Sunday, June 30, 2024

MSNBC Host Shocked And Offended That Many Americans Believe Our Laws Should Be Based On Christian Values


Some lady—I could never ascertain her name—apparently hosting on MSNBC’s “Velshi” program (“Church and State”), recently reported that Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito was “under fire” for a recording “in which he apparently endorsed the view that America needs to return to a place of ‘godliness.’” (She sneered a bit when uttering the word “godliness,” as if it made her somewhat nauseous.) She was obviously offended by such a statement from “one of the most powerful figures in the country,” a man who is “supposed to be impartial” and not openly embrace the idea of a “theocratic state.”

Returning to a place of “godliness” does not necessarily mean embracing a “theocratic state,” Ms. Whoeverthehellyouare. It was far more likely Alito meant returning to a time of decency, dignity, respect, and the rule of law. And perhaps acknowledgement of the Ten Commandments and The Golden Rule. You know, like not murdering others, pooping in the street, or trying to imprison one’s political opponents. Or are you against those “restrictions,” too? Probably.

              The person that I couldn’t pick out in a crowd of two, even if the other was Rachel Maddow, then stated: “The right’s embrace of overtly Christian nationalism ideology has been on the rise, and it’s a trend that many historians and experts have named an existential threat to our democracy.” It has been anything but on the rise. Attendance at Christian churches is down significantly from just a few short years ago. Christians are openly mocked in movies, on television shows, by comedians, etc., etc.

She then, with complete objectivity, observed that Christian nationalists were “insurrectionists” on Jan. 6 and mockingly noted that “they prayed in the Senate,” and “stated on video their goal to elevate Christianity as an explicitly American principle.” And, of course, she said they wish to propagate the “myth” that America was founded as a Christian nation.

By God godlessness, if those dangerous Christian insurrectionists prayed in the Senate, they should get the electric chair, right? I’m sure she would agree, even though she is obviously someone who values tolerance and inclusion above all else. Goes without saying. We all know that Christianity and the Judeo-Christian work ethic and values played absolutely no part in American exceptionalism, and had nothing to do with our freedoms and the protections granted us by the Constitution, right?

The presenter was similarly aghast that “last year, a survey by the Public Religion Research Institute found that 40% of Americans believe that our laws should be based on Christian values.” Egads! As opposed to what, the whims of progressives? Communists? Muslims? Those in the ruling class? Gay Capricorns who were born on a Thursday? People like herself? Having no laws at all?

I was blissfully unaware that the Ali Velshi show and this mystery (to me) woman existed until now-- and fervently wish I could go back to that more pleasant state. Unfortunately, I cannot say the same about MSNBC, as I have been painfully aware of its existence for some time.

The U.S., and much of the West, has “openly embraced” Christianity for hundreds of years, during which these nations have advanced the cause of human knowledge, freedom, and prosperity beyond measure. Their inventions—medical and otherwise—have led to dramatically longer life expectancies and more leisure time. And a substantially better quality of life, especially for women. Conversely, most of the nations that have not embraced Christianity have not fared as well.

It is, in fact, only very recently that the West has lost its faith and devolved from practicing Christian nations to hyper-secular ones. And it is no coincidence that it has simultaneously lost its confidence, its raison d’ệtre, and its soul. Or that the rates of crime, drug abuse, homelessness, depression, hopelessness, and suicide have skyrocketed…as life expectancy in the U.S. has fallen for the first time in hundreds of years.

Openly embracing unfettered abortion should be shocking. Openly embracing the mutilation of children’s genitalia so that they likely can never experience sexual pleasure should be shocking. Openly asserting that there are an infinite number of sexes/genders should be shocking. Openly embracing open borders with the many attendant horrors should be shocking. Openly supporting the rights of criminals over the rights of citizens should be shocking. Openly supporting the attempted imprisonment of one’s political opponents should be shocking. Openly supporting a return to “godliness” should not be.

We kill hundreds of thousands of babies every year for our own convenience. There is a drag queen in nearly every schoolroom and library. Recreational marijuana is being legalized around the country-- and other illicit drugs in some cases. Gambling is ubiquitous. Strip clubs and liquor stores were left open during the COVID-1984 lockdowns, but churches were not. Yet some of those churches have homosexual priests and pastors leading their flocks and giving sermons…and hosting Pride! events.

All this with a Republican as president for roughly half the years of this century, at least one other branch of government being controlled by Republicans, and with a majority of states having Republican governors. The very last thing we have to worry about is becoming a theocracy! The opposite is the case. And, if we ever do become one, it will likely be a Muslim-led one where sharia law reigns.

On the other hand, our ever-burgeoning hyper-secularism is a clear and present—indeed existential-- danger to this formerly representative republic. It has led us to fall victim to a case of mass cultural amnesia. And to the brink of a rapidly approaching precipice. Should we go over that precipice, we are unlikely to ever return.

The singular difference between the United States and all the nations that had gone before was its open, explicit recognition of natural rights, the idea that all humans are created equal and granted unalienable rights by their Creator. And that, therefore, governments can’t arbitrarily and capriciously take those rights away, as has happened in virtually all monarchical and totalitarian governments throughout history. If that is the “godliness” that so disturbs the MSNBC talking head, so be it.

The founders did not intend for the United States to be an overtly Christian nation, in terms of an official, government sanctioned religion. Nor did they wish it to be a “theocratic state.” That said, they did found the nation on certain Christian moral truths. And they did believe that the law of God should form the basis of good—and legitimate-- human laws.

Make no mistake: those who proclaim their “progressiveness”-- and who disdain “godliness”—are actually regressive…and looking to take those rights away from us.

We mustn’t let them do so.



Republican Party At A Crossroads; Which Path It Takes Will Determine America's Fate


Richard Moss, M.D. and prolific author, has a scathing new book out, titled The Empire of Eunuchs: How the Republican Party Betrayed America, in which he accuses the Republican Party of being “no different than the very same Democrat Party it claims to oppose.” Moss correctly excoriates the Republican Party for “never truly addressing the annual deficits, mounting debt, increasing dependency, and expanding unfunded liabilities” afflicting the nation.

The (understandably) mad doctor asserts that the Republican Party is “a weak, limp, rudderless organization that has achieved little or none of its stated goals and purposes.” To which I would add a few more adjectives, including, “spineless, duplicitous, and craven.” Far too many Republicans pointlessly, fruitlessly, and pathetically seek affirmation, even from their long-time foes. It is repulsive to observe.

Like myself, Moss has a dim view of the country’s chances of survival, led as it is by one party that despises it, and another that is too afraid of being labeled, libeled, and slandered to fight for it.

Moss, a Jew, notes that only through a “rebranded, committed, conservative, economic, Christian nationalist party” that is supportive of and “dedicated to American sovereignty” can “the great American experiment” survive.

Good luck with that.

Moss points out that over the past 40 years Republicans have won about as many national elections as Democrats-- and far more at the state level-- yet the country appears broken. We are indeed culturally, morally, spiritually, intellectually, and financially bankrupt. Not to mention that our largest and most important institutions are utterly corrupt.

A newly reconstructed Republican Party must quickly find the courage to fight the scourge of globalism. And it must not be afraid of engaging in social issues. (As Andrew Breitbart famously said, “Politics is downstream from culture.”) It must fight for the traditional nuclear family, the concept of sexual complimentarity, the rights of parents, and for secure borders, among other issues. As we watch the ever ballooning debt, soon to subsume us, it becomes obvious that committed economic conservatives are an endangered species in Congress…if not extinct.

But it is not enough even to be fiscally conservative. How often do we hear someone, politician or no, say they are an economic conservative, but a social liberal. In a sense, this is an oxymoron, emphasis on moron. This is because liberal social programs consume an astounding amount of money and capital, whether it be for transgender “care,” free drug paraphernalia for addicts, money for the health, welfare and housing/incarceration of illegal aliens, or the stupefyingly bloated welfare state in general.

That said, it behooves us to remember that the Republican Party came into being as an anti-slavery party. That was its modus operandi, its raison d’être. The Grand Old Party must now somehow grow a spine and reinvigorate itself to fight slavery on behalf of all of us. If it doesn’t, it is no exaggeration to state that would-be totalitarians in the government, along with their sycophants in academia and the media, will force all of us-- of every color-- onto their vast and insidious, if figurative, plantation.

And, this time, such has been the fundamental transformation of “the last, best hope,” the Army of the Potomac will not free us. It will be our masters.






Saturday, June 29, 2024

China, Taiwan, U.S.


Top Gun” is who we in the United States used to be. Brash, brazen, honest, true, risk-taking, hyper-competent, and lovers of…the same. And adventure, romance, excellence, liberty, and tradition.

Now? Not so much. In fact, we dance to whatever tune Communist China is playing…even though they are bad songs, and our dancing is craven and repulsive. Most American companies, such as the National Basketball Association (NBA) and Hollywood movie studios, will do anything in their attempt to be granted full access to the vast Chinese market. China knows this. That is why the NBA, hyper-focused on every human rights issue in the U.S., never says anything about the very Chinese child labor that makes most of the shoes its athletes wear. Nor does it emit a peep about the CCP’s affinity for removing the organs of Uyghurs, against their will, and selling them to the highest bidder. But, hey, some of these things just slip through your hands, right? Who among us is perfect?

On the other hand-- and for the aforementioned reason-- when the CCP now tells an American company to do something, it nearly always complies.

In that vein, China demanded that the producers of Top Gun: Maverick, a sequel to Top Gun, remove the Taiwanese and Japanese flag patches from the protagonist’s jacket and other promotional material. The producers originally complied……but then restored the patches. Perhaps there is a God.

A healthier, younger America might have told China to bugger off long ago. Especially one not run by a doddering old fool beholden to the CCP through cash donations. The studio and its producers ultimately did the right thing, but should have added several more Taiwans to Tom Cruise’s jacket. And told the Chicoms there would be a multiple Taiwans-- and Japans, too-- on his jacket for Top Gun III.

The U.S. should inform those in the Chinese Communist government that, if they don’t stop propping up Russia, aiding Iran and North Korea, sending spy ballons over us, stealing our technology, buying up our farmland, sending young military-age males across our southern border, and generally antagonizing us, we will make certain that all maps and atlases produced henceforth will show an island named Taiwan every 500 or so bleeping miles across the bleeping globe. And let them know that, should they so much as threaten even one of them, we will immediately go all Sun-Tzu on them.

Period. (时期).

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Recognition Of Natural Rights Led To U.S.'s Success, Trampling Of Them Leading To Its Downfall


If natural rights are not recognized, if our rights are not unalienable, if, in fact, they do not come from God, what then? Do they come from men? If so, what men? What person? What woman? What group of people? Who is infallible and without bias? The government? A king? Paul Pot, Idi Amin Dada, Fidel Castro? Governments like those of the Third Reich, the Soviet Union, Venezuela, North Korea, China, Iran, or Pakistan? Perhaps that of Albania? The Biden administration? If that's the case, the Nazis weren't wrong, could not be. Nor is Putin… or the Ayatollah. They are just men and governments, dispensing rights as best they see fit, right?

If our rights do not come from God, either they come from men, or we have none. In either case, there will necessarily be societal devastation. Truth be told, if our rights don't come from God, then anything goes, and nothing matters. There is no truth, no light, no “the way”… only chaos leading to destruction.

And that appears to be exactly what Democrats want.

As the founders knew, there is no question that our rights come from God. The only question is, “Will we let ‘progressives’ tell us otherwise?”

God help us if we do. Because that will be the only chance we’ll have.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Democrat Party: Still Evil After All These Years


The Democrat Party has been pro slavery, pro eugenics, pro-segregation (and now resegregation), and pro-abortion-- even after a baby has been born alive. And yet those in it always call Republicans “extreme.” Stupefying. As just shown, they disdain life. And they increasingly despise the First, Second, and various other amendments in the Bill of Rights. So they clearly detest liberty, as well. Those who have hatred of life and liberty are probably not big on happiness either, at least that of others. (Though their pals in the WEF say that, in the future, we will own nothing and be happy.)

Democrats have been anti-freedom since the beginning, except, to be fair, for the “freedoms” to enjoy pornography and drugs, be unemployed while having others pay for your indolence, and to enslave or kill others for your own financial benefit and/or convenience.

Polling clearly shows that American citizens don’t agree with Democrats’ policies on almost any major issue, whether from crime to border control, or from the economy to transgender “affirming care” for minors. Yet Democrats often win a majority of the popular vote in national elections, a fact that is, at minimum, “curious” and troubling.

If you ask me, and I freely admit nobody did, it is time to cut the crap once and for all. The leaders of the “Democratic” Party, and most of those residing in the swamp and the staggeringly vast deep state, are not good people. And they are certainly incompatible with a nation founded on the belief that all men are created equal and granted unalienable rights by their creator.

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? Not on their watch.

It's time to throw the bums out. It’s time to make America decent again. It’s time to make America free again.




Tuesday, June 25, 2024

A Biden-Trump Debate Parody


Biden-Trump Presidential Debate

CNN Studios

Atlanta, GA.

June 27



Jake Tapper: Good evening everyone and welcome to Debate 2024, the first presidential debate between the candidates this election cycle. Dana Bash and I speak for everyone here at CNN when we say how honored and proud we are to host such an important event. So, let’s get started!

(Jake briefly goes over the rules of this debate, etc.)

Tapper: Okay then, first question. This one goes to you, President Biden: During a second term, Allah willing, will you cure oil cancer first…or will you focus on uniting the world in perfect harmony?

Biden (obviously amped up on coke, amphetamines, etc.): As you know, Jake, I had oil cancer, so I know how bad it can be. But I do want to unite the world in…um, like you said, perfect harmony. In fact, I’d like to teach the world to sing, in perfect harmony. I’d like to hold it in my arms and keep it company. Coca-Cola. You know the ad.

Tapper: What a beautiful sentiment sir! Just beautiful.

Tapper: Mr. Trump, one for you now: Why are you such an asshole?

Former President Donald Trump: What kind of question is that? You are even worse than the rest of the ‘fake news’ media, Tapper. Why don’t you ask me a legitimate question…if you can think of one?

Tapper: Alright. Trump, as a convicted felon, do you still support stiffer sentences for those, like yourself, who repeatedly break the law?”

Trump: You’ve gotta be bleepin’ kidding me. Do you know why I’m a ‘convicted felon,’ Tapper? Because people like you have railroaded me for no legitimate reason. No reason. Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax. Steele Dossier. ‘Very fine people on both sides’ hoax. Japanese Koi pond hoax. All debunked. So sad. So pathetic.

Dana Bash: Okay, then, Trumpty-Dumpty, answer this question: As a convicted felon, do you think devout Christians will stick with you? And, if they do, does that then mean that Christianity is pro-crime…or even a crime in and of itself?”

Trump: Oh, for God’s sake…

Bash: No one will invoke the name of an alleged god or ‘sky daddy’ here tonight, convicted felon Trump! Separation of church and state is one of the pillars of our democracy, a democracy I might add, that you are threatening!

Trump: Let me just point out, we are a ‘representative republic,’ not a pure democracy, so—

Bash: Cut off his mic! Now!

Tapper: Back to you, President Biden, your illustriousness. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream…and a follow-up if I may: why?

Biden: I like all of ‘em. I like ‘em all. ‘Cuz they taste good. (Leans down and whispers into his microphone). True story.

Tapper and Bash, together as one: Awesome! That is very inclusive of you, Mr. President!

Tapper: Trump, you eat a lot of fast food and other crap, isn’t that correct?

Trump: Didn’t you just praise Sleepy Joe for eating ice cream?

Tapper: Changing the subject because you can’t answer in a way that would help you, Donny?

Trump: What the…?

Tapper: In the interest of extreme fairness and objectivity, I will ask you a different question, Trumpy-Lumpy: As President Biden has repeatedly noted, inflation was 9% when he took office. How did you manage to let it get so out of control…and do you regret any of your fiscal policies?

Trump: At the end of my term, inflation was 1.4%, not---

Tapper: We’ve cut off your mic, felon-boy…

 Etc., etc., etc.     


Monday, June 24, 2024

U.S. Intelligence Agents To Have Nails Painted For Pride Month


Per a document exclusively obtained by The Daily Wire:

“The top intelligence agency in the United States is celebrating Pride Month by inviting agents to have the transgender flag painted on their nails.” Not kidding. Agents can also “participate in a ‘Pride Ally Challenge,’ and learn from a ‘non-binary,’ ‘Filipinx’ activist who teaches children about her own non-binary identity.”

According to The Wire, “The intelligence document outlines nine different Pride Month activities held by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), a cabinet-level agency overseeing the rest of the IC, including the CIA, FBI, NSA, and intelligence components in each branch of the military.” Over the course of the month, intelligence officers will be encouraged to have their nails painted with trans flags, or learn to crochet their very own Pride flags, among other critical intelligence-related skills.

The document states, “For nail painting, we’ll have our pro team of FVEY artistes ready to decorate you,” and later adds, “If you don’t normally paint your nails, or have never done so, all the better! We’ll do everything for you, and you might just love it. What better way to show your allyship to the community?”


Good to know that our hard-earned tax dollars are being used efficiently and for such a critical need.

We may be running low on human intel sources, navy ships, ammunition, and other hardware—but, by God, we’ll never run out of Pride flags! Even if we should run low, our intelligence and military leaders will be able to make them on the spot!

Continuity breeds cohesion, especially in our defense forces. I believe it was Col. William Prescott, at the Battle of Bunker Hill, who famously told his troops, “Don’t shoot until you see the designs on their nails!” And, of course, Gen. Douglas MacArthur stated, “I shall return. And my nails will be fabulous!”

Obama successfully “fundamentally transformed” the U.S. from a fundamentally Christian, serious nation based on merit, to a fundamentally secular, unserious nation based on intersectionality.

We’re screwed. But at least we’re colorful!


Sunday, June 23, 2024

Footage Of Biden All "Cheap Fakes" And "Disinformation" Says Press Secretary, Media, Democrats


This did not happen.”

These definitive words were uttered by an Obama aid, so we know they are true. Even though we saw President Biden freeze up onstage at a recent Hollywood fundraising event. And Obama come up to the dazed and confused Commander-in-Chief, grab him by the arm, and gingerly escort him off the stage, right arm around his shoulders.

Sure looked like it happened. But it didn’t, I guess.

Presidential Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was asked about a series of recent videos that have shown Biden apparently wandering off, freezing up, or both. She responded by labeling them "cheap fakes,” and calling them “misinformation” and  “disinformation."

Cheap fakes or deep fakes? Look in the mirror, KJP.

Here is Politifact weighing in on the matter:

“Opponents of President Joe Biden have repeatedly circulated videos that cut his comments short or take his words out of context to leave a misleading impression. The tactic, which the Trump campaign employed ahead of the 2020 election, fuels the narrative that Biden is senile and incompetent, experts said.” 


“Experts who study misinformation recommend that people who come across potentially out-of-context videos should check on the source, seek out the full context, and consider whether the clips seem designed to provoke a strong emotional reaction.”

Rebekah Tromble, the director of something called the Institute for Data, Democracy, and Politics at George Washington University, stated: "These clips draw on a common trope about President Biden that's popular among his detractors: He's old, bumbling and senile, meaning he's incompetent and incapable of doing this job.”

Claire Wardle, co-founder and executive director of First Draft, a “nonprofit” organization that allegedly works to protect against harmful disinformation and misinformation said, “The tactic is what experts who study misinformation and media manipulation call a cheap fake.’” Wardle added, "It's the weaponization of context. It's genuine content, but the context changes via minor edits. Anyone can be vulnerable with the right edit."

Calm down, gals, you’re embarrassing yourselves.

Let’s set the record straight: “experts” are anyone and everyone who will publicly agree with the Democrat-Media-Academia Complex agenda, no matter how preposterous, false, or evil. Institutions of higher learning, and, for that matter, the vast majority of all public schools no matter the grade level, are naught but indoctrination centers…paid for with taxpayer dollars. Some of these are so biased and intolerant of disagreement they would likely make Stalin blush. And the mainstream media is a collective joke, more biased and disingenuous than Tokyo Rose. They are indeed The Enemy of the People.

When the White House, through Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, tells us “You are not seeing what you are seeing,” it illustrates how duplicitous it is. The same goes for the media that dutifully parrots that line. This only serves to prove that what they are calling “manipulation” and “misinformation” is itself manipulation and misinformation. They are gas-lighters, projectors, and prevaricators all. Those comprising the Biden administration are “deep fakes.”

The truth of the matter is that the Clinton-Obama-Biden administration and the Democrat Party has incessantly smeared Trump with lies, doctored footage to make him appear nasty and/or incompetent, manipulated news stories, and otherwise utilized misinformation and disinformation to attack him…and his family. Remember the Russian Collusion Hoax? The “Some Very Fine People” Hoax? The Japanese Koi Pond Hoax? The Horse Dewormer Hoax? The Hunter Biden’s Laptop Is A Russian Disinformation Campaign Hoax? The Jan. 6 Was An Actual Insurrection Hoax? Shall I go on? Because I can, for many more paragraphs, sadly.

The preposterously partisan lackeys in the mainstream media are one thing, but the biased bullshit promoters at the many far left “fact-check” sites are another. Take those at Politihack Politifact, for example. Please. Or the dopes at Snopes. Or any/all the rest of them. Their “fact checks” are designed solely to further the progressive agenda and make Democrats look good, or at least far less scary than they are.

There is nothing more dangerous to a “democracy,” actually a republic in this case-- or a society in general-- than self-described “truth tellers” and an allegedly free press acting in concert with the party in power and labeling absolutely anything and everything which doesn’t further their agenda as “cheap fakes,” “deep fakes,” “manipulation,” “misinformation,” or “disinformation.”

We have all seen the difference in outcome between four years of Trump’s policies and nearly four years of Biden’s policies, so lies and projection are all they have.

That is the truth. And you can be certain of that when they all brand that statement “disinformation.”

The U.S Needs To Be More Top Gun, Less Obsequious


Top Gun” is who we in the United States used to be. Brash, brazen, honest, true, risk-taking, hyper-competent, and lovers of…the same. And adventure, romance, excellence, liberty, and tradition.

Now? Not so much. In fact, we dance to whatever tune Communist China is playing…even though they are bad songs, and our dancing is craven and repulsive. Most American companies, such as the National Basketball Association (NBA) and Hollywood movie studios, will do anything in their attempt to be granted full access to the vast Chinese market. China knows this. That is why the NBA, hyper-focused on every human rights issue in the U.S., never says anything about the very Chinese child labor that makes most of the shoes its athletes wear. Nor does it emit a peep about the CCP’s affinity for removing the organs of Uyghurs, against their will, and selling them to the highest bidder. But, hey, some of these things just slip through your hands, right? Who among us is perfect?

On the other hand-- and for the aforementioned reason-- when the CCP now tells an American company to do something, it nearly always complies.

In that vein, China demanded that the producers of Top Gun: Maverick, a sequel to Top Gun, remove the Taiwanese and Japanese flag patches from the protagonist’s jacket and other promotional material. The producers originally complied……but then restored the patches. Perhaps there is a God.

A healthier, younger America might have told China to bugger off long ago. Especially one not run by a doddering old fool beholden to the CCP through cash donations. The studio and its producers ultimately did the right thing, but should have added several more Taiwans to Tom Cruise’s jacket. And told the Chicoms there would be a minimum of 15 Taiwans and a dozen Japans on his jacket for Top Gun III.

The U.S. should inform those in the Chinese Communist government that, if they don’t stop propping up Russia, aiding Iran and North Korea, sending spy ballons over us, stealing our technology, buying up our farmland, sending young military-age males across our southern border, and generally antagonizing us, we will  make certain that all maps and atlases produced henceforth will show an island named Taiwan every 500 or so bleeping miles across the bleeping globe. And let them know that, should they so much as threaten even one of them, we will immediately go all Sun-Tzu on them.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Portland Pickles Baseball Team Selling THC-Infused Beverages


The Portland Pickles are a collegiate summer baseball team in the West Coast League. The Pickles recently became the first sports team in the history of the United States to legally sell marijuana-based products during a live sporting event. Batter up! (“Here’s the pitch…high!”)

The Pickles organization recently revealed they have a new partnership with something called Cycling Frog, which sells THC-based seltzer drinks. The team started selling the psychoactive drinks at their stadium on June 18th. According to, the Seltzer drinks contain 2MG of THC and 4MG of CBG-- and are available in lemon and passion fruit flavors. Pickle fans—and fans of getting high—must be 21 or older to purchase the “refreshments.”

The Pickles’ VP of Business Development, Ross Campbell, stated, “The Portland Pickles have a responsibility in the sports industry to take leaps and set a precedent of innovative partnerships.” They have a responsibility to set a precedent by vending mind-altering drugs? Amazing. (And, no, no sports organization has a “responsibility” to sell alcohol, either.)

The writing is on the wall: teams will someday soon be vending THC-infused gummies, candies, and bars—along with joints, spliffs, bong hits, etc.

Take me out to the ballgame,
Take me out with the crowd
Buy me some gummies and THC-infused snacks
I don't care if I never get back,
Let me toot, toot, toot ‘til my eyes gleam,
If I don’t get baked it's a shame
'Cause it's one, two, three seltzers I’m out
At the old ball game

But, not to worry, traditionalists. Sales of peanuts and Cracker Jacks should be higher, too!






Thursday, June 20, 2024

Democrats' Policies Are Regressive, Not Progressive


Progressive Democrats, and there virtually no other kind anymore, are people that think they know better than you do how to run your own life. Or, possibly worse yet, that other people know better than you do how to run your life. This is the worst kind of slavery, mental and spiritual, though it could even be physical, as well. (Think pandemic lockdowns where many people weren’t allowed to keep working or leave their houses. Or even attend a loved one’s wedding or funeral.)

Democrats laughably claim that they want to protect “our democracy” from the evil MAGA Republicans, but nothing could be farther from the truth. The United States isn’t a democracy, because the founders knew pure democracies always devolve into mobocracies. In truth, Democrats only wish to protect their bureaucracy. Their own fiefdoms. And The Deep State. The Swamp. The unelected ideologues who are actually responsible for much of the legislation the rest of us have to live with—and under-- and who should be held accountable for the nonsensical, tyrannical effluvium they trowel out. But, good luck with that. (See also “unelected.”)

Many of today’s Democrats are evil. Or, at minimum, foster and promote evil, so explain to me the difference. For their part, the vast majority of establishment Republicans are spineless…or worse. If someone aids and abets, or at least continually and proactively compromises with evil…can they truthfully be called anything but…evil?

But, Eric, you’re taking this too far! This is nuts! Good versus evil, come on! Really?

The majority of Democrats purport to believe in abortion up until the moment of birth…or maybe a little while after. (“After birth abortion” isn’t the same as murder! Really, it isn’t! Swear!) They do not want to protect our borders, and they treat illegal aliens far better than American citizens. (Forget the 100,000 or so fentanyl deaths a year and the sex trafficking, etc., etc.) They sanction violent riots that result in burned out businesses, injuries, and death, and dub them “mostly peaceful,” while calling a bunch of unarmed citizens who paraded around and through “the People’s House” (because they truly believed their votes had been stolen from them and rendered moot) an “insurrection.” They withhold aid to the only actual democracy in the Middle East, a tiny nation of people who have been far more than “marginalized” for nearly their entire existence, and provide aid to the bloodthirsty terrorists who raped, murdered, beheaded, and otherwise tortured thousands of them this past October 7th. They tell Black African nations that they will withhold aid from them, unless they gleefully sign on to the radical LGBTQ agenda. They promote radical hormone treatments and genital mutilation for young boys and girls, even without parental notification. They disdain Genesis, creation, life—and laugh in the face of God, that “sky daddy” that so many ignorant straight white Christian troglodytes in flyover country worship. And they deliberately and sneeringly accuse their political opponents of being and doing what they are and do. That is currently their primary political strategy, in fact. And it is repulsive.

Add all that up. Does it qualify as “evil?”

Progressive? No. Regressive. The United States was progressive in its belief in natural rights and limited government of, by, and for the people…under the rule of law, applied equally. This fundamentally transformed the nature of government. To fundamentally transform the nation now would be to revert to back to some form of authoritarianism.

That is the Democrats’ desire. And they are almost to their goal.


Wednesday, June 19, 2024

MSNBC Op-Ed Touts Dads Who Have Aborted Their Babies


A recent op-ed on, by Why not say “Happy Arbor Day to all you serial arsonists?” or “A very merry Christmas to Satanists everywhere?”

Have we really sunk to this level of callousness, immorality, and insanity? In such a short period of time? The answer, sadly, is “yes.” Were there a day celebrating people who are pro-life, this would be like saying, “Happy Pro-Life Day to all the mass murderers out there.” But, of course, there isn’t such a thing as Pro-Life Day, because that would be silly or weird or something, right? “Pro-Life Day,” hah!

The repulsive piece cited Jennifer Reich, a professor of sociology at the University of Colorado, “who told The New York Times in 2022: ‘Everybody benefits when individuals can control their own reproduction…’” This just in: everybody can control their own reproduction…without resorting to abortion. Easily, in fact. Just don’t have intercourse, or at least unprotected intercourse, if you are unwilling to support a child. That’s it. And, unlike an abortion, it doesn’t cost anything and works every time.

The piece referred to abortion as

“I wouldn’t be a father without abortion. Before we met, both my wife and I had experiences with abortion. … If we had not been able to terminate an unwanted pregnancy, we wouldn’t be happily married with a 5-year-old. It would have taken both of our lives in completely different directions.” Abortion didn’t make him a father. Quite the opposite. And calling a pregnancy “unwanted” makes it sound like an outbreak of mold or genital warts. One thing is certain, it took his baby’s life in a different direction. By ending it. I could have stopped after stating “it took his baby’s life.”

“men benefit hugely from access to abortion care.” (“Abortion care?”) Yes, men “benefit hugely” by not having to take responsibility-- financial, emotional, or otherwise-- for their actions. They can continue to be randy pigs if they like.

Except…real men don’t do that. And any “benefit” is more than offset by a loss of pride, decency, dignity, and soul. Whether they know it or not.

Abortion kills more than just the baby. Men who support it so as not to be inconvenienced deserve no praise. And no quarter.



Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Police And Military Demoralized...Trains Derailing, Airplane Parts Falling From The Sky, Products Being Recalled At A Record Rate. Why?

Police departments around the country are shorthanded, defunded, demoralized. Many officers have retired or walked away, because they aren’t valued—or, worse, are demonized. All for working long hours for not great pay…and putting their life on the line for public safety. And, if they do arrest somebody for even violent behavior, the perps often are sprung the same day, no bail required. This has led to the majority of American citizens being less safe than perhaps ever before.

Our military is far less capable than it was just a few short years ago. Patriots, Christians, MAGA types, and conservatives have been deliberately drummed out of the services in favor of more left-leaning individuals. Competence—let alone excellence—has been dismissed in favor of diversity, equity, and inclusion. (I hope and pray we don’t soon have to see how diversity, equity, and inclusion fares against well-trained, highly skilled, determined adversaries.) Recruiting goals are not close to being met. The navy, 600 ships strong at the end of Reagan’s presidency, is now down to just 283 mostly functioning vessels. In toto, the once unparalleled American military is no longer an effective deterrence against the likes of China, Russia…or even Iran. It is a sad but historical fact that, when we are incapable of effective deterrence, our allies lose confidence and our enemies pounce. And innocent people “DIE.” (“DEI” rearranged to more accurately reflect the end result of such hyper-woke sentiments and policies.)

And there is more. Much more. Trains are derailing, plane parts are falling from the sky, shipping delays are legion, customer service seems an outmoded concept…and there are more product recalls, particularly of foodstuffs, than ever before.

All of this was predictable. In fact, there is no other possible result of an all-out assault on competence, reason, and productivity. Ayn Rand predicted this back in 1957.

What we are witnessing now is…Atlas Shrugging.

Monday, June 17, 2024

California Gov. Newsome Proposes Budget Slashing Law Enforcement


According to a Fox News report, “Gov. Gavin Newsom, D-Calif., proposed slashing budgets regarding public safety, such as prisons and law enforcement, as the state simultaneously grapples with a crippling deficit and doubles down on climate goals relating to equity.” (“Climate goals relating to equity?” A progressive twofer!)

Gov. Hair Gel’s proposed budget, recently released, notes that "difficult decisions" are necessary to address the estimated $27.6 billion deficit, projected to continue into the foreseeable future. The Fox report stated that the budget “includes a $97 million cut to trial court operations, $10 million to the Department of Justice's Division of Law Enforcement and more than $80 million to the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.”

“Difficult decisions?” Really?! Difficult? How about ceasing funding for illegal aliens instead of slashing the budget for law enforcement?! Might that lead to a safer, more stable and just society? Talk about a twofer! The erstwhile Golden State’s food assistance program could be limited to truly needy citizens, and it could stop spending more than $2.7 billion a year providing free health care to illegals! The latter figure alone is almost 13 times more than the previously enumerated proposed cuts!

A spokesperson for Newsome told Fox News Digital, "The budget proposes numerous ways to make government more efficient and reduce costs for taxpayers, including cuts on inmate spending.” Well, it should be a no-brainer to cut spending on inmates, since California is no longer incarcerating anyone!

Newsome’s proposed budget should be known as the “How to Destroy a State in One Easy Step Program.”


Sunday, June 16, 2024

Staunch Abortion Advocate Nancy Pelosi Says Gun Control Is Needed To Protect Our Children


Former House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi recently took to Twitter ‘X’ to declare, ““No one’s political survival is more important than our children’s survival. Survivors and advocates turning pain into purpose demand an assault weapons ban. #WearOrange today and Vote Blue to defeat Republicans standing in the way of commonsense solutions to gun violence.-NP”

For some reason, she did not add, “And also Vote Blue so we can make unfettered abortion the law of the land! #killyourunbornbabytoday.-NP”

In early 2023, virtually every House Democrat voted against legislation that would have required prompt medical attention be given to babies who were born alive after an attempt was made to abort them. The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act stated that doctors would be required to care for those infants as a "reasonably diligent and conscientious health care practitioner would render to any other child born alive." Democrats would have none of it.

Pelosi virtue signaling about children’s survival is like Hitler touting the Anti-Defamation League to prioritize the survival of Jews. It’s like Mexican drug cartels launching a “Just Say No!” campaign, ala Nancy Reagan. It’s as if Dr. Fauci and Kristi Noem joined the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. It is preposterous and repulsive.

Maybe I’ll write a spoof about a fundraiser for unfettered abortion and gun control and post it on my blogsite. Oh, wait, I already did. Long ago. But, sadly, it’s not parody anymore.

In fact, it is nearly impossible to write parody today, because nothing is crazier than reality. Especially the “reality” Democrats recognize.   




Saturday, June 15, 2024

Whither America?

If, in a fair and free election (snort, giggle), the American people return Biden to the White House, they will have voted themselves into shackles, elected to eliminate their freedoms and liberty, and chosen to live as cattle on the government’s ranch…an act perhaps without precedent in human history.

If you vote for the current president who is trying to destroy a former president for far lesser offenses than he himself has committed, you are a hypocrite. If you vote for the man who is currently attempting to imprison his political opponent, perhaps for life, for the sin of standing in the way of his continued power, you are an ignorant fool. If you vote for the man who has labeled nearly half of your countrymen “domestic terrorists,” you are a cad of the highest order. If you vote for the man who is clearly beholden to at least one-- likely more than one-- of America’s enemies, each with totalitarian governments, you cannot claim to be a patriot or defender of democracy.

            If you vote for the man who clearly—and in so many ways-- favors illegal immigrants over American citizens, and those who break the law over those who abide by it, you are voting for chaos, pain, and societal destruction.

           Someone once asked, “What is the difference between ignorance and apathy?” To which the cheeky reply is, “I don’t know, and I don’t care.”

The pertinent question for likely Biden voters as we near the 2024 presidential election would be: “What is the difference between ignorance and insanity?”

The answer in this case would be: “Nothing, in terms of the consequences.”

World Economic Forum Authors: "Let Them Eat Fake Meat"


The globalist elites at the World Economic Forum (WEF) are calling on governments to promote fake meat and other alternative proteins in a coordinated effort to change consumers’ behavior. Shocking, I know.

The authors of a white paper entitled “Creating a Vibrant Food Innovation Ecosystem: How Israel Is Advancing Alternative Proteins Across Sectors,” claim that changing humans’ eating habits will require a global effort with governments and corporations working together. Yes, bloated governments and big corporations working together to manipulate and coerce the little people’s behavior is a great idea! And perfectly befitting of fascism, or at least a robust oligarchy!

Fake meat. Fake genders. Fake news. Artificial intelligence. I am sick of it all.

Is anything real anymore?

Yes, the existential danger this represents to us as humans-- and formerly free and sentient beings-- is all too real, indeed.



Thursday, June 13, 2024

MSNBC Analyst Urges The Military To Keep Trump From Getting Elected


Crazed MSNBC analyst Donny Deutsch recently urged the military to release an ad campaign against former President Donald Trump ahead of the upcoming presidential election. True story, as Biden might say.

Deutsch said: “Contrast is everything in this election. And I think the military is the greatest example to show the contrast between two men. You see Donald Trump who, you know, got off, didn’t serve because of bunions and allegedly told John Kelly, his chief of staff … as they were in a cemetery looking at fallen heroes, ‘why would any person be a sucker and give their life for their country?’ And that’s all you need to know about Donald Trump.”

The “alleged” story has been revealed to be less of a story and more alleged. Like nearly everything else said of Trump by those who are so blinded by Trump Derangement Syndrome that they can no longer see anything that doesn’t feed their hatred or comport with their agenda. And anyone who ends their comments about something that someone “allegedly” did by remarking, “And that’s all you need to know” about that someone is a cad whose apocryphal story should be automatically dismissed.

The MSNBC anal-ist also, incredibly, stated: “I think the most compelling advertising campaign would be centered around the military. If we got Mattis, McMaster, Milley and Kelly, to go to screen and say, ‘look this country cannot stand Donald Trump. The defense of this country will not stand Donald Trump. We are great Americans. We believe in the country. We trust this country. We know this country. You can’t vote for Donald Trump.’ I think the military is the secret weapon in this election and I hope those ads come to fruition.” 

That’s ironic. He thinks the military is “the secret weapon” that should tell the American people: “You can’t vote for Donald Trump?” What happened to the long-cherished American concept of separating the civilian government from the military? Democrats’ disdain for civilians combined with their control of the military. That’s what happened.

Deutsch has previously spoken of “the evilness of Donald Trump” and labeled him as nothing more than the “Chief Crime Boss.” In this particular appearance, he slandered nearly half of all Americans, stating, “If you vote for Trump, you’re the bad guy.”

Ironically, as “Deutsch” directly translates to “German,” Donny Boy also said of Trump supporters, “You, not Donald Trump, are standing at the border, like Nazis, go(ing) ‘you here, you here.’”

Let me see if I have this straight: To progressives, “Kink shaming” is bad, but MAGA shaming is a defense of democracy?!

I, for one, have had enough of these deviants, these projecting perverts.

They are the bad guys…and gals…and whatever other genders they care to name or invent. How do we know this? If you silently pray outside of an abortion mill, they want you arrested. If, however, you protest for Hamas, a terror group who killed many innocent women on or about October 7 by using a blowtorch on their genital regions, they will speak up for your right to do so…if not actually praise you for your courage…even as you claim to be the real victim yourself. (Of course, they also support the genital mutilation of young people in this country who profess gender confusion, however briefly, so…)

Anyone who proposes that the party in power use the military to affect the outcome of the next presidential election “to save our democracy” either has no understanding of democracy or is clinically insane. Or evil. Or some combination of the three.

In any case, they have no business lecturing—or threatening—the rest of us.


Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Minnesota Gov. Walz Bans Training For "Excited Delirium"


According to the Minneapolis StarTribune, also known as the New World’s Pravda, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz has signed a law prohibiting training for licensed police officers on “excited delirium.” You may well be asking yourself, “Say what?”

StarTribune: “Excited delirium usually refers to a person possessed by a potentially deadly form of agitation, sometimes abetted by drug abuse, and displaying aggressive behavior, profuse sweating, public nudity, mouth foaming and superhuman strength.”

Well, just because a perp is on drugs, foaming at the mouth, possibly nude, displaying aggressive behavior and deadly agitation while exhibiting superhuman strength, that’s no reason for law enforcement personnel to use force against that person! Or even to be trained in how to handle that situation! Why wouldn’t any and all sane police officers tell Walz, “Okay, you do this f**King job!”

The StarTribune noted that ‘excited delirium’ is “a diagnosis that national medical associations have rejected as pseudoscience.” The far-left paper for the far-left Twin Cities also quoted Dr. Altaf Saadi, a neurologist at Massachusetts General Hospital who has called for the end of the term’s use in the United States, as saying, "Right now, there's not a single medical association that upholds excited delirium as legitimate.”

Pseudoscience? Legitimate? Medical associations in the U.S. and Canada recognize men who claim to be women as women, and women who claim to be men as men. They recommend the genital mutilation of young children. They were wrong about nearly everything pertaining to the coronavirus and the response thereto. They claimed that it was a necessary public health matter to allow Black Lives Matter and Antifa to riot in the streets and burn down buildings while the rest of us were told we must stay six feet apart—and that we couldn’t go to work, the gym, or to the funeral of a loved one. Some are pro-abortion…and pro-medically assisted suicide. Doctors and nurses now “assign” a baby’s “gender” at birth as “X.” Or refuse to give a life-saving organ transplant to someone who hasn’t had the full regimen of COVID-19 vaccinations. They claim alcoholism is a disease á la the common cold or pneumonia. (If so, how does one “catch” it?) and now they are buying into DEI at the expense of competence.

So if Walz and his sycophants at the StarTribune want examples of the belief in pseudoscience, they should look in the mirror. Or at a picture of “Dr. Fauci.”

Excited delirium is real. Don’t believe me? Just look at the actions of “journalists” reporting on Donald J. Trump.



Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Woke Culture Declares War On Beauty


As WKRG reported, 23-year-old Atmore resident Sara Milliken won Miss Alabama on her third try over Memorial Day weekend. The morbidly obese Milliken claimed her goal was only to make the top 10 after failing even to place in her previous two attempts. Yet, she is now Miss Alabama.

A few days later, despite an array of stunningly beautiful, charming, and intelligent women to choose from in the Miss Maryland USA pageant, the contest’s judges awarded the crown to a biological male who goes by the name of Bailey Anne Kennedy.

How did this happen? You know the answer as well as I do: wokeness run amok.

This is part and parcel of the perverse leftist desire to render the meaning of words moot…and, worse yet, to strip everything of any meaning whatsoever. Their desire to excuse their own proclivities and behavior, whatever it may be, impels them to attempt to destroy the very concepts of decency, “better,” and good and evil…that they may not be judged here on this earth. (And, since they typically do not believe in God, they think they are home free.) This is a deliberate attempt to make a mockery of judgements, competition, the sacredness of male and female complementarity, beauty…and God himself.

Make no mistake, The Left is engaged in an all-out war on beauty, excellence, and decency. This, in turn, is part of its larger War on Truth.

If we do not win this war, the consequences will be catastrophic. And likely permanent.