Musings/Jottings/Quick Hits: Page 2

*Here's the totalitarian-wannabe quote of the day: "Biden should dissolve the Supreme Court." (Uttered by Fran Lebowitz, leftist crazy person.) 

*Oprah Winfrey (you might have heard of her) says people should have 'reverence' for A.I. But not for God? What could go wrong? I don't have 'reverence' for anything artificial. 

*Incredibly, California Democrats have advanced a bill that would allow illegal immigrants to buy homes with zero down payment...and zero interest. This offer does not include citizens. Will Americans ever stop putting up with being treated like crap by their own government?!

*Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, who believes he's on Cacklin' Kamala Harris' short list to be VP, recently called Donald Trump "weird." Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! Hillary, AOC, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala herself, Ilhan Omar, Maxine Waters, Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, et. al.? It doesn't get weirder than that. And throwing labels at someone doesn't seem very inclusive. In fact, it seems hurtful, mean-spirited, and hateful. 

*A Los Angeles neighborhood is removing its "No U-Turn" signs because they are anti-gay. Really. 

*The Center for Gun Violence Solutions at Johns Hopkins University recently issued a paper stating that lawmakers should institute further gun restrictions in order to prevent insurrections. Yes, we all know how well laws work with criminals. By-the-way, not one of the Jan. 6 protesters carried a gun, only the Capitol police did. Not much of an "insurrection," was it?

*Hawaii wants to slap a $25 climate tax on every tourist visiting the Aloha State. (I'm sure the tax wouldn't apply to illegal immigrants.) Doesn't seem very welcoming. 

*A (naked) man recently beat another man to death with a piece of firewood the victim was delivering during a cold snap. It is beyond obvious now that we need to ban firewood. Or, at the very least, enact common sense firewood reform. 

*Is anybody else sick of reading/hearing “Scientists sound the alarm…?” Let's sound the alarm on scientists sounding the alarm! Their hyper-doomsday schtick is a crock of shit, historically disproven, time and again. It is really a cry for relevance and “fame,” ala Dr. Fauci.

*It recently came to light that Sports Illustrated, a once august publication that featured top-end writers, recently published articles by fake, AI-generated writers. Not surprising. Once the magazine started putting fake women on its Swimsuit Edition covers, the writing was on the wall. And now that writing is fake, as well. Sad. 

*A new petition, put forth by the Canadian left, is demanding that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau ban Tucker Carlson from entering Canada. I thought immigration enriched us all. And how can a leader legally prevent someone with no criminal history from entering/traversing his/her/they country? Especially an allegedly free one?!

*Illegal immigrants from Venezuela planted a Venezuelan flag on a Texas island recently. If they are that proud of their country, why didn't they stay there? This is not immigration. It is an invasion. And now, apparently, an annexation.

*The president of the Chicago Teacher's Union recently labeled private schools "segregation academies." She also called those who support school choice "fascists." Now she has enrolled her son in a private school. Typical leftist hypocrisy. Do they make your son say "Heil Hitler" at his segregation academy, Ms. Gates? 

*A team of researchers just got a $600,000 grant from Australia's Office of National Intelligence to study ways of merging human brain cells with artificial intelligence. Might help AOC and Jerry Nadler.

*Americans are not happy with the state of families in their nation. Nor are they happy with the state of morality in their nation. In fact, they aren't happy with the state of their nation, period. Thanks Joe Biden. 

*A Canadian Catholic school teacher recently bragged that he doesn't allow his students to state that there are only two genders. But he obviously believes there is only one way to think. 

*A whistleblower, who was reportedly ready to come forward with devastating information on the Biden family, has disappeared. Odd.

*Global warming? Then why is it so cold? Records are being set. If these trends continue for a few years, "experts" will warn us that we must take immediate and extreme action to stave off the deadly affects of global cooling.

*Abortion activists recently vandalized several churches in Latin America to "celebrate" International Women's Day. Because nothing says "Yay, womanhood!" more than destroying churches in support of the "right" to kill your child in your womb!

*If 4 out of 5 children will outgrow their gender confusion, why are so many so set on mutilating their genitalia so young? Or is that the reason why? Evil.

*Trans groups are upset that a dad "changed his gender" just to get custody of his kids. That's a better reason than doing it because you think it's hip or just because you want to. What's good for the goose is good for the...transgoose

*Adam Schiff demands social media firms suppress free speech following ‘Twitter files’ exposé - LifeSite (   What a Schiffhead!

*A Virginia restaurant recently refused to serve members of a conservative advocacy group. What would it have done if the advocacy group had demanded the restaurant make it a "gay" cake? 

*President Biden recently said he was "making sure" that Donald Trump "does not become the next president again." Making sure? Hmmm.

*A recent study of 12 different face masks found that every one of them contained levels of titanium dioxide that "exceeded the acceptable exposure level." Titanium dioxide is a Group 2B carcinogen. 

*Biden administration policies have robbed the average American of about $34,000 in retirement savings in 2022 alone, so far, according to a new study. A cratering stock market combined with rampant inflation is hurting people on both ends. Many who planned to retire soon will now expire before they are able to do so.

*There have been an almost endless number of stabbings and knife-related crimes around the planet lately, by perpetrators using everything from machetes to pocket-knives. Isn't it time for "common sense knife control?"

*MSNBC's Joy Reid says that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is a racist because he warned people not to loot in the aftermath of hurricane Ian. So Joy believes all looters are Black? Amazing. Who's racist?

*Dr. Fauci's NIAID is giving a large grant to EcoHealth, the same company that performed COVID research at the Wuhan lab. What could possibly go wrong? 

*A satanic group got an American school district to drop its ban on the wearing of apparel with satanic symbols and references. I wonder if a student in that school district could safely wear a "MAGA" hat or carry a Bible around. 

*President Joe Biden recently said that “brave right-wing Americans” who believe the Second Amendment is meant to give them the right to fight back against a tyrannical government would be obliterated by the military.

“You can’t go out and buy an automatic weapon, you can’t go out and buy a cannon, and for those brave right-wing Americans who say it's all about keeping America independent and safe, if you want to fight against the country, you need an F-15. You need something a little more than a gun.”

 Never before has an American president threatened the people he allegedly serves by saying they would need an $87 million aircraft to resist tyranny. 

*North Korea has reportedly offered Russia the use of 100,000 of its troops. The world's largest nation might accept military help from a small, backward, impoverished one? Doesn't say much for the Great Russian Bear. 

*The World Economic Forum (WEF) put out a video in 2018 stating that, by 2030, we would "have nothing" and "like it." Thanks to the policies of our current "leaders" we are well on our way to meeting that "goal." 

*Incredibly and disgustingly, the Biden administration has been flying illegal alien minors out of Texas to receive abortions in other states. Democrats loudly proclaimed how horrible it was for a girl to have to cross state lines to kill her kid after Roe v. Wade was struck down. But they are fine with flying them around the country under the cover of darkness to do the same thing. 

*Hillary Clinton recently said that Trump supporters are a "clear and present danger to American democracy. That's pure projection. What is true is that Hillary and Bill are a "clear and present danger" to anyone with dirt on them. 

*We now know that Hunter Biden's laptop password was "AnalF*ck69." T.M.I.

*Black students at U.C.L.A. say they need racially segregated spaces to feel safe and grow. That's progressive, right?

*Leftists and Great Re-setters believe in a one-world government…but an infinite number of genders. Ponder that. Crazy on steroids. 

*The cheese-eating surrender-monkeys otherwise known as establishment Republicans, like Mitch McConnell, should exit, stage left, and allow sentient vertebrates to take their places. They have stood for far longer than any good they have done. Be gone with them all. Now.  

*An A.I. designed to find new drugs instead created 40,000 potential chemical weapons in less than 6 hours researchers with the North Carolina-based startup Collaboration Pharmaceuticals, Inc. said recently. 

*After the Biden administration assassinated the U.S. energy industry, it went hat-in-hand to Venezuela and Iran to procure oil. What about Canada? Eh?

*The U.K. has instructed its spies to share their preferred pronouns, embrace trans culture, and avoid using masculine terminology such as "manpower," "strong," and "grip." Gee, I can't fathom why Russia and China don't take the West seriously anymore. "We don't particularly care if you get useful intel or not, but make certain not to misgender anyone!"

*Incredibly, the NIH spent only 2% of its budget on COVID research in 2020, at the height of the pandemic. What does that tell you?

*Was there a 3rd “booster” shot for the polio vaccine? Was a monthly booster shot needed in addition to the original mumps vaccine shot? Was a 7th booster shot needed to support the initial measles vaccine? No? Why not? Why are they for the coronavirus “vaccines?” 

*The pro-abortion organization Catholics for Choice not only openly defies the catechism, but recently projected a pro-abortion message onto the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception to protest the parish’s pre-March for Life prayer vigil. Think about that. The purportedly Catholic group projected a pro-abortion message onto a shrine named for the  conception—and future birth of-- Jesus Christ. It couldn’t have done anything more blasphemous, repulsive…or stupid. 

* Beijing Olympics organizers are going to pass out large quantities of condoms to athletes. The ubiquitousness of prophylactics is a bit odd, given that the athletes are also to be instructed to minimize hugging, handshakes, and high-fives……and to maintain a social distance of at least two meters from fellow competitors.

*A huge, 145-nation study shows that there has been a sharp increase in transmissions-- and even deaths-- throughout the world since the advent of the COVID vaccines. Wake up, people. The "Great Reset" is here. And we are all its pawns. Resist!

*Top Pfizer and Moderna shareholders made $10 billion in the week after the Omicron variant hit. Get your shots and boosters!

*We have lost our minds...and souls. I'm sure commercials for contraceptives will soon feature two men. You know, in the interest of inclusivity. 

*Enes Kanter, a professional basketball player for the NBA's Boston Celtics, is a moral and courageous man. Instead of going along with his league's complete refusal to acknowledge China's atrocities against various ethnic groups, he has spoken out. Instead of sporting generic banalities on his jersey or gear, he has the message "Free Tibet" on his shoes. When questioned about this, he has not backed down, even though the NBA and Nike, its chief sponsor, have egregiously ignored China's heinous acts in favor of their financial interests. Slavery? Organ harvesting from live victims? Meh. But "End Racism!" The NBA, like Nike, is a fraud. Kanter is not. 

*To progressives/leftists/socialists/communists the communal is all the rage. Global governance is in. It's all about identity groups and "communities." Except everyone gets to pick their own gender, morality, and truth. Amazing.

*Former VP of Pfizer says COVID vaccines pose "severe risk" of infertility in women. But what would he know?

*It’s time to call a lid on Joe Biden’s presidency before he calls a permanent lid on America. Everyone who voted for Biden should be forced to receive all 3 COVID-1984 vaccines at once. And their booster shots. Turnabout is fair play.

*The Taliban have started stripping Afghani civilians of their firearms. That is the best way to guarantee your rule for perpetuity. Come to think of it, maybe the Biden administration could use them...

*Some progressives were thrilled that U.S. shot-putter Raven Saunders "twerked" after winning a medal in Tokyo. Some called it "fun" or "Beautiful." One commenter claimed it "saved my life." In reality, it was disrespectful and out of place. Also, I don't want to see Olympians twerk, especially shot-putters. At least until it becomes an Olympic sport.

*Some Florida parents sent the masks that their kids were forced to wear all day in school to a lab for testing. 11 dangerous pathogens were found on the masks, pathogens that can cause pneumonia, meningitis, diphtheria, Lyme Disease, urinary tract infections, etc. 

*CNN's obnoxious Don Lemon recently claimed that Americans are racist and don't see Blacks as "fully human." Lemon lives in a $4.3 million dollar abode in the Hamptons on New York's exclusive Long Island...where only 3% of residents are Black. He recently sold his home in Harlem. Lemon makes $4 million a year.

*President Biden, in a rare lucid moment, stated that "Israel has a right to defend itself" from Hamas rocket attacks. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) strongly disagrees. Of course, she doesn't believe American citizens have the right to defend themselves, either. She does, however, believe she has the right to defend herself. 

*Transgenderism is the ultimate "appropriation."

*Health screenings at Planned Parenthood clinics were down last year, while abortions were up.

*Colorado's cannabis farms are now producing more carbon than its coal mines. Dude!

*If Mr. potato head offends you but you’re okay with people selling ($1,000 a pair) satanic shoes that contain human blood in them, you are both symptom and cause of Western decline.

*Biden says there is a "good chance" that "small groups" of Americans will be able to gather for July 4th celebrations. Gee, thanks. Let freedom ring!

*For obvious reasons, President Biden isn't going to give a traditional State of the Union address. Can you imagine him trying to speak intelligently-- and intelligibly-- without a teleprompter,,,for 2 hours? He couldn't do it for 5 minutes. Literally. 

*If 2020 were an animal, it would have been head lice. The Year of the Louse, for everybody but the Chinese Communists. Unfortunately and incredibly, 2021 under Biden looks to be worse. 

*Actress Gina Carano took to social media to note how conservatives are treated unfairly--shunned and cancelled-- simply for expressing themselves. Disney, of course, immediately fired her...proving her point perfectly. 

*Thank goodness Biden has recommitted American taxpayers to funding overseas abortions. Nothing says democracy like forcing citizens to pay for the killing of defenseless foreigners. 

*Biden’s popularity is at 57% according to a new Gallup poll. In a totally unrelated poll question, 57% of those same people surveyed have never heard of Venezuela, the Soviet Union or Cuba…and think China is “chill.” Ironically, the same 57% also believe in the tooth fairy, but are proud to be atheists.

*Corporations are too big and multinational now to give a shit about the average U.S. citizen. They don’t want to alienate the elitist, progressive government that can grease the skids for them-- or the rest of the world, as it has far more consumers than the U.S. 

*Democrats refused to fund a border wall for the United States, but they do fervently wish to fund one for Jordan. Hmm.

*Colleges and criminals: two of Democrats' favorite things. They own both.

*Carjackings in Minneapolis, Minnesota, were up a mere 537% in November over the same month last year. And the city council is still looking to further defund the city's police force. It is the city council that should be defunded. 

*Churches, weddings, and funerals are bad. Thanksgiving and Christmas have been essentially banned. Notice a pattern/theme? It's almost like our rulers dislike religion, particularly Christianity. They don't care for competition I guess.

*Broward County Florida officials recently uncovered a scheme to register dozens of dead people as Democrats to vote in the upcoming presidential election. Small step...from braindead to just plain dead.

*"Deplorables" and "chumps" were apparently not enough for Democrats. Joe Biden recently referred to Trump supporters as "ugly folks." Tolerance and class. Thought we weren't supposed to label, Joe?

*A PH.D. student at the University of Virginia recently authored an op-ed piece asserting that the phrase "student-athlete" has racial undertones and also makes a "pay-for-play" model less likely in the future. Does she think "student" infers "academics" or "intelligence"...therefore "white?" Unbelievable. No one is more racist than today's "woke" anti-racists. 

*The mainstream media actually criticized leaders of Bahrain and the U.A.E. for shaking hands after concluding historic peace deals with Israel. The pandemic, you know. Unbelievable.

*Scientists, historians, Al Gore-- and other experts-- now agree that Donald J. Trump was responsible for the extinction of the dinosaurs.

*Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler is avoid the rioters that are now targeting his abode. The very same rioters he has coddled, encouraged and protected for the past two months. Karma.

*Susan B. Anthony is a feminist icon. She was arrested for voting in the 1872 election. President Trump, that old misogynist, recently pardoned her. Incredibly, the National Susan B. Anthony Museum and House declined the pardon on her behalf, stating that it is against any form of voter suppression, apparently upset that Trump is not in favor of allowing illegal aliens to vote. Beam me up, Scotty.

*Many folks forced to wear masks all day long at work are now complaining of headaches, shortness of breath and anxiety. "Nothing to see here" say health experts. 

*Congratulations to Nick Sandmann! CNN and now the Washington Post have essentially admitted to slander and false reporting and have settled lawsuits with him. 

*Truth is now a conspiracy theory.

*We are all kneeling before the mob now, taking a knee on America. 

*Societies disintegrate in the face of disbelief. This is what is happening to the West at this moment.

*Marginalized? Marginalized?! Americans with traditional values-- particularly straight, white, 

conservative Christian males-- are being subjected to marginalization on steroids. 

*I hope you observed Menstrual Hygiene Day in solidarity with women everywhere. The Mayor of Toronto, Canada, officially proclaimed this past May 28th to be Menstrual Hygiene Day "in an effort to help break the silence around menstruation." Bloody hell, as the English might say. 

*Roughly 92,000 Americans had died from the coronavirus as of May 20th. 81.5% of those were in Democratic controlled congressional districts, the Pew Research Center reports.

*According to a group of prominent economists at the University of Chicago, 68% of those that are currently unemployed can now bring home more money than when they were actually employed. That is a recipe for economic, cultural and moral disaster.

*What happened to Michael Flynn is an American tragedy that should never be allowed to happen again. But Democrats despise the concept of equal protection under the rule of law. They prefer "the ends justify the means." Or literally whatever will enhance their power. In their world there is no American exceptionalism. To the extent they control America, they are right.

*Our leaders, in conjunction with "experts" and the media, have now convinced us to commit societal suicide to possibly (temporarily) avoid death.

*Celebration of Easter was essentially banned in the U.S. Soon, Memorial Day events will be verboten, too. It is likely that public celebrations of the Fourth of July will be outlawed, as well, at least those of any size, such as parades and other gatherings of more than a handful of people. What a gift to leftists! Celebrations honoring our Lord, our veterans/military and the nation itself all wiped out by government decree. They are so aroused...

*One pro-choice group recently created candles to give to volunteers. The candles were marked with the phrase "Abortions Are Magical." Magical? I don't care if you are pro-life or pro-abortion, that message is beyond sick.

*And everyone was kung-flu fighting...

*Businesses controlled by President Trump and his children are prohibited from receiving loans or investments from Treasury Department programs included in the $2 trillion stimulus plan recently agreed to by Senate leaders and the White House itself.

*Sen. Elizabeth Warren attacked Michael Bloomberg during last Tuesday night's Democratic debate for allegedly telling a pregnant female salesperson to "kill it." One would've thought she would've given Bloomberg kudos for counseling her to get an abortion, the highest form of sacrament in their party.

*Democratic-Socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders continued touting Communist dictators recently. Speaking of Fidel Castro, Sanders glossed over the former Cuban leader's atrocities, such as killing or imprisoning tens of thousands of his countrymen and repressing and impoverishing millions more, instead lauding his "massive literacy program." That's putting things in their proper perspective.

*98% of all mass public shootings in America since 1950 have occurred in places where citizens are banned from having guns.

*China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam dump more plastic into the oceans than the rest of the world combined, according to a 2017 report by Ocean Conservatory.

*Government accountability: a January 2017 USDA audit noted that government (taxpayer's) had spent $2.6 billion on food stamps for the deceased in a span of only 20 months.

*Everywhere  governments talk of the collective, everywhere they force folks into “caring” for another group, everywhere things are done “for the people”……the people are famished, poor, miserable, unfree or dead. 

*Remember, it's only a democracy if Democrats win. 

*Formerly peaceful Sweden suffered 230 bombings in 2019 alone, according to the Crime Prevention Council. Anyone care to guess why? 

*The gnashing of teeth over President Trump authorizing a drone strike that took out Iranian general and terrorist mastermind Qassem Soleimani can only be understood as proof of anti-Trump and anti-American derangement syndromes. Obama ordered 563 drone strikes, ten times as many as George W. Bush and many more than Trump, and received nothing but praise. Same when he gave the okay to kill Osama Bin Laden, In fact, he was lionized and seen as a hero. Obama dispensed with the niceties of Congressional approval or even notification on countless occasions, but, unlike now, those in his party and the Media-Academic-Entertainment Complex could not have cared less.

*"You've come a long way, baby" is a phrase that once was used to describe women's progress through feminism, and first appeared in a Virginia Slims cigarette commercial. That phrase begat the "you can have it all" mantra, meaning a woman could have a family and a good job, etc. Apparently, it now means you can have boobs and a penis. Progress.

*Treason is the only federal offense explicitly defined by the Constitution, and is characterized as an American's belligerence against his own country, by levying war or abetting a wartime enemy. By that definition, nearly the entire Democratic party should be brought up on treason charges. 

*It is openly acknowledged, even by NARAL and NOW, that if the federal ERA is passed, virtually all existing pro-life laws would be struck down. 

*Most Democrats in Congress literally couldn't pick Ukraine out on a map of the world. I doubt AOCnearly the entire Democratic party  could spell it. But they impeached a Trump over a phone call to the new Ukrainian president that the new Ukrainian president said was not unusual and in which Trump didn't pressure him.

*Dec. 12, 2019: Britain declares independence from the European Union. Screw the effeminate, power-hungry, big-city elites! Let freedom ring! Somewhere, in broad sunlit uplands, Churchill smiles. And flashes a "V" for victory. 

*One half expects the Democratic presidential field to universally praise the latest terror attack as a blow against "white supremacy" and patriarchal Christian society. 

*Studies show the human brain has been shrinking over the years. The average person's brain is over 17% smaller now than 20,000 years ago. Surprised? Look at the Democratic presidential candidates. Moreover, the brains of those closely following the impeachment hearings have certainly shrunk on a daily basis.

*I know who "the whistle-blower" is. I can't tell you, though. Sorry.

*Venezuela now has a seat on the U.N. "Human Rights" Council (UNHRC). Makes sense. It joins other bastions of human rights and dignity such as China, Cuba, Afghanistan, Eritrea, Somalia, Saudi Arabia and Iraq. The U.N. is a cancer on the Earth and should be expelled from New York. If I were president I would cut off all funding to the "intergovernmental organization." 

*Transgender Cyclist Rachel McKinnon, who recently set the women's world record, wouldn't even have qualified for the men's championship.

*Joe Biden called the impeachment of Bill Clinton a "partisan lynching," yet he slammed President Trump for saying the same thing. The difference according to Biden? He said he "used the wrong word," and is "sorry about that," whereas Trump chose his word carefully. Translation: "Don't blame me, I have no idea what I'm saying!" Well, there's that. 

*There is no "my truth" or "your truth," only the truth. Don't believe that? If "my truth" is that I'm a female walrus, that doesn't make it so. If "your truth" is that 4+4 equals 9, or that the Earth is flat, I hope you aren't working for NASA or in any science or engineering field.

*A new Rasmussen poll shows that half of voters under 35 think it is at least somewhat likely that humanity will cease to exist within ten years due to climate change. This is particularly ironic given the fact that we know that millions of kids will cease to exist during that time frame due to being aborted by those under 35 years of age. 

*The Dayton shooter described himself on social media as a "pro-Satan leftist" who hated Trump and wanted to vote for Elizabeth Warren in 2020. He reportedly tweeted: "I want socialism, and I'll not wait for the idiots to finally come around to understanding." There you have it. The mainstream media simply ignores the story or doesn't report the facts.

*Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau admitted he dressed in black face (and neck and hands, etc.) and wore an Arabian Nights-themed costume for a party while he was a 20-something-year-old teacher at a private school in 2001. The confession, of course, came after a picture of him wearing the outfit surfaced and went public. It's always fun when someone who purports to be so "woke" turns out to be a hypocrite-- and gets called on

*There are roughly 16.5 million more people of color in America than in the year 2010. Unless Republicans suddenly become much better at getting their message out, there will never be another Republican president. 

*CNN broadcast a seven-hour long Town Hall recently in which Democratic presidential contenders blasted big business, air travel and the consumption of meat as primary contributors to climate change/global warming. Yet, as Zach Parkinson, Deputy Director of Communications-Research for the Trump 2020 campaign pointed out, the show was sponsored by Invesco, Priceline, and Golden Corral's "endless meat buffet." LOL.

*If God is indeed dead, it is Democrats who killed Him.

*According to the New York Post, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the least accessible representative in New York City. Apparently, her offices use a filtering system to prevent callers from reaching an actual human. There's no need for that. Even without filters, callers would be unable to reach an actual human. 

*Newsweek posted an article recently kinda questioning why there is such a taboo about cannibalism. After all, the article posited, other animals do it routinely. It concluded that we don't like to eat the flesh of those animals we are close to, whether they be our dogs or our family. I can't understand why Newsweek collapsed and was sold for one dollar back in 2010.  

*Joe Biden said on the campaign trail recently, "We choose truth over facts." You mean they aren't the same thing, Joe? Actually, liberals routinely choose "their own truths" over facts. I guess that's what Sleepy Joe was saying. 

*A quote from the great Thomas Sowell: "The next time some academics tell you how important diversity is, ask how many Republicans there are in their sociology department." 

*Bernie Sanders wants to forgive all $1.6 trillion of student-loan debt currently on the federal government's books, benefiting those who attended college, who, on average, earn tens of thousands of dollars more than those who did not. So much for caring about lower-income folks. Effective way to buy votes, though.

*The Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy recently decided to hold its annual conference in...Mexico. 

*A new poll shows that, among non-Democrats, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has roughly the same favorability ratings as Lyme disease and painful rectal itch. 

*What if a member of the LGBT community identifies as a straight, cisgendered person?

*The "Axis of Evil" now goes through Silicon Valley. 

*Democrats are still focused on Trump's possible collusion with Russia, of which there is no evidence and of which he has been officially exonerated. Yet, it is demonstrably the case that nearly everyone else colluded (with each other) to prevent Trump from becoming president and in attempting to have him deposed after he became president......and almost no one is particularly interested in that, the biggest political story of our lifetimes. 

*Faith and reason built America. Democrats have abandoned both. 

*Almost 6,000 Christians have been killed in Nigeria in the past two years alone. Because they were Christians. Where is the world-wide outcry? Where are the Democrats decrying this senseless violence, these acts of vicious intolerance and bigotry? 

*National Review recently noted: in 1820, 90 percent of humanity lived in extreme poverty. Today less than 10 percent does. In 1816, 0.87 percent of the world's population lived in a democracy. In 2015, 56 percent did. Slavery was rampant in most parts of the world in 1800, and is now illegal in every country. 

*Study after study show that people in economically advanced nations are getting dumber...literally, as measured by their IQ scores. If ignorance is bliss, we should be getting happier, but the opposite is occurring.  Rates of depression are going up, particularly among the young. Optimism for the future is rare. Maybe there is a common thread. Economic success leads to softness and people immersed in their technological toys and social the detriment of their well-being. 

*I guess if you hate successful people, those with traditional values, and Christians more than you love life and babies you might find it logical to vote for Democrats and listen to NPR. What is a Catholic's excuse? Hatred of the rich?

*Angela Merkel says European leaders will have to decide "how far to let populism go." Wow. In a just world, Europeans would decide how far to let politicians like Merkel go. 

*Merkel also lumps the U.S. in with China and Russia, saying that all three "are forcing the EU, time and again, to find common positions." There is a common position all EU nations would be in if not for the United States, Ms. Merkel: vassal state to a dictatorship. Sober the hell up-- and fast.

*Many high schools in the U.S. are doing away with valedictorians in order to "reduce unhealthy competitiveness." We will all be so much better off when we stop striving for excellence, right?!

*Rep. Al Green (D-Tex.) said what many Democrats are thinking, "I'm concerned that if we don't impeach this president, he will get re-elected." That's the real animus. That's sheer political bigotry. It is anti-democratic and anathema to a representative republic. It is also unconstitutional. And almost irresistible catnip to progressives. 

*Democrats are perfectly content to watch disaster unfold at the U.S.'s southern border, as long as it stymies President Trump. If Trump employs different policies than Obama, he's a monster. If he supports the exact same policies that Obama did, he's gone dangerously astray. That tells you all you need to know about today's Democratic Party. 

*Kamala Harris has pledged that, if she is elected president, no one on federal death row, including the most heinous terrorists and mass-murderers, will be executed. 

*The average teacher earns more in total compensation as an individual than does the average American household. Yet, those that major in education consistently have the lowest grades and standardized test scores of all undergraduates. It is time for them to stop whining about being underpaid. 

*In this era of viciously divisive politics, states are more necessary than they have ever been. Republicanism has been diminished, but is still one of the most important aspects of America.

*The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is one of the world's most truly repugnant hate groups. It is everything it attacks others for being. Recently, employees sent a letter to management alleging the joint was rife  with racism, sexual harassment, gender discrimination and other forms of intolerance and abuse. That's no surprise to this site.

*Egypt and others in the region have told Israel that if it eliminates Hamas in Gaza, it's okay by them. 

*Scott Adams tweet: "If you find yourself blaming President Trump for almost-sort-of-maybe intending to obstruct a witch hunt you have a mental health crisis not a political opinion." Just so.

*Mayor Bill de Blasio says that New York City is going to ban the construction of glass and steel skyscrapers due to their inefficiency. He might want to consider banning Democrat politicians for the very same reason. 

*H & R Block reported that its average customer paid 25% less in taxes in 2018 than in 2017, due to President Trump's Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. 

*Our universe shouldn't exist, scientists say. I'm not kidding. It should have destroyed itself soon after coming into being. So, skeptics, there can be no denial. The science is settled. Science can't explain our existence. Thank God.

*Entering the War of 1812, the United States had 6,744 regulars in its "army," and a total of 16 ships in its "navy." The British had half a million regulars in their army and a navy flush with 600 warships. And they lost. Again. Amazing. 

*Why is it that it's always green, "healthy" foods that are recalled or have health alerts put out on them? Some form of lettuce, avocados, or spinach is always being recalled for e-coli, listeria, or other concerns. Not meat or potatoes. I've never heard of a cheeseburger recall. Maybe Mother Earth is trying to tell us something.

*The Christchurch mass murderer hates capitalists. And overpopulation. He kills to save the environment. He thinks China is a model nation. He has said his preferred social system is "green national socialism, which is anti-imperialist." He is a nut, but he is certainly not a right-wing nut. 

*Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is Socialism in the flesh. Attractive, self-confident, utterly ignorant, and terribly destructive.

*The estimated expense for Senator Kamala Harris' Medicare-for-all plan is in the trillions of dollars per year...more than Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and national defense combined

*In Canada, the delay between referral to a specialist for treatment and actually receiving said treatment has reached three months, double what it was prior to nationalized health care. And 85% of National Health Service patients in the United Kingdom say that the system is overburdened. Be very careful what you wish for, Americans. 

*The Democratic Party Platform for 2020 is: 1) Open borders 2) Socialism 3) Anti-Americanism & 4) Infanticide. No more insane program has ever been tried in the long history of nations. And the scary thing is that it just might propel them to victory. 

*The United States has sent tons of aid to Venezuela, but Maduro the Madman has refused to let it in. It sits in Columbia near the Venezuelan border, while the Socialist Sicko dawdles and tries to save face. Despicable.

*Undercover video footage shows Planned Parenthood officials admitting that the organization profited illegally from selling the tissue of aborted babies. I would hope we could all agree that the one thing that companies shouldn't make profit on is the hawking of aborted baby parts.

*We don't have the resources to build a border wall, but we can rebuild every building in the United States of America? What have Democrats been smoking? Oh.

*An English woman was recently arrested for “mis-gendering,” i.e. calling a man who wishes to be a woman a “man.” What’s next, will we be arrested for calling abortion “abortion” rather than “women’s health care?” For referring to “taxation” instead of “revenue enhancement?” For using the term “Islamic terrorism” instead of “workplace violence” or “insurgency?” Perhaps for saying “arrested” instead of “temporarily detained for positive re-education?” 

*I'm all for term limits. But, after looking at some of the Democratic candidates for president in the 2020 election, I also think we may need "sperm limits." 

*When President Obama's border patrol used tear gas on migrants heading to the U.S., much of the mainstream media thanked him for doing do.

*Special Counsel/Prosecutor Ken Starr did not send in Seal Team 6 to snatch witnesses to testify against Bill Clinton.

*As has been noted elsewhere, more heavily armed men and vehicles were sent to get Roger Stone for a process crime than were sent to take out Osama Bin Laden. Boats, helicopters, a battering ram?! Seriously?! Sad days are these.

*Since pulling out of the Paris climate agreement, the U.S. has led the world in reducing carbon emissions, Michael Dorstewitz reports in Newsmax magazine.

*It is time Trump told Russia to go lay by its dish. If Russia tries anything in Venezuela, the Monroe Doctrine should be enforced with extreme prejudice.

*CNN analyst Areva Martin accused Fox news Contributor and Sirius XM radio host David Webb of profiting from white privilege when he had the audacity to say that he believes expertise and experience are more important qualifications for a job than race or ethnicity. She scolded Webb, saying, "David, by virtue of being a white male, you have white privilege." To which Webb replied: "Areva, I hate to break it to you, but you should've been better prepared, I'm black." Not everything is black and white, Ms. Martin.

*Cherif Chakkat killed five people and wounded 13 others in a Strasbourg Christmas market. A 29-year-old radicalized Muslim, he'd already been convicted of 27 crimes, mostly robberies and drug offenses. He had served prison sentences in Germany and France. Officials apparently missed-- or overlooked-- his rather obvious support for the Islamic State. How many times must this happen before people say "never again?"

*The Vatican has cow-towed to the Chinese communist government and asked legitimate bishops to exit, stage left, in favor of Chi-Com approved ones. Shameful.

*Once a tax is instituted, it never goes away. It is the nearest thing to eternal life on this planet. Most politicians simply will not deny themselves the opportunity/ability/privilege to use other people’s money to buy other people’s votes.

*The estimated number of people identifying as witches in the United States is now greater than the number of Presbyterians residing in the country. Now that's progressive!

*So, Justice Brett Kavanaugh votes to leave in place rulings that prevent states from denying Medicaid funds to women who go to Planned Parenthood for abortion. What the hell was all the prevarication and savagery about, progressives?!

*Cornell University will feature the shoes that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) wore while campaigning prior to the 2018 elections in an exhibit titled "Women Empowered: Fashions From The Front Line." They shouldn't be hard to fill. There appears to be no truth to the rumor that the school's exhibit will also feature Kyrsten Sinema's panties or Ilhan Omar's hijab. 

*The Census Bureau recently found that 63% of non-citizens in America are receiving welfare benefits, either legally or illegally. An incredible 70% of non-citizens who've been in the country for 10 years or more receive these benefits, and from a staggering array of programs. This exhibits a desire for a handout, not a chance.

*In WWI, 700,000 men were killed or injured in just 9 months in a battle to control an area of just 6 square miles near Verdun.

*Winston Churchill once remarked: "The Balkans produce more history than they can consume." The same is still true today.

*The biggest declines in family income during the Obama years were experienced by black and Hispanic households and women, the very same groups who have experienced the greatest gains in income under the Trump administration. Yet, these groups overwhelmingly voted for Democrats in the recent mid-term elections. It is hard to rationally assess the depths of their irrationality.

*Daniel Foster astutely points out in a recent National Review article: "Consider, it is only if the people telling us to 'punch a Nazi' are wrong about the nature and danger of their purported enemies that public shaming, threats, and occasional violence will work to subdue them."

*Americans just elected the first Muslim congresswoman, the first openly gay male governor and the youngest woman ever to serve in Congress.

*Democrats gained nearly 40 seats in the House this election, the most for that party since the Watergate era, to say nothing of the loss of governor-ships and extremely narrow Republican wins in many formerly solid Republican districts, and many Republicans think they won?

*According to National Geographic, Dylan McWilliams has been bitten by a shark, mauled by a bear, and bitten by a just the past three years. Here's hoping his luck turns around soon. Perhaps he should buy a lottery ticket.

*The chairman of the Minnesota Democratic–Farmer–Labor Party (DFL) recently and directly challenged the credibility of the woman accusing Attorney General nominee Keith Ellison of domestic violence, telling a reporter "I don't believe her." I thought we had to believe all women. Oh, I see. Unless they are accusing “progressive” males of harassment. 
*NPR refused to air an ad for the new film Gosnell: The Trial of America's Biggest Serial Killer because it used the term "abortionist" in describing Gosnell, who is serving life in prison for performing illegal late-term abortions  and using dangerous abortion procedures that killed several women at his clinic in Philadelphia. NPR said "abortionist" would have to be replaced with "doctor" for it to run the ad. Gotta be bias-free and "value-neutral," you see.

*The African-American unemployment rate has fallen to 6.5 percent, the lowest rate ever. This past June, the Latino unemployment rate dropped to 4.6 percent, also the lowest (monthly) rate ever recorded. I sure wish Trump cared about minorities. 

*According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, almost 3.5 million jobs have been created since President Trump took office. 

*Religious freedom in China is under all-out assault. Communist party officials are shuttering Christian churches, destroying their property, and forcing believers to sign documents renouncing their faith. At a church in Henan Province, they have burned Bibles and crosses, saying the church was not properly registered as required by law. In China, as in Russia, authoritarianism is on the rise. The bad old days are coming back.

*Funny, the mainstream media liked Kanye West when he criticized George W. Bush in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina. He was seen as sane and sober as a judge. Odd, too, that they fawned over Taylor Swift when the Ditzy Blonde recently came out in favor of a few progressive candidates. It's almost like they have an agenda or something. 

*Let's hope 2024 is "A Time for Cruzing!"

*The History of the English Speaking Peoples will come to an end when the majority in those nations no longer speak English. Churchill and Shakespeare weep.

*A recent post on a far-left Antifa website called for the slaughter of "fascistic" border control dogs...and their bosses. Antifa members are some sick puppies.

*A court has ordered Marine Le Pen, the leader of the French right, to be examined by a psychiatrist to determine if she is "capable of understanding remarks and answering questions." Anyone not feeling a chill at these words doesn't know history. Sich heil? Irony?

*If our rights come from our Creator, and are therefore inalienable, the right to keep and bear arms is inviolable. Because, if we have the right to life and liberty, the right to effectively defend ourselves is inherent and inseparable. If our rights do not come from our Creator, then they can only come from other men. That's what led to the Holocaust, the Killing Fields, the Soviet Union-- and people being threatened for saying things some deem politically-incorrect. In that case, life has no meaning, no intrinsic value...nothing matters. Is that really what we want our kids to believe? What must happen to any society that preaches that dogma? 

*In Sweden's preschools, boys are now taught to dance, and girls to yell. We'll see how that works out for them. Maybe they'll produce an all-boy-- or, better yet, all-transgender-- "Abba." Makes me want to scream. 

*It is somewhat chic now in leftist academic circles to claim that Abraham Lincoln was a racist. He was assassinated because he freed the slaves and signed the Emancipation Proclamation. That assertion is far more than offensive and insane. Everyone has to be considered in the context of their time. If Lincoln was racist, it's impossible to not be a racist. If Lincoln was racist, Gandhi was a war-monger and Jesus was a satanist. It is no longer possible for decent people to put up with leftist bullshit.

*Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the young socialist who won the Democratic primary in New York's 14th congressional district, stated that U.S. unemployment is low because "everyone has two jobs." Double-job holders are not counted twice in the employment statistics...and the percentage of people in the workforce holding two jobs is roughly the same as it's been for many years. Her I.Q. may be low. Even if counted twice. 

*San Francisco spends half a million dollars to hand out over 4 million syringes to drug users each year. Many of them end up on the streets, where they pose a danger to the non-using taxpayers that pay for them. But, the formerly fair city did ban plastic straws, stirrers and cocktail swords. So, though you can end up contracting hepatitis or the HIV virus while strolling through the city, cocktail onions and olives are protected from being impaled on a tiny plastic sword. The world today. 

*The mainstream media is contemptuous of anyone suggesting that the year-long investigation of President Trump and his administration for possible collusion with Russia should soon be put to an end. They are highly protective of Robert Mueller. Yet, just 20 years ago, they savaged Ken Starr, who was investigating then President Clinton, calling him a partisan hack, inept, and a "peeping Tom," while calling for the investigation, or "witch hunt," as some dubbed it, to end. 

*The city of San Rafael, in wealthy Marin County just north of San Francisco, is building a bike path near a new train line.  The cost of this endeavor is estimated to be up to $5.5 million for a little less than a half-mile of bike path.  That comes out to roughly $2,000 per linear foot. The Louisiana Purchase cost about $15 million, or $283 million in today's dollars, for an area of 828,800 square miles. Which was the better buy? Government spending isn't out of control today, is it?

*2,300 suspected pedophiles were arrested on June 13th in the United States. 195 of them were involved in child pornography or had sexually abused children. CNN, MSNBC, The Washington Post and The New York Times did not report on the story. Maybe they were too busy interviewing Stormy Daniels. Sick. 

*Democrat's new campaign slogan for the 2018 midterm elections is: "For The People." That's disingenuous as hell, but nowhere near as funny as Barack Obama's slogan for the 2012 election: "Win The Future," which was briefly abbreviated on backdrops as "WTF." I couldn't have agreed more. 

*A man recently threatened to chop up Republican Senator Rand Paul's family with an axe. Time to ban the manufacture and sale of all axes. 

*An astonishing 2,600 of the 3,100 counties in America voted for Donald Trump in 2016. Of course, the big cities, major seats of government and large college towns in the other 500 counties nearly put Crooked Hillary in office. 

*The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is predicting that the inflation rate in Venezuela will reach one million percent by the end of 2018. Socialism, pass it on!

*Spain has produced a new crop of high-tech diesel submarines. Unfortunately, they don't fit into their existing pens. 

*The state of New Jersey is considering taxing tap water. It appears the air its citizens breathe is next. "Tap Water Party" anyone? 

*In anticipation of high water use during the period it was hosting soccer's World Cup, Samara, Russia's water utility company, Communal Systems, urged people to shower in pairs. That gives new meaning to the term "collectivism." The company later said the "suggestion" was only a joke. 

*Trump's tax cuts were supposed to deprive the government of money. Instead, they have led to a significant increase in tax revenue, even according to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office.

*Chinese Communist Party propaganda maintains that the values of Chinese people are at odds with democracy. The truth is that the "values" of the Chinese Communist Party are at odds with democracy...and the Chinese people. 

*U.S. President Jimmy Carter officially transferred recognition from Taipei (Taiwan) to Beijing (mainland China) in 1979. This act ceded the moral ground and sentenced Taiwan to a slow death. Chiang Kai-shek rolls in his grave. 

*The Justice Department's inspector general, Michael Horowitz, released a 568-page report on the Clinton email scandal. The analysis reveals staggering, overwhelming evidence of extreme anti-Trump bias on the part of those guiding the Clinton probe. Yet, incredibly, Horowitz simply withheld judgement as to whether it materially affected the investigation. In any case, there was no way the Obama administration was going to charge Hillary with crimes. And no one was keen to anger the presumptive next president of the United States.

*A new Rasmussen poll reveals that 59% of Americans believe the left will resort to violence to stop President Trump. 31% believe there will be a Second American Civil War.

*The American Federation of Teachers gives literally 100% of the millions of dollars it donates to politicians to liberals. The National Education Association (NEA)  does likewise. Can't be any bias in the classroom!

*Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders-- and her family-- were kicked out of a restaurant in Virginia because she works for President Trump. Incredible. Those lefty progressives love diversity and tolerance, don't they?

*Teachers in Arizona went on strike despite being promised a 20 percent pay raise over the next two years. Worse, during their week-long walkout they made numerous partisan demands regarding education policies that had nothing to do with compensation.

*Incredibly, Israel's Mossad managed to spirit 55,000 documents pertaining to Iran's nuclear program out of the country. From a run-down warehouse in the heart of Tehran no less. What a thriller movie that tale would make! It won't happen, however.

*Any "guaranteed basic income" comes with a guaranteed basic outcome: we cede our rights, souls, and dignity to The State.

*The Obama "Justice Department" pressured the FBI to drop an investigation of the Clinton Foundation. This, to the mainstream media, is somehow a non-scandal and unworthy of coverage. Unlike the Russia-collusion charade. It would be wonderful to have a free and unbiased press. 

*A recent NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll revealed that Hillary's approval rating stands at an astonishingly abysmal 27 percent. This, despite the fact she is now a private citizen and never has been the constant recipient of bad press, unlike President Trump, whose own approval rating is approaching 50%. 

* A police resource officer in Dixon, Illinois, shot and wounded an armed former student in an exchange of gunfire outside Dixon High School on Wednesday, May 16th. The officer confronted the suspect, a 19-year-old male, around 8 a.m. near the school’s west gym.
Police Chief Steven Howell said, “I could not be more proud of the police officer. Because of his heroic actions, many lives were saved.” Yet another example of guns saving innocent lives.
*Roughly 15 million of the 40 million residents of California live in immigrant households, a staggering 37% of the state's population...and rising.

*A defector told the Washington Post that North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un uses a secret restroom wherever he goes, and even has a toilet in his limos. Apparently, the  North Koreans are worried about foreign intelligence services attempting to abscond with the Dear Leader's excrement to guage the state of his health. And when they're done with it, they could auction it off at Sotheby's.

*In Venezuela, 5 years of severance pay now buys...a cup of coffee. Thanks, socialism! Bernie?

*John Comey: "Sorry I'm late, Bret, but the traffic was horrible and I had to use the bathroom. I was not taking a leak, however!! I was just sharing something with the urinal."

*First the punchline: Uranus smells like rotten eggs. There is no joke, however. This is the result of a study by scientists of the planet's atmosphere. The study's findings were recently published in the journal Nature Astronomy. Lots and lots of sulfur and nitrogen, you see.

*According to reports, in the Old Granary Burying Ground, a cemetery in Boston, the grave of imaginary author "Mother Goose" is more popular with visitors than the graves of American Founders Paul Revere, Samuel Adams, and John Hancock.

*Atheists/leftists/hyper-secularists actually want to believe they came from nothing and are headed towards...nothing, oblivion. Sad. It's no wonder that many of them act the way they do here on Earth.

*A 2015 study from the National Golf Foundation found that 45% of the world's 34,011 golf courses are located in the United States.

*Forbes billionaires list, published this past March, reveals that none of the ten richest Americans inherited their wealth. So how do people get filthy rich in the good ol' USA? Typically through inventions and entrepreneurship, usually by coming up with a product, service, or business that makes other people's lives easier and/or better.

*Hillary Clinton, speaking in India, said: "I won the places that are optimistic, diverse, dynamic, moving forward." She also said she was betrayed by "married, white women." She is certainly not moving forward. Oh, and Hillary, aren't you a married, white woman? You were betrayed, but it was by your husband.

*The government of China has banned online retailers from selling the Bible. Of all the country's major religions, such as Buddhism, Taoism, folk beliefs, and Islam, Christianity is the only one whose holy text cannot be sold in China through normal commercial channels. What does that tell you?

*It used to be said that "the truth will set you free." Now, however, with social media censoring conservative thought, colleges suppressing free speech, and priests and pastors threatened with jail time for preaching Biblical views on homosexuality...the truth may get you put in prison.

*A recent study of philanthropy in the United States showed that foundations giving primarily to liberal causes held more assets than foundations giving to primarily conservative a ratio of 17-to-1.

*The shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida was history's most eminently preventable massacre. Dozens of calls to the Broward County sheriff's office, the Palm Beach sheriff's office and the FBI were simply ignored. The killer was well known to school authorities. He had previously been thrown out of school for assault. He had threatened to do just what he did. He had an ominous social media footprint. Obama administration rulings and guidelines caused schools to ignore these obvious warning signals in an attempt to staunch the flow of the "school to prison pipeline," which it believed somehow unfairly targeted minors, minorities and the disadvantaged. Ignoring all of this, the mainstream media blamed guns.

*There are still a very few actual amateurs competing in the Olympics. John Shuster, the captain of the United States men's Olympic curling team, led his squad to the Gold Medal in 2018. He has now returned to his part-time job at a sporting goods store.

*Mercedes-Benz, Delta Air Lines, and Marriott are among Western corporations who have listed some combination of Taiwan, Tibet, Hong Kong and Macau as countries on their websites. This apparently ran afoul of China's "One China" policy, resulting in the Chinese government demanding the removal of these nations from the companies' websites-- and an apology. Every company caved to both requests. Sickening.

*DJI, a single Chinese company, controls 70% of the global consumer drone business according to Technode, with sales of $2.7 billion. Not good.

*National Public Radio (NPR) reports that Moscow received a total of six minutes of sunshine this past December, the least ever recorded there. Omen?

*Progressives tend to believe in evolution more than in God. I can't/won't speak for God, but it's conceivable He'd be more forgiving of the gay lifestyle than evolution is/could be. Evolution couldn't continue with just gays and lesbians doing their thing.

*In 2002, Congress almost unanimously approved a bill prohibiting the full delivery of a fetus and the subsequent killing of that infant as a method of "abortion." Fast-forward to today: the House recently passed a similar bill requiring abortionists to turn over infants born alive to hospitals. All but six Democrats voted against it. A lot can change in 16 years. Truman and Kennedy wouldn't recognize their own party if they

*Planned Parenthood performs an abortion every 98 seconds. That is some kind of "women's health care."

*When President Trump said that he had a "bigger and more powerful" nuclear button than Kim Jong-Un, the media went berserk. The Bulletin for Atomic Scientists responded that his remark could mean "worldwide thermonuclear war and the end of the human experiment." That's all? Instead, the two Koreas agreed to resume negotiations and North Korean officials reactivated a hotline with South Korea. Progressives simply do not understand the real world.

*Iran, Cuba, Russia, and China are all screwing around in Venezuela, the utterly failed communist state, in an attempt to establish a nearby foothold in which to commence operations against the U.S. The only proper response to that- and them- is, "If you sow the wind, you will reap the whirlwind."

*The U.S. Treasury took in $361,038,000,000 in January of 2018, the first month under the new tax law that President Trump signed in December. That is the most money ever collected in any January in the history of the United States.

*President Trump donated his $100,000 fourth quarter salary to the Department of Transportation to help fund a program to build and repair the country's infrastructure. He has donated his entire presidential salary on a quarterly basis, to various federal agencies. How much of their salaries did President's Obama and Clinton donate?

*”A Brief History of...History,” as outlined by progressives: 1) The Big Bang. 2) Lightning hits primordial soup. 3) Dinosaurs roam the earth. 4) Asteroid hits planet. 5) Homo Sapiens arrives. 6) Crusades. 7) Columbus discovers America. 8) Dark Ages.

*Democrats, the mainstream media and North Korea all blasted President Trump's eloquent and uplifting State of the Union address. That tells you all you need to know. Sometimes it reaffirms your own beliefs when you see who's on the other side. 

*The Washington Post's advertising slogan is "Democracy Dies in Darkness." It's owners/journalists have movies made about them and are famously willing to go to jail if need be to expose corruption and encourage openness and transparency. Speaking truth to power, don't you know! Except now. They were dead set against the release of the FISA memo. Hypocrites. 

*According to the Heritage Foundation, President Trump has been more conservative in his first year in office than Ronald Reagan was, positively acting on 62% of the conservative organization's  recommendations as opposed to just 49% for President Reagan. 

*60 million people were killed in World War II, or about 27,000 every single day. It was the first major war in which more civilians than soldiers perished. Stupefying. 

*According to the latest YouGov polls, nearly one-third of Americans aged 18-30 think compliments on personal appearance equal sexual harassment. How sad. 

*The net taxpayer cost of caring for illegal immigrants to the United States was $116 billion in 2017, according to the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR). State and federal spending on illegals totaled $135 billion, an increase of $35 billion just since 2010. 

*The CBO (Congressional Budget Office) recently said that legalizing the over 2 million "Dreamers" currently in the United States would cost its taxpayers about $26 billion over the next 10 years. Nightmare.

*A few months ago a report came out listing the 10 wealthiest people in the United States Congress. 7 of them are Democrats. If this surprises you, you haven't been paying attention. Or reading this blog. 

*The mainstream media is going to go even further insane when they hear that President Trump is in excellent physical- and mental- health. (Postscript: they did).

*Denver University is under pressure by some to get rid of the nickname "Pioneers." Racist and exclusionary you see. Ironic, is it not, that it is most often heard today in phrases like, "She's a pioneer in gender studies" and "He's been a pioneer in the study of race relations." 

*Men's fashion designers are rolling out this gender-bending era's next big thing: skirts for males. Wraps, plaids, you-name-it. One designer had a parade of topless men go down the runway in white maxi-skirts. It won't be long until men start bleeding on their own. Time to start buying Kotex stock. 

*If CNN was so repulsed by President Trump's alleged one-time use of the indelicate adjective "Shit-hole" to (arguably) accurately describe dis-functional nations/societies, why did the network use the same vulgarity no less than 36 times on air on Thursday, January 11th, alone, in reporting that "story"??!

*Virtually every nation has had slavery at different points in history. The United States is the only one that went through a Civil War, one that killed over 600,000 of its own citizens, to end it. That is American exceptionalism. 

*The Obama administrations "response" to Islamic terror, Iran's aggression, and ...North Korean saber-rattling was a complete abdication of responsibility. It was a comedy of terrors. 

* If the President’s job approval rating is the same as the previous president’s at the end of his first year, why does the media say Trump is so unpopular? Did they say that about Obama?
*SB 54, a new California law, sharply limits sheriffs' ability to cooperate with federal authorities, even if convinced a suspect is a threat to public safety. The law bans officers from inquiring about immigration status and prevents them from holding suspects based on immigration violations. Even many serious crimes are not among those listed that would enable police to share information with federal authorities such as ICE. The National Sheriffs' Association is distraught. Governor Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown obviously cares more about the safety of illegal immigrants than he does about the safety of American citizens.

*U.S. retail sales rose 4.9% during the holiday sales period from November 1st to December 24th, the biggest gain since 2011. Consumer confidence is at a 17-year high.

*Antifa? Anti-fascist? Its members act like perfect little fascist thugs. And, where are the anti-communist and anti-socialist groups? Where is Antico or Antiso?

*There is at least one thing radical Islam, Antifa, and secular leftist progressives share: the desire to exterminate differing viewpoints.

*National Geographic surveyed Americans to find out if and when they believe a civilization-shattering catastrophe might occur. 61% of respondents answered that the world will experience a massive catastrophe within 20 years. The wealthiest citizens are buying land in places such as North Dakota, Wyoming and Montana in preparation for just such an event.

*I have half a million words on one 2 & 1/2" x 7/8" compact flash drive. What would Shakespeare think?

*Many wonder why I keep "howling at the moon," though the proverbial writing is clearly on the wall. Well, too many folks pass away long before they die.

*The overwhelmingly vast majority of transgenders are males self-identifying as women. That may tell us something about the perceived value of the sexes- and how hospitable the current climate is to each of them.

*"Well, it's been an eventful week here in Lake Wobegone, Minnesota, my hometown, out there on the edge of the prairie. I've been fired by Minnesota Public Radio (MPR) over allegations of sexual harassment. Well, that's the news from Lake Wobegone, where all the women are worthy of being felt up. Good-bye forever. Garrison Keillor, signing off."

*A 47-year-old Minnesota woman has been charged with killing the guest she invited over for Thanksgiving dinner. Apparently, she was upset that he pulled out a crack pipe, unbidden, and then did not offer to share. Where were his manners? The times, they are a changing. Call me a skeptic, but I'm guessing they probably didn't pray before the meal.

*Tesla's Elon Musk believes artificial intelligence is a "fundamental risk to the existence of human civilization." He has also recently stated that he thinks efforts to make AI safe have only about a 5%-10% chance of success. Oh, well.

*Budweiser wants to become the first company to someday brew beer on Mars. As a first step, the company is planning to send barley to the International Space Station in the near future. It intends to leave the grain there for a month or so, bring it back down to Earth, and ascertain the effects of micro-gravity on the brewing staple. Martian, this Bud's for you!

*Ibtihaj Muhammad, an Olympic fencer, is going to be honored with a Barbie doll in her likeness. This will be the first hijab-sporting Barbie, a fact she says she is especially proud of, saying it "is a childhood dream come true." The doll is part of Mattel's new "She-ro" line. The company released a statement saying: "We are so excited to honor Ibtihaj Muhammad with a one-of-a-kind Barbie doll. Ibtihaj continues to inspire women and girls everywhere to break boundaries." Maybe some day, back home, they'll even let her drive. (See my post: "Mattel Introducing Fifteen New Ken Dolls!" of June 28th, 2017).

*During the recent off-year elections in the United States, eight openly transgendered candidates were somehow swept into office, despite the best efforts of the throngs of openly transphobic bigots attempting to thwart them.

*There oughta be a legitimate source for debunking fake news from the mainstream media. When the New York Times or the Washington Post, for example, puts out a cock-and-bull story, we should be able to call them on it. The service could be called Post-busters. To paraphrase a line from a famous movie song, "Who ya' gonna' call? Post-busters!"

*"Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the I am stuck in the middle (riddle?) with you."

*Pope Francis is urging people to put down their phones and pick up a Bible. He is imploring folks to treat the Bible as reverently as they do their smart phones. Sad that this even needs to be stated. I wholeheartedly agree with the Pope on this issue.

*According to the London Times, the civic leaders of three disparate towns have decided that linking their communities would make them more exciting to tourists. Ergo, the villages of Dull, in Scotland, Bland, in Australia, and Boring, in Oregon, have named themselves "The League of Extraordinary Communities." Ordinary, Virginia wants to join, too, the report says. If these burgs really wanted to spice things up, they'd admit Climax, Minnesota into their League. (Which is very close to Fertile. Look it up).

*Hillary Clinton has been going around the world whining about how the Russians stole the election from her by colluding with the Trump administration. Turns out, she's been colluding with the Russkies, along with almost every other Swamp-dweller and enabler, in an effort to get rid of Trump.

*The FBI has nearly unlimited resources and tens of thousands of employees. Why does it need to outsource its unethical investigations of Republican presidential contenders to law firms and former MI-6 Russian Desk chairs?

*The U.S. military designed, made- and paid for- uniforms for Afghan National Army soldiers, spending $28 million on them between 2008 and 2017, according to a Newsmax magazine report. They were made in woodland/forest camouflage patterns. Approximately 2 percent of Afghanistan is graced by trees. Oops. New Defense Secretary Jim Mattis is not amused.

*Starbucks Chairman Howard Schultz  despises President Trump. Yet the company has a store in Trump Tower. A very busy one. I guess the emphasis is on the bucks.

*There are a lot of fake news stories about fake news. I guess that shouldn't be surprising.

*Here's hoping Japan changes its constitution to allow it to quickly assemble a nuclear arsenal. This would sober-up China and put Little Rocket Man in a box.

*The University of California-Berkeley has spent roughly $2.1 million already this year on damage repair and security fees due to actual and threatened violent protests by Antifa. This should be intolerable.

*"Ironically" and "hypocritical" are two of my most oft-used words nowadays. Would that weren't so.

*Ironically, states like California and politicians like Hillary and Bernie- and their leftist friends in entertainment, media, and academia- want to make sure the rules are stacked against those who play by them. (Whether it be gun-control or anything else. This effectively subsidizes sloth and evil, while it discourages industry and good).

*Hey, Black Lives Matter morons and NFL anthem-protester pinheads...perhaps you're unaware that Rosa Parks, Muhammed Ali, and, drum-roll please...Donald Trump (among others) all won Ellis Island Medals of Honor back in 1986 for people who are dedicated to community service and who exhibit integrity, humanitarianism, and ethnic awareness? No? Trump can be seen smiling in a photo with all the winners...standing just to the left of Parks and Ali.

*Students and teachers at a Baltimore area school recently became alarmed when they noticed an unusual smell that they thought seemed to be getting stronger. The principle ordered the school evacuated. The fire department responded and a hazmat team was summoned. The looming crisis was averted when the source of the odor was finally discovered: an air freshener scented with pumpkin spice. The horror.

*Speaking of First Amendment rights, do you think, say, McDonald’s would be okay with its clerks wearing a MAGA hat? Who could possibly be against making America great again? How about Second Amendment rights? Would Burger King be “down with” their employees carrying side-arms? For many years I worked under an employment-at-will contract that stated I could be fired at any time for any- or no- reason. I once was scheduled to work 30 consecutive 12-plus hour days. NFL players, deal with it… you wussies.    

*In August of 2016, a Ms. Bookman was playing a slot machine at Resorts World Casino in Queens, N.Y. when the machine lit up and displayed the message: "printing cash ticket $42,949,672.76." Not so fast, Ms. Bookman! The casino said the machine had malfunctioned and "awarded" her the $2.25 balance she had left on the a steak dinner. :)

*In her cleverly titled new book, "What Happened," Hillary Clinton implicitly calls for the elimination of the "godforsaken" Electoral College. She explicitly called for its elimination during a recent CNN interview. Someone needs a history lesson.

*Speaking of Hillary, she may be contesting the results of the 2016 election after the 2020 election.

*Seven Democratic members of the president's (formerly) 27-person National Infrastructure Advisory Council have resigned, because, they wrote, his actions "undermine" America's "moral infrastructure." Unlike, say, court-packing, Chappaquiddick, email scandals, the Monica Lewinsky affair, Anthony Weiner, the IRS targeting non-leftist groups...??

*Barack Obama announced that he plans to invite civic leaders from around the world to Chicago for an October meeting to discuss ways to solve some of the world's pressing problems. It would be far better for him- and Chicago's own "civic leaders"- to try to figure out how to solve Chicago's problems. In 2016, 762 people were murdered in the city, and 4,331 were shot. Moreover, attacks on police nearly doubled from 2015.

*The city of Berkeley, California erected concrete barrier walls to prevent leftist protesters and other riff-raff from running amok during the lead-up to mildly conservative Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro's recent speech at the University of California-Berkeley. If it works for them...

*The share of Americans who are white and Christian has fallen below 50% for the first time according to a new survey. This is due to changing patterns of immigration and the outright rejection of religion on the part of many younger people.

*The journal Environmental Research just laid it on the line: for every child who is never born, our Mother, the Earth, is spared almost 60 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions per year. If we could just eliminate ourselves, life would be so much better. Does the government get to decide whose kids should never be born?

*Researchers have now successfully grown fetal lambs in an external artificial womb. This ability may soon be adapted to help human infants born prematurely avoid diseases to which they are prone. Some abortion-rights advocates worry that this may set back their cause. (Since Roe v. Wade allows states to restrict abortion after the age at which a fetus would be viable outside the womb). Predictable. And pathetic.

*The E.U. has declared robots to be "electronic persons." Really? Coincidentally, many on the far-left appear to be robotic, as they are only able to spout that which they have been programmed to say. Humanity is on the ropes.

*French President Emmanuel Macron's office has spent $31,000 (26,000 euros) on a make up artist for his public appearances... since he took office on May 14th. That's a span of 10 weeks, folks, which would work out to be over $161,000 a year...on make up. He should try to "make up" with the French people. Macron might look good, but this spending doesn't.

*Tragically, there are some people who leave their kid(s) in a hot car to suffer or die while they go about their business, but who would never even consider leaving their "smart-phone" behind.

*According to the league itself- and the Associated Press- the NBA is "heading to the Holy Land" to "promote values." (!) This is akin to Chipotle or McDonalds heading to the Mediterranean to promote healthy eating habits.

*At least 174 of the 184 lawmakers who support legislation to raise the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour do not pay their own interns at all, according to a recent Employment Policies Institute analysis. This includes Chuck Schumer, Keith Ellison, Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters. Yet another example of "public servants" telling their constituencies to "Do as I say, not as I do," a grave danger to a democratic republic.

*The Pentagon let a Chinese firm with ties to the Beijing government sell telecommunications equipment to U.S. security agencies, according to a Newsmax magazine report. It also stated that in November, "a private security firm revealed that the Chinese phones 'contain software that uses a backdoor feature to send all data on handheld and other devices to Beijing every 72 hours.'" Who approved that deal?!

*The U.S. has led the world in oil production for five straight years. It is also the number 1 producer of natural gas. Horizontal drilling and fracking have led the way. This year's U.S. domestic oil production is expected to exceed Iraq and Iran's combined. The Energy Department predicts production will rise to 10 million barrels a day in 2018, a new all-time record for U.S. oil production.

*Truth doesn't change; only beliefs do.

*If one's genitalia (parts) have nothing to do with one's being male or female, then they have nothing to do with one's species, either. Currently, I am a rabbit.

*The Republican health-care bill wouldn't "throw" anyone off insurance, let alone the 22 million that opponents of the bill cite. The vast majority of these people would leave the insurance rolls voluntarily...and didn't want to be on them in the first place.

*Social Justice Warriors (SJWs) typically aren't social, usually do not seek true justice, and are normally just cowardly hit-and-run insurgents who wilt when encountering any serious push-back. That makes the fact that conservatives so rarely do so all the more puzzling, pathetic, and bizarre.

*Headlines I'd like to see: "Republican Congress Tries, Fails To Pass Gas;" "Republican Congressional Leaders Can't Agree To Disagree;" "Every Trump Administration Member Bashes Every Other Trump Administration Member In Profanity-Laced Tirades"

*"What Happened" is the title of Hillary Clinton's soon-to-be released memoir chronicling the 2016 presidential election contest. "What the F--k?"  Better titles for the book would've been, "Clueless in Hell's Kitchen," "Was I Running For Something?" or "Where Is Wisconsin?"

*The White House recently announced that President Trump will donate his second-quarter salary back to the taxpayers. The money will go to pay for a science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) camp for kids at the Education Department in Washington, D.C. I'm guessing you've seen this story plastered all over mainstream media sites? Me neither.

*By 1950, American industrial production outstripped all other nations of the world combined. The U.S. accounted for half of the world's wealth, over half of its productivity, and possessed almost two-thirds of the world's machines. This was not a fluke. Free market capitalism, limited government, and  the rule of law based on Natural Law made this possible...if not inevitable.

*Critics of the excellent new movie "Dunkirk" want to rewrite history in the most ridiculous ways. They wouldn't be happy unless the movie depicted the heroics of thousands of transgenders in rainbow-colored boats selflessly risking all to rescue 338,000 black lesbians from the French shores.

*Leaks? Why are there all these leaks? A ridiculous- insane actually- 5 million people have been granted security clearances by the U.S. government, including access to many of the country's defense secrets.

*It should've been abundantly clear to all sentient beings that the economic effects of Barack Hussein Obama's Cuban policy would only enrich the Cuban regime, not the Cuban people. That is what's happening.

*Joe Howlett, a fisherman who had for years volunteered to help untangle endangered whales from fishing ropes and lines, was struck and killed by a whale off of New Brunswick, Canada, immediately after seeing to its rescue. A tragic irony.

*Actor Jim Caviezel told that his career has been derailed ever since his lead role in the 2004 Mel Gibson film The Passion of the Christ. Who are the victims of discrimination and marginalization?

*Democrats aggressively waged their "Fight For Fifteen" campaign to enact a $15 minimum wage. They even installed it as a plank in their party platform. Now they are facing a class-action lawsuit over their failure to pay overtime. Turns out their own field operatives were making about half of that amount. Can't make it up.

*I don't think babies should be "assigned" names at birth, either. Too presumptuous and confining. Perhaps we should just label them Baby A, Baby B, etc., or Viable Tissue Mass 1, Viable Tissue Mass 2, et. al., until they can decide what names they wish to be called at any given time. Get on your social media and help me push this idea, progressive readers!

*Can you imagine 6'7" former NBA thug Dennis Rodman signing Karaoke with the 5'7" (if that) brutal dictator Kim Jong Un? What would they be singing, Bette Midler's Wind Beneath My Wings?

* Organizers of a march of Muslims against terrorism in Cologne, Germany, were hoping to see as many as 10,000 show up recently to prove that the “religion of peace” did not condone terrorism. They were disappointed in that expectation. Euronews reported that only “several hundred” Germans, not all of them Muslims, showed up to the march. Same as it ever was.
*In July of 1986, 57% of American youth between the ages of 16 and 19 were gainfully employed. By July of 2016, only 36% were.

*House Democrats are continuing to block testimony from nearly a dozen witnesses who sought to appear before the intelligence oversight panel investigating alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

*A full 30% of all detainees released from Guantanamo Bay are known to have returned to the Jihad- or are suspected of doing so.

*James Devine, the New Jersey Democratic strategist who recently added #HuntRepublicanCongressmen to some of his Twitter tweets, is apparently a thief as well as an assassin abettor. According to a report on, he once shoplifted two bags of lettuce, a bottle of hair conditioner and a container of protein powder from a store in Linden, N.J.

*If it wasn't for the (armed) Capitol police, crazed Trump-Hater James T. Hodgkinson would almost certainly have been able to carry out a massacre on an epic scale today, June 14th, 2017. Democrats, of course, used the purely political violence in a purely political attempt to advance their agenda, calling for more gun control. Pathetic.

*The man who attacked a policeman with a hammer in front of Notre Dame Cathedral while shouting, "This is for Syria," is a former journalist who is working on a doctoral thesis said university and government officials. He had not been suspected of radicalization. Shocking, and shocking, right?

*Two federal agencies teamed up with the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) in spending almost half a million dollars on a- temporary- art exhibit that revealed what it smelled like in medieval times. Really.

*The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) found $519,8 billion in errors in its 2015 and 2016 records, marking the third straight year it's had major bookkeeping problems.It's so bad, the agency's inspector general has actually given up trying to complete an audit this year. Good luck, Dr. Carson!

*A Georgia couple wanted to officially name their toddler daughter "Zalykha Graceful Lorraina Allah." The state originally refused, explaining that state law requires a baby's surname to be that of the father or the mother for the birth record, or a combination of the two. The couple is comprised of Elizabeth Handy and Bilal Walk. Handy-Walk successfully sought the ACLU's help to force the state to recognize "Allah" as their offspring's last name. The group filed a lawsuit, which it has since withdrawn, as the Georgia Department of Health has now capitulated and has issued a birth certificate in compliance with the ACLU's, and Handy-Walk's wishes.

*Reports claim North Koreans are ever more frequently turning to amidon as their drug of choice. So much so that some think it may soon replace crystal meth as the most often used illicit drug in the Hermit Kingdom. Amidon, an opioid painkiller, and crystal meth may help ease the mental and physical pain of forced labor, hunger, lack of health care, and other indignities ubiquitous in Kim Jong un's realm.

*The number of abortions performed more than five months into pregnancy in the U.S. is estimated to be about 16,000 annually. That is more than the annual number of  U.S. gun homicides.

*As John Adams famously stated, his reading of history taught him that "there never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide." This, the Founders knew, was because over time people become more loyal to factions than the well-being of the nation as a whole. In the case of the modern Western democracies, the left is actively assisting the suicides, if it's not the actual assassin.

*President Trump fired FBI Director James Comey? President Bill Clinton fired then FBI Director William S. Sessions, a Republican, on July 19th, 1993. Vince Foster was found dead on July 20th, 1993. Coincidence? Or did the Great Prevaricator need an FBI Director who would be willing to look the other way when it came to the (alleged) Clinton crimes?

*A group of students at Pomona College, part of California's hallowed Claremont Colleges, has declared "truth" to be a "white-supremacist myth."

*The Chinese government still murders men and women for their political- and religious- beliefs. Then it harvests their organs for profit. Yet President Trump had cordial words for Xi Jinping during their recent White House meeting. They even shared a piece of cake.

*The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation released its inaugural "Annual Report on U.S. Attitudes Towards Socialism." According to this survey, fully 32% of Millennials believe that George W. Bush killed more people than Stalin. W killed no one, Stalin tens of millions. Perhaps they also believe that the dinosaurs built Stonehenge?

*The North Korean military fired hundreds of rockets, torpedoes and other projectiles at mock warships during its largest ever live-fire exercise recently. Hundreds of tanks lined the coast near Wonsan, turrets pointing out to sea. If the Hermit Kingdom has any missiles/projectiles left after this demonstration, it is well prepared to defend itself should the Pacific Ocean decide to attack.

*According to a new Pew Survey, 48% of Americans would rather have a bigger government providing more services than a smaller one providing less services. If so, 48% of Americans no longer wish to be...Americans. Limited government and Natural Law are the defining features of America. Pathetic and sad.

* Rod Dreher, in his new book, "The Benedict Option: A Strategy for Christians in a Post-Christian Nation," makes the assertion that the modern Christian Church "no longer forms souls but caters to selves." Sadly, he is correct.

*As robots, sex-bots, and A.I. 'humanoids' become ever more can be sure Democrats will want to give them the vote.

*Pope Francis lamented how- he claims- migrants, among others, see their "human dignity crucified" every day through injustice and corruption. Meanwhile, the world-wide spate of Islamic extremist terror attacks committed by "migrants" continues unabated. Human dignity is undoubtedly "crucified" when innocent people have their throats slashed or are run over by trucks, Holy Father.

*Some International Studies students at Iowa State University received an assignment directing them to "Write a paper that gives a historical account of 9/11 from the perspective of the terrorist network. In other words, how might Al-Qaeda or a non-Western historian describe what happened." In other words, we're toast.

*A few days after a Pakistan International Airline plane crashed last December while en route to Islamabad, tragically killing all 47 passengers, the airline attempted to fend off any additional bad luck by sacrificing a goat...on the Islamabad airport's tarmac...just before a flight destined for Multan took off. That sight would inspire confidence in anyone.

*The son of Hillary Clinton's former running mate, Senator Tim Kaine, was arrested on Saturday, March 4th, at the Minnesota state capitol in St. Paul, while protesting a rally in support of President Trump. Kaine was with a group that lit off fireworks and then attempted to flee the scene. Arresting officers had to use "some force" to take him into custody.

*As Michael Medved points out in his excellent new book, "The American Miracle," the final documents that ended the Mexican-American War and gave California to the United States were signed within the same week...and possibly on the very day...that gold was discovered in...California. Quite the coincidence?!

*Three of the first five American presidents- Founders all- died on July 4th. Those odds are almost incalculable. Well, actually, one expert calculates that they are 50 million to one.

*The same people who are afraid President Trump secretly wants to put all women back in corsets are livid with him for not being welcoming enough to Muslim men from country’s where women are forced to wear burkas and hijabs. Ours is not a sane world.

*General Michael Flynn was a Democrat, so at first blush it seems odd that he was likely the target of a political hit by former Obama administration officials. There were two reasons for this, though: 1) They'll do anything to discredit and disturb President Trump, of course. 2) Flynn was one of the most vocal opponents of Obama's Iran Deal, and may have been planning to expose details of the plan that the former president and his minions would rather stay hidden.

*A Moscow-based technology initiative funded in part by the Russian government funneled tens of millions of dollars into the Clinton Foundation while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. "Journalists" didn't care.

*The Obama State Department gave roughly $350,000 in grants to an Israeli political group that utilized the money to try to defeat Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel's March 2015 election. Meddling in foreign elections is not part of the State Department's- or America's- purview.

*The French National Assembly recently passed a bill criminalizing internet posts that counsel women not to have abortions. Anyone found 'guilty' of "exerting psychological or moral pressure" on a woman considering having an abortion would be subject to a fine of up to $30,000 and two years in prison. To the extent that progressives believe in God, they had better hope He is rather more tolerant than just.

*The 2017 Westminster Dog Show included...cats...for the first time in its 140-year history. That's inclusiveness! Oh well, maybe the cats identified as dogs.

*Those of us of a conservative bent are limited in our ability to honestly discuss the issues, because of political correctness and laws against "hate speech." The leftist coastal elites accuse us of "clinging to our God and guns," and then these progressives do their best to make certain that Christianity and the Second Amendment are mocked in the media and invalidated on campus. We are left with only two choices. One of them is surrender.

*The Women's March For Life was a breath of fresh air after the Women's March On Washington: Tens of thousands marched with no violence or assaults, and no trashing of people or property. It was almost as if the marchers had respect for life.

*And now we find out that there was a threatened attempt on the President-elect’s life. Apparently by a close friend of…the Clintons.  Can't be! The man allegedly gave $20,000 to the Democratic National Committee in 1996. Hillary gave the eulogy at his mom’s funeral. Radical left-wing extremist.

*At 6 a.m. January 7, 2017, the spatial average temperature over the Lower 48 United States was 11 degrees (Fahrenheit), which is fully 9 degrees(!) colder than at any time last winter.

*During President Obama's time in office, the number of temporary visas granted nearly doubled, from 5.8 million a year in 2009 to 10.9 million in 2015. And this in a time of terror.

*The Department of Homeland Security says that over 500,000 people who entered the U.S. on short-term visas did not leave when they expired...not including students and workers who overstayed their visas!

*Planned Parenthood gave $38 million to Hillary Clinton's campaign. Taxpayers contribute $500 million annually to Planned Parenthood, whether they like it or not. As in the case of union dues, taxpayers are forced to pay for things they may not believe in. In this case, possibly twice. This is the worst kind of extortion, and must be stopped.

*Terrorist mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, writes James E. Mitchell in his new memoir, told him he expected jihad to prevail because "we do not need to defeat you militarily; we only need to fight long enough for you to defeat yourself by quitting." We, apparently, will never learn this lesson.

*The federal government under both George W. Bush and Barack Hussein Obama rapidly usurped more and more control over education. Donald Trump's choice for education secretary, Betsy Devos, will help roll back federal regulations that have stymied teachers and kept students in failing schools. She will  help restore state's power over their own education systems.

*Jeff Sessions, President-elect Trump's nominee to be the next attorney general, is a brilliant choice. He will restore integrity to a department gone wildly- and partisanly- astray. He is determined to get a handle on illegal immigration. But he also helped desegregate Alabama's schools, and oversaw the prosecution of the head of that state's branch of the Klu Klux Klan, for the murder of a black teenager. He is sober, logical, reasoned, hard working, mild-mannered, but determined. In short, a consummate conservative adult.

*Hillary Clinton blames Vladimir Putin for meddling in the election. She said, "We are well beyond normal political concerns here. This is about the integrity of our democracy and the security of our nation." That's our Hillary, brimming with integrity and ever-concerned with the country's security. You can't make it up.

*Voting machines in more than one-third of all Detroit precincts registered more votes than the number of voters tallied by workers in the poll books. Hillary Clinton won Detroit by a huge margin, of course. But, apparently, you can never be too sure. Or was it the Russian's fault?

*After the election, Democrats have turned into basket (of deplorables) cases.

*Jill Stein paid $3.5 million to see her wish of a Wisconsin presidential election recount come true. She suspected fraud. A spokesperson for the Wisconsin Elections Commission is on record as stating: "We're not finding any problems with the machines." Since the beginning of the recount, Trump has gained 146 votes. Karma?

*President Obama is going to use his last days in office to attempt to f--k up his country  in ways that no one deemed possible only a few years ago. 

*Get ready for the largest and most concerted attack on the electoral college in American history. 

*Barack and Michelle are disgusted by Trump's behavior...but consider Beyonce a "perfect role model for their daughters?" Have a listen to some of Beyonce's lyrics in songs such as "Blow," and decide for yourselves.

*So the Donald groped women? So did the Kennedys.  Bill Clinton raped them. Hillary covered for him...and likely groped her fair share of women in her own right!

*For each education dollar taxpayers send to Washington, it returns roughly ten cents.

*Hillary's team was feverishly deleting emails even as she herself was publicly calling for transparency. That is the very definition of "Clintonesque."

*Incredibly, Hillary's former Chief of Staff, Cheryl Mills, was allowed to act as her lawyer by the Obama Justice Department during FBI questioning. Incidentally, Mills simultaneously served as Clinton's Chief of Staff at the State Department and as a paid consultant to the Clinton Foundation. What?

*Progressives believe it is bad for the U.S. to act unilaterally, but that it is good for the President- and the U.N.- to do so.

*Millennials literally think differently, surveys and studies show. They actually believe "diversity" is a hallmark of "character." That is simply a non sequitur. 

*The FBI released the results of its investigation into Hillary Rodham Clinton's e-mail practices on the Friday afternoon of Labor Day weekend, the precise timing of which led to these findings getting the least possible attention. The files proved that Hillary's team was frantically deleting e-mails as she publicly called for transparency.

*President Obama insists that the Paris Accord/Agreement on climate change is nothing more than an "executive agreement," and as such does not have to be sent to the Senate for advice and consent. Executive fiat, again, worthy of a "Banana Republic."

*70 flags were recently stolen from the graves of Confederate veterans at Oak Grove Cemetery near Brunswick, Georgia. This is not an isolated incident, but part of a disturbing pattern developing. Whatever one’s political views, there are few acts more loathsome than the desecration of a cemetery. Note to “point-makers:” They served their country… and they are already dead.

*”M” battalions fighting ISIS in Mosul report that talking on a phone used to be a crime punishable by chopping the offender's hand off. Now it typically means death. That’s what happens when ISIS runs your neighborhood.
*U.S. government spending per household reached an incredible $29,867 in 2015 and is projected to skyrocket to $48,088 in 2025!

*To set aside enough money today to pay the current debt and future unfunded costs just from Social Security and Medicare alone, every single person in America today, children included, would owe more than $211,000. (Source: The Heritage Foundation)

*How can you tell that reporters aren't entirely unbiased? Hillary Clinton broke her 8-month streak of evading the press to take questions from the National Associations of Black Journalists and Hispanic Journalists recently, and basked in their numerous rounds of warm and enthusiastic applause.

*At least 472 people were shot in Chicago during the month of August, 16 on August 31st alone. How's that strict gun-control working for you, Chicagoans? 

*Jesse Morton, a 'former' Islamic extremist who supported Al-Qaida and urged others to follow Osama bin Laden, is now a research fellow at George Washington University.

*According to the National Review, an appeals court has ruled that U.S. navy submarines may not use a sonar-based surveillance system whose low frequencies are also used by whales. The magazine notes that, "On the other hand, every year millions of birds and bats are chopped to bits by wind turbines or fried by solar-power plants, and the carnage is taken in stride. What is written off as collateral damage when incurred in pursuit of expensive, erratic 'green' energy becomes unacceptable, it seems, when it helps our armed forces defend America." Well said. And I don't take that lightly.

*Perception: can you see it?

*0.002 percent of college sociologists are conservative according to a recent  survey (12 out of 6,000). Love that diversity and inclusion!

*The Tax Foundation reports that it will take Americans 8.9 billion hours to comply with the tax code- now 2.4 million words in length- in 2016.

*New York, California, Seattle, and Washington, D.C., have all raised the minimum wage to $15 per hour in response to congressional Democrats pleas. The fallout? Many fast food CEOs are seriously considering replacing their employees with robots.

*Bill Clinton fell asleep during his wife's acceptance speech. Timeless love story indeed. It's okay, Bill, many of us did the same thing. 

*Turkey detains everyone in the country. China bans news. U.S. Rep. compares Israelis to termites. Islamic extremists beheading priests and performing Arabic sermons in Catholic churches. The world is certainly heading in the right direction, no? Thanks Obama. Thanks liberal, "progressive" leaders!

*Now that the last two Islamic terror attacks have been carried out using a truck and an ax, respectively, I'm sure we'll see impassioned calls to ban trucks and axes, right? Maybe just assault trucks and assault axes?

*So, you don't want to vote for just "the lesser of two evils?" Really? So you want the worst of two evils to prevail? Wow.

*Black on blue...and dead all over.

*The Billy Joel song goes, "You can't dress trashy 'til you spend alot of money." In a similar vein, you can't truly be an idiot until you attend an institute of higher learning. Which requires spending alot of money.

*Understandably, and even laudably, homosexuals have been buying up AR-15's and other firearms at a breathtaking pace since the Orlando terrorist attacks. What- if anything- will the liberal media have to say about this?

 *The Women for Trump Facebook Group was set up as a voice for women who “are fed up with loser politicians who won’t stand up for our freedom or for the USA.”  The W.F.T. Facebook page currently has 27,000 followers and is one of the most popular Trump fan pages. Recently, the Women for Trump Facebook page organizer received this warning from Facebook: Facebook “has received many reports from your page” and to, “Please review your posts for reasons that you have violated our terms.” Scary.
*Whenever most liberals speak, it becomes clear they should be committed to an inane asylum.

*Hillary Clinton promised last March "to put a lot of coal miners...out of business." For some reason, this didn't go over well in Kentucky. And she's the smartest woman to ever trod the planet?

*As National Review reports, IMF figures show that the EU today is the only region of the world to be consistently experiencing zero economic growth. How is that socialist, illegal-immigrant-welcoming welfare state working out for you, Brussels?

*According to a new poll by the Washington Post, 90% of American Indians are not offended by the name of the Washington Redskins.

*About 450,000 condoms will be distributed during the Rio de Janeiro Olympics, three times more than for the London Games four years ago, the International Olympic Committee says. Talk about Olympian-sized appetites! That is quite the rate of “inflation!” How many Olympic athletes are there?

*North Korea continually touts its rapidly-advancing missile technology. I can see why. It can now consistently hit...the Pacific Ocean.

*From the time of the Founders until at least the end of the John Quincy Adams presidency, it was considered a character flaw to aggressively lobby for the highest office in the land. One "stood for" rather than "ran for" office. In fact, to actively seek any elective office was to demonstrate your unfitness for it. And now we have Hillary and the Donald.

*John Quincy Adams on free trade, circa 1823: "It is the nature of commerce, when unobstructed by the interference of authority, to find its own channels and to make its own way. Let us not undertake to regulate that which will best regulate itself." Perfectly said.

*If Thomas Jefferson was the founder of the modern-day Democratic Party, Adolf Hitler founded Israel’s Likud Party.

*The Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg recently quoted the king of Jordan, who said, "I think I believe in American power more than Obama does." That says it all.

*On the cusp of Obama's trip to "Cuber," the regime arrested more than 300 people, and an American hotel company struck a deal with the Cuban military, which controls tourism on the island nation. While in the dictatorship, the president invited the Colombian terror group FARC to a U.S.-Cuba baseball game. JFK is rolling in his grave.

*President Obama once again showed his priorities: shortly after the terrorist attacks in Brussels, he was happily doing "the wave" with a Communist dictator at a baseball game in Cuba. Always ready to cavort with unsavory types, he also posed respectfully for a picture with a giant mural of the murderous thug Che' Guevara in the background. Oddly enough, he doesn't seem to have much time for leaders of historically allied nations.

*Easter Eggs used to be a rite of spring. Chocolate and nougat, cream or marshmallow, the springtime treats abounded. Now, however, some candy companies are removing the word "Easter" from their packaging, especially in Europe. Eggs- or candy eggs- or springtime eggs are what they're labeled as now. In this case it's clear, first came Easter, then came the egg, then came chickens.

*Judicial Watch found (in 2015) that IRS official Lois Lerner directly communicated with "Justice Department" officials regarding criminal prosecution of the Tea Party and other conservative organizations. Shortly thereafter they went to court over the fact that the Obama IRS targeted conservative organizations 15 times more often than liberal ones. What's the motive for this extreme profiling and prejudice? Why the figurative waterboarding of those who believe in liberty? Power.

*Paul Ryan says “trust us” on the same day that Feds admit several prisoners released from Gitmo have subsequently killed Americans.

*Ted Cruz told reporters that he would back Donald Trump if Trump wins the nomination. "I committed at the outset, I will support the Republican nominee, whoever it is." Class...and sanity.

*Donald Trump has waffled on his earlier "pledge" to support the eventual Republican nominee, and on his promise not to run as a third party candidate if he is not granted the Republican nomination. Marco Rubio has also recanted his pledge to unequivocally support the eventual Republican nominee, if that person happens to be "the Donald." Only Ted Cruz has reaffirmed his steadfast commitment to support the Republican nominee no matter who that may be. It is easy for Trump to make his threats as he is the front-runner. It is easy for Marco Rubio as there is no possible way he can win election. Cruz has the most to lose...and yet is the most principled in his statements.

*Ronald Reagan said, "the United States is the last best hope on earth." Ted Cruz is the last best hope for the United States.

*North Korea recently threatened to launch an indiscriminate "pre-emptive nuclear strike of justice" on Seoul, South Korea and Washington, D.C., in reaction to the start of annual U.S.-South Korean military exercises. Only a totalitarian state can make up a phrase like "pre-emptive nuclear strike of justice."

*Bernie Sanders said in the most recent Democratic debate that, if you are white, "you don't know what it's like to be poor." Has he ever been to Appalachia or visited with the coal miners Obama put out of work? Has he heard of Albania, the Irish potato famine, or walked through a Wal-Mart lingerie department?

*Deceased folks, non-citizens, convicted felons, and fictitious "people" helped re-elect Barack Obama in 2012. There are more than 4 million illegitimate voters, including 1.8 million deceased persons, registered to vote in America today. Over 200 U.S. counties claim more people registered to vote than they have adult residents. Tragically, Obama's Injustice Department is fighting all efforts at ensuring honest elections, including voter i.d. requirements.

*Karl Marx believed that Socialism was to be the logical outcome of Capitalism in a highly industrialized country with a highly class-conscious citizenry. This has certainly been the case in Western Europe. Now, with the election of Trudeau in Canada and the popularity of Bernie Sanders in the U.S. (even after two Obama terms), we can say, unequivocally, that Karl Marx was right.
*Mammals with large brains tend to be smarter but they also face a greater chance today of going extinct, according to a study published recently. A professor at Stanford University, Eric Abelson, suspected there might be a link between larger brains and the risk of extinction. To test his hypothesis he conducted a study involving more than 600 species of animals from across the globe. To his surprise, the data he examined revealed a clear pattern: animals with larger brains were more at risk of extinction than those with smaller ones. Based on current global events, it appears humans may soon be among them.
*Former Sen. Tom Coburn is irate about being quoted in a recent Donald Trump attack on Ted Cruz. Coburn called the quote an "absolute fabrication.” As part of his never-ending criticism of Cruz, Trump's Twitter feed re-tweeted and pushed a quote ostensibly from Coburn criticizing Cruz as "one of the most dishonest people" in Washington. During a phone interview with the Washington Examiner, the former Oklahoma senator fired back at Trump. "It's an absolute fabrication. I've never said that, period," Coburn said. "It's unfortunate he would use my name to say something dishonest. It's a total fabrication.” 
*Iran has, against the Geneva Convention, posted a picture on Twitter of an American sailor crying after he and other sailors were captured and detained by the Muslim nation a couple weeks ago. It has recently come to light that the sailor was just reflecting on the 2016 Democratic presidential nominees.
*StarTribune headline: Student condom use falls at U. Question: How do they know?

*President Obama recently condescendingly opined on many Americans' dislike for global treaties and organization's (such as the U.N.) attempts to impose their edicts and laws on them by stating: "Now, there's a long history of that, that's in our DNA, you know? The United States was born suspicious of some distant authority..." No, O, it was born because it defeated a tyrannical government that housed its soldiers in their homes and taxed them without representation. History was never this president's strong suit.

*Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions is urging Americans to choose their next president carefully because 2016 "is the last chance for the American people to take back control of their government."In an interview with Secrets, the Republican warned that liberal special interests, Wall Street moguls, and international media conglomerates are fast turning the United States into just another member of the European Union, while President Obama lauds those efforts and contributes to them with his shameless use of executive orders.

*Approximately half of the 23 state-run co-ops that were given massive federal subsidies under Obamacare have declared bankruptcy.

*The federal government "confiscated" over $5 billion in property from U.S. citizens last year.

*American taxpayers subsidize 24 percent of all abortion costs in the United States, or the equivalent of 250,000 abortions per year. Federal revenues represent 35 percent of Planned Parenthood's $1.4 billion in total revenues. (Fiscal year 2014 numbers). Let us hope God is exceptionally merciful, indeed.

*It has been recently revealed that the NSA has been spying on Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu...intimately and aggressively so to quote the National Review.  As NR opined, if the NSA were intercepting  and disseminating a leftist leader's  communications with members of Congress, Democrats would be screaming and holding outraged hearings.

*U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch recently stated that her "greatest fear" is the alleged rise of anti-Muslim rhetoric in the country and promised that the Justice Department would "take action." In 2014, the U.S. experienced one "anti-Muslim" crime per 29,000 American Muslims. There was one "anti-Jewish" crime per 11,000 American Jews. There is no "epidemic of violence" in either case, but one troubles the A.G. and one doesn't, even though it is by far the most common.

*Since the ISIS attacks on Paris, the New York Daily News has run at least four covers pertaining to the topic of terrorism and mass killings. The terrorists weren't blamed in any of these stories, of course. Instead, the right to bear arms was attacked as the culprit. In fact, two of the offerings depicted Wayne LaPierre, head of the NRA, as a jihadi terrorist. Another one simply blamed Second Amendment advocates for the actions of international terrorists. And one cleverly targeted... the virtue of prayer.

*The U.S. spends more per student on education than any other nation in the world...over $15,000 per student annually. Yet, U.S. students rank 24th in literacy and 31st in math proficiency.

*When Obama travels on official business and spends his time and speeches savaging  Republicans- as he usually does- it is the taxpayers who foot the bill. Is this not taxation without representation? At the very least, we can all agree, it is unpresidential and divisive.

*Lecturing this week (1/13/2016) at the University of Nebraska-Omaha, president Obama said the U.S. was "250 years old." He was a community organizer for longer than he's been president, so we'll cut him some slack for being off by roughly 10 and 1/2 years.

*American Secretary of State John Kerry said that the January 12th capture and release of the 10 American sailors by Iran could be a "good story" for both countries. Huh??! Like "Hansel & Gretel?" "Anna Karenina?" "Rambo" would be appropriate, perhaps. Or the history of the U.S. Marine Corp. 

*Are the little stickers (on the back of many products) that say "Made in China" made in China?

*Most of us make New Year's resolutions and some of us even carry them out. They usually involve a desire to lose weight or quit smoking, etc. ISIS, however, has resolved to kill and maim more people via more attacks than ever in 2016. Here's hoping our resolve proves stronger than theirs.

*There was a Second Emancipation Proclamation: It read, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"

*It's amazing how Clarence Thomas and Ben Carson- both of whom are black- aren't considered by many progressives to be 'authentically' black, even as they claim Bill Clinton was the 'first black president.'

*At the G-20 summit in Turkey, President Obama said he was "not interested in...pursuing some notion of American leadership or America winning." Yes, you have made that remarkably clear, Mr. President.

*For many decades, Georgia had given state employees the day after Thanksgiving off in honor of Robert E. Lee's birthday. The great man and brilliant Confederate general will no longer be so honored. Starting in 2016, Lee's birthday (and Confederate Memorial Day) will be known simply as  "state holiday," by order of the state's Republican governor, Nathan (Raw) Deal.

*Obama has done more to truly, deeply- and likely irrevocably- damage and weaken the United States than all of its historical enemies combined throughout its existence.

*After 7 years of Obama, the U.S. military is no longer 'too big to fail.'

*Obama is the twenty trillion dollar man. The U.S. debt was 10.6 trillion when he assumed the presidency. It is currently 18.15 trillion. The newly enacted spending bill allows the treasury to borrow another $1.5 trillion by March of 2017 (from who?). The 19.65 trillion dollar debt at the end of his presidency will be nearly double that of when he took office. Incredible.

*The five Democrats Nancy Pelosi picked to 'investigate' Planned Parenthood took $81,000 in campaign contributions from PAC's closely associated to the organization.

*Several U.S. colleges have designated 'official' Halloween 'costume sensitivity consultants,' and have put up posters around campus with the phone numbers of these exalted officials, that anyone unsure of their outfit might get good politically-correct counsel before actually donning them and chancing a public outcry. The State University of New York has five of these Halloween costume arbiters. Wesleyan has six.

*Al Gore has warmed to a study by the 'Harvard School of Public Health' purporting to show that global warming is making people dumber. The study claims that 'carbon dioxide has a direct and negative impact on human cognition and decision-making.' Talking about global warming has undoubtedly made Al Gore dumber.

*A new study shows that 93% of Detroit's public school students are not proficient in reading and 96% are not proficient in math. We spend more money per student than we ever have and more than any other country on earth. To anyone proficient in reading or math, this might suggest that the problem lies elsewhere.

*A special intelligence review of Hillary Clinton's e-mails found two that were "top secret." One concerned North Korea's nuclear program. "Top secret" is defined as that which could "reasonably" be expected to cause "exceptionally grave damage to the national security" if it were leaked or hacked. That normally equates to charges of treason. Don't hold your breath.

*About ten years ago, at my son's Little League baseball game, I happened to look up into the sky and saw a small airplane trailing a long banner that (helpfully) read, "Stop the War. End Violence." Well, that was the top part of the banner. The bottom part read, "10 week abortions, call 555-555-1212." (That wasn't the actual phone number, but you get the idea). One of the all-time great examples of liberal hypocrisy and insanity.

*In 1998, the top 5% of income earners in the U.S. paid 53.8% of all income taxes. The bottom 50% of income earners paid 4.2%. The rich get (arbitrarily and unfairly) soaked.

*"Era of Errors: the Obama Years"

*"No matter if the science is all phony, there are collateral environmental benefits...Climate change {provides} the greatest chance to bring about justice and equality in the world."- Christine Stewart, former Canadian Minister of the Environment, as quoted by the Calgary Herald newspaper, December 14, 1998.

*Many nineteenth century  suffragettes and women's rights activists vehemently opposed abortion and birth control because they knew they would remove responsibility from men, encourage them to use and discard women, undermine marriage, and lead to widespread family- and societal- breakdown. You reap what you sow.

*An offshoot of affirmative action, the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) of 1977 forced banks to make loans to unqualified minorities. The law directly led to the devastation of many banks and sparked the subprime mortgage crisis and the "Great Recession."

*In the Roe v. Wade decision, the Court found that women have the "absolute right" to abort an unborn baby during the first trimester, the right to abort during the second trimester, and a right to abort in the third trimester in order to preserve the mother's life or health. They based the ruling on a constitutional "right to privacy." Say again?

*Today, the average Cuban eats about one-fourth as much meat and substantially less rice, bread and beans than slaves on the island did in the 1840's. Nice job, Fidel.

*Tragically, a teenage boy was shot to death by thugs in Compton, California, while painting over a graffiti ravaged area. Too bad he couldn't previously have gotten 'straight out of Compton.' Crime is sharply up in the big cities and urban areas of late, because our leaders are fomenting discord, jealousy and hatred...and we are tolerating it.

*Who would ever have believed that an admitted socialist presidential candidate would be leading his field  in any state in our Union? Iowa? Bernie Sanders? Talk about change.

*Hillary Clinton was not sorry for the longest time. Now she is.

*There is a vast left-wing conspiracy. It's called the mainstream media.

*The Obama election (and re-election) was an actual "man-caused disaster."

*Global hurricane activity is at a 45-year low.

*The current European refugee crisis is a de facto Islamic invasion. History will record this so.

*On his MSNBC show, Chris Matthews actually asked a good question recently. He queried of Florida congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, head of the Democratic National Committee, "What's the difference between a Democrat and a socialist? What's the difference between you and a socialist?" Ms. Wasserman Schultz would not answer. Instead she laughed off the question and said she wanted to talk about the difference between a Democrat and a Republican. Her answer? Democrats are good people while Republicans are "extremists."

*This is the third straight year that the U.S. has experienced a cooler than normal July.

*Americans recently interviewed coming out of the National Archive Building in Washington, D.C., with its attendant Bill of Rights Exhibit, could not correctly identify a single First Amendment right.

*Hillary Clinton "certified" that she has turned over all her work related e-mails to the proper authorities, after months of obstruction. She also claimed that she and hubby Bill have been completely transparent as regards their Foundation, its donors, and the Benghazi attack. Additionally, she claims that she was pinned down by sniper fire, or she wouldn't have been late. "Ms. Clinton, at this point, really, what difference does it make?"

*Only 41% of Democrats approve of the Iran Nuclear Accord. Wow.

*Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwean government, guilty of heinous crimes against man, has now presided over economic devastation, brought about by its seizing the commercial farms of white minorities. As a result, the country has experienced inflation the likes of which is incomprehensible to modern man. The unemployment rate approaches 80%. There is little or no electricity- or water. Yet Mugabe has addressed the shooting of "Cecil" the lion, telling his own people that, "you allowed it to happen." They "allowed" Mugabe to happen, I guess.

*Artificial intelligence is looming, but amorality is already here.

*Arctic ice volume increased by roughly one-third after the cool summer of 2013 and continued to increase in 2014, more than reversing the losses of the three previous years.

*More than 58,000 American soldiers died in the Vietnam War. More than 1.1 million North Vietnamese did. We lost? How? Only politicians and a bureaucracy could've prevented our military from winning a decisive victory.

*The 'Onion,' the redoubtable humor/parody newspaper has announced plans to fold immediately. A spokesperson for the popular, irreverent campus tribune stated that, "we can no longer differentiate ourselves from actual news and current event absurdity, as people and events are, apparently,  accidentally lampooning themselves to a degree that we just can't top or augment in a meaningful way. (Just kidding!).

*If a woman is to be placed on  U.S. paper currency, whether it be the Ten dollar bill, or the Twenty, or should be Ayn Rand.

*Who would be on a Great Dictators Mount Rushmore? Perhaps Julius Caesar, King Henry the VIII, Ivan the Terrible and...Anthony Kennedy?

*Oregon is now charging driver's a per mile usage fee. Advanced GPS units are utilized in two of the three systems in use and track a cars every move. Enough like 1984 for you?

*Germany now has the lowest birthrate in the world. It is not even at replacement level, therefore they have to rely on immigrants to replace part of their population and perform certain jobs, etc. Incredibly, only a few decades after they nearly ruled the world, the "Aryan' race is voluntarily going away. A country's birth rate is necessarily indicative of its confidence in its future. They once were on the road to Moscow. They now are on the road to ruin. 

*The policies that the global warming alarmists desperately want to put in place would cost the average American family $3,900 every year and increase the risk of catastrophic power outages. Yet, even the Obama administration admits that the reductions in energy use caused by these policies would have no effect on the global climate, as any reductions in carbon dioxide emissions the U.S. might make would be more than offset by increases in these emissions from China, India and other nations. Why, then, the urgent pleas that we have to go down this road? These policies would necessarily result in higher taxes and new regulations, and allow those in power to grant massive subsidies to important donors to their political campaigns, thereby making those in control even more powerful. That's why.

*Residents of Washington, D.C., who want to own a firearm are subjected to a brutal and demanding permitting process and after that to a set of harsh restrictions that govern which models they may own in their homes. These rules, however, do not apply to members of Congress, of course, as they exempted themselves. Just another instance of only the criminals being allowed to have guns. 

*The courts keep trying to remind Democrats that the First Amendment exists explicitly to protect political speech, but many Democrats believe it just protects pornography, and keep on trying to criminalize the act of criticizing certain politicians (Democrats) in unapproved ways. In 2014, Harry Reid actually attempted to pass a Constitutional amendment to exempt political speech from...First Amendment protections! In essence he wanted to repeal the First Amendment to the Constitution via a Constitutional Amendment! This effort received the support of every Democrat in the Senate. The modern day Democratic Party is largely against the First and Second Amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America. Incredible. The very enumerated rights/protections that differentiated us and made us great- and unique and noble in the eyes of the world- they now despise. The Bill of Rights? They  say it's a bill of goods, and only they have the right to  determine who speaks.

*"There is no cure for Israel, only annihilation."- So stated the supreme leader of Iran, just a few short weeks ago...during the Vienna negotiations. And the press is somehow portraying Prime Minister Netanyahu as an inflexible war monger?

*"Why You Should Stop Eating Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner: Dogmatic adherence to mealtimes is anti-science, racist, and might actually be making you sick." So stated Kiera Butler in Mother Jones, March 4th, 2015. Racist?! She was comparing American meal habits (imported from Europe don't you know) to those of Native Americans. I really wasn't trying to offend anyone by eating three meals a day... at roughly the same times!
     Dogmatic adherence to politically-correct liberal bullshit is anti-science, racist and is actually making me sick.

*To borrow a bit from Sports' Illustrated, here's today's sign of the apocalypse: "A lot of families are saving a lot of money at the gas pump, which is putting smiles on folks' faces. You're welcome."  Barack Hussein Obama actually uttered that quote in a speech in Indianapolis a number of weeks ago. Chutzpa doesn't come close to describing this.

*The Founders/Framers gave special emphasis to what government could not do to limit the freedoms of its citizens. The Bill of Rights was one off-shoot of that emphasis. They so revered the concept of a citizenry able to determine its own destiny, that the concept of "citizen" itself  was seen as an office, replete with its own responsibilities.

*The United Church of Christ, Jeremiah Wright's and President Obama's church, is far removed from traditional Christian teachings. The UCC, like many Mainline Protestant- and other- denominations, sadly, has become a purveyor of general spirituality and a promoter of progressive social causes and activism. The church's statement of its own beliefs declares, "The UCC has no rigid formulation of doctrine or attachment to creeds or structures. Its overarching creed is love." Except for America and traditional values.

*Britain announced earlier this year that it will be including the import, manufacture, and consumption of illegal drugs (such as heroin and crack cocaine) in the official estimates of the country's economy going forward. The national statistics agency also stated that prostitution will be included in the GDP figures, as well. Currently, the only illegal activities reflected in Britain's GDP are estimates of alcohol and tobacco smuggling. A few of the activities, such as prostitution, are legal in certain European Union countries, and therefore comparable figures are needed. Officials say that all member states need the same standard as they are used to assess each state's contribution to the E.U. budget. That's one quick and easy way to grow the economy!

*Rajendra Pachauri had been the chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change since 2002. The IPCC, a U.N. body, shared the Nobel Peace Prize with Al Gore in 2007. Pachauri accepted on behalf of the IPCC. He has now been ousted as IPCC chairman because of sexual-harassment charges. He stated in his resignation letter, "For me the protection of Planet Earth, the survival of all species and sustainability of our ecosystems is more than a mission. It is my religion and my dharma."  Conservatives have claimed for years that environmentalism has become a substitute religion for leftists, and have been mocked for it. Pachauri's admission is unbidden and straight from the horse's mouth.

The harassment charges? They aren't dharma. They are karma.

*Four of the previous seven Illinois governors were sent to prison! More than half! That is a truly remarkable feat. Can any state beat that? Illinois also boasted, as of last summer, the worst credit rating in the nation and one of the highest unemployment rates. Moreover, an incredible 82 people were shot- and 14 killed- in Chicago over the July 4th, 2014 holiday weekend alone! No wonder a Gallup poll shortly after revealed that virtually half of Illinois residents would leave if they could, more than any other state in the nation. And no wonder that they finally voted for a Republican governor this past November.

*After Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu spoke to Congress last week, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said in a statement that she was "near tears," "saddened by the condescension toward our knowledge of the threat posed by Iran and our broader commitment to preventing nuclear proliferation." That's what we  need in our leaders. ..toughness and an unflinching look at reality! And she couldn't help but belie her own claim by using the phrase "our broader commitment to preventing nuclear proliferation!" Yeah, there is the immediate Iran threat, but God help us if New Zealand gets the bomb. The inability to distinguish friend from foe, or acknowledge good from evil on the part of many on the left is stunning. Pathetic.

*Example 34A of the fact that the "wealthy"  the Democrats routinely savage are now aligned more with Democrats than Republicans: Wayzata, Minnesota, with an average household income of well over $100,000 a year- twice the state average- ponied up more money for the Democrat than the Republican in the most recent election for governor. Mark Dayton, the Democratic governor, received virtually double the money from donors giving more than $200 than did  his Republican challenger! Edina, the states other famously well off suburb, actually saw more of its citizens votes go to Obama than to the wealthy Romney in the 2012 Presidential election.

*President Obama recently outlined a new national security blueprint for his last two years in office. In it he warned against American "overreach" based on fear. Yet, his same blueprint called the U.S. an indispensable force in combating global challenges including climate change and cyber threats. He stated that "we have to make hard choices among many competing priorities." Essentially paying for most of the world's "efforts" to reduce carbon emissions- with no tangible benefit to the U.S.- is an overreach. And is being done, ostensibly, out of fear of global warming. What Putin is attempting to do to his neighbors is actual "overreach." And in that  matter we are certainly guilty of "underreach."

* Feb. 22, 2015--Kim Jong-un has indicated that he will likely further purge top officials. He has ordered Workers' Party members to carry out a "campaign against abuse of power, bureaucratism, irregularities and corruption." His statement urged party  members to fully implement the behests of his late father Kim Jong-il, by "unconditionally carrying out them to the last without an inch of deflection and a single step of concession." The "Supreme Leader," who apparently needs better speechwriters, translators, or proofreaders, executed a general last month because he disagreed with him. He also ordered the killing of his uncle (and one-time deputy) in 2013.

 *"The Americans have very clearly surrendered to Iran's might, and this is obvious in their behavior in the region and in the negotiations." So stated the commander of Iran's Revolutionary Guards after the U.S. agreed to a seven-month extension of nuclear talks with his nation's government. Vomit.

*Things you'll never hear: "Hello, Honey-Baked Hams, may I help you?"  

 *A recent Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research Poll showed that Russians who rely on state TV for their news think more highly of President Vladimir Putin than those who utilize other news sources. Duh. It's the same here in the U.S. Those that rely on the mainstream media alone will never get the full- or sometimes even the real- story.

*Putin's first prime minister is now a firm opponent. He is on record recently as saying, "The end is near, the country is at the brink of going down."

*Opponents of the Houston Equal Rights (H.E.R.) Amendment, known as the “bathroom bill” object that it would allow men who “identify” as women to use women’s public restrooms. What could possibly go wrong?
                I didn’t know “equal rights” meant “same bathrooms.”

*In 1998 Charlie Crist was a Republican running for a Senate seat in Florida, when he called on President Bill Clinton to resign, stating that “The president has shattered the confidence and trust of the American people. And I think he needs to be accountable for that.”
In 2014, the same Crist, now a Democrat hoping to become governor again, called Clinton, who was campaigning for him, “one of the greatest Americans in the history of our country, one of the greatest presidents ever.”
Typical two-faced politician. I guess when you can change parties like underwear, it’s easy enough to change your morals and values as well. Assuming he had any in the first place. Whatever will get you elected.

*More from the ever-tolerant, inclusive, caring, “be safe”-commanding liberals. Bristol Palin was recorded claiming that she was knocked down and dragged across the ground during a drunken brawl in Alaska. Did she get the usual “can you tell us how hard this was for you? Were you scared? Did you think you would be raped? Did you think about dying?, etc. etc.” line of concerned questioning most famous folks would get from the cloying mainstream media? Not quite. Instead, vast outbreaks of mirth and amusement broke out.
CNN’s Carol Costello introduced the tape on her show as “possibly the best minute and a half of audio we’ve ever come across” and instructed her viewers to “sit back and enjoy” it.  Would those in the media treat any other young woman reporting that she was assaulted as an opportunity to revel in mirth? Even those who it turns out made completely false or made up charges are treated with grave respect. Remember the Duke rugby case among myriads of others?          

*According to "News of the Weird", Jim Howe, father of two children at South Cumberland Elementary School in Crossville, Tennessee, was handcuffed and briefly detained by a sheriff's deputy in November after mistakenly believing that he could walk his kids home when class let out at 2 p.m. The school only allows 2 p.m. departure for kids being picked up in cars; pupils who leave on foot must wait until 2:35. The deputy said "a rule is a rule" and that if Howe failed to cooperate, he would be jailed.

*CBS News reported from a Pentagon interview back in January that America has "practically zero capability" either to detect enemy cruise missiles aimed at Washington, D.C.,  from offshore, or to "defend against them." They did have a solution for defending the capital, though, said an official. They would launch two blimps, soon, to float two miles up over a base in Maryland to try to spot any such incoming missiles. That was the preferred tactic for scouting out the enemy's the Civil War.

*Katja Kipping, the leader of Germany's largest opposition party (the liberal Die Linke), proposed giving all welfare families an extra cash voucher the equivalent of about $640 in order to allow each a summer "vacation."

*Studies have found that the longer immigrants live in the United States, the more likely they are to be obese, according to the Journal of the American Medical Association, among others. I'm guessing it's because they have food here, but I'm not a medical health specialist.

*Well, the gay marriage thing is done, so what can possibly be next? Progressive's always...progress. They never, ever stop pushing the envelope...ever. Did I say ever? What is almost unthinkable now as was gay marriage just a few short years ago? Well, let's look to Germany. The German Ethics Council actually called for the decriminalization of incest a few weeks ago. Incestuous pairs, said the council, "feel their fundamental freedoms have been violated" and that they "are forced into secrecy or to deny their love."

*In ISIS-captured territory, lines of women, covered from head to toe,  and tied together with rope, are being led to slave markets. There, even little girls, who were recently going to school and playing with dolls before ISIS arrived, were married off to men many times their age. "War on Women?"

*Hundreds of cases of rape and the selling of women as slaves at market in Mosul (for the equivalent of $80 American) have been witnessed lately. "War on Women?"

*According to the Tax Foundation, the total taxpayer cost for IRS administration, enforcement, record keeping, tax filing, advice and collection was $194 billion last year. This sum is about equal to the size of the total U.S. federal budget in 1970!!

*Notice that Republicans have mostly shut-up about Obamacare? And, incredibly, yet again they have completely bought into the perfect strategy for losing the upcoming elections. Instead of touting their own ideas and agenda, they are hoping to say nothing substantive and not make any glaring mistakes, believing that Obama's unpopularity alone will hand them victories. This isn't much of a 'strategy', and to the extent that it is, it has backfired nearly every time, including in several recent elections you may remember. This is exactly the opposite of Reagan's philosophy of confidently telling the people clearly what you believe and what your agenda will be, and explaining to them why it is in their- and the country's- best interest.

                                                                                                                                                                   *1960 Headline- Democrats Rallying Whites in the South After Unrest
  2014 Headline- Democrats Rallying Blacks After Ferguson, MO., Shooting

 *Headline I'd like to see: "Obama, Democrats Propose Amnesty For Invasive Species"

*Al Franken voted with Obama 100% of the time in 2013. "You're not good enough, you're not smart enough, and...gosh darn it...people don't like you that much anymore". Would that were true, but it's Minnesota we're talking about, here.

*Developing nations now account for more than half of greenhouse gas emmisions. This helps put in proper perspective how ludicrous our policies are. Maybe leftists want to abort these nations? That might help solve the problem. I mean they're just developing anyway, not fully formed.

  * Paraphrasing Benjamin Netanyahu on the difference between Israel and Hamas/Hezbollah, etc.:
"We use our missiles to protect our citizens; they use their citizens to protect their missiles."

     *More and more people- and groups- are demanding to be victims...because of the power it gives them. Ironic?

     *Bill Clinton has to be excited by the prospect of possibly becoming the only man to ever cheat on his wife in the White House while he was president and cheat on his wife in the White House while she's president. He will make a lovely first gentleman.

*The new film (released this past June), "Obvious Child" is a paean to unfettered abortion.It got rave reviews by many critics and internet platforms, including Slate. Leftists love it. It may be the first film to never even consider  that the 'fetus' could be a human life or could have rights. The main character's best friend touts abortion as "getting that f---ing thing" out of one's body. How did the main character get that "f---ing thing" into her body? Just the normal drunken one night stand. Hey, it's her choice.
     We are done as a society.

*A senior at a Dyer County high school was given in-school suspension for the rest of her class time for saying, "bless you" to a classmate who sneezed on the other side of the room. "Bless you" is one of several banned phrases that were helpfully listed on her blackboard. "We are not going to have Godly speaking in my class" the teacher stated.

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