In the course of looking through older folders and digging farther into file cabinets, I discovered even more of my earlier
December 23, 2017- A Faithless Faith?
Rome fell when it forgot who—and why—it
analogous is happening today, to the heads of Christian churches.
When an entity is so afraid that it’s
most cherished and meaningful symbols, representations, ceremonies and beliefs
might somehow be deemed offensive to some other entity that it won’t display
them publicly, even on its own property, it has obviously decided that those
symbols, representations, ceremonies and beliefs actually may be offensive. Or, that it isn’t worth
the hassle of staunchly defending them. In the case of the Catholic Church, it
is clear that the powers that be have lost faith in their faith, even as the
church appears to have faith in almost anything and everything else, from
global warming to gay marriage to a limitless number of genders.
Back to Rome again.
Reports indicate that there are no
Christian religious symbols on the Vatican Christmas tree in St. Peter’s
Square this year. A long-time observer pointed out that the tree is unadorned
by the usual images of Mary, the Magi or even angels. Not a single overtly
Christian emblem graces its branches. It is bedecked, however, by universal
symbols such as peace signs. And oriental yin-yang figures, which signify that
the universe is composed of two forces that are opposing, yet complimentary. Like Islam and
Christianity? Those who are pro-abortion and those who are pro-life?
Or perhaps like good and evil.
Wouldn’t want to take sides there. Who are we to judge?
The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is the most important one. It was placed there deliberately. It is not only a guarantor of rights itself, it is the only one that can protect the First Amendment, the principle, the building block, the foundation of a new nation for all-- and all the other amendments to follow. The Second Amendment in no way was meant to only or simply protect the right of the people to hunt or shoot or just have a gun around the household. It was specifically intended to protect the people against tyrannical (big) government. Indeed, unlike the First Amendment's "freedom of religion" clause, which in no way meant freedom from religion, (a concept the Founders found antithetical to a democratic republic), the Second Amendment was seen as not just a right, but a duty.
The Hypocritical Oath
Democrats love to loudly proclaim their
…love…for the “little guy”. Yet in
practice, they despise individuals, can only relate to groups, i.e.,
homosexuals, black females, the ‘underclass’, pro-abortionists, ‘life’s lottery
losers’, those left behind (?), etc., etc.
These same folks love Big Education, Big
Unions &, of course, Big Government…and their friends in the Big Media.
(All of these groups create…CREATE…a grand total of NO wealth). The very same
institutions that suppress thought,
steal money from those who they purportedly ‘serve’ and give it to only one
political party, even if that is at odds with the ( union member(s)) wishes
from whom it was stolen from, steal from a giver to give to a taker,
creating SLAVES of them both, reducing
both the incentive to create beneficial ( in the case of our reviled drug
companies….many, many LIFE-SAVING) new products and jobs (new tax income for
the government) and the desire on the part of the ‘beneficiary’ to get a job.
Let’s see, we can’t kill those who’ve
pre-meditatively murdered many people…monsters who like Ed Gheen turned men,
women and children into furniture. That would be wrong. We would be a vicious
state, we would be a terrorist state. We would be no better than them. The
European ‘Community’ would frown on this. The ‘enlightened’ would disagree.
The pathetic folks we’ve SAVED THE LIVES OF
FOR NO APPARENT REASON TWICE BEFORE can ruminate on this. (France?).
The ‘instigator’ is everything…we must stop
the instigators of… evil. I could go along forever with no animus towards those
who disagree with me…or even who potentially bear me ill will. Treat people as
they treat you, my dad said. Don’t fall for abusing anyone or treating them
unfairly just because someone else said they deserved it. Yet, if these same,
for NO reason attack you, you must respond and with overwhelming force…and win
the victory of the deserved.
The Al-Qaeda terrorists, the multiple
murderers, the most heinous criminals in society don’t deserve the death
penalty our liberal democratic friends say. So they killed 3,000 CIVILIANS of
all races, nationalities…men, women & children. Well, if you’re of a
certain Christian bent, I’d understand this (maybe not, but)…how to grapple
with this?
Those same liberals who appeal for the lives
of the most heinous mass-murderers…see nothing wrong with the genocide, the
mass-murder of millions of the most innocent civilians…the babies…the
unborn…the PARTIALLY BORN. Memo to liberal apologists /celebrants, this
Holocaust, this Jihad, is equal to or even more heinous than what Hitler did to
the Jews. This GENOCIDE on a continual and STAGGERING scale
Solely for the CONVENIENCE of the living (If I want to screw,
without any protection, that’s MY business, f--k everyone else, screw what
necessarily comes with the territory). If we have to stab a healthy, viable
baby in the back of the head with a scissors
and suck out its brains with a Hoover and toss the baby parts in the
trash…so be it. At least we aren’t teaching abstinence!!!
Personally, I’d impose the Death
Penalty on the partial-birth abortionist.
Big (Bad) Business? Well, Big
Government proved who was bigger…and badder…it just snuffed out Microsoft…to
the Big Government-Media-Education-Union-Complex the worst example of a
successful company that brought huge advancements to other businesses, small
& large, & especially to
individuals around the world, linking up folks around the globe to share
knowledge and stories and make the world smaller and each person feel more
connected (and less isolated and restrained in many countries). Yes, when the Clinton team ASSASSINATED
Microsoft, and ended the 17 ‘fat years’ that Reagan created (his ‘other’
war…he Won that one, TOO), it showed what big & powerful and privileged
REALLY means…and sent the stock market into a tail-spin THE NEXT DAY from which
it has yet to recover two YEARS later.(Yet another nice…and PLANNED…going away
present from Slick to ‘W’!).
Whether it’s promising more funding
for this group or that…offering free cigarettes to the homeless to vote for
Democrats, telling NAMBLA, “you’re every bit as legitimate as the boy
scouts…now cough up some cash to help us in the upcoming
erections…oops…elections”, shaking down Buddhist Temples, sowing class warfare
with bold and staggering outright lies…the Democratic Party says two things
louder than anything else.
1) We
buy votes…if we can cobble together enough votes from the bare majority of
people who earn less (at this point in time) than the large minority of people who earn more (no matter what factors are involved in
creating this discrepancy and no matter that the lower income earners would be
wealthy almost anywhere else on earth because and only because with incredibly
hard work and vision and passion and intellect some people can make more than
others who sit around and watch Gilligan’s Island re-runs with the crack pipe
nearby, not paying taxes and sucking up a significant percentage of the
person’s wealth who does get up every morning and fight traffic and stay late
to produce the goods and services that have led us to live to an average age of
77-up from 45 just a few generations ago- all the while STILL being punished
for this contribution with a stunning and forced contribution of more tax
dollars and a higher tax rate…..
2) We detest America…but will always find a way to like…or
TOLERATE…those who hate us (for, among other reasons, contributing more money
to the rest of the worlds needs than…the rest of the world combined…money that
we have only BECAUSE of our free-market economic system (see Far Side
Comic-bird flies overhead…man sees bird flying…man yearns to fly, jumps off
cliff with arms flapping & falls back to Earth…man shoots bird with bow
& arrow…this is the true genesis of the terrorist threat…and the Democratic
Oops, there is a third thing…we
don’t believe in the first amendment as it was written/meant…as a protection of
political speech…to prevent a government from becoming repressive…HOWEVER, we
do believe we have the right to say dirty words and do anything in
public…including portraying Christ in a jar of urine, oddly enough…
Well…ok. There is something else
too…the second amendment actually means the government is the only entity
allowed to own guns!!
Really? Well… “The right of the PEOPLE to keep and
bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED”…I guess I’ll have to read it a few more
times. Guns save more lives every year than ‘they take’ (pencils cause
misspelled words?) and give the truly powerless (mulatto, transvestite,
bi-sexual elderly woman?) the ability to be on a level playing field with a
young WASP businessman coming to beat her or toss her into the streets (as we
all know they are wont to do on a regular basis…no less authorities than
Barbara Streisand and Alec Baldwin tell us so).
Well... o.k., there is the equality of outcome
thing. Equal opportunity has never and will never produce the same outcomes.
Everyone can’t run a 10 second 100-yard dash. Not everyone can even run a 16
second 100-yard ‘dash’ (though many who can’t are wealthy). No matter the
endeavor, we all have differing skill sets, desires, attitudes, abilities
(intellectually, physically, emotionally, spiritually, etc., etc.),
I personally know more than one ‘couple’ up North by our cabin
who simply don’t want the hassle of work. Rather look out their small home and
take in the wildlife. Go down to the shore and let the wind muss up their hair.
Sit on the dock of the bay…and watch the tide roll away. In one case, surf the
internet on their p.c. (they don’t have running water…Minnesota in January?
This is their CHOICE). They are happy with their choice. I don’t blame them.
I’ve thought about joining them many times…usually in traffic on the way to
work in ‘the Cities’. I’m not being
There are only two problems with
their choice. They have much of what ‘little’ (even though in most countries
they’d be considered middle-class or better…think about why and how this is…the
underlying reason if you would) they have because of those who DO work. (We’ve
given them much of the rest of their ‘stuff’…as in “just take it…haven’t used
it much lately…”). Especially those who work hard and succeed, as the top 50%
of income earners pay between 96 and 97% of all taxes. Talk about blatantly
unfair…and repressive/regressive, non-sensical and economy-retarding. “The
Welfare State: Where Liberal Whitey makes certain that the underclass stays that way by telling
them there is no hope, nothing they can do…don’t bother to try…you’re a
permanent victim, baby!!” (‘You know…I’d throw you a few hundred, maybe even a
few thousand bucks if you’d only vote for me, though. I CARE about you, whereas
the evil Conservatives want to kill you and your mama and grandmama too, eat your kids, poison ‘your’ water. If they
REALLY cared about you, deep down and personally, like I do… why wouldn’t they
just give you whatever you wanted to get your vote?’).
Great…now by definition those who
can’t keep the fruits of their labor (the taxpayers) are slaves as are the
underclass…with the tragic twist that
for the first time in history there truly
isn’t even any HOPE for them if they listen to and internalize their liberal
white Democratic ‘owners/handlers’ drivel.
If there WAS true equality… of outcome…everyone would make the
per capita ‘income’ of less than $20,000 per year by definition. Whether they
worked or not.
Let’s see…I could have all the time
in the world to fish, boat, relax with
my family, enjoy my cabin, etc.! I could
do everything I’ve always wanted to do without the horrendous drive
time, the 50-90 hour work-weeks, the
stress of working for someone other than
oneself, of having to produce every damn day or risk demotion or job loss, of
travel, of time away from family, of putting up with incredibly ‘stupid’
decisions by upper management…!!!! And make the same as someone who didn’t work
a day in….
What would I do…hmmm. What would I
do? I’d do what EVERY other person would. The entire workforce would retire to
be with their families and smell the roses. Start getting some sleep and
exercise again. Go visit Aunt Betty in the Rockies. Fish, golf, hunt
With absolutely no clear and
pronounced monetary incentive or benefit to working, no one would. I’d take the
$20,000 (ripped from others pockets who did work) for not working….over the
$20,000 for busting my you-know-what for X number of hours a week. You’d have
to…for your family.
EXCEPT…. that with no one working…there would
be NO per-capita income. The end result would be no money for me…or you. No one
willing to work equals no production equals no jobs equals no incomes equals no
taxable incomes equals no money to pay for national
defense…police…schools…garbage collection…let alone ‘income re-distribution’.
We would be….OMG……
What every (other) socialist/ communist nation
has ended up as…a vast wasteland…economically… morally, spiritually…and
yes, even, (you Green Party nuts) environmentally.
So, you Wellstone-Worshippers (let’s see how
you act when Ronald Reagan dies-gee, would you excuse the same type of excesses
that prevailed at your guys ‘Memorial’-though it would never happen), after
using your deceased candidate like a Shake & Bake bag, what have you to say
for yourselves?
Why do you think thousands are fleeing Canada
and Sweden-among others- to come here for health care?
The next time you turn on the tube
and see people living in offal heaps, or getting rolled over by a tank, or
waiting in a three-block long line for a potato and a roll of toilet
paper…perhaps you’ll realize that you need to be careful what you wish for.
There, but for the grace of the
free-market system….go all of us.
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