*Democrats, it is said (and obvious), never let a good
crisis go to waste. Apparently, they never let a good funeral go to
waste, either, as evidenced by the Paul Wellstone Memorial Fiasco and, more
recently, by Barack Obama’s anti-Trump-and-Republican tirade at Rep. John
Lewis’ funeral. Yet, incredibly, they may have sunk to a new low on the opening
night of their national convention when they used Kristin Urquiza like a rented
bicycle. Urquiza told the story of her dad, a Trump supporter from Arizona, who
recently died of COVID-19 a few weeks after going to a karaoke bar shortly
after the state’s lockdown was lifted. In a video message, she stated “My dad,
Mark Anthony Urquiza, should be here today but he isn’t. He
had faith in Donald Trump. He voted for him, listened to him, believed him
and his mouthpieces when they said that coronavirus was under control and going
to disappear.” Democrats don’t blame rioters for burning down buildings and
attacking police, whether mask-less or not, but do pin the blame on President
Trump for a man in Arizona contracting the coronavirus. And use that man’s
death in a vile political stunt on national television. Sickening doesn’t begin
to describe it. (#thewrongUrquiza)
*Pennsylvanians Richard Ross and his wife spent two years
preparing for their family’s recent vacation to Walt Disney World’s Magic
Kingdom in Florida. When they finally got there, they were told their disabled
7-year-old daughter could not enter the park without wearing a facial
mask. She can’t do so, due to her diagnosed sensory processing
disorder. The Magic Kingdom would not relent. They returned home, sadder and
wiser. The Magic Kingdom, like so many other things, has lost its luster, its
mojo, its raison d’être,
and its soul.
*Dr. Deborah Birx, White House coronavirus coordinator, recently
waxed nostalgic about Italy’s pandemic lockdown. She stated: “I wish that when
we went into lockdown, we looked like Italy. When Italy locked down, I mean, people
weren’t allowed out of their houses. And they couldn’t come out but once
every two weeks to buy groceries for one hour, and they had to have a
certificate that said they were allowed.” Yes, that would have been awesome!
How wonderful to have the government tell you you can’t leave your house except
for one hour every two weeks to try to procure food to keep your family
from starving. And that you needed a hall pass to do even that. Maybe the
government can also tell us where we are “allowed” to go, whom we are “allowed”
to go with, and what else we can and cannot do. Oh wait, in many cases, they
already are. If that doesn’t sadden and frighten you far more than the pandemic
does, you are already livestock. Or an obedient robot.
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