "We are grateful that, in this challenging time for our country, Gov. Inslee was willing to concede that the ban does not apply to Joshua Freed’s home Bible study."
                I would have used a term other than “grateful” to describe a governor “allowing” me to discuss the Bible with one other person on my own property, regardless of the situation, but I guess I’m a bit “old school” in my outlook.
                Freed (quite the coincidental last name in this case) only wished to hold a single meeting a day and said he would follow all guidelines and recommendations put out by the Centers for Thought Disease Control and Prevention, including wearing a mask and gloves and keeping a minimum of six feet from his study partner.
                In return for his largess in allowing Freed to gather with one other person to consider God’s word, the governor did ask Freed to wear only red apparel and stand on one leg during the entire session. And cluck like a chicken every five minutes.