An FBI whistleblower recently provided
Project Veritas with a document that shows how the Bureau
classifies American citizens it deems to be potential “Militia Violent
Extremists,” or MVEs.
The leaked document cites symbols,
images, phrases, and events that the Bureau says agents should look out for
when attempting to identify domestic terrorists.
The “Unclassified/Law Enforcement Sensitive” form is
marked for “FBI Internal Use Only.”
What kind of things would brand an American citizen
as a possible terrorist threat? A stated belief in the Second Amendment, for
one. Sometimes simply expressed as “2A.”
A portion of the “Symbols” section of the document is given over to explaining
that “MVEs justify their existence with the Second Amendment, due to the
mention of a ‘well-regulated Militia,’ as well as the right to bear arms.” So,
it has come to this: cherishing the freedoms bequeathed to us via the
Constitution and the Bill of Rights, the very documents meant to protect us
from tyrannical government, is now seen by our government as a likely indication
that one is a “domestic terrorist.” Talk about coming full circle!
the “Commonly Referenced Historical Imagery and Quotes” section, iconic Revolutionary
War images symbolic of our hard-won freedom and independence-- such as the
Gadsden Flag and the Betsy Ross Flag-- are listed… along with a brief
description of what the FBI thinks it means. (Preposterously, the Bureau seemingly
purports to believe that Revolutionary War imagery is part of the so-called
“MVE” world.)
What other things might be symbols indicating the
presence of a Militia
Violent Extremist? Let me hazard a guess: the American flag (Old Glory), an “I
Like Ike” button, a Harley-Davidson motorcycle, “Mom” tattoos, a baseball bat,
red baseball caps, American flag pins, a “Big Mac™” or “Whopper™,” Jason Aldean
CDs, an “I ♥ NASCAR” bumper sticker, bass boats, a “Thin Blue
Line” flag, “All Lives Matter” signs/banners, any Christian symbol such as a
cross or Rosary beads, a Chick-fil-a menu, a “My Pillow,” and a belief in inalienable
rights granted to us by our Creator.
In short, anything
traditionally patriotic or overtly Christian. This is obviously intentional. Everything
that made America the freest, most prosperous-- and most grateful-- society in
history is under assault. And anything and anyone that illustrates pride in
that fact.
But it isn’t just patriotism,
Christianity, and pride in country that is being questioned, mocked, and
punished. Competence, self-restraint, discipline, dignity, and success are being
attacked as part of what amounts to a “white patriarchal” conspiracy. As
always, leftists are trying to cancel truth itself, as evidenced by
their belief in an infinite number of genders.
This is all being done with
one goal in mind: to strip us of our freedoms, thereby granting the elites’eternal
power. Because, ultimately, when all the aforementioned has been accomplished, freedom
will be impossible for the rest of us. We will be nothing more than livestock, soulless
and hopeless robots, wards of the massive state, ignorant, amoral…and destitute
in every way imaginable.
We have a duty—a moral
obligation—to prevent this from happening. To those that came before us, that fought
and died for our freedoms…and to all those that come after.
No matter your skin color,
your gender, your nationality, your religious belief, or your sexual
orientation. You see, identity politics and intersectionality are the
opposite of e plurubus unum, meaning “out of many…one.” Rather than doing
any good for anyone or any group, they are virtually certain to divide and
ultimately destroy this nation…or any nation that tolerates this poison.
I have a Gadsden flag
prominently displayed. How about you?
Of course, it will take far
more courage than this to prevail in our struggle against a government
leviathan determined to put us in our place once and for all.
The Founders possessed that
courage. Do we?