who work for that state’s government will be banned from traveling to Oklahoma,
in any official capacity, effective June 22nd. The reason? Oklahoma
had the audacity to pass a law forbidding state adoption agencies from permanently
placing children with same sex couples. This law is in contravention to a California
law that prohibits state-sponsored travel to states that “discriminate” based
on sexual or gender identity.
The San
Francisco Chronicle reported that California Attorney General Xavier Becerra
announced the travel ban, stating: “Our taxpayer dollars do not fund bigotry.
No exceptions.” That statement is complete bullshit, as the ban itself is obviously blatantly bigoted
against those with traditional moral and religious beliefs. How many of
California’s bizarre laws might Oklahomans object to? Much of the country
detests The Golden Showers State’s sanctuary laws that allow illegal aliens to
flout federal laws, while potentially being granted access to driver’s licenses
and free health care and education. Yet, Oklahoma doesn’t prohibit its
employees from going to California.
California forces its taxpayers to
fund infanticide, illegal immigration, sexual perversity and gender chaos, just
to name a few of its key programs.
states haven’t yet legalized marijuana, but I don’t recall any of them banning
travel to California. In Blythe, California, a person is not allowed to wear
cowboy boots unless he or she owns at least two cows. Not a single Midwestern
state has banned it governmental workers from traveling to California because
of this. No state is more inflexible and bigoted, or less tolerant than The Land
of Fruits and Nuts. No other state is as opposed to free speech and freedom of
thought. No other state is so opposed to the founding principles. No other state
is as hostile to the Ten Amendments.
soon, The Land of (Breast) Milk and Honey (pots) will only allow its throngs of
government workers to travel to Oregon, Minnesota and Massachusetts. Its attempt
to overthrow federalism and republicanism may or may not succeed. Its support of
all manner of illicit behaviors and its distancing itself from America should
result in reciprocal travel bans from the approximately 40 other saner states.
the Dust-bowl Years of the 1930s, many Oklahomans moved to California to find
jobs… and therefore peace of mind. In a fitting irony, many Californians are
now moving to Oklahoma to find…America.
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