Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The Pro-Democracy Party?


You might have heard: former President Trump was shot at a recent rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. But it is not enough to say that Butler did it. Let’s examine the facts.

Secret Service assets were re-routed to an event featuring Jill Biden.

Former President Donald Trump, President Joe Biden’s opponent in the upcoming presidential election this November, was the target of an assassination attempt.

Only after Trump was shot (and many months of continuous pleading) did the Biden administration grant RFK, Jr., a likely third-party candidate, a protective detail.

There may be as many as three third party candidates this go ‘round, with RFK, Jr. joined by Cornel West and Jill Stein. Which is why the Biden administration and the Democratic National Committee have formed a team of operatives specifically charged with countering any and all third-party candidacies. This team is trying to keep any and all potential Biden rivals off the ballots in as many states as possible.

You read that right: OFF the ballots. As in, they don’t want people to have the opportunity to vote for them instead of Biden. If needed, the team is expected to engage in deep dive “opposition research” and orchestrate media campaigns to portray the third-party challengers as nothing but GOP-financed straw men being used as tools to assure Trump prevails.

Biden and his DNC henchmen continually smear Trump and his supporters as dangerous fascists, domestic terrorists, far-right extremists, etc., etc., who must be “eliminated.” They try to jail their political opponents. The aforementioned rhetoric has almost certainly led to an attempt on Trump’s life, one that missed by less than an inch. And their state-media sycophants cheer them on and/or cover for them every step of the way.

And now we know they want to keep as many potential rivals off the ballot as possible, by extraordinary means. All this in order to “save our democracy.”

Does this sound to you like a pro-democracy party…or an anti-democracy party?

The past couple of decades have made it abundantly clear that at least one-third of Americans can no longer be reached with reason or persuaded with facts and logic. Therefore, it is imperative that the rest of us take nothing for granted, stay vigilant, and do our duty. No matter what.


Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Kamala Harris, Female Messiah


                       The entire federal government apparatus, made-up largely of Democrats, uses taxpayer money to attack its political opponents and retain and enhance its power. The larger the government gets, the larger it wants to be. And too many people are either on the government dole or are too stupid to notice or care.

                       This is why it is so dangerous for Republicans, and Trump supporters in specific, to be overconfident about the upcoming election.

                       Democrats, being maniacally power-besotted and grotesquely evil, no doubt have tricks up their sleeve as regards the upcoming presidential election. They have not openly imported 10 million illegal undocumented immigrants for no reason. And they “harvest” ballots like a farmer harvests corn, though the farmer at least knows from whence the corn came.

                       As recently as a few weeks ago, some Democrats-- and their human remoras that make up the mainstream media (emphasis on make up)—were claiming that President Biden was in tip-top shape, vigorous and virile, focused and sharp as the proverbial tack. The White House doctor claimed Biden was “healthy, active, robust.” Age had nothing on Biden and was an arbitrary and moot issue! However, once top Democrats realized that a Biden victory would be so preposterous (after his debate performance) as to arouse suspicion even among the dullest of Americans, he was issued an ultimatum and forced to quit his campaign…and the media was given its updated talking points. At which time it turned on Biden like Michael Moore on a Whopper with cheese.

                       And started claiming that Trump was too old to be president.

                       When Democratic power brokers decided to go all in on Kamala Harris, another set of talking points went out to the Enemies of the People, who dutifully-- and instantaneously-- rallied as one, parroting the new pro-Kamala line. And presto, the once utterly ineffective and vacuous giggler was suddenly unburdened by her own past!

                       In the eyes of the media, Kamala Harris is now the most gifted, compelling, and beatific woman ever to grace the planet. She is nothing less than a female Messiah. To besmirch the Lightbringer 2.0 in any way, shape, or form would be an assault on all things decent and beautiful. (Thus endeth the media's reading).

                       Remember the first line of this post: The entire federal government apparatus, made-up largely of Democrats, uses taxpayer money to attack its political opponents and retain and enhance its power. It is doing so right now. And it employs any and every means necessary. It is particularly fond of lies..and hoaxes. Nearly everything it tells the media to tell us is a lie, a hoax. The Russian Collusion Hoax. The Hunter’s laptop bears all the earmarks of a Russian disinformation campaign hoax. The COVID-19 and its origins and proper responses hoax. The Joe Biden is “robust” and in the pink of health hoax. Hoaxes all. And the idea that Kamala Harris is significantly more competent to perform presidential duties than the failing Joe Biden is also a hoax. As is the notion that the only reason anyone wouldn’t vote for her is because of racism or sexism. A disgusting and dangerous hoax.

                       Kamala Harris has an extreme left voting record. She botched the border. She appears to be an anti-Semite. She is for virtually unfettered abortion. She isn’t the Messiah. She’s a mess. She doesn’t deserve to become the Cackler-in-Chief. And that’s the truth.

                       Something we could use a whole lot more of.



Monday, July 29, 2024

Murder? No, Just A (Very) Late-Term Abortion!



                       “In a July 16 post on X, Liberal MP and abortion champion Dr. Hedy Fry stated that she was attending a conference to discuss the ‘risks’ posed to mothers and their newborn babies from legislation restricting abortion and contraception.”

                       Dr. “Small” Fry took to X to post the following, replete with a picture of the Zoom meeting:

                       “Reelected Co-Chair of Can Assoc of Parls for Pop Development (CAPPD), with Sen McPhedran. Concern at AGM [Annual General Meeting] over the risk to Women’s health & that of their newborns as extreme right govts deny access to contraception & safe abortion globally.” 

                       The risk to the health of newborns whose mothers were denied access to abortion? That’s like saying, “The risk to Jews who were denied access to Nazi concentration camps.” Earth to “Dr.” Mengele Kevorkian Fry: there wouldn’t be any newborns if abortion was ubiquitous.

                       It is also darkly amusing to note that progressives/leftists like Fry refer to anyone, group, or government that disagrees with them-- on anything-- as “extreme right” or “far right.”

                       Canada has no law regarding abortion, meaning that babies can legally be murdered up to the moment of their birth. Progressive! Yay!

                       In fact, in 2011, while ruling on a case where a young mother strangled her newborn (and tossed the infant’s dead body over the fence and into the yard of one of her neighbors), an Alberta judge suggested that infanticide is merely a very late term abortion.

                       So, there you have it: murder is just an extremely late term abortion. Premeditatively kill a 59-year-old? Pshaw, that’s just “women’s health care,” albeit on a delayed basis!

                       Now that’s progressive, eh?!

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Chicago Teachers' Union Demands Are Self-Serving, Insane


Anyone else ever get tired of hearing about “public servants” and the “selflessness” of teachers, nearly all of whose salaries are paid by hardworking taxpayers, many of whom reside in “flyover country?”


The Chicago Teachers’ Union, via Union President Stacy Davis Gates, recently demanded a new contract granting them an extra $50 billion and 9% raises through at least 2028. And that’s only the beginning. Incredibly, CTU is also demanding free abortions for all teachers, an expanded slate of LGBTQ-related requirements and training in the classroom, housing for and $2,000 per undocumented migrant, mandatory gender-neutral bathrooms, full coverage for storage of embryos, implementation of policies that would prohibit any member from being compelled to tell parents when a student rejects his or her sex…and more. WTH?

The $50 billion the Chicago Teachers’ Union is demanding to have shunted to it is virtually equal to the total base tax receipts for the entire state of Illinois last year ($50.7 billion) and would push average yearly teacher salaries to over $144,000, more than double the median household income in Chicago. (Davis, who has called school choice racist, sends her own son to a private school. Of course.)

Chicagoland teachers already receive up to 45 days off, have 15 forms of leave…and an annual maximum of 244 sick days. And they have the nerve to make these demands while only about 1 in 5 eighth graders in the city are proficient in reading, though the district spends $21,000 a year per student, almost half-again as much as the national average.

And teachers are not just in bed with their students, they share a bed with the Democratic Party-- or at least their unions do. And have for many decades now. Teachers’ unions are nothing more than the propaganda arm of today’s highly undemocratic Democratic party. And getting ever more radical. Chicago schools, already among the most politicized in the country, now seek to go beyond ideological indoctrination and perform voter outreach. The CTU’s 142-page list of demands includes this one: “[Schools] shall designate a day of civic action to assist students who are of age to register to vote and cast votes.” (Illinois allows 17-year-olds to vote in primaries and 16-year-olds to pre-register to vote.)

CTU, like most teachers’ unions, is already a massive taxpayer-subsidized voter turnout and electoral machine for Democrats, yet it now wants to exploit the students that it is supposed to serve in order to essentially rig elections.

The union has deep ties to Mayor Brandon Johnson-- whose campaign it lavishly funded-- and, during his push for a tax hike referendum, teachers took students out of class and marched them off to vote. In fact, CTU’s vice president proudly announced a “Parade to the Polls, where students will march to an early voting site” and urged teachers to “organize a group of voting age students.” Guess who these kids will vote for?

We’ve come a long way from one-room schoolhouses with dedicated and chaste schoolmarms deeply concerned with teaching their charges how to think, not what to think. Though there are still many excellent individual teachers around, teachers’ unions are almost uniformly greedy, self-centered, and bent on pushing a radical, far-left agenda no matter the cost.

The unions themselves have dispensed with any notion of reading, writing, and arithmetic. Now they push unfettered abortion, transgenderism, and Marxism. Community organizing, DEI, and left-wing activism have replaced instruction in the Western Canon, American government, and civic duty. Clearly, they are hell-bent……on achieving a one-party, authoritarian state where voting is rendered moot.

These are sad times, indeed, when teachers and higher (and lower) education are the gravest threat to the healthy development of students’ minds and bodies.

And the continued existence of the republic.


Comedian Larry Wilmore Compared Black Republicans To Raisins In Potato Salad


Comedian Larry Wilmore likened the increasing number of black Republicans to “raisins” in “potato salad” while discussing diversity with GOP Rep. Byron Donalds of Florida at the Republican National Convention recently.

Donalds, who spoke during the first day of the RNC convention that officially nominated former President Donald Trump as the Republican candidate for the 2024 presidential election, appeared with Wilmore on HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher, during which Donalds praised the Republican Party for becoming much more diverse in recent years.

Donalds told Maher, “Look, you had Amber Rose, you just talked about her. You had the mother of the fallen soldier, Mrs. [Madeline] Brame out of New York City, myself, Wesley Hunt, John James, Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswamy. I mean, I can go down the list. I remember Republican conventions eight years ago, 12 years ago, there might have been one or two black people on that stage.”

To which Wilmore replied, “Just because you add more raisins to the potato salad, it doesn’t make the potato salad any better.”

Raisins? Guess we know who the real racists are. Adding more dried-up Black people to the otherwise generally white mix doesn’t make it better? Could Wilmore have been more tone deaf? And he had the temerity to accuse Republicans of being racist?! Whether they refer to peoples of color as “raisins” or “breakfast tacos,” Democrats do not seem capable of simply considering them to be human beings.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Cover-up Or Staggering Incompetence?


                       Kimberly Cheatle, director of the US Secret Service, claimed that agents were not placed on the rooftop from which an assassin shot at Donald Trump for-- get this-- ”safety” reasons. Say again?!

                       Cheatle told ABC News on Tuesday that the roof where Thomas Matthew Crooks was positioned on Saturday could have posed a risk to agents. What was that?!

                       She stated: “That building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point. And so, you know, there’s a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn’t want to put somebody up on a sloped roof.” She added, “And so, you know, the decision was made to secure the building, from inside.”

                       You’ve gotta be kidding me! That may be the single most preposterous statement I’ve ever heard. The roof wasn’t dangerous to the 20-year-old kid. And, actually, it is as flat as a roof can be without actually being flat. Roofers spend all day up on roofs that are far, far steeper than the one that scared off Cheatle. So do insurance adjusters. Not to mention Santa. And reindeer.

                       Moreover, the roof that snipers were positioned on was steeper than the one the Secret Service agents were told not to use. Members of the Secret Service are paid well specifically to put themselves in danger to protect POTUS and others. If, in today’s DEI-besotted service, they aren’t willing—or allowed—to get on a slightly pitched rood, then getting in front of POTUS is certainly “too dangerous,” rendering the whole thing moot.

                       Turns out, the roof was dangerous…to Trump!

                       Cheatle’s excuse is akin to a bomb squad leader telling his team that they shouldn’t ride a bicycle without a helmet and elbow pads.

                       There are only two options here, both disturbing: either this is part of a coverup…or illustrative of mind-blowing incompetence.


                       (Ms. Cheatle has since resigned.)



Thursday, July 25, 2024

Scenes From The 2024 Democratic National Convention!


Scenes From the Democratic National Convention

August 19-22

United Center

Chicago, Illinois


*Day One: Hillary Clinton-- ”I was so sorry to hear of the unexpected and tragic passing of Kamala Harris, our beloved standard-bearer! And from blunt head trauma! Who could conceive of such a thing?! Bill and I were shocked—shocked I tell you!—to hear of this dastardly deed! I just hope she is, once and for all, unburdened by what has been!”

* Day Two: Barack Obama, A.K.A. “The Lightbringer”--(“Blah, blah, blah, I am the greatest, blah, blah, blah.” (Pauses talking about himself to bask in the crowd’s adulation.) “…and so, it is my great honor to introduce to you…the 47th president of these United States, my wife, Michelle Obama!” (Michelle comes out, waving both arms.)

*Day Three: Hillary Clinton—“I was so sorry to hear of the unexpected and tragic passing of Michelle Obama early this morning…blah, blah, blah. And from strangulation?! Who could even conceive of such a thing?! Bill and I were shocked to our very core upon hearing this news!”

*Day Four: Hillary Clinton-- “I am so honored…and so surprised…to be your nominee for president in 2024!! Thank you all! Also, you might be asking yourself why I’m not up 30 points by now…”


Secret Service Follies Or Something More Sinister?

                        The Democratic Party-- and their human remoras in the lamestream media—crank out hoaxes as if from an industrial-strength Pez dispenser. (See my earlier writings.) There is literally nothing they won’t do, as they have no shame. (See my pervious posts.) They have jumped the shark so often lately, the Discovery Channel is rumored to be dedicating an entire months programming to them.


                       Step right up and see the Next Great Hoax!

                       A man with explosives, a detonator, laptop-- carrying a backpack, rangefinder, and AR-15 rifle-- was able to survey the Butler, PA site of a Trump rally with a drone hours before he climbed up on a rooftop and shot Trump. The 20-year-old had no presence whatsoever on social media, and registered as a Republican shortly before trying to assassinate Trump. Bizarre. Oh, and according to one report, he had several encrypted offshore bank accounts. Odd. The Secret Service agents on hand to protect Trump-- at least the ones that weren’t siphoned off to protect Jill Biden, who was, coincidentally, speaking at a nearby event at roughly the same time-- ceded control of the aforementioned rooftop/building in question to local law enforcement, despite the fact that it had perfect site lines and was within 150 yards of where Trump spoke. Weird. And the local law enforcement types told the Secret Service that they didn’t have enough resources to cover said rooftop/building. And the Secret Service subsequently ignored that fairly relevant bit of information. In any case, the head of the Service, the now infamous though unapologetic Ms. Cheatle, said the very gently sloping roof was too dangerous to place her agents on. Even though snipers were placed on another nearby roof of steeper grade. Call me a skeptic, but that sounds kinda fishy to me. Long before Trump was shot and a rally goer killed, attendees were vigorously pointing to the roof and yelling that there was a man with a gun on it. To no apparent avail. Turns out, law enforcement had identified Crooks as a person of interest at the Butler, Pa., rally 62 minutes before the gunman fired, and still let Trump take the stage.

        After the fact, the FBI immediately asserted that, while it couldn’t open the assassin’s phone, it somehow knew he acted alone. Strange. They were equally quick to note that they identified him by DNA, even though he had no prior criminal record. Hmm. Wouldn’t it be more likely that they would identify him by his license plates, registration or next of kin?

                       And now none of the people responsible for the near catastrophic debacle will talk about it, no matter how hard pressed. The whole affair seems unbelievable.

                       Because it is.





Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Biden Time: Poll Numbers, Schmoll Numbers!


                        Why wouldn’t Biden have been unconcerned about his poll numbers? I mean, he hid in the basement last time and got more votes than anyone in history, correct? If he knows anything, he knows that it’s not the voters that count, but those who count the votes. And he thinks the vote-counters did a helluva job last go ‘round, right?

                       What he likely wasn’t aware of, however, is the fact that, if the vote counters declared him the winner on or after Nov. 5th, 2024, even the DNC realized that too many people might be incredulous—and angry. The proverbial jig would’ve likely been up. That, and that alone, is why so many sentient Democrats were urging Joe to go.

                       They will fete him later, certainly post-mortem, as he was a willing puppet and successful conduit for the advancement of radical leftist policies.

                       But, after the debacle in Afghanistan (A.K.A. the American Dunkirk), the incredibly embarrassing recent debate, assorted other blunders—and Trump’s Phoenix-like rise from being shot by a would-be assassin at a July 13 rally, objective observers knew it was time for Joe to go.

                       Biden advisors “Dr.” Jill and Hunter knew this, too, but it is hard to go back to Delaware with diminishing prospects for glow, show or blow.

                       So, à la The Crash, Biden might have been asking Jill, “Darling, you got to let me know, should I stay or should I go?”

                       Turns out, that question was answered for him. By the very same people-- who until very recently-- assured us Biden was just fine.



Notes On A Crazy Week


Notes On A Crazy Week

*Everyone (else) is smarter than our elites, including Ugandan children.

*Those pushing ”fake” or “staged” Trump assassination attempt theories are nut-jobs. (And you know who you are Joy Reid, Michael Steele, et. al.) These ass-hats should, at minimum, immediately apologize to the families of those killed and seriously wounded.

*Former White House press secretary Jen Psaki called on the Republican National Committee to overhaul its planned programming for the Republican National convention to avoid "escalating" the country's rhetoric following the failed assassination attempt against former President Trump. In an appearance on “Meet the Depressed” “Meet the Obsessed” "Meet the Press" this past Sunday, Psaki said she felt "scared" in the aftermath of the attempt on former President Trump's life. Many other leftists and pundits have also called for Republicans to dial down the political rhetoric. Psaki actually stated that we need to “restore civility.” Escalate rhetoric?! Restore civility?! Had Democrats followed their own advice in recent months and years, perhaps Trump wouldn’t have been shot. Psaki has nothing to worry about. It is Trump—and his supporters-- that should be scared, as they are continually mocked, smeared, cancelled, threatened, thrown in prison…and shot at. By the likes of Psaki and her ilk. Most modern-day Democrats are an amazing—and repulsive—mix of hypocrisy, vitriol, and cowardice.

*One thing I have not heard anyone else mention: in the minds of establishment Democrats, Joe Biden had to be pushed aside after his recent debate performance and other cringe-inducing gaffes. Not just because he is so obviously non compos mentis, but because, were he to win the upcoming presidential election like he supposedly did the last one, almost everyone would realize that it was illegitimate—rigged. And the realization that it was just one more hoax perpetrated on the American people might be enough to spur an actual revolt.




Sunday, July 21, 2024

And No One Really Cares


 The unhinged young man who tried to take Donald Trump’s life at a recent campaign rally may well have been acting on his own. But, even if that proves the case, he likely thought his actions were an effort to “save our democracy.” How could he not, after the Democrat-Media Complex has, for the past several years, incessantly stated that Trump must be stopped-- by any means necessary—to “save our democracy.” Trump has been referred to as “Hitler” countless times, a villain, an extremist, and, of course, “a threat to democracy. Our democracy. Meaning the Democrats’ democracy, as they believe it is rightfully theirs. But neither Democrats nor the media will be held accountable for their words and actions, because, well, they never are. There exists not only a two-tiered justice system in this country, but a two-tiered system of blame, accountability and condemnation. It is revolting.

This unequal treatment is unlikely to ever be “fundamentally transformed,” because we tolerate it. We tolerate a lot of things. To wit:

*Democrats and the media falsely accused the Trump campaign of colluding with the Russians. And no one cared.

*Democrats, the media, and 51 top intelligence officials ludicrously claimed that the Hunter Biden laptop “had all the earmarks of a Russian disinformation campaign.” And no one cared.

*Antifa, BLM, and assorted thugs burned down parts of our major cities, did billions of dollars in damage and killed and injured dozens of people. And no one really cared.

*Statues of past heroes and historic figures-- even including Washington, Lincoln, and Churchill—were vandalized or destroyed. And no one cared.

*We were locked down for many months on end and told that we couldn’t even attend the weddings—or funerals—of our loved ones. Our kids were kept out of school. Many folks were told that their jobs weren’t all that important. Many businesses closed. And no one really cared.

*Dozens of Christian churches have been burned down across Canada in the past several years. Literally thousands upon thousands of Christian churches, schools, cemeteries, and monuments have been vandalized, looted, or burned across Europe in recent years. And no one cares.

*A statue of child Jesus at Holy Family Roman Catholic Church in New York was recently beheaded. And no one cared.

*Hardly a day goes by that we don’t hear of an illegal immigrant raping, assaulting, or murdering someone. And no one truly cares.

*The Biden administration has repeatedly tried to imprison its primary political opponent—to save our democracy—and no one truly cares. Least of all spineless RINOs and other Republicans.

*And now this. A Trump supporter has been killed, two others critically injured, and Trump himself was shot in the head. (And a CNN analyst said that it is “not legitimate” for Trump and his supporters to “perceive themselves to be under threat.”)

Yes, you could substitute “And too few cared” for “And no one cared” in this post to be more precise, but the point remains the same. Unless enough of us rise up and say, “We’re just as mad as hell…and we’re not going to take it anymore!”…we will have to keep taking it. Forever.

Somewhere, the founders weep.





University DEI Plan Claims Individualism, Timeliness Part Of White Supremacy Culture


                        A Duke University School of Medicine DEI plan from 2021, recently revealed, asserts that concepts such as “individualism” and “timeliness” can be a part of “white supremacy culture.” The report states: “White supremacy culture is the idea (ideology) that white people and the ideas, thoughts, beliefs, and actions of white people are superior to People of Color and their ideas, thoughts, beliefs, and actions.”

                       The report continues: “In the workplace, white supremacy culture explicitly and implicitly privileges whiteness and discriminates against non-Western and non-white professionalism standards related to dress code, speech, work style, and timeliness. Some identifiable characteristics of this culture includes [sic] perfectionism, belief that there’s only one right way, power hoarding, individualism, sense of urgency and defensiveness.”

                      Individualism? Who needs it? We know all Blacks not only look alike, but think alike, right? I mean, Black folks like their chicken and watermelon…and are not very good swimmers. Everyone knows that. And they all vote Democratic. As President Biden so astutely noted back in 2020: If a Black person isn’t committed to voting for him, then that person “ain’t Black.” Period. (True story!) We wouldn’t want them making up their own minds, anyway. That could lead to chaos and fewer votes for Democrats. Fortunately, Blacks don’t have the mental capacity-- or courage-- to be independent thinkers. And it would be unfair of us—racist really-- to think that Black people are capable of obtaining valid IDs like the rest of us. And who could expect a person of color to dress appropriately or be on time? So, it is much better to treat people as part of a group, or groups, nothing less, nothing more. Intersectionality rules!

                     The previous paragraph, of course, was sarcasm. And individualism is, by definition, not a white supremacy culture…or part of any group’s culture, ethos, or standard. It is, however, the key to a rich and rewarding life and society. One might almost say it is the real key to diversity. The best kind of diversity. Our government and institutions used to recognize this. No longer.

       Are professors now the dumbest people? And why are our institutions of higher learning led by people with lower IQs? Sure, that may be stereotyping, but we’re supposed to lump people together now in various groups, correct?

      Maybe it would be best if we went back to treating people like individuals.




Saturday, July 20, 2024

Democrat Power Brokers: Biden Must Be Pushed Aside

          One thing I have not heard anyone else mention: in the minds of establishment Democrats, Joe Biden has to be pushed aside after his recent debate performance and other cringe-inducing gaffes. He must step down, or at least announce he is not running for re-election, not just because he is so obviously non compos mentis, but because, were he to win the upcoming presidential election like he supposedly did the last one, almost everyone would realize that it was illegitimate—rigged. And the realization that it was just one more hoax perpetrated on the American people might be enough to spur an actual revolt.

        That is the truth.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Biden Tells Americans To "Lower The Temperature"


                        The Divider-in-Chief, President Joe Biden, recently urged as all to “lower the temperature” of political debate. Good idea. Fabulous. Then maybe stop calling your political opponents racists, fascists, far-right extremists, and Nazis.

                       Oh, and perhaps stop trying to imprison or assassinate them, too.

                       Biden calling for others to be less inflammatory is akin to Hitler calling on Germans to dial back anti-Semitism. Or mainstream media outlets calling for truth and objectivity. The preposterousness of such a statement is immediately clear.

                             Whenever things look bad for Democrats, and/or they sense that they may be blamed for something, they quickly say, “Let’s calm down, and cool the (political) temperature!”

                       Otherwise, it’s “You guys are far-right extremists, no good dog-faced pony soldiers, Hitler-loving deplorable monsters who should be neutralized before you destroy our democracy!"

                       They are nought but hypocritical, projecting clowns. And should be dealt with as such.


Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Chicago's Mayor Implies That Richard Nixon Is Responsible For The City's Gun Violence


Chicago’s newest far-left leader, Mayor Brandon Johnson, recently implied President Richard Nixon was to blame for the Windy City’s massive and pervasive gun violence problem. Well, Democrats specialize in blaming others for the very problems their policies create. In fact, (titular) President Joe Biden blames former President Trump for virtually everything. But Nixon? He passed away more than 30 years ago!

The Mayor’s preposterous statement was spawned in part by the more than 100 people who were killed or wounded in shootings in Chicago over the Fourth of July weekend alone.

              Johnson stated: "Black death has been unfortunately accepted in this country for a very long time. We had a chance 60 years ago to get at the root causes. And people mocked President Johnson, and we ended up with Richard Nixon. I'm going to work hard every day to transform this city. That's what it takes to build a better, stronger, safer Chicago." Now tell us the one about the three bears.

              If Black death is accepted by anyone in this country, it is by the (mostly Black) perpetrators…and the Democratic Party. Note to B.J.: Johnson was a racist, Nixon was not. Nor did he have anything to do with the number of homicides in Chicago. The mayor’s vague statement about what it takes to “build a better, stronger, safer Chicago” sounds much like Biden’s “Build Back Better” trope. How is that slogan working out for us?

              The only way to significantly reduce the murder rate in Chicago, whether by firearm, knife, baseball bat, or candlestick, is to institute policies that will help foster intact families and a greater chance for a successful and fulfilling life.

              Blaming Richard Nixon, who was never an Illinois pol and hasn’t been president for half a century, is delusional in the extreme. But then, being delusional is a hallmark of today’s Democrats.

              What’s next, will Detroit’s mayor blame his city’s crime on Dwight Eisenhower? Will California Gov. Gavin Newsome blame his state’s homeless crisis on Herbert Hoover? It’s rampant crime on Calvin Coolidge? Perhaps Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker will blame the population exodus afflicting his state on Warren G. Harding or William Howard Taft. Chester A. Arthur? Surely other lefties will join in the blame game, too. The way things are going today, the more unhinged the better, right? I can see New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez blaming his legal troubles on William McKinley. Or Whoopi Goldberg blaming a yeast infection on Rutherford B. Hayes.

              I’m sure readers can come up with more possibilities.

              After all, nothing is too crazy anymore.


Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Spanish Court Rules Kiss Without Consent Is Sexual Assault


              Luis Rubiales has been accused by Spanish state prosecutors of sexual assault and coercion for kissing a player on the lips without her consent after the Women’s World Cup final, according to the country’s prosecutors’ office.

Rubiales, now suspended, was the president of the Spanish soccer federation. In a fit of excitement, he kissed Jenni Hermoso on the lips during the awards ceremony after Spain beat England to win the championship last August 20th in Sydney, Australia. And, according to a recently passed sexual consent law, Rubiales could face a fine-- or a prison sentence of one to four years if found guilty of sexual assault. You see, the new law dispensed with the difference between “sexual harassment” and “sexual assault.” And, apparently, with the difference between sexual harassment, sexual assault, and a celebratory kiss for that matter.

Older folks (like me, for instance) may well remember the famous V-J Day kiss, where the victorious, elated sailor grabbed a female stranger in a white dress on the streets of New York City, then bent her over and gave her a lengthy smooch. In some places, that would be considered an “assault” today. One which might lead to a lengthy prison sentence. Yet felons go free on little or no bail and parents may have their kids taken from them by the state if they don’t agree to allow their children’s genitalia to be mutilated “transgendered.”


No one is—or should be—in favor of truly unwanted advances, but prison time for a kiss?!


              In 1943, Dooley Wilson wrote a classic song titled “As Time Goes By” for the iconic movie “Casablanca.” The opening lyrics:


You must remember this
A kiss is just a kiss
A sigh is just a sigh
The fundamental things apply
As time goes by


             “A kiss is just a kiss.” Or is it?


 It seems the fundamental things apply less and less……as time goes by.


Monday, July 15, 2024

Trump Is Shot, Resilient, Courageous. America?


The shots heard ‘round the world were fired from a spot in Butler, Pennsylvania—a small town in the formerly United States of America. Needless to say, it is not a good look for the increasingly banana-esque republic, but those who churn with hatred of Donald Trump care only about stopping the man…one way or another. It was only a matter of time before…this. Or worse.

Trump’s Reagan-esque reaction to being shot, blood on his face, fist in the air, jaw set, make for a remarkable and stirring picture. This may well make it even harder for his political opponents/enemies to defeat him in the upcoming election, even with massive fraud and cheating. But, in their minds, they must. No matter what. They believe they have no choice. Some in the government, the vast Deep State, and the intelligence agencies will simply not allow him to win. They have shown that time and time again. And they will be abetted—or at least not impeded—by a few RINOs, assorted other never-Trumpers, the ghastly named “Lincoln Project” organization, etc. And, of course, the Fourth Estate. All cheered on by Late Night talk show hosts, teachers’ union heads, Hollywood faux people, and anti-social media giants, among others.

Never has more malignant animus been aligned and directed towards one man. This was symbolic of both that animus and Trump’s astounding resiliency. In 2017, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer stated of Trump daring to challenge the spurious allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 election: “Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.” Though this shooter may well have been acting without direction or help, this is potentially one of those ways.

It makes me sick even to say this, but I believe this act makes it even more likely that there will be another assassination attempt, simply because, as previously mentioned, Trump may now be even harder to defeat at the polls. After all, the preposterous attempts to set him up, smear him-- and even imprison him-- have not worked out thus far.

And, as I and others have repeatedly noted on this forum, all today’s Democrats/socialists/leftists care about is power. Period. And they will do anything to attain, keep, and enhance it. ANYTHING.

Again, I am not implying that this attempt to assassinate Trump had anything to do with any government entity, but remember that Democrats proposed a bill aimed at removing Trump’s Secret Service protection if he were to become a “convicted felon.” Remember, too, the Biden administration repeatedly denied RFK, Jr.’s request for a Secret Service protection detail, despite his uncle being famously assassinated.

Democrats and their media have incessantly blamed even mildly aggressive rhetoric from MAGA types for any number of violent crimes. In fact, they blamed Trump himself for Jan. 6, even though he asked those listening to him to proceed “peacefully and patriotically” to the Capitol to protest. Might their unending attacks on Trump, including frequently likening him to Hitler, possibly spur on the unhinged to take actions such as this?

Predictably, those in the Mainstream Media continued to mislead the American people they, too, are supposed to serve. There was this online headline from the Enemy of the People’s CNN: “Trump speech interrupted by Secret Service.” What, were they talking over Trump? Those rude agents! Stupefying! A headline read: “Trump is rushed off stage by Secret Service after popping sounds ring out at his rally.” Popping sounds? Maybe bubble wrap? Jiffy Pop? Newsweek proclaimed: “MAGA Responds With Outrage After Donald Trump Injured at Pennsylvania Rally.” Did Trump stub his toe? Trip over a sandbag ala Biden? In any case, those darn MAGA types are quickly prone to violence, right?!

Trump, bloody but unbowed, fist in the air trying to rally the rally-goers, is an image for the ages. And a metaphor for today’s America.

Let’s hope and pray that both Trump and America prevail.


Sunday, July 14, 2024

Famous Speeches As Joe Biden Might Have Given Them


Famous Speeches As Joe Biden Might Have Given Them


Biden, if delivering Lincoln’s First Inaugural Address: ”…The mystic chords of memory, retching from every rattled field and patriot knave to every living heart and touchstone all over this broad’s land, will yet smell the porous Union, when again teched, as surely it will be, by the better hand-gels of our manure. And then there is Corn-Pop. I—, well, anyway…”

Biden, if delivering Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address: ”Four score and eleven beers ago, our foreskins, I mean forefathers, brought forth upon this land a new, umm. Anyway.” (Falls asleep.)

Biden, if delivering Churchill’s We Shall Fight On The Beaches speech: “…”Even though large tracts of your rope and many old and infamous dates have fallen or may fall into the grip of the Gaystappo and all the copious apparatchiks of Stasi rule, we shall not flag or bail. We shall go on to the bend, we shall fight in a trance, we shall fight for the peas and lotions, we shall fight with growing, uh, confidence and growing length in the, uh, air……we shall defund our Island, however lost it may be, we shall fight with leeches, we shall fight on the, uh, ummm, coffee grounds, we shall fight in the fields and with beets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall ever surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment conceive, this Island or a large part of it were arrogated and thriving, then our Empire beyond the, uh, trees, armed and guarded by our skittish fleet, would carry on the snuggle, until, in, you know, the Thing’s good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps North to the, uh, fescue and the deliberation of the old. True story! Well, anyway…have I ever told you guys about Corn Pop?”

Biden, if delivering FDR’s “Infamy” address: “Vice President Willkie, Mr. Leaker, Members of the Senate, and of the House of Ill Repute: Yesterday, December 7th, 1940-something—a date which will live in infamy—the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of…China. Well, anyway………I, uh, (whispers) flubitiderestinallerse. Until we go on to the improbable victory, so help us, um, The Thing!”

Biden, if delivering JFK’s Inaugural Address: ”Ask not what your country can, um…uhh, you know…do to you, but ask how you can, uh, screw your country. Like me. True story. Anyway……”

Biden, if delivering Reagan’s famous 1984 D-Day address at Pointe du Hoc: ”These are the boys of Joint ad hoc. These are the men who took the spliffs. These are the champions, my friend. And we’ll go on fighting ‘til the end. No time for losers, ‘cuz we are the champions. (Whispers) Of the world. Yeah! True story! I shouldn’t take any more questions or I’ll get in trouble.” [Looks around, lost.]

Biden, if delivering Reagan’s Brandenburg Gate address: “Chancellor Wilhelm II, Governing Mayor Deepfen, ladies and gentlemen: just, uh, about twenty-four years ago, President John F. Kennedy visited Munich, and spoke to the people of this city and the world at the pool hall. Well, since then, two other residents have come, each in his urn to…uhhh…Frankfurt. And today, I, myself, make my second visit to your city. Blah, blah, blah. Anyway, um, Mr. Brezhnev, tear down this, uh, partition. Please, sir. Thank you.” [Turns to walk away, falls down.]






Saturday, July 13, 2024

DHS Board Implies That Trump Supporters, Veterans, And Religious People Are "Extremists" And "Domestic Terrorists"


According to internal documents obtained by America First Legal (AFL), a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) advisory board called the “Homeland Intelligence Experts Group” characterized supporters of former President Donald Trump, those who serve in the military, and religious people as posing potential domestic terrorism risks.

The board, created in September 2023, included former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former CIA Director John Brennan, and former CIA Operations Officer Paul Kolbe. Do the names ring a bell?  They should, because all of them signed the now infamous letter of October 2020 seriously questioning the legitimacy of the Hunter Biden laptop and strongly suggesting it was a Russian disinformation ploy.

The Internal documents obtained by AFL reveal that the DHS “expert” panel charactered “supporters of the former president” as constituting “most of the Domestic Terrorism threat” extant in the United States. The documents also classified traits such as having served “in the military” and being “religious” as “indicators of extremists and terrorism.” Mindboggling. This is as preposterous as it is repulsive. These asshats should be sued for mass libel.

This is how these despicable idealogues wish to pay back our veterans? Are we now to call November 11th “Extremists Day?” Would they prefer Christmas be renamed “Terrorists Day” or simply be no longer observed?

Serial lying scumbags such as Clapper, Brennan, and Kolbe can label veterans, believers and Christians “extremists,” but I’d strongly prefer living in a world with the latter--and without the former.

With no values—and no love of anything but yourself and those like you, the world would be one sad, dark, chaotic, and violent place with no substantive redeeming values. (Redeeming? Redeemer?)

Those who smear the people who love their country-- and God--  as “extremists” and “terrorists,” or even strongly imply it, just might be the extremists and terrorists themselves.

The various “alphabet” intelligence departments like the DHS were chartered with the intent to protect the nation, not attack those who serve it and love it most.





Friday, July 12, 2024

Pro-Life Organizations Labeled "Terrorist Groups" At U.S. Army Training Seminar

U.S. Army personnel at Fort Liberty in North Carolina were recently given a training seminar in which several prominent anti-abortion organizations were labeled “terrorist groups,” according to information leaked from within the base and confirmed by the Washington Examiner.

Images circulating on social media showed a presentation to soldiers on the base that characterized the National Right to Life and Operation Rescue as terrorist groups.

             One image on the leaked presentation slide was of a “Choose Life” license plate, a fairly popular plate that is sold in 34 states. 

             Pro-life folks are terrorists? A license plate with the message “Choose Life” is a red flag indicating that it’s likely a member of a “terrorist group” owns the vehicle?!

             There is no later-stage insanity than this. Smearing people who are pro-life by calling them “terrorists” is pure, unadulterated evil…and a heinous form of projection.



Thursday, July 11, 2024

Ontario KFC Outlets To Sell Halal Chicken, Dispense With Bacon And Pork Products


Kentucky Fried Chicken (now most commonly known as KFC) will henceforth require nearly all of its Ontario, Canada restaurants to serve halal chicken and dispense with all pork products. The altered menu is being implemented, of course, to abide by Muslim dietary restrictions. (Muslims as yet make up only five percent of the Canadian populace, though an incredible 650,000 Muslim migrants have settled in Ontario in the last five years alone.) The company recently issued a memo to franchises informing them of the mandated changes and stating that they were “a testament to our commitment to provide diverse and inclusive menu options.”

Banning things is not usually considered a boon to “diversity.” And the new menu certainly isn’t “inclusive” of those who like bacon and pork…though they comprise far more than five percent of the Canadian population.

KFC said its restaurants in Thunder Bay and Ottawa are currently excluded from the policy, which will be rolled out nationwide by the end of the year. All other franchises in the province will have to ensure that their chicken products are halal certified-- and commit to not selling items that include bacon. (Unless they are joint KFC-Taco Bell locations…for some reason.)

The writing is on the wall when a company founded in Kentucky—Kentucky!—is now eschewing the sale of bacon— and Canadian bacon?!—in Canada.

And that writing tells a story of a Western civilization that has lost its will…and its way.