Joe Biden has embarked on his
freshly minted “No
Malarkey” Tour.
If that
doesn’t fire up the Millennials, I don’t know what will. Are he and his minions
riding on the “No Balderdash Bus?” So hip. So hot. Maybe they can
hop on the “No Hogwash Highway,” too. Don’t be a “wisenheimer,” daddy-o, they
won’t be “cruisin’ for a bruisin’,” I promise. This is neato! What a bitchin’
tour name!
the “No Twaddle” Tour, the “No Poppycock, Baloney, or Gibberish” tour, the “No
Tripe, Flummery, Bosh, Claptrap, Crock, Bunkum, Bull, Hooey, or Drivel” Tour,
and the “No Flim-Flam” tour all lost out to the “No Malarkey” designation.
will the Biden campaign come up with next? I’m keen to guess!
when the telegraph office announces that the “No Malarkey” Tour will visit your
town, hop on your horse or catch a streetcar down to your local ballroom or
fairground to attend the event. You’ll have a field day!
that’s no malarkey.
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