Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Is The Writing On The Wall?


Terror attack here. Terror attack there. Criminals coddled. Parents and patriots targeted. There is a culture war raging. A war for the country’s soul. A war to determine who we really are and what we’ll soon become. And if all that came before and led us to this point has been in vain. A war to determine if government of, by, and for the people will perish from the Earth. No matter where you are on the political spectrum, that is not hyperbole. Will the United States maintain—and perhaps even enhance—some of its founding principles? Or will it inexorably morph into another failed Marxist entity and become an unusually large third world nation…to the detriment of everyone to come, and the desecration of all those who sacrificed to ensure her freedom and prosperity?

Let us hope and pray this looming conflict is not a shooting war, but one that can be fought and won verbally. This is not an impossibility, as evidenced by The Cold War. And, though the Revolutionary War necessarily was a violent shooting one, it was enormously influenced by some of history’s best writing, composed by authors such as Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine, James Madison, and Thomas Jefferson. Writing that stated our case, steeled our spines, and soothed our souls.

That kind of writing-- that kind of persuasiveness—is sorely lacking today. No one expects another ‘Declaration of Independence’ or ‘Common Sense’ to appear anytime soon. The same can be said of The Federalist Papers. But where is the passion, the commitment, the dedication, the courage, and the resolve amongst today’s conservatives?

What we need are people competent enough to launch a logical, cohesive-- yet monumental-- verbal broadside, with words strung together as if fired from a Hedgehog rocket launcher. And that shoot off the page and explode in readers’ minds. Complete with a breathtaking grand finale. When this stupendous, all-out lingual assault is over, it should leave its intended victims rendered (figuratively) lifeless on the ground, unable to muster a cogent reply.

Mark Steyn can do this. The late P.J. O’Rourke could, too. But precious few other writers, before or since, have both the courage and the talent to pull it off.

Instead, as I have often noted here, Republicans (not a synonym for conservatives) too often reflexively ‘turtle’ and snatch defeat from the jaws of near certain victory. This is embarrassing and repugnant, but they continue to do it anyway.

I’ll close with a quote from Thomas Paine: “Some writers have so confounded society with government, as to leave little or no distinction between them; whereas they are not only different but have different origins. Society is produced by our wants, and government by wickedness; the former promotes our happiness positively by uniting our affections, the latter negatively by restraining our vices. The one encourages intercourse, the other creates distinctions. The first is a patron, the last a punisher.”

Amen. Seems like Common Sense,

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

What Would Frederick Douglass And Martin Luther King Do?


True emancipation for black folks will come only when they free themselves from the ‘Democratic’ Party that formerly enslaved their bodies-- and more recently their minds and souls. Fortunately, to do this, they do not need the assistance of an Abraham Lincoln or a Ulysses S. Grant, only the conviction to act of their own free will. The decision to quit partaking in what is a barely disguised vote-for-cash-and-services scam is sadly not an easy one for a great many people of any color, though it should be. Leaving the plantation of enervation, entitlement, bitterness, indolence, and indignity requires awareness, character and integrity. And an independence of mind and spirit. Things that Frederick Douglass and Martin Luther King, Jr. possessed in abundance-- and to great effect.

If the presidential election of 2024 is any indication, perhaps, ever so slowly, the proverbial worm is turning. The growing insanity of the Democrat party and the nauseating condescension and disdain elites constantly exhibit towards those who would disagree with them-- or disobey them-- seems to have finally repulsed and awakened many in nearly every demographic group, with the possible exception of young, single, white women (A.K.A. “Karens.”)

The stunningly smug and entitled outlook of top Democrats was perfectly—if accidentally—summed up by President Biden when he told Charlamagne tha God on his popular Breakfast Club radio show: “If you have a problem figurin’ out whether you’re for me or…Trump, than you ain’t black.” Nice of the old white master to tell black folks that dare to think for themselves that they are not, in fact, black folks.

Blexit is in truth an entrance to a new world, one marked by a rebirth of freedom.

People such as Tyrus, Joe Rogan, Hotep Jesus, and Sage Steele comprise what can be essentially described as a new, if figurative Underground Railroad.

Let freedom ring.


Monday, January 20, 2025

President Trump Speaks-- In My Dream?


I must admit that I am not sure if I really heard this speech by President Donald Trump, or if I dreamt it. Or perhaps it’s just how I interpreted the speech he actually gave. In any case, here’s what I thought he said—or should have:

“My fellow Americans, we will let all nations know, whether they wish us well or ill, that things have changed as of today. To our allies: we will no longer provide your protection for free, and hand you billions of dollars only for you to mock or denigrate us. To our enemies: we will no longer give you a pass, no longer allow you to fly balloons or other aircraft over our sovereign nation-- and no longer put up with assorted other threats and indignities. There will be HELL TO PAY if you continue to attempt to do so.

“From January 20th of 2021 until January 20th of 2025, four years that will live in infamy, our nation was continuously degraded from within, economically, militarily, and culturally. And, as President Reagan warned us, ‘Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. The only way they can inherit the freedom we have known is if we fight for it, protect it, defend it, and then hand it to them with the well-fought lessons of how they in their lifetime must do the same. And if you and I don’t do this, then you and I may well spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it once was like in America when men were free.’ I promise you I will fight, fight, FIGHT for your freedoms. And we will ‘build back better’ than ever before! And we will ‘fundamentally transform’ America back to what she used to be: the greatest nation on the face of the earth. Our border will be secured, crime will no longer pay, we will be energy independent, our intelligence agencies will no longer be weaponized against any one political party, entity, or individual, and the impartial rule of law will be reinstated. Our public schools will be depoliticized, and the number of genders officially governmentally recognized will correspond precisely with what our maker intended. (Some of you may remember, ‘male and female He created them.’)

“Finally, might I add that it is time to once again treat our own citizens better than those who enter our country illegally and with bad intent.

“My fellow Americans, the world will little note, nor long remember, what I say here, but it will never forget what I am about to do here. Semper Fi! Let’s roll!”

Sunday, January 19, 2025

The Rape Of Europe, Approved By Its Leaders


Western Europe is squandering the Enlightenment. It appears dead set on returning to darkness (emphasis on dead). Consider this: British Prime Minister Keir Starmer is apparently onboard with threatening to arrest Americans-- thousands of miles away across the Atlantic Ocean-- if they dare to criticize, or even speak of, the Pakistani/Muslim rape gangs that have been assaulting the little girls of his nation for many years now. Can anyone, or anything, be more batsh*t crazy than that? Starmer is apparently the product of modern-day public schooling and has forgotten that England’s erstwhile ‘colonies’ declared independence way back in 1776. He may also be unaware that, though England still has a king, he does not have power over the rest of the world-- and, also, he isn't one anyway.

Nonetheless, the Prime Minister is on record as essentially saying that those criticizing the actions and policies of his government will face “the full force of the law.” He stressed that “the criminal law applies online as well as offline.” Britain’s police, Home Office, National Crime Agency, and Department of Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) are all working to ensure people are prosecuted for online criminal activity, according to reports. And these unapproved online comments may lead to prison time, if England’s finest have their way. When “science” is used to quell inquiry, dissent, and speech, a nation is effectively done for.

Starmtrooper should focus on trying to keep England from further sliding into irrelevancy, rather than on antagonizing what turned out to be the best friend and partner it has ever had. If British citizens-- like those of California-- weren't lobotomized by progressive propaganda and enervated by a creeping Marxism, they would force the crazy treasonous moron to resign.

London's Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley told Sky News back in August that British officials would not only be cracking down on British citizens for unfavored commentary on the anti-rape gang riots then occurring in the United Kingdom but would go after American citizens as well. Rowley stated, "We will throw the full force of the law at people. And whether you’re in this country committing crimes on the streets or committing crimes from further afield online, we will come after you.” Who the hell does he think he is? Does he think ‘Rule Brittania’ is still a thing and that the sun never sets on the English Empire? And that it is now a Marxist police state? (Okay, that last part seems accurate.)

As it happens, I myself have written several pieces extremely critical of British politicians’ malfeasance as regards these rape gangs. Am I to be on the receiving end of British justice?

Excuse me, there is someone at my door. I see a couple of black Rolls-Royces bearing Union Jacks in the driveway. That’s odd. Hmm, wonder what they want?

Oh, crap! Sorry folks, gotta go!

Can A.I., In The Hands Of Evil, Be Stopped?


A.I. can be used for good or bad just like any other invention or technology. The real problem is that it may become so advanced that bad people, who will never stop trying to use it for evil, will not be able to be thwarted because good folks will not act quickly and decisively enough to oppose it. Because they don't want to believe anybody would use it for that kind of evil…and because they want to be tolerant, non-judgemental, or even wish to compromise. At that point, in the case of this new technology, it will be too late. These tolerant tendencies of the non-evil could lead to total devastation when the technology evildoers employ and/or control reaches a certain level of capability, complexity, and even potentially sentience. There can be no compromise with abject evil, especially if in control of the most advanced technology, if a functional society is to survive.

We are not talking about 20th Century nuclear weapons technology, which is scary enough in itself, but of something far more subtle, pervasive, and sinister. Something of which we may not even be aware. Something which may someday escape the grasp and control of all of us. Something which, if it isn’t used to eliminate us, could effectively enslave us forever.

A corollary: can someone who promotes—or ‘tolerates’-- policies that historically and predictably result in destitution, crime, chaos, death, and destruction truly be called a good person? Can the same be said of those who will not try to address what I believe to be the coming technological tipping-point? Or of those who don’t wish to offend evil?

In the end, I think not.


Friday, January 17, 2025

My Predictions For The Rest Of 2025


My Predictions For The Rest Of 2025:

*January 20—A number of Democrats don’t attend the inauguration of Donald Trump, prompting most Americans to say, “Don’t care. Screw ‘em.”

*January 21—Democrats start new impeachment proceedings against President Trump.

*January 30—U.S. chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley admits that the drones flying over the East Coast have “been ours all along.” He added, “My bad, I should’ve mentioned this before, but I’ve been distracted lately trying to save our democracy from Donald J. Trump.”

*January 31-- U.S. chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley recants his previous statement, now saying that he has “no idea who or what” is flying the drones over the U.S.

*February 1-- U.S. chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley swears that both of his previous statements concerning drone overflights of America’s East Coast have been “misinterpreted.” He now claims that, even though the drones have recently been proven to have Chinese markings on them, they are “likely from a scary alien planet that is cleverly trying to make it seem like the drones are Chinese.” He vows to alert his Chinese counterparts if Trump should decide to take assertive action against them.

*February 2—Several ‘RINOS’ step outside the Capitol Building offices, see their shadows, and scurry back inside, vowing not to come back out until Donald Trump is gone.

*February 10—California Governor Gavin Newsome announces that those arsonists whose fires have caused less than $10,000 in damage will no longer be prosecuted.

*February 14—The Bidens, Schumers, and Pelosis have dinner at a favorite Chinese restaurant in D.C. For some reason, they are ‘comped.’

*February 16—The WHO, CDC, NIH, UN, and Dr. Fauci say the ‘Quad-demic’ of flu, norovirus, RSV, and COVID-25 mandate the total lockdown of everybody in the world.

*February 17—Pfizer announces that its new ‘Quad-demic’ mRNA vaccine is available worldwide…and is completely safe and 100% effective, adding, “No joke.”

*February 25—Barack Obama’s 17th ‘memoir’ hits bookstore shelves.

*February 25—Hillary Clinton’s 5th book explaining how she wrongfully lost the 2016 election to Trump hits bookstore shelves.

*March 17—Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) tearfully tells a gathering of news sources that “Not all Irish people are drunks. Some of them aren’t even Leprechauns. And not all of them are lucky, if you know what I mean.” No one does.

*April 1—Trump takes to Truth Social to say he is determined to invade Greenland, Panama, and Canada…all at the same time. He adds, “Just kidding! April fools!” Politifact and Snopes rate Trump’s “Just kidding” claim “false.”

*April 15—It dawns on most Americans that they really aren’t free-- in the sense that their government demands they hand over a very significant portion of their income in exchange for…the state doing things they fervently wish it didn’t. The concept of “taxation without representation” resurfaces.

*May 1—President Trump announces he has officially renamed the Gulf of Mexico the Gulf of America.

*May 2—Trump adds that he has also officially renamed New Mexico “West Texas.”

*May 26—President Trump, celebrating Memorial Day, urges Americans to focus on what is truly supposed to be observed and acknowledged, not the “frivolous stuff like barbeques and beer.” Snopes calls his statement “misinformation” and rates it “mostly false.”

*June 6—Minority leaders introduce legislation that would permanently ban the observation of the D-Day landings in favor of a perpetual federal holiday to be annually observed on January 6 acknowledging the “unprecedented existential horror of the massive Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol-- and democracy itself.”

*June 15—‘Squad’ members unequivocally state that acknowledging dads on this date serves only to perpetuate the straight, white, patriarchal hierarchy and the overarching “white supremacy.”

*June 28—The Chicago White Sox are mathematically eliminated from playoff contention.

*July 4—An MSNBC talking-head solemnly notes: “Celebrating July fourth, or any American holiday, is equivalent to condoning colonialism, slavery, genocide, misogyny, the destruction of our planet, Islamophobia, Transphobia, white supremacy, and irritable bowel syndrome.”

*August 3—Temperatures soar to temperatures commonly historically seen in early August, causing Al Gore and others of his ilk to state, “We now only have 6 years to save the planet by drastically reducing our greenhouse gases.” This in turn causes Americans, en masse, to realize they have precious little time to rid themselves of Al Gore and others of his ilk before their presence on the planet becomes utterly insufferable.

*September 2— Hillary Clinton says she could have beaten Trump in 2024.

*September 3—Joe Biden says he could have beaten Trump in 2024.

*September 4—Joe Biden passes away.

*September 9—Hillary and Bill Clinton, Kamala Harris, Barack Obama, and Nancy Pelosi—among others—profess their unwavering and extraordinary love for Joe Biden at his funeral. Nancy Pelosi glowingly eulogizes, fighting back tears.

*October 11—The Rolling Stones announce worldwide tour dates for 2026 and 2027.

*November 17—Gavin Newsome announces that California is now also a ‘sanctuary state’ for disgraced Democrat politicians.

*December 4—Minnesota Governor Tim Walz announces that he is asking state legislators to propose legislation making Minnesota a sanctuary state for Pakistani rape gangs. He promises to sign any such bill, noting that his state has a town called ‘New London.’

*December 5-- Governors of New York, Illinois, Colorado, Washington, Oregon, and California immediately suggest similar proposals.

*December 31—CNN’s Anderson Cooper accidentally vomits on air after guzzling a glass filled with a mix of Wild Turkey and Clorox Bleach and taking several prolonged bong hits to celebrate the New Year.


Thursday, January 16, 2025

L.A.'s Deputy Mayor For Public Safety On Leave For Alleged Bomb Threat


Apparently, there’s still more to be said about the Los Angeles area fires. Turns out, not only did Democratic Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass leave her town after she knew dangerous winds were imminent amidst fire-friendly conditions to attend a wedding party in Ghana, but Brian Williams, the deputy mayor of public safety in Los Angeles who was appointed by Bass, was unavailable during this crisis as well. Why? Because he’s been on administrative leave for nearly a month after being implicated in a bomb threat made against the Los Angeles City Hall. Got it?

FBI agents raided the deputy mayor’s home a few days before Christmas, on suspicion that he had called in a bomb threat to L.A.’s City Hall back in October. Los Angeles police officers opened an investigation into the threat, subsequently handing it off to federal agents because of the suspect's close connection with their department.

The LAPD released a statement reading: "Our initial investigation revealed that the source of the threat was likely from Brian Williams, Deputy Mayor for Public Safety. Due to the Department’s working relationship with Mr. Williams, the investigation was referred to the FBI. The FBI remains the investigating agency."

The City of Angels’ Deputy Mayor for Public Safety (apparently) called in a bomb threat to the City Hall of the very burg he was paid to protect?! While the mayor was partying in Africa? Good God!

This is more than “incompetence.” It is worse than inaction. You wouldn’t think a man charged with keeping a municipality safe would have to be told, “first, do no harm” or “please don’t bomb City Hall!”

I have often expressed the opinion here that the elites and authorities currently in power don’t much care for the people they are sworn to serve. Many don’t want to believe this, for it is a tragic and sobering notion. But, as this tragedy has so clearly illustrated, it is nonetheless true.

The rot, the sickness, the depravity must be removed, root and branch. City by city, state by state.


Wednesday, January 15, 2025

California Burning And The Intolerable Acts


The ongoing wildfires in Southern California are mindful of Hell and are a clear and unavoidable illustration of the rank incompetence of state and local leaders. The ever-expanding homeless camps, the rising crime rates, the faltering power grid, and now the inability to douse a fire that’s been raging for a week, make it all too obvious that the erstwhile Golden State-- the Land of Milk and Honey—is morphing into a third world entity. Sad. Heartbreaking, really.

At its core, government is supposed to physically protect us and defend our freedoms. That is why governments were instituted. Today, Democrat-run governments are stripping freedoms from those whom they supposedly serve, and simultaneously exposing them to ever-growing danger. Californians pay some of the highest taxes in the nation…and are receiving next to nothing for them. Government of, by, and for the people has been replaced with government of, by, and for the government. Like a giant, ever-growing parasite, it is intent only on growing itself and reproducing itself, to hell with anything and anybody else. As the founders declared, when a government becomes abusive, “it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it.” It is the duty of Californians to do so in this instance. Empty reservoirs, dry fire hydrants, dead brush allowed to stay where it has fallen, water diverted to the ocean, fire department budgets cut…all add up to what might rightly be termed ‘Intolerable Acts.’

For his part, Donald Trump, on more than one occasion, warned Californians and their government that the state was in grave danger of suffering catastrophic fires due to insane environmental policies. He made this clear again just three months ago on the Joe Rogan Podcast.

But California’s leaders didn’t fireproof the state. They appear more concerned with Trump-proofing it…which is essentially the opposite. This inexcusable negligence resulted in a staggering loss of life and property. Face it, Californians, your leaders disdain you. Will a majority of you now have the brains and ‘courage’ to start electing conservatives again? Doubtful. Ideological Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Trump Derangement Syndrome are powerful maladies.

Looking at the bigger picture, California is, in a sense, the proverbial canary in the coal mine in terms of what happens to a polity that becomes hyper-secular. Sadly, that could also be said about much of America—and The West in general. For, as William Penn noted, “Those who will not be governed by God will be governed by tyrants.”

And some of those tyrants will begin to think they’re God. Even as they usher in the fires of Hades.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Democrats For Destruction


Historian and author Victor Davis Hanson-- or, as Mark Levin properly calls him, ‘America’s Wise Man’-- recently noted that California’s progressives are actually taking the state backwards. This matches what I have often written, that today’s progressives are anything but, and in truth could be better classified as ‘regressives.’

Here’s Hanson, himself a resident of California, per a video posted by the Western Lensman on Twitter/X: “It was a total systems collapse from the idea of not spending money on irrigation, storage, water, fire prevention and forest management, a viable insurance industry, a DEI hierarchy, you put it all together and it’s something like a DEI Green New Deal hydrogen bomb.”

Hanson added, “And to finish, what we’re seeing in California is a state with 40 million people. And yet the people who run it feel that it should return to a 19th-century pastoral condition. They are de-civilizing the state and de-industrializing the state and de-farming the state. But they’re not telling the 40 million people that their lifestyles will have to revert back to the 19th century, when you had no protection from fire.”

Everything The Left comes in contact with it destroys, nearly all of it on purpose.

If “Make America Great Again” is the slogan of Trumpian Republicans, it is only fair that Democrats have their own slogan. (Equity!)

Perhaps “Make America 1932 Again.” Or, “Make America Impoverished Again.” Or, “Make America Almost Uninhabited Again.” I’m sure readers can come up with many more candidates.

Democrats for Destruction. Sounds like the makings of a bumper sticker.


Monday, January 13, 2025

Two For You

Two For You

*According to the O’Keefe Media Group, the Bureau of Prisons has proposed new policies that would downgrade inmate security classifications for inmates convicted of child pornography offenses and terroristic acts. Yes, the proposed new policy would change the classification of a Child Pornography offense from a “High Severity Offense to a Low Severity Offense.” The definition of serious crimes has undergone profound change in recent years, due to Democrat policies, judges, and District Attorneys. Arson and theft are no longer big deals. Nor are, apparently, child pornography offenses and terroristic acts. However, Jan. 6ers, Christians, Trump supporters, and parents who attend their children’s school board meetings to voice displeasure have all been effectively upgraded to “High Severity” threats. Fact check that last statement, PolitiFact! You too, Snopes. USA Today?

*Soap opera ‘star’ Eric Braeden, of ‘The Young and the Restless’ infamy, recently criticized Donald Trump for comments the president-elect made on social media pertaining to the never-ending fires consuming Southern California. Braeden took issue with Trump’s criticism of Gov. Gavin ‘Slick’ Newsome’s handling of the catastrophe, as well as other local officials. Understandable, since a local reservoir had no water in it at the time of the fires and many fire hydrants ran dry. And the L.A.F.D.’s budget was slashed by more than $17 million prior to the fire’s inception. And the City of Angels is short competent firefighters due to DEI hiring practices and the fact that many firemen were let go for refusing COVID-19 jabs. And…well, enough for now. Yet the actor/faux person Breden stated that the claims the “orange idiot” made were “all nonsense.” Progressives deem the truth to be Fascism because it inconveniences them or casts shade on them. They brook no limits whatsoever on their behavior. Though they are not to be judged, they are only too happy and quick to judge others. Truth is their Kryptonite.



Sunday, January 12, 2025

L.A. Woman, Light My Fire


 I have not written about the L.A. fires until now because, unfortunately, I have a real job, too. One that takes up much of my time. But by now, almost all of us know the facts. L.A. Mayor Karen Bass, just back from a presidential inauguration in Ghana (will she attend Trump’s?), refuses to answer a reporter’s questions…or say anything to the people of Los Angeles she is supposed to protect and serve. More than $17 million cut from the fire department budget. DEI trumping merit in who gets hired, especially for the top positions. Firemen let go for refusing to accept the COVID jab. ‘Excess’ equipment sent to Ukraine. Dead brush left where it lay, rather than being cleared away. Reservoirs and fire hydrants empty.

But it is not just the reservoirs and the fire hydrants that are empty. It is the minds, the hearts, and the souls of the people who made these tragic, indeed deadly, decisions. In the pursuit of a “celebrate me and those that look and act like me” culture, they have shown they are devoid of reason, wisdom, and character. And those deficiencies have aided and abetted these fires from hell.

One thing we can count on: the insanity won't stop before the fires do. At first blush-- and at second, third, and each and every subsequent blush-- it is clear that the tragic fires consuming vast tracts of the Los Angeles area were, unlike climate change, man-caused. The LGBTQ LAFD could not be led by less competent or more woke individuals. Moreover, on a statewide scale, Gavin Newsome apparently slashed $100 million from the Golden State’s firefighting budget. No doubt it was more desperately needed to provide free goods and services for non-citizens.

Many have fled the state in recent years, in a kind of reverse gold rush, seeking better opportunities in other places. You can bet that many more will flee after this most recent tragedy. In a just world, it would be the likes of Gov. Newsom and Mayor Bass that would flee the state, just ahead of those who would rightfully chase them out.

And now there are several reports that at least a couple of the fires may have been started by arson. Nothing can be more man-caused than that. Or less caused by ‘climate change.’



"Flying Vaccinators?"


According to reports, researchers at the Bill Gates Foundation-backed Leiden University Medical Center in the Netherlands are now part of an international effort to transform mosquitoes into flying syringes. According to a recently published study in the New England Journal of Medicine, a viable method exists for using mosquitoes to deliver protection against malaria in unsuspecting humans. Say what?! Shouldn’t these folks at least by suspecting? And what about other diseases the mosquitoes themselves may be carrying?

But wait, that’s not all! Researchers say that mosquitoes could be used to deliver other payloads, too. Like what? Vaccines maybe?! Already in the works. Scientists have been working on transforming mosquitoes into “Flying vaccinators.” Shigeto Yoshida, head researcher on a 2010 study that modified mosquitoes' saliva so that it would deliver leishmania vaccines to mice (when sucking their blood), blithely noted that vaccination by insect is "just like a conventional vaccination but with no pain and no cost." What could go wrong? Who makes these decisions? Who lets the dogs mosquitoes out? What else might they want to inject us with—unsuspectingly?

Free will? Human freedoms? Bah!

Count me out. Or will I have a choice?

A little Pink Floyd paraphrasing for you to end this post:

Just a little pinprick
There'll be no more... ahh
But you may feel a little sick

There is no pain, you are receding

You have become comfortably numb

Friday, January 10, 2025

Biden Administration Seeks To Punish Oil And Gas Companies


The Washington Free Beacon recently reported that the Biden administration’s stunningly unjust Department of Justice “quietly weighed in on litigation pending before the Supreme Court this week, siding with liberal cities and states that are seeking to force the nation's largest oil companies to pay billions of dollars in damages for global warming.”

Biden’s Solicitor General, Elizabeth Prelogar, is pushing the Supreme Court to give its imprimatur to the notion that states can make laws mandating that oil companies pay “the costs of global climate change." Prelogar is also urging SCOTUS to “allow Democratic states to pursue their individual lawsuits against the various companies.”

The outgoing Biden administration also just placed more than 625 million acres of U.S. coastal and offshore waters off limits for further oil and natural gas exploration and development. What a kick in the teeth of the incoming Trump administration—and the American people.

The Beacon also noted that the lawsuits against the big oil companies “are being assisted by the California law firm Sher Edling, which was founded in 2016 to wage war on oil companies via novel legal methods,” and has “received nearly $14 million in donations wired through the so-called Collective Action Fund for Accountability, a shadowy pass-through group that isn't required to publicly disclose its donors.

Mandating that companies that provide the vast majority of the world’s energy pay for any possible harm that energy production has caused the planet is the worst idea in the history of the world. And that may be an understatement. First off, ‘global warming’ is unproven, impossible to separate from normal planetary processes. Second, we don’t even know if it is occurring. Third, we have no idea if it is ‘man-caused,’ let alone caused by fossil fuel companies. Fourth, there are numerous ‘experts’ who believe that, if it is occurring, it would be a net benefit to the planet. Which seems logical.

And all of those previous statements/reasons are utterly moot. Huh?

Any current government, whether state or national, that wishes to levy fines against companies in the extraction industry—or sue them into oblivion—is an existential threat to those it is (hopefully) sworn to protect and defend…and therefore invalid, illegitimate.

Let me explain. Any possible ‘damage’ these companies have done to the earth is more than counteracted by the literally incalculable good they have done. Global warming? Petroleum, coal, and natural gas-based energy has prevented countless millions from dying of extreme cold over the past century or more via various, relatively inexpensive, heating systems. Global cooling? Petroleum, coal, and natural gas-based energy has prevented countless millions from dying of excessive heat via the relatively recent miracle of air-conditioning.

What else? Let’s see. How many lives have been immeasurably improved because of the internal combustion engine? The freedom to get in one’s car and drive to work, or to travel across the country to see the sights, historical, environmental, or otherwise, is a blessing—though too often taken for granted now—beyond compare. The same goes for air travel. Not to mention that, prior to gasoline-powered vehicles, things were a tad more difficult. Who wants to ride a horse to work in heavy snow and 40-below windchills? Walk? Bicycle? What about the elderly, infirm, and handicapped? Would that be fair, inclusive, tolerant, and kind? And the ubiquitous horse poop—filling the streets and thoroughfares of that era was an ever-present health threat on several levels.

More? Before petroleum-based oils came into existence, many people lit their homes with lamps fueled by whale oil. Sperm—and other—whales were also benefactors of the switch to oil, coal, and natural gas.

Instead of seeking to punish those who have brought the world real ‘progress,’ dramatically improving lives and preventing countless deaths, we should be falling to our knees and thanking almighty God that they did so.

Fines and reparations? In a more just world, those would be levied against the governments that try to punish the very entities that have done us the most good.

[For edification—and enjoyment—I’ll end with a clip from the new Paramount+ show Landman. You’re welcome.]



Thursday, January 9, 2025

British Government Horrified At Elon Musk's Language, Okay With Gang Rape Of Young Girls


The past few years have made cynics of a great many of us. Sometimes hearts have to harden a bit for some of us to make it through another day. After all that’s transpired, I often think to myself, “Nothing could shock me anymore.”

Sadly, that has proven not to be the case. Sometimes ignorance is blended with sheer, mind-bending depravity. The number of people actually celebrating the torture and slaughter of over a thousand innocent Jewish folks in Israel on October 7, 2023—and openly supporting Hamas— was depressing enough.

But the recent outcry in Britain among government types and the chattering classes over Elon Musk’s plea for an inquiry into the mostly Pakistani rape gangs that have for far too long tortured, abused, and even murdered countless young British lasses is beyond the pale.

Nicholas Watt, political editor at the BBC’s Newsnight, recently said to a clearly uncomfortable panel: "There is absolute horror at the highest levels of government at the “incendiary language” we have seen from Elon Musk." In fact, according to Newsnight, Britain's socialist government is considering ending its security partnership with the United States if Donald Trump endorses Elon Musk's views on the groom-and-rape gangs. (Certain members of the American media seem to agree with the British elites that calling attention to the rape gangs is a bigger scandal than the rape gangs themselves.)

It is unsurprising that insufficiently bland language would shock and offend many in the British government and media, since free speech in Britain is almost as dead as many of the young girls who were brutalized by migrant Middle Eastern men.

“Harumph! In polite society it is very bad form indeed to use words like ‘rape’ and ‘anal,’ let alone to cast aspersions on a marginalized group of immigrant men! Has Elon Musk no shame?!”

The term “absolute horror” should be reserved to describe what the countless young girls had to endure. I’m guessing they would have much preferred to have been the ‘victim’ of “incendiary language” rather than having been gang-raped and their anuses forcibly ‘branded’ with curling irons.

The British government might prefer to end its long-time security partnership with the U.S. rather than begin to look into the atrocities being committed against the nation’s young girls?! How can this be possible? Is it really so afraid of offending Muslims? Surely this wouldn’t offend a majority of Muslims, and if it did, who would care? Are those in the government really more afraid of revealing the truth of this matter than of distancing themselves from the United States? Would they really rather snub Trump and his incoming administration-- even at the expense of so many young lasses?

Do they detest Elon Musk more than they detest the gangland anal rape of youngsters?

No wonder elites are fading away like the nations they lead. This should bring down a government.

“Shocking” is inadequate to describe this scandal. Or it should be.

Evil rises. It must be stopped.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

News Nuggets; Five, No Jive


News Nuggets; Five, No Jive

 *Public health officials (i.e. ‘experts’) are warning Americans of four different virulent illnesses spreading across the nation. The officials have urged people to take precautions against 1) the flu, 2) respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), 3) norovirus, and 4) COVID, though it is unclear if the last illness is still named COVID-19 or if it has been updated to COVID-25. A quad-demic?! That’s better than any old pandemic! This could be the mother of all demics! Coincidentally, just in time for Trump! Amazing!

*Columbia Professor Joseph Massad may well be the most clinically insane professor in America, a distinction that is well-nigh impossible to achieve given the state of higher education in the United States. During a March 25 appearance on the podcast InFocus with Ejaz Haider, Massad stated,  “What is special here about Zionism is not only the invention of ancient Israel and the invention of Jews as descendants of the ancient Hebrews, it’s almost like a Hitlerian project to speak of Jews genetically in this fashion.” The day after the Oct. 7 massacre, he published an op-ed that praised the terrorist attack that saw many hundreds of Jews kidnapped, tortured, and slaughtered. He called it “awesome” and expressed joy at the thought of the terror and suffering felt by Jewish civilians, including women and children. Massad is a satanic monster who is ignorant of history. He is also one of the apparently inexhaustible number of dangerous clowns that have managed to make Hitler seem blasé, ubiquitous, and, incredibly, non-threatening…due to their labeling of everyone with whom they disagree as ‘Hitler,’ and every act of which they disapprove ‘Hitlerian.’

*Speaking of the insane, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (N.Y.), who apparently had no problem with President Biden granting an “unconditional” blanket pardon to his felonious son Hunter, nor his commuting of the sentences of monstrous cop-killers and child-rapists/killers, took to ‘X’ to blast Donald Trump for considering pardoning those who were prompted by the feds to enter the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Schumer stated, "It is utterly shameful that the president-elect is considering pardons for January 6 rioters." Schumer is not a cop. And his kids weren’t raped and killed, so he doesn’t care. The J6ers, however, did intrude on ‘his’ domain, strolling down the halls of the Capitol, and even relocating a dais.  He is a sick man.

*A George Mason University professor recently said that marriage is part-and-parcel of “white, hetero, patriarchal supremacy.” Even Black marriage? Gay marriage? Or are those marriages okay for some reason? If the nutty professor believed in God, he would certainly also brand Him a white, hetero, patriarchal supremacist. Who the hell would pay for their offspring to attend an ‘elite’ college or university?

*Reports indicate that various leftist and LGBTQ groups are rushing to purchase guns before Donald Trump is inaugurated. What?! Wait, guns are bad, right? Oh, I see, not when they have them, just when others do! Seems almost like a pattern.


Tuesday, January 7, 2025

A War On Warriors: Madness In The Military


As Pete Hegseth noted in his new book, “The War on Warriors: Behind the Betrayal of the Men Who Keep Us Free,” West Point issued a 5-year plan, spanning the years 2020 to 2025, “that focused on ‘inclusivity’ as equal in importance as marksmanship under fire.” That bodes well for our future. Merit is overrated! We don’t really care if our soldiers can function under pressure or hit the broad side of a barn when shooting, as long as they help to diversify the force. Gotta stay laser-focused on what matters, right?

“Well, applicant A is better under pressure, and applicant B is a much better shot, but applicant C is a pagan pansexual Pacific Islander! We need that! Applicant C it is!” Maybe someday the United States will return to being a serious country. But I doubt it. And it is rapidly running out of time. (Calling Donald Trump! And Pete Hegseth.)

Let’s apply the same radical agenda to, say, the NBA:

“Hey, coach, how come Goldstein made the team? I mean, he’s kinda slow and he can’t dunk.”

“Well, Johnson, to comply with our new DEI policy, we needed a non-binary Jewish dwarf to round out the squad. And Goldstein’s pronouns are ‘they/them.’ Don’t forget it!”

Think that little vignette sounds crazy? Similar policies are in place in many corporations, academic institutions…and, of course, the United States military. In the still fanciful NBA illustration, a basketball game could be lost. In the case of the military, lives will be lost.

We’ve apparently already lost our minds.

Monday, January 6, 2025

Trump, Like Lincoln, A Threat To An Established Institution


It has lately occurred to me that, much as Abraham Lincoln was considered an existential threat to the pro-slavery South, to the institution of slavery itself, and to the “Deep South State” (to coin a phrase), Donald Trump is seen as an equal threat to the longtime swamp creatures dwelling in and around the capital today. In fact, the similarities are striking.

While Democrats this go around haven’t fired on Fort Sumter, those who consider Trump a threat have fired on him. There was a plan to prevent Lincoln from taking office, much as there have been multiple plans to prevent Trump from doing the same. Sadly, you can bet that today’s Deep Staters will fight a figurative war with Trump and his supporters with the same zealousness and ferocity as the slaveholding, solidly Democrat South fought the free states. Democrats back then sought disunion by literally attempting to secede from it. And by attacking the northern states militarily. Today’s Democrats foment disunion by attempting to divide us by promoting CRT and DEI programs, reparations, and countless other policies, ideas, and programs.

Slavery, the “peculiar institution” of yesteryear, is not dissimilar to the monopoly on power, and indeed mental tyranny, that is the “peculiar institution” beloved of the modern Democrat party. Let us hope that freedom prevails again today.

As Lincoln said to his fellow Springfield residents upon leaving to take office in Washington, D.C., “Let us all pray that the God of our fathers may not forsake us now.”

As Trump prepares to take office next month, a similar prayer seems in order now.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Hillary, Soros To Be Awarded The Presidential Medal Of Freedom


Reportedly, ‘President’ Biden will soon present both Hillary Clinton and George Soros with the Presidential Medal of Honor. (I hope you have a barf bag nearby.) Talk about an abuse of power! Is John Hinckley, Jr. next in line for the prestigious award? He came within a half an inch of assassinating Ronald Reagan in 1981 but now lives on his own and has started his own record label! Maybe instead of Biden just granting 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed a plea deal, he could award him the Presidential Medal of Freedom, too. Perhaps Biden will even posthumously award Thomas Crooks the Presidential Medal of Freedom soon. Join the club, Crooks, you’d fit right in. Come to think of it, perhaps Biden and his handlers could bestow the Presidential Medal of Honor on Satan while they’re at it. Old Mephistopheles has been a long-time fan and partner of the Democrat Party since the time of slavery.

Tesla founder Elon Musk was among many on social media that weren’t happy about the reported decisions. He labeled them "a travesty” and shared a video clip of himself on Joe Rogan's podcast saying that Soros "fundamentally hates humanity." Musk elaborated by noting of Soros: "He's doing things that erode the fabric of civilization. You know, getting DAs elected who refuse to prosecute crime.”

There is a difference between being non compos mentis and being possessed by a deranged and demonic desire to reward the most dangerous and despicable anti-American prevaricators extant or otherwise. These decisions reek of Obama-- with perhaps a little Adam Schiff or Nancy Pelosi thrown in for bad measure.

Hillary Clinton is to decency and transparency as Josef Mengele is to Judaism. George Soros, the Hungarian bagman, funds a significant percentage of all the Leftist and anti-American groups and activities in existence. Awarding PMFs to characters like these is demeaning to the American people and all those who value honesty, integrity, and America itself.

These actions perfectly illustrate today’s Democrat Party— with its simultaneous worship of depravity and rabid pursuit of power.




Saturday, January 4, 2025

Music Star Won't Write Songs For Those With Light Skin Colors


What’s dividing us and poisoning our culture?

Oh, I don’t know, possibly something like this: Singer/songwriter ‘Muni Long’ recently posted a video clip on Instagram in which she adamantly touted her refusal to write songs for “non-melanated” artists.

The ‘artist,’ whose real name is Priscilla Renea Hamilton, stated that a high-ranking executive at Atlantic Records suggested that she write soul music for non-Black performers. Long ranted: “Me to the president of Atlantic asking me to write ‘soulful’ songs for non-melanated artists. ‘Fuck no! And imma stand on that!’” Sadly, though I couldn’t pick her out in a crowd of two, Long is apparently a Grammy-winning star.

If Long doesn’t want to write songs for non-Blacks, she should understand if the non-melanated don’t want to attend her shows. And if Caucasians don’t want to work for her. Or wait on her in restaurants. Etc., etc., etc. What if the non-melanated don’t wish to sing for a Black audience? Or Asians don’t want to cook for Native Americans? Or Capricorns don’t want to cut the hair of a Mexican? Or Catholics don’t wish to operate on a gay person? Or vice-versa? What if a comic doesn’t want to tell jokes to an audience of darker-skinned people? What if a grocer refuses to sell food to someone/anyone because of their skin color?” What if …well, you get the idea. Unbridled diversity is a recipe for strife in the best of cases. When race and sexual/gender identity are as relentlessly and needlessly emphasized as they are in as diverse a nation as modern-day America, that nation can be essentially destroyed in no time flat.

Are identity politics and intersectionality good ideas?

Bleep no! And imma stand on that!”


Friday, January 3, 2025

Biden And Allstate? We Are Not In Good Hands!


There is tone deaf and then there is Joe Biden. And Allstate CEO Tom Wilson.

Biden, towards the end of a press conference on the New Orleans terror attack that killed fifteen people, said he needed to “get this damn thing done” because the game was about to start. It was obviously quite an annoyance to him to have to update the nation he supposedly still leads on the deadly attack. What really matters is that he gets to watch the whole game.

Allstate CEO Wilson issued a video statement aired during the early stages of the Sugar Bowl, for which Allstate was the official corporate sponsor. He addressed the attack, stating that “tragedy struck the New Orleans community.” No, a vehicle driven by a radicalized convert to Islam struck the New Orleans community, Tom. And, unlike a tornado, hurricane, or flood, this was a deliberate, man-caused catastrophe. Wilson then suggested that we Americans have to overcome our "addiction to divisiveness and negativity." What the bleeping hell does that have to do with the attack, CEO Asshat? I’m pretty sure those killed were not addicted to divisiveness and weren’t obsessed with negativity, given that they were celebrating the birth of the new year…in a very diverse urban area. But Wilson still wasn’t done being an idiot. He actually went on to state that we must "accept people's imperfections and differences." Like their addiction to radical Islamic terror and desire to slaughter as many innocent men, women, and children as they can? Those “imperfections and differences?!”

Diversity is not a ‘value.’ Tolerance is not a ‘virtue,’ at least not necessarily. Neither are ‘Godly.’ As Mark Steyn notes, diversity is where countries go to die. And, as I have often stated, you get what you tolerate. Tolerance of theft, arson, rape, incest, mass murder, etcetera, is bad. And it is disobedience to God. Diversity of incompetence, illness, sloth, and evil is not a good thing.  Our elites’ current focus on diversity and tolerance, to the near exclusion of anything and everything else, could quite possibly lead to our destruction.

Allstate’s commercials urge us all to sign up with the company to be “better protected from mayhem.” Wouldn’t have helped those killed on Bourbon Street. Whatever their imperfections and differences.

Biden and Allstate? We’re not in good hands.


Thursday, January 2, 2025

Terror In New Orleans (And Elsewhere)-- Enough Is Enough


 As per usual in these cases, FBI officials reportedly originally would not say that the Bourbon Street Massacre was a terror attack. What the hell else would you call it, a calm and kindly attack? Was this, perhaps, a hate crime? No, of course not, those can only be committed by whites against blacks. It was certainly not a love crime, therefore it must just have been a regular crime, right? For God's sake, can't anyone in the government-media-complex tell the truth for once? No matter who was responsible for the attack, or “why” they did it, it was obviously a terrorist attack.

However, President Biden tweeted out a hearty “Happy New Year” well after the attack took place. Later, he stated that “nobody should jump to conclusions” as to why the attack took place.

Had the attack been perpetrated by a so-called “far right extremist,” that is all we would be hearing about for days on end in the mainstream news. And how we must deal with the existential threat these mythical monsters pose. However, attacks perpetrated by Islamist radicals are typically blamed on the weapon they used to carry out the attack. After a December 20 terrorist attack at a German Christmas market, mainstream media headlines such as “Car runs over pedestrians” and “Vehicle kills and injured dozens” were rampant. So now, another vehicle, a gas-guzzling SUV, has plowed into revelers celebrating the new year in the Big Easy. Time for a ban on automobiles?

I am so bleeping sick of these attacks and so bleeping sick of the two-tiered way they are portrayed. Combine these with the open-border-related human trafficking, sex trafficking, drug running, violent crime-- and the Venezuelan gangs coming across our border to terrorize a number of our major cities, and it almost appears our way of life is under sustained assault, doesn’t it? Not that anyone in our current government is going to do a damn thing about it, other then gravely warn us against “Islamophobia.” These attacks, like all other evils, will never stop as long as we tolerate them. Period. Hopefully, those in the incoming Trump administration will be true to their promises and start dealing with them forcefully and effectively.

Shamsud Din Jabbar, the alleged perpetrator of the New Orleans slaughter, was, like Nidal Hasan at Fort Hood, a veteran of the US Army. Yet, the vehicle he was driving reportedly sported an ISIS flag, not the Stars & Stripes. No word yet as to whether he shouted the ubiquitous “Allahu Akbar” as he mowed down the innocent celebrants. This is what happens when you purge the US military of those who love their country. This is what happens when you purge the military of patriotic Christian “extremists.” You see, Christian “extremists” don't routinely drive vehicles over as many innocent people as they can. Christian “extremists” don't try to kill their fellow citizens. They try to protect and defend them. This in marked contrast to the other type of extremists, the Islamic ones coming out of the US military. The Muslim extremists of the Obama-Biden military to be precise.

In conjunction with the recent Islamic terror attacks in places like Belgium and Germany, and the ones before those, and the ones before those, might authorities discern a pattern here? Might they say so publicly?

Contra “The Big Guy,” I’m going to jump to a conclusion right now: we have a corrupt government and media, both of whom disdain the American people they are supposed to serve. Whether it's COVID-19, Russian collusion, Hunter Biden's laptop, Joe Biden's mental incapacity, Islamic terror, or drones swarming the skies above us, they prefer to prevaricate. The governments and media of many other Western nations are similarly debased, dishonest, and corrupt. They may believe, ala Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men, that we can't handle the truth. But the truth is, as they themselves have proven-- time and time again-- it is they who cannot do so.

And it is they who are an existential threat to Bourbon Street, Brussels, or Berlin.



Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Canadians Exterminating Themselves


‘Medically-assisted dying’ accounted for an incredible 4.7% of all deaths in Canada in 2023. The BBC reported, The country’s fifth annual report since euthanasia was legalized in 2016 showed around 15,300 people underwent assisted dying last year after being successful in their applications.” The ‘Beeb’s’ report went on to say, “The vast majority” of those folks were facing a death deemed “reasonably foreseeable” due to severe medical conditions such as cancer. Reasonably foreseeable? Everyone’s death is reasonably foreseeable.

96% of those offed were white, even though those rascally Caucasians account for only about 70% of Canada’s population. So, The Great White North is getting less white over time. Maybe the previously abundant white supremacists are being overcome with existential guilt.

If I am reading and interpreting the numbers correctly, this puts medically-assisted dying up there with influenza, diabetes, alzheimers, and cirrhosis of the liver as causes of death for Canadians. And, ironically enough, above suicide—though medically-assisted dying is essentially a form of suicide.

Does medically-assisted dying now kill more Canadians every year than does cold weather, snow, and ice? Hard to believe. Canucks may be embarking on societal suicide. Or, given today’s proclivity for assisted suicide, sterilization, abortion, and trans treatments and surgeries, eventual self-extermination.

This macabre reality has come about during the anything but benevolent rule of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Thankfully, Trudeau is now roughly as popular as Lyme Disease or early onset dementia in the nation Mark Steyn has dubbed the ‘Deranged Dominion.’ (If Trudeau were to be diagnosed with early onset dementia, it may help to explain some of his heretofore inexplicable actions and comments.)

Trump (laughingly?) proposed to Trudeau that, if the latter didn’t think his country could survive a potential 25% tariff, Canada should become the 51st state of the American union, with Trudeau as its ‘governor.’ Which prompted the Babylon Bee to suggest that Trump might name the new state “Gay North Dakota.” (Canadians or Americans, many of us aren’t worthy of Trump-- or The Babylon Bee.)

Note to Canadians: Hey hosers, take a deep breath, have a bite of back bacon and a sip of Molson…and stop trying to get rid of yourselves, eh?! You are good people. You just need to be a little less tolerant.



Borrowed Time


 Heading into my ‘golden years,’ and approaching the New Year, I have caught myself waxing philosophic of late. Upon reflection, it seems odd that young people, with everything in front of them (their greatest achievements, marriage, kids, etc.) tend to be careless and carefree, while those of us who are much older tend to be particularly careful, if not timid. (This after we have long been married, our kids have been raised and have flown the coop, and we may be retired.) At first glance, this appears to be the reverse of what would make sense and be prudent. On the other hand, one shouldn't want to significantly tamp down the exuberance of youth. Perhaps it would be better for those of us who are older, our days dwindling down to a precious few, to rekindle some of the spirit, the mindset, and inquisitiveness of youth.

And it is important for all of us to express gratitude for the good things in our lives, whatever they may be. Even if they are largely behind us now. This year we have something extra for which to be thankful: the election of Donald J. Trump. 45 will now become 47. Four more years. God willing.

Yet of all the gifts we have been given, time is the most important-- as nothing exists without it, and none of us know exactly how much of it we have left. Especially those of us who have received troubling health diagnoses. Time is of the essence. That is certainly true.

There is an old cliche stating, “there is no time like the present.” That, too, is certainly true. But it is perhaps even more important for us to remember that…there is no present like time. Cherish it.

Here’s to auld lang syne. And times to come.

Happy New Year.