University of Florida recently named a group study room after Karl Marx. The
University of Florida. Karl Marx. (They have since reconsidered.)
recognition and celebration of history’s most radical and deadly leftists is
virtually ubiquitous at today’s moron factories on today’s college
campuses. The Karl Marx Group Study Room was to be
one of 14 such spaces on the school’s campus and the biggest in terms of
occupancy. Marx is most notable for
authoring The
Communist Manifesto, a book published in 1848 that
critiques capitalism and that paved the way for communist revolutions around
the globe. Revolutions that led to the deaths of more than 100 million people
in the Twentieth Century alone. If that’s not enough to get a guy honored
on an American college campus today, what is?
Apparently being personally responsible
for 45 million deaths, as in the case of Mao Zedong, the Chinese communist
revolutionary and mass murderer, whose bust is on display in Washburn
University’s political science department. In fact, Zedong’s likeness
dwarfs that of most of the others in the Kansas school’s display case of political
figures. Well, Chairman Mao is generally considered the largest mass
murderer in history, an accomplishment deserving of recognition with a large
bust, no? (Mao shares the display case with other leftist luminaries such as
Bill Clinton and Bernie Sanders. One of the few “conservative” figures on
display is a bobblehead version of Mitt Romney.)
Grant Armstrong, a
lecturer in Washburn University's political science department, told Campus
Reform that Mao’s bust has been
on display for at least two years. He noted, “It’s bigger than any
American political figure. It's emblematic of academia today.”
Armstrong added, “I'm a center-left guy, but I don't know if
there’s room for people like me in academia anymore. It’s not just
conservatives being targeted, it's also those who don't toe the far-left line.”
and busts of American founders and
patriots such as Thomas Jefferson, George Washington-- and even Abraham Lincoln--
have recently been destroyed or moved from city centers and college campuses,
but the likes of Mao Zedong and Karl Marx are being highlighted and glamorized on
college campuses around the country. This is (part of) the end result of the
left’s successful late 1960’s vow to embark on “the long march through the
institutions.” They have been remarkably successful in doing this, and now have
total control of most of the federal government, mainstream media, Hollywood,
academia, corporate boardrooms, Big Tech, and Wall Street, among other
entities. This was achievable largely due to the fecklessness, cravenness and
greed of the Republican Establishment, which, when push comes to shove, always backs
down when leftists, media and The Deep State (Swamp) call them names. If these
RINOs were serious, they would take these childish and vacuous attacks as a
badge of honor. But, of course, they aren’t serious and don’t really believe in
anything greater than themselves.
Leftists, often in league with foreign actors, know if
they erase and/or impugn the very notion of American greatness and history,
they can eventually uncouple the American people from their dedication to the
And then statues of Jefferson, Washington, and Lincoln are
destroyed or moved—and busts of Marx and Chairman Mao adorn college campuses.
Hell, let’s get rid of any and all commemorations of Lewis
& Clark, the Wright Brothers, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Dr. Jonas
Salk, FDR, JFK, and Ronald Reagan, among others-- and replace them with images
of Pol Pot, Kim Jong un, Ida Amin Dada, Hugo Chávez, Nicolas Máduro, Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamene Jean-Claude Duvalier hori, Jean-Claude
(“Baby Doc”) Duvalier, Justin Trudeau, and Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. That’s
These are extremely volatile and dangerous times for
representative democracies. Authoritarians are everywhere ascendant.
In America, there is no viable way forward other
than with a Trump, Desantis, or Cruz. And then only if each of them put away any
interpersonal enmity. If they don’t, they will have proven that even they care
more about themselves than their country.
In the case of the United States, the way forward
means going back to where we were just 2 years ago: with historically
low unemployment, energy independence, and confidence in our future.