Friday, February 17, 2017

British Medical Association Says Term "Expectant Mothers" Offensive

                The British Medical Association has directed its staff not to use the term “expectant mothers” in order to avoid offending transgender people. The BMA suggested “pregnant people” would be less likely to upset “intersex” and transgender men. Opining on pregnancy and maternity, the union said: “Gender inequality is reflected in traditional ideas about the roles of women and men. Though they have shifted over time, the assumptions and stereotypes that underpin those ideas are often deeply-rooted.”
                I can’t speak for you, the reader, but my genitalia is not an “assumption.”
                This latest bit of august scientific advice was dispensed, free of charge, via an internal document highlighting a plethora of phrases that a sensitive person should shit-can. For instance, “the elderly” should be referred to as “older people.” “Disabled lifts” would better be called “accessible lifts,” and one who is “biologically male or female” should be called “assigned male or female,” because it’s not their fault if someone or something arbitrarily decided they would be something they don’t wish to be. I mean, Santa sometimes brings the wrong present, doesn’t he? (I apologize for using the masculine form there, but, as far as I know, there is still general agreement that Santa- if he existed- would, unlike some liberal’s conception of God, be a male).
                The guide even advises against using the terms “born man” or “born woman” vis-à-vis trans people, as they “are reductive and over-simplify a complex subject.” But, if one is born a man and doesn’t want to be one, then being born a man would be the trigger causing him to wish to be something else, correct? If we are to ban these terms, we may as well just ban ideas and language.  BMA staff are also encouraged to substitute the words “surname” or “last name” for family name. You know, because “family” is restrictive, traditional, reductive…bad! Listing prefixes for names (titles such as “Doctor,” “Professor,” “Mr.,” “Mrs.,” and “Representative”) in any particular order is likewise verboten, so as to avoid perceived hierarchy. Yes, randomness and anarchy are much better for all concerned.
                This dictate by document climaxes with this nugget: “A large majority of people that have been pregnant or have given birth identify as women. We can include intersex men and transmen who may get pregnant by saying ‘pregnant people’ instead of ‘expectant mothers.’”
                “A large majority of people that have given birth identify as women?” That’s akin to saying “A large majority of those that have penises identify as men,” or stating, “A large majority of those who’ve passed away were once alive.” I mean, WTF? Really, WTF?
                Hayden Cross, a 20-year-old pregnant Briton who was “born female” but is legally male though “he” has not yet had sex-change surgery, put that surgery off so “he” could have “his” baby. My take on this, you ask? If a biological female wants to continue letting a biological male’s penis bang her vagina, has a functional uterus and egg delivery system, and we let her call herself a man, we are simply doomed as a society, as nothing then would have innate meaning, worth- or relevance to any other thing or idea.
                At any rate, all this sage advice came in the form of a 14-page handout titled, “A Guide to Effective Communication: Inclusive Language in the Workplace.” Proponents tout it as a celebration of diversity, and a treatise on treating others as dignified members of an integrated community. After all, they say, no matter the situation, everyone has the right to be a parent.
                Just as every child, no matter the situation, has the right to be born…right, Planned Parenthood and pro-choice whores?
                And, by-the-way, here’s my “Guide to Effective Communication:” If we cease to recognize- and appreciate- the differences in the sexes that God assigned to create each and every one of us, we- and society- are well and truly f**ked.

                No matter our preferred gender identity or current genitalia.


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