Monday, September 30, 2024

Species Dysphoria The New Gender Dysphoria?


Gender dysphoria is so yesterday! According to The Daily Mail, a youngster in Britain has been officially allowed to identify as a wolf. Officials say the secondary-school student is suffering from 'species dysphoria,’ which occurs when someone believes they aren’t truly human and instead belong to a different animal species. Voila, welcome to the trans-specied community!

As you might well guess, teachers are said to be ‘supporting’ the pupil, who authorities say belongs to a group called ‘furries.’

Oddly enough (okay, not really), species dysphoria is becoming ever more common-- along with all the other dysphorias—in an age when it seems nearly everyone wants to identify as something they aren’t and can never be. (I myself sometimes identify as a 6’ 4” 27-year-old Chippendale dancer named Lance.)

We are told that increasing numbers of schoolchildren are taking on the personalities and identities of creatures from cats and dogs to birds and snakes. Apparently, a few even claim to be dragons or dinosaurs.

              Well, that should make for interesting classrooms. And locker-rooms. What could go wrong? Cats and dogs, mongooses and cobras. Oppressors and the oppressed. Just what we need, more division and chaos in hallways, schools, and society in general.

Dictionaries state that dysphoria is the opposite of euphoria. That’s as may be, but it is certain that it is exacerbated (if not created) by the dismissal of standards, consequences, religion…and objective truth.



Sunday, September 29, 2024



   In this ever-devolving world, I often spot apparent dichotomies. Some of these are, dare I say it, reminiscent of the Battle Between Good and Evil. Here are two such dichotomies. Decide for yourself.

1)  1) Pope Francis recently addressed an inter-religious meeting of young people in Singapore. The  preposterously Progressive Pontiff stated, “Every religion is a way to arrive at God. There are different languages to arrive at God, but God is God for all. And how is God God for all? We are all sons and daughters of God. But my god is more important than your god, is that true? There is only one God and each of us has a language to arrive at God. Sikh, Muslim, Hindu, Christian, they are different paths.”

        Sorry, Francis, but other religions have different prophets, saviors, and Gods. If, as you infer, one God is not “more important” than any other God, your claim that “there is only one God” is in obvious contradiction to that statement. Moreover, your claim that every religion is a way to arrive at God also contradicts that statement, and is absurd if one considers paganism, Satanism, Frisbeetarianism, Zoroastrianism, Scientology, and the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster as other religions. Oh, you don’t? Intolerant, non-inclusive hatemonger! Anyway, as a Christian, I have long been under the impression that belief in Jesus Christ was key to knowing God and ascending to heaven. If the Pope himself no longer believes this, it is certainly ‘problematic,’ at least to the Pope, if not to Christianity.

        Here is what Bishop Joseph Strickland had to say about religious authenticity recently, writing in a post on ‘X’: “This is what the Catholic Church teaches regarding the unicity of Jesus Christ. The only way to God the Father is through His Son Jesus Christ. To deny this is to deny the Catholic faith. This is called heresy.” Bishop Strickland sounds like a better Catholic than Pope Francis.

2) International Planned Parenthood Federation’s ‘Deliver Enable Toolkit’ shows teachers how to scale “comprehensive sexuality education” for children under age 10 – going so far as to present the exploitation of women through prostitution, as a normal “interpersonal relationship.” According to Planned Parenthood’s Toolkit, “Commercial sex work” is as normal as working in a hardware store or being an office manager. Maybe more so.

        Really? Katie Brown, American Life League’s national director, noted: “Public schools are allowing the organization that killed almost 393,000 preborn children by abortion in 2023 unfettered access to thousands of elementary, middle, and high school students in their classrooms.” She added, “And it is spending taxpayer dollars to do so.”

        Which, perversely, might be why a judge recently rejected a request to suspend the sale of a city-owned property to the Virginia League of Planned Parenthood for just $10. Ten bucks. A decision that denied Dr. Sheila M. Furey, a Chesterfield County psychiatrist who treats children and adults with autism, brain injuries, and dyslexia, the opportunity to bid on the Richmond, Virginia property. Attorneys representing Furey say that Richmond city officials failed to “issue or publish any invitation for bids or request for proposals” of the property, in clear violation of city code. Instead, Richmond City Council members unanimously approved the sale of said property to Planned Parenthood, paving the way for the organization to build its third facility in the city for just $10.

        Well, the psychiatrist treating autism had no chance. It is sadly likely that the property was either going to be sold to Muslims so they could convert it into a Mosque, or to Planned Parenthood, so they could convert it into a killing field for babies.

        Crazy? Well, these things can happen when the current Pope doesn’t really believe in the foundational precepts of the very religion of which he is the acknowledged leader.





Saturday, September 28, 2024

New News Nuggets (To Make Your Blood Boil)


New News Nuggets

*CNN ‘reporter’ Elle Reeve recently asked a boat-owning Trump supporter why he was so concerned about the economy. The clear inference was that he must be doing pretty well himself, so why should he care? Amazing. This doesn’t speak well of her. The boat owner gave a pretty good answer, but he should have asked CNN’s ditz: “Gee, I don’t know, why do healthy people care about health care?”

*While making an appearance in a grocery store recently, Donald Trump handed a woman $100 to help pay for her groceries. This drove liberals nuts, as most things do. They characterized his act of kindness as attempting to buy a vote. One person? Democrats try to bribe everybody to vote for them, through various promises and programs! With other people’s money!

*The titular—and ever-tired-- president of the United States, Joe Biden, recently asked his unelected wife Jill to take over a cabinet meeting for him. The mainstream media were mostly fine with this. Can you imagine what they would have said if, say, Ronald Reagan had asked Nancy to do the same?!

*Students at several Toronto area middle schools were made to participate in a ‘field trip’ cum protest recently. They were also forced to wear blue shirts to mark them as ‘settlers’ and ‘colonizers.’ At this point, why not just have them commit ritual suicide? (‘Hari-Kari’ if the colonizers would rather appropriate a Japanese term.)

*Speaking of Toronto, an alleged classroom resource-- in the form of a ‘glossary’—has as its first listing ‘Alhamdulillah,’ which means “All Praise is to Allah.” I would suggest another glossary term for the Toronto school system: FUBAR.


Friday, September 27, 2024

Ben & Jerry's Names New Ice Cream Flavor After Kamala Harris


‘Inspired’ by Kamala Harris' now-viral remark, "You think you just fell out of a coconut tree?" far-left Ben & Jerry's co-founders Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield have recently partnered with the far-left political advocacy group MoveOn to create a limited-edition ice cream pint under the ‘Ben's Best’ label as part of its get-out-the-vote tour. (‘Ben’s Best?’ What happened to Jerry? Don’t they believe in ‘equity?’)

The new flavor is called ‘Kamala's Coconut Jubilee,’ in honor of the ditzy Democrat Party presidential nominee’s campaign. If you ask me, ‘Just Plain Nuts’ would’ve been a better name. Or ‘Cacklin’ Kamala’s Chocolate Karma.’

Ben & Jerry’s is famous (or infamous depending on your point of view) for branding their ice cream with names such as ‘half baked,’ ‘The Tonight Dough,’ ‘Chubby Hubby,’ and ‘Karamel Sutra.’

I think Ben & Jerry should have their own ice cream flavor, an ‘autobiographical’ one, if you will. How about ‘Self-Loathing Jews Raspberry Rugelach Jewbilee?’ Works for me. I bet it would be a best-seller in Brooklyn!  

Since we’re riffing on ice cream here, the current president, Joe Biden, an afficionado of ice cream if there ever was one, should have his own flavor, as well. I would suggest ‘Joe Biden’s Rocky Road’ or perhaps ‘Biden’s Beach Butterscotch.’ Maybe ‘FJB’s Dulce de Leche Delaware Delight?’

No doubt Hunter deserves his own flavor, too. Staying with the Ben & Jerry’s nomenclature style, ‘Hunter’s I’d Pop Her CHERRY’ sounds about right.

Any suggestions?



Thursday, September 26, 2024

When Anger Should Trump "Joy"


“Why does Trump often seem angry?”

A question I have had posed to myself—or heard mention of on mainstream media ad nauseum. Take the last “debate” for instance. Conventional wisdom stated that Trump was angry and Kamala was full of “joy.” A bad “look” for the former president, a good look for Kamala, it was said.

Yes, why in the world does Trump sometimes seem perturbed, a bit miffed, or even irate? That is a puzzler, I guess, except for the fact that he has been ridiculed, lied about, libeled and slandered by virtually every mainstream media outlet for years. And has had the same done to his family. Has been smeared with the vilest language and called “Hitler” too many times to count by the very same people who denounce him for being “mean-spirited” and who claim that his rhetoric incites violence. Then there is the fact that the Biden administration, Democrats, their media remoras—and assorted other asshats and evildoers-- have tried to imprison him and get him taken off states’ ballots. And they raided his home and rifled through his wife’s lingerie.

Oh, and they’ve tried to kill him. Twice. Or at least aided and abetted the effort to do so. And covered up the evidence.

Moreover, they have weaponized virtually the entire U.S. government against him-- and his supporters. In the interest of democracy! In fact, they have (tolerantly and inclusively!) called his supporters “deplorables,” “domestic terrorists,” “fascists,” and worse. And (tolerantly and inclusively!) locked many of them up, some in solitary confinement, some without charge.

Oh, and they are well on their way to destroying the nation he loves, ruining its economy, flooding it with illegal aliens, and besmirching its history—and its founding principles. All while insisting he is the threat to democracy.

No decent and sane person should trust anyone who isn’t more than a little pissed off by all of this, especially those who claim to be full of “joy.”

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Professor Says Current Abortion Policies Could Lead To Forced Breeding Camps And Cannibalism

                        Arizona State University professor of English Jennifer Irish recently used a school workshop called “A Speculative Future for Reproductive Rights” to express her concern that the country’s current abortion policies could somehow lead to “forced breeding camps” and “cannibalism,” according to a story in The College Fix. Our abortion policies will lead to cannibalism?! WTH?! Ms. Irish, is it not enough to kill your kids, do you want to eat them, too?

                       English professor Irish, (not to be confused with Irish professor English) stated: “So much of our reality points toward those futures.” Say again. Like what, precisely?

                       Those attending the workshop were treated to Irish’s poetry collection, called “Hatch.” (Don’t ask, don’t tell.) The workshop’s description on the school’s website reads: “The prose poems in Jenny Irish’s newest collection, Hatch, trace the consciousness of an artificial womb that must confront the role she has played in the continuation of the dying of the human species.” The consciousness of an artificial womb? A womb has played a role in the continuation of the dying of the human species? Don’t wombs support and grant life? Isn’t that their modus operandi? And why would Irish call a womb “she?” What if the womb identifies as another gender?

                       When asked how best to protect abortion, Irish answered: “Dismantle capitalism” and “elect a female president.”  “Dismantling capitalism” will protect abortion? That seems nonsensical and a non sequitur. And what if the female president identifies as male…..or, worse yet, pro-life?!

                       During the workshop, Irish noted that she believes “the United States hates women and everything the female body does.” I can’t speak for the entire U.S. of A., but I love women and much of what female bodies do. If Irish thinks the U.S. hates women, she oughta try living in a Muslim nation. There are more women than men in America. And, in the U.S., women can drive, hold jobs, and leave their house without a male escort. What’s more, they don’t have to wear a hijab, nor have a clitoridectomy. If anyone in the States disdains women, it is certainly not MAGA types. The same cannot be said of the militantly “progressive” transgenders who are forcing men onto women’s sports teams and into their locker-rooms.

                       Forced breeding? I, for one, could not be forced to breed with the overwhelming majority of the women I see taking part in abortion marches and rallies.

                       Cannibalism?! Well, in the final analysis, are not abortion and cannibalism just two different means to the same end?



Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Howard Stern Says He Hates Trump Voters


Howard Stern recently said he “hates” anyone that votes for Donald Trump. “They are stupid, I have no respect for them,” the highly esteemed rocket scientist added.

Can you imagine if Donald Trump said he “hates” everyone that votes for Kamala Harris? If he just blithely savaged nearly half the country? Might the mainstream media focus on that 24/7 until, say, Election Day? The double standard, the hypocrisy would be comical if it wasn’t so damaging:

CNN: “Donald Trump hates Kamala supporters. Is he fit to be president?”

MSNBC: “Trump hates half the country with a violent passion, wants to permanently end our democracy!”

The Washington Post: “Trump: I hate Harris voters! And I will be a dictator on Day 1.”

The New York Times: “Trump hates Harris voters! And democracy!”

HuffPost: “Trump says he hates Harris voters, democracy, the republic.”

Salon: “Hitler-loving Trump implies he wants to exterminate those who vote for Kamala Harris.”


Monday, September 23, 2024

Of Yard Signs And Tolerance


In the neighborhood where I live, one of the resident homeowner’s has had to move his “Trump” yard sign from curbside to tight against his house, due to it being vandalized repeatedly. The family literally across the street from him has multiple yard signs touting “Harris-Walz” and various local lefty politicians. These line the street for much of the length of their yard. Never been touched. Which is as it should be.

Sadly, this is not an isolated nor local phenomenon. It is happening across the country, especially in urban or suburban areas. (Not that many folks in truly urban areas put “Trump” signs on their property. Even if they have a yard.) Signs promoting Democrats—and progressive dogma—are safe, those touting Trump—and conservatism—are not. There is a reason for this disparity, and it is not that the vast majority of Americans favor Democrats.

It is because conservatives respect private property, and free speech, and are not into vandalism. Too many of today’s Democrats, and their supporters, do not. “The ends justify the means” is their motto. Consequently, trespassing, graffiti, and vandalism are no big deal. (Nor are cheating, lying, lawfare, intimidation-- or assassination— apparently.)

There is something else that fuels their pettiness and thuggery, too: fear. Fear of their superior virtue being unseen. Fear of losing their power and control. And fear of their own emptiness and amorality.

So go ahead, fanatical virtue-signalers, put up this classic yard sign: “In this house, we believe black lives matter, women's rights equal human rights, no human is illegal, science is real, love is love, diversity makes us stronger, injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” It’ll be safe and sound no matter how long you choose to leave it up.

But let’s take a look at what the sign should really say, if you guys were being truthful, shall we? It would state: “In this house, we believe Black lives matter, unless they are Republicans. Women’s rights equal human rights, but don’t extend to sports teams, locker rooms, or bathrooms. No human is illegal, except for Trump and his supporters, who should all be imprisoned. (To save our democracy!) Science is real, unless it contradicts our agenda. Love is love, even if it involves children and animals…or three or more people (of any gender.) Diversity makes us stronger, unless we’re talking about anyone who disagrees with us. And injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere, unless it is perpetrated against Trump and MAGA people, in which case it is actually justice.”

Just sayin’.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Pope Francis Implies That All Religions Are Equivalent


                       Recently, while addressing an inter-religious meeting of young people in Singapore, Pope Francis stated that “every religion is a way to arrive at God.” Francis, who apparently deviated from his prepared speech and spoke extemporaneously, said that no religion should be given priority and that individuals should instead focus on parity between beliefs.

                       The preposterously progressive pontiff said, “Every religion is a way to arrive at God. There are different languages to arrive at God, but God is God for all. And how is God God for all? We are all sons and daughters of God. But my god is more important than your god, is that true?” He added, “There is only one God and each of us has a language to arrive at God. Sikh, Muslim, Hindu, Christian, they are different paths.” Huh?

                       Is Hindu’s Brahman the same as Sikhism’s Waheguru and Islam’s Allah? What about Buddhism, which doesn’t really have a God? Are all these Gods, and the non-God truly somehow the same? Is Christianity really no better than frisbeetarianism? Are Rastafarians truly on par with Jewish people? Should we take the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster as seriously as we take, say, Islam? Is Raelism simply a “different path” to the same God? The Church of Maradona worships soccer star Diego Maradona as if he were a God. This is obviously a different path to a different God. Should it be held in precisely the same regard and esteem as the mainline religions? Is a religion promising men the reward of 72 servile virgins in Paradise for martyring themselves no different than one that does not?

                       Should one’s own religion not be given priority over all others, in any case?

                       If not, what does that say about that religion and that “believer?”

                       Is Pope Francis a heretic?





Democrats, Media Still Want Trump Dead


Former Secretary of State, ‘First Lady,’ and presidential nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton recently made an appearance on ‘The Rachel Maddow Show,’ during which she repeatedly characterized former president Trump as “dangerous.” The Old Hag stated of Trump: “What was outrageous three days ago is no longer on the front pages, even though it threatens the physical safety of so many people, particularly as you point out, immigrants that he and Vance have decided to demonize.”

The truth is that it is the attempted assassinations of President Trump that have quickly been memory-holed by the Mainextreme Media. That is outrageous. That is dangerous. It is the incessantly fanatically extreme and violent language of Democrats like Hillary Clinton that has threatened the physical safety of so many people, like, for example, Corey Comperatore…who is now dead because of same. And President Trump himself. Duh. Trump and Vance didn’t just “decide” to “demonize” immigrants, Haitian or otherwise. They are pointing out the truth and defending American citizens, nothing more.

This past April, Clinton said that she believes Trump is “modeling himself” after dictators like Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“Putin does what [Trump] would like to do,” she said. “Kill his opposition, imprison his opposition, drive journalists into exile, rule without any check or balance. That’s what Trump really wants.” You’ve gotta be bleeping kidding me!!

That is patently untrue, but, if it were, Trump would be “modeling himself” after Hillary Clinton. It is a simple, irrefutable matter of fact that Trump’s opposition rules without any checks or balances, has tried to drive him into exile, and has attempted to imprison him and kill him. And it is obvious that is what Hillary wants to do to Trump. Steele dossier?

Russian collusion was a hoax, as far as Trump is concerned. It was real as regards Hillary Clinton…and various other Democrats. Trump is a danger to others?! That’s rich. How many deaths have the Clintons been responsible for? And Trump is the one being shot at repeatedly.

Hillary is insane. And Satanic.

Strong words, I know. Unfortunately, they also apply to far too many Democrats, whether elected or in the Deep State. And a few Republicans, as well. (See also: Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, A.K.A. “Mr. Weepy.”)

Thomas Jefferson brilliantly announced the dawning of the United States, proclaiming: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.”

Democrats do not believe in unalienable rights, except as they pertain and accrue to them. Or as they may be bestowed by government. (Meaning them.) They are not particularly fond of life, as they are enormous proponents of abortion. Neither are they fond of liberty, as they want to abolish the First and Second Amendments, among others. As for the pursuit of happiness, many of them agree with the WEF, recently on record as saying, “You will own nothing and be happy.” Really? If you say so. (Hitler salute.)

Pontius Pilate gave the order to crucify Jesus. John Wilkes Booth assassinated Lincoln. John Schrank wanted to permanently silence Teddy Roosevelt. Lee Harvey Oswald took out JFK. John Hinckley, Jr. tried to kill Ronald Reagan. And both Thomas Crooks and Ryan Wesley Routh attempted to assassinate Donald Trump. Jesus, Lincoln, Teddy, JFK, Reagan…Trump. Quite the list. And most were Republicans.

All of us may be capable of evil. Democrats have perfected it.



Saturday, September 21, 2024

MAGA, Crosses, Prayer Not Allowed; Burning Pregnancy Centers A-OK


As many of you who live here know, this used to be America. Now? Not so much. America’s precipitous moral decline started about the time “Google it” became a common phrase. Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe not.

In any case, in recent years, one can get kicked out of school for wearing a hat stating “Make America Great Again.” That seems painfully ironic. But it is not just America that has gone mad. Much of the Western world has, too. Case in point: a Serbian judo champion named Nemanja Majdov was recently suspended for five months by the International Judo Federation (IJF)…for making the sign of the cross while taking part in this year’s Paris Olympic Games. The organization apparently has a rule against an athlete making “a clear religious sign when entering the field of play.”

But back to what used to be America. According to a report in the Washington Examiner, 75-year-old Paulette Harlow was recently sentenced-- by Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly-- to two years in prison for praying outside of a Washington, D.C. abortion clinic four years ago. Praying?! Just another vicious Christian terrorist! She’s lucky she didn’t get life in prison! Well, actually, maybe she did. But she deserves it, and she’s probably a “nationalist,” too! Praying?! Praying?! The nerve! I mean, the “free speech” thing can only go so far, right?! Surely it doesn’t protect praying, silently or otherwise!

Conversely, the Minnesota Abortion Action Committee (MNAAC) is selling hoodies and t-shirts adorned with the words “The Christian Right Is Wrong” and sporting a picture of a burning building labeled “Anti-Abortion Center.” The burning building appears to be a First Care pregnancy clinic, a Minnesota-based clinic that provides free support to pregnant mothers. But then again, it’s Minneapolis, so it could be any one of many burning buildings. I’m sure they’re selling like hotcakes. I’d bet money that Tampon Timmy Walz’ wife Gwen owns a couple of them.

Publicly acknowledging one’s desire to see America made great again is unacceptable in some parts of the fruited plain nowadays. Making the sign of the cross or praying in the vicinity of an abortion mill might get you suspended or arrested.

Selling anti-Christian apparel depicting burning pregnancy centers—to raise money to support killing babies in the womb? No problem! That is protected.

In fact, I bet the MNAAC could sell them just outside the entrance to the First Care pregnancy clinic.

Sometimes I’m afraid we really don’t have a prayer.






Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Uniparty Hates Change


The Uniparty hates change. Is that progressive? In fact, Democrats and those in The Deep State will lie, cheat, steal… and kill…to prevent things from changing. They love the status quo because it empowers them. They own it. Is that progressive? Trump is a threat to them precisely because he is the change agent, he wants to transform the entrenched bureaucracy, in Washington, D.C. and elsewhere. He wants to clean house, the White House and the ”People’s House” (Capitol Building) included. He wants to transform government and return power to the people.

That is progressive.

The Clintons, the Obamas, the Bidens, Kamala Harris, the Cheneys and the Bushes, they are the dinosaurs, the would-be kings. It is MAGA that is the resistance, Trump supporters who are fighting for all of our freedoms and unalienable rights. We are the counterculture. We are the ones trying to preserve “our democracy,” which we know is more accurately described as a Constitutional, representative republic.

One that desperately needs better representatives.

We do not need obfuscation, we need transparency. We do not need bullshit, we need truth. We do not want projection, we want accountability.

We do not want Kamala. We do not want Camelot (though we’ll take a Kennedy.)

We want freedom, prosperity, and sanity.


Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The Los Angeles Times Wonders If It's 'Shameful' To Have Children


The far-left Los Angeles Times recently questioned the morality of having children. A recent headline read, ‘It’s almost shameful to want to have children.’ I guess we have a different definition of morality and 'shameful' than we had years ago. God said to be fruitful and multiply. Now abortion is a 'right' and childbirth is 'shameful.' The new morality is Satanic. Kind of ironic, I’d say. I would question the morality of the Los Angeles Times, but it has none. Shameful.


Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Have You Noticed That Things Are No Longer Made To Last?


Nothing lasts anymore. I should say nothing lasts very long anymore. Liberals used to disdain the concept of ‘planned obsolescence,’ yet they say not a word about the increasing short lives of appliances and other items. Their own policies, supposedly designed to reduce carbon emissions and conserve energy and water, are part of the problem.

Those of you who are old enough to have had appliances from Whirlpool, Maytag, et. al. in the distant past and have recently purchased new ones will know of what I speak. My family once had a refrigerator that lasted 40 years. The original washer, dryer, and dishwasher that we purchased in 1994 for our then new house just quit working in the past couple of years. One of their replacements already died. In our latest excursion to a very reputable appliance outlet near where we live we were told flat out: “Appliances which used to last for decades are now only going to last you maybe seven, eight, nine years tops.”

The onerous restrictions, regulations, and mandates that manufacturers now have to abide by are ridiculous and self-defeating. Better for the environment? Safer for us? How is it better for the environment if large machines that used to last, say, 25 years now have to be replaced after just 8 or 9? Chuck the old ones into a landfill or recycle them, doesn’t matter. News ones have to be manufactured to replace them. And that uses lots of energy and produces plenty of carbon emissions. And that is, presumably, not better for the environment.

Safer for us? In days of yore, if you had a fender-bender in a big ‘ol American sedan, you just pounded the dent out and went on your merry way. Might not have even knocked the coffee cup off the dashboard. Today? Because of fleetwide Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards, “sedans” are much smaller and lighter…and more dangerous in serious accidents. Moreover, the same fender-bender referenced earlier costs you many thousands of dollars due to the integration of computers, sensors and cameras in your plastic molded bumper and elsewhere. Those same computers, cameras, and sensors were supposed to dramatically reduce accidents, or so we were told. But both the frequency and severity of automotive insurance claims have increased lately.

Nothing lasts forever. The Romans discovered that the hard way. But even our Constitutionally guaranteed freedoms, which have lasted for 237 years thus far, are in danger of passing into history. Ronald Reagan warned us that this could happen, stating: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.”

If we aren’t vigilant and courageous in the very near term, there will soon come a day when we sadly realize that our freedoms will not outlast the washing machine we purchased last week.



Monday, September 16, 2024

Two Shocking Statements


I am going to make two statements-- here and now-- that will cause woke Marxists to throw a tantrum and scream into the sky. (If any woke Marxists are reading this, please set down your Palestinian flags and the keys to your Prius hybrids…and move to your nearest safe space. For your own good. I care.)

First, “diversity” in and of itself is not a “value,” nor a good thing. In fact, very often it is destructive. And it is destroying the formerly United States as we speak. 

Second, tolerance is where nations go to die.

Diversity of crime, violence, pain, and injustice is not a good thing. Nor is diversity of ignorance, prevarication, apathy, or evil. Truth be told, today’s “progressives” claim to worship diversity, but only of skin color, ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation. And, perhaps, depravity. They themselves have zero tolerance for traditional values, conservative thought and opinion, the freedom for others to disagree with them…and anyone or thing that dares to challenge their power.

We are tolerating our kids being indoctrinated instead of educated in our schools. We are tolerating the mutilation of their genitalia, and the consequent theft of their sexual health in their adult years…often aided and abetted by their “educators.” We tolerated lockdowns and the mandatory introduction of experimental mRNA vaccines into our bodies. And being told we couldn’t attend the weddings or funerals of our loved ones.

And It appears highly likely that we are going to tolerate the ruination of our economy, as we are tolerating the destruction of our urban areas. It seems a near certainty that we will tolerate the demise of the nuclear family, as we are halfway there already. In fact, odds are, we will tolerate the utter dissolution of our society, and the death of America herself, as we have tolerated an open southern border. We may even tolerate being led down the road to hell, a road that is getting shorter every day.  


Sunday, September 15, 2024

The Climate Change Hoax A Direct Threat To, Well, Everything


Climate change? And we're looking back basically 150 years? Out of the 4.54 billion years the earth has been in existence? That is not even a measurable percentage. It is statistically insignificant, in the manner that white supremacists are to America’s population.

This is as if “experts” studied the northern hemisphere, measuring light from late June until mid-December and decided that mankind, in these heavily populated industrial areas of the north, was causing the hemisphere to grow ever darker. “There can be no debate, the science is settled,” they might well claim. “Man-caused darkness is a fact.” But the science wouldn't be settled. They would just be wrong. Like they have been about every single catastrophic prediction and projection pertaining to global warming thus far. Much as they were wrong about the COVID-19 vaccines, the lockdowns, Hunter Biden's laptop, Russian collusion, and far too many other things to list here.

That much is settled.

The following is a brief history of changes on earth: First, there was no earth. Then there was an earth. Then there was ‘primordial soup,’ if you choose to believe the experts. Then, life somehow appeared. All of the planet’s land was together in one giant continent called Pangia. And then that giant landmass started breaking apart, separating into multiple continents that began gaily drifting away from each other. Then there was an Ice Age. Then there was interglacial warming. At some point, dinosaurs became extinct. We still don't know why. Then there was another freaking Ice Age. Then there was another period of rapid warming. Then there was an Ice Age again. Then there was yet another period of rapid warming. Lather, rinse, repeat. Twice. Through all of this, there was nary an automobile, lawnmower, or gas stove… let alone a city, factory, or coal processing plant in existence. In fact, for the vast majority of this time, homo sapiens did not exist. So now tell me again about climate change.

Climate change started out as the ‘global warming’ scare (which came hard on the heels of the ‘global cooling’ scare), but when the climate did not act in ways that the global warming alarmists predicted, they simply changed what they called the ongoing existential threat. “Climate change!” they exclaimed. “The planet’s climate is changing, and we are to blame.” The climate changes? Well, that's a safe bet. Maybe the next time I’m in Las Vegas I will stop in at the local sports book and tell them I want to bet on, say, the Cowboys-Eagles game. “Which side do you like?” they might ask. “Cowboys -3 or Eagles +3?”

“Neither,” I’d reply, “I Just want to bet that the score will change throughout the course of the game!”

Pretty sure I might be ‘escorted’ out.

It is the elites telling us that the Green New Deal must be implemented for our own good who should be escorted out. Those trying to promptly ban fossil fuels, internal combustion engine vehicles, gas stoves, etc., would spend us into oblivion while destroying people’s livelihoods and pursuit of happiness, the economy…and the very environment they claim to want to save.

The world would, in fact, grow darker. But, hey, you might own nothing…and like it. Right?

If we allow this to happen, man-caused chaos, pain, and deprivation would be all too real.

Will we?

Unfortunately, ‘global dumbing’ I can believe in.     

Saturday, September 14, 2024

'Fly Me To The Moon': A Tale Of JFK, Sinatra, And Trump


There is a new movie out called “Fly Me To The Moon.” To which I say, “It’s about time, we haven’t been back there in more than 50 years,” as incredible as that may seem. And it does seem incredible, given the (astronomical?!) advances in computer technology during that time. In 1972, when man last walked on the moon, there were no cell phones and only 3 main television stations in the United States. Richard Nixon was president. And gasoline was 36 cents a gallon.

There was nothing the U.S. couldn’t do or achieve.

So, when Apollo 11 landed on the moon and Buzz Aldrin became the first human to trod upon a celestial sphere, the song emanating from his portable tape recorder was, in fact, Sinatra’s “Fly Me To The Moon.” The great Mark Steyn characterized that moment as “the insouciant swagger of the American century breaking the bounds of the planet.” Indeed.

JFK challenged his nation to land on the moon by the end of the 1960s. He did this only 8 years prior.

JFK. Fighter pilots cum astronauts. Sinatra. This is back when men had balls and women did not.

It occurs to me that there are distinct similarities between JFK, fighter pilots, astronauts, Sinatra…and Trump. Especially between Sinatra and Trump. Both were born in—or near—New York City. One crafted songs, the other buildings…and deals. Both were brash and controversial. Both performed at a high level for many years. Both were tough. But both deeply loved their immediate family and the country at large.

JFK (despite his faults), fighter pilots, astronauts, Sinatra (despite his faults), and Trump (despite his faults) all contributed to making America great…or great again. As opposed to the Biden-Harris administration-- and today’s Democrats-- who disdain the very country they lead—and hope to see to its demise. They are well on the way to succeeding in their attempt to make America fail. And our enemies are taking note.

Donald Trump may be the last man standing. Despite the assassination attempt.

His opponents are coming after him because they are coming after us. And the very idea of America.

We are in desperate need of some ‘insouciant swagger’ right now.


Friday, September 13, 2024

Fraudulent Phrases


“Climate change.”

“Black Lives Matter.”

Could there be any more obviously correct but now banal statements or phrases?

How about “clean air,” “fresh water,” or “All Lives Matter?” Oops, maybe not the latter. I mean, we know the unborn don't matter, right? (If you utilize that phrase, you may find yourself being roundly excoriated by a “Karen” or two.) And the non-ebony aren't so hot, either. How? How lame. How exclusionary.

Perhaps “Puppies forever?” “Seasons change?” “Sun hot?” “Ice cold?” “Water wet?” “Female vagina?” Oh, again, maybe not that last one. Sorry.

“Oxygen good?” “AOC dumb?”

“Democrats Evil?”

Thursday, September 12, 2024

A Conversation From Somewhere Deep In The Deep State


A Conversation From Somewhere Deep In The Deep State:


Deep Stater 1: “Are we on a secure phone this time?”

Deep Stater 2: “Yup.”

DS 1: “Did we get him?”

DS 2: “No.”

DS 1: “What the bleep do you mean we didn’t get him?”

DS 2: “He turned his head at the last moment.”

DS 1: “You’re bleepin’ bleepin’ me!”

DS 2: “Nope. I wish I was.”

DS 1: “What the bleep happened?”

DS 2: “He turned his head.”

DS 1: “He ‘turned his head?’ Was there a pretty girl?”

DS 2: “Nope. A chart. A big chart to his right.”

DS 1: “We allowed the kid to come in, survey the grounds, use his rangefinder, get the lay of the land, fly a drone, and take position on the roof…and we didn’t account for a bleeping ‘big chart to his right?’”

DS 2: “Apparently.”

DS 1: “We only hit him in the ear?”

DS 2: “Yup.”

DS 1: “What’d he do?”

DS 2: “He got up, raised his arm, and said ‘Fight! Fight! Fight!’ to the crowd.”

DS 1: “What a cluster-f*ck disaster! Put out a new directive right bleeping now: ‘New directive. Commence Plan B…repeat, commence Plan B!’ Godspeed, let’s hope we’re successful this time…or he might succeed in making…gag me…’America Great Again.’”

DS 2:”Bleep! There goes our democracy!”

DS 1: “Well, that’s the point, dummkopf!”

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Newspaper Article Preposterously Equates KKK Members With Christianity, Patriotism


No matter how much you disdain and despise the mainstream media…it is not enough. Not nearly enough.

Case in point: the newly rebranded “Minnesota Star Tribune” recently ran an article—on the front page of the ‘A’ section—about the history of the KKK in Minnesota. The headline read “Her mission: Documenting history of KKK in Minnesota.” Clever. The piece never mentioned the Democrat Party, never once noted that the party was the home of the KKK, the pro-slavery party, the Jim Crow party, the anti-integration party, the anti-reconstruction party. Misinformation. Disinformation. Mal-information. Lying by omission. Shameful.

Instead, the article hinted throughout that it was those with the mindset of today’s Trump Republicans that were responsible for the horrors of extreme discrimination. The story, by Trey Mewes, cited the work of recently retired Steele County librarian Nancy Vaillancourt, and noted, “The KKK spread to many corners of the state, from Minneapolis to Virginia, where school board members all claimed they were KKK members and urged that the Bible be taught in public schools.” Gag me. I doubt that every school board member in Virginia—or Minneapolis—in a state that promptly volunteered to fight for the union in the Civil War, upon entering the union, was a proud, card-carrying member of the KKK. But the real point was to smear Christianity, by saying that these wildly racist animals “urged that the Bible be taught in public schools.” The Bible—in part-- was taught in many public schools at the time. And the attempt to associate Christians with the KKK is more than absurd. It is the opposite of reality…and singularly repulsive. Many Christians were abolitionists.

The paper that some in Minnesota call “Fish Wrap West” (as opposed to the Saint Paul Pioneer Press, which is “Fish Wrap East”)-- and others use as a liner for their bird cages-- went on to state that “KKK members at the time denounced what they called outside influence from foreigners, Catholics, Jews, and anyone who didn’t agree with Christian nationalist teachings.” Yeah, sure, those who wanted to keep African-Americans enslaved were devout Christian nationalists who wished to indoctrinate or intimidate anyone who wasn’t. Those responsible for this article might’ve been thinking of a different religion, truth be told.

This attempt at “journalism” was beyond pathetic. It was akin to chronicling and bemoaning the Holocaust without mentioning the Nazi party. It was as if a historian wrote of America’s war with Japan without mentioning the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Texas Voter Roll Clean Up Casts Doubt On The 2020 Election


         Texas Governor Greg Abbott recently announced that the Lone Star State’s effort to clean up its voter rolls has resulted in more than 1 million names being removed.

                       Since Senate Bill 1 was signed into law in 2021, individuals who have moved out of the state, are noncitizens, or who have passed away have been taken off voter rolls. Indeed, thousands of noncitizens have been removed from the rolls. This, of course, greatly angers Democrats, who fervently believe that non-residents, non-citizens-- and the dead-- should be able to vote. As often as they like.

                       Abbott released a statement saying, “Election integrity is essential to our democracy. I have signed the strongest election laws in the nation to protect the right to vote and to crackdown on illegal voting. These reforms have led to the removal of over one million ineligible people from our voter rolls in the last three years, including noncitizens, deceased voters, and people who moved to another state.” Fascist! Hater! Far-right racist! How dare he try to prevent the dead from voting! Is he trying to destroy our democracy?!

                       A million names came off of one state’s voter rolls? And the 2020 presidential election was determined by as few as 50,000 total votes in just three states?! And Democrats and pundits still claim the election was the most secure in American history?! (Covers mouth, coughs while saying “bullshit!”)

                       That claim might be slightly more credible if Democrats weren’t “freaking out over Republicans’ efforts to stop illegal aliens from voting,” as The Gateway Pundit recently reported. Or if Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson hadn’t issued a direct threat to any local election officials who might choose not to certify the upcoming 2024 election results in the event of fraud, saying, “We will come for you.” Or if states had honored the request of RFK, Jr. to be removed from their ballots. Or if the California Senate hadn’t passed a law banning voter ID in local elections.

                       Republicans’ pathetically tepid efforts to prevent Democrats from stealing elections in the future apparently haven’t assuaged the fears of Democrats that the Bad Orange Man could somehow win in 2024. Therefore, many are hoping and planning for a quick return of COVID-19…and especially the accompanying draconian lockdowns and mail-in voting that were the hallmarks of the previous pandemic.





Sunday, September 8, 2024

British Invasions, Then And Now


Remember the “British Invasion?” It occurred in the 1960s (and 1970s) when bands like The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Who, The Animals, The Kinks, The Hollies-- and several others—became wildly successful in the United States.

Can you name me a wildly popular British band today? (Okay, other than The Rolling Stones.)


There is a reason for this, albeit a sad one. Britain is spent. Its society is in decay. It has lost its toughness, its confidence, and its creative excellence. A kind of benign snobbery has been replaced by an ennui and world-weariness more suitable to the French.

The notions of free speech and individual rights are in tatters. Britain is the victim of another kind of invasion and is being effectively annexed by mass migration from Muslim lands. The vast majority of these immigrants are unwilling to assimilate to British culture, odd for people fleeing violence and depredation. They are, in fact, demanding that England—and the English—assimilate to them.

Remarkably, many Brits appear willing to do just that.

In which case, music may eventually be banned in (formerly) Jolly Olde England. An England that is undeniably old, but increasingly less jolly.

Tragically, the U.S. (which somehow survived two other British invasions in the distant past), as well as several other Western nations, are following hard on the heels of Britain.

And that should not be music to anyone’s ears.

Democrats: Trashing Our Past, Ruining Our Present, Stealing Our Future


It is all working out as planned for the progressives. They divide us, break us up, atomize us, make us hate each other, drive us all crazy. And then the shootings occur. And then they have us scared. And then they can control us, disarm us, and lock us down ”for our own good.” Meaning their ever-growing, eternal power. And some of these elite progressive/Marxist wackos in power actually get aroused with each and every additional shooting… because they know they can use them to Their advantage-- in both the short and the long term. That is the true nature of the evil we are facing. And it is an evil that cannot be defeated unless we are willing to make it so, no matter the cost. The cost of not doing so is unimaginable.

Up until around World War II, kids in certain rural areas were bringing their .22 rifles and their Remington shotguns to school. There was far less gun control. And no one got shot. In England today, masses of people are getting stabbed, yet just a couple of decades ago this was virtually unheard of. In Sweden, scores of women are getting raped, whereas a few scant decades ago violent crime was nearly unheard of in the Nordic nation. So, what has changed?

It is not the guns. It is not the knives. It is the takeover of every major institution by progressives/Socialists/Marxists … and their fanatical efforts to trash our past, ruin our present, and deprive us of life, liberty, and happiness in the future. It is time, instead, for we the people to deprive them of their power. It is time to remove ourselves from the vast government plantation.

The Founders said it best:

WHEN in the Course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the Separation.
          We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness—-That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. 

Just so.

Someone recently asked me if, when I was 14 years old, I ever thought of obtaining a gun and shooting up a school. This is a typically ludicrous, insulting, and utterly off base question… the kind progressives like best. I replied, “No, I wouldn't have contemplated it at 4, 24, or 44-years-of-age, or last week for that matter.” Nor would I have thought of stabbing someone, strangling someone, or accosting them with a bat, weed whacker, or candelabra. In fact, were the government to mandate that I do so, I would not have complied. We owe our allegiance not to a king, but to the King of Kings. More to the point, we only owe allegiance to a government as long as it respects us, serves us, and protects our inherent rights. None of which it is doing today. The same can sadly be said for the governments of Canada, England, France, Germany, Australia, and others, though none of those nations’ citizens were gifted the same freedoms and independence as were Americans because of their country's unique founding, which made these their birthright.

Our current leaders utilize every tragedy and pandemic to take away our rights, not protect them. Whether it be our right to best protect ourselves, to free speech, or to freely gather, they disdain them all. Worse yet, their policies are largely responsible for creating these tragedies and pandemics in the first place.

There are only two possible types of societies. Period. One in which the people fear the government and consequently live under tyranny, and one in which the government fears the people, who consequently may live in freedom. Yet, if I were to say “It Is time to make the government fear the people,” it would be taken out of context, and there is every chance the government would lash out at me, calling me a “terrorist.” Or worse.

Which proves my point.

It is time—indeed past time—to channel our inner Founders. Some truths are self-evident.


Saturday, September 7, 2024

Regularly Sporadic/Sporadically Regular Current Events Quiz (#14)


Regularly Sporadic, Sporadically Regular Current Events Quiz (#14)

(Can you get a perfect score?)


1)      Former President Trump was recently shot in the ear by a would-be assassin at:

a)       A rally in Butler, PA.

b)      An Eagles game

c)       A grocery store

d)      FBI headquarters

e)      The Clinton’s home in Chappaqua, N.Y.


2)      Who was rumored/promoted to be a surprise speaker on the final night of the recent Democratic National Convention…and never showed?

a)       Bruce Springsteen

b)      Jimmy Carter

c)       Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

d)      Beyonce

e)      Xi Jinping


3)      What nation tied with the United States for the most gold medals won during the recent Summer Olympics in Paris, France?

a)       Russia

b)      France

c)       Iceland

d)      China

e)      Zimbabwe


4)      What is Kamala Harris’ most significant qualification for president of the United States?

a)       She once served “under” San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown (nudge, nudge, wink, wink)

b)      She once served under President Biden

c)       She was anointed “Border Czar”

d)      She was the second-in-command during the time the United States of America fell apart

e)      All of the above


5)      What did former president Trump say upon being shot at his rally in Butler, PA.?

a)       Ouch!

b)      I surrender!

c)       Fight, fight, fight!

d)      Stop it!

e)      Alright, Hillary, this means war!


6)      What is the Harris-Walz unofficial campaign slogan?

a)       Democracy dies in darkness

b)      Strength through joy (a Nazi favorite)

c)       Arbeit macht frei (a Nazi favorite)

d)      A new way forward (a Marxist favorite)

e)      B and D


7)      California lawmakers proposed giving interest-free, no money down home loans to illegal aliens but not to:

a)       Heterosexuals

b)      Citizens

c)       Christians

d)      Nationalists

e)      Elon Musk


8)      The Taliban recently banned what in Afghanistan?

a)       Breathing

b)      Sex

c)       Music

d)      Thought

e)      MAGA supporters


9)      Who is America’s current acting president?

a)       Barack Obama

b)      The Clintons

c)       The Deep State

d)      Nancy Pelosi

e)      Impossible to tell at the moment


10)   The 14-year-old Georgia school shooter opened fire because:

a)       Guns made him do it

b)      He didn’t have a knife

c)       He was a Christian Nationalist

d)      He was nuts

e)      He was likely driven insane by progressive policies that demonize good and reward evil

(Correct Answers: a, d, d, e, c, b, b, c, e, e)