Minnesota’s “teacher of the year,”
Kelly Holstine, decided to kneel
while the American national anthem was sung at the college football national
championship game in New Orleans recently when she heard that President Trump
was going to be on the field with her. Holstine was so proud of her act that
she tweeted out a photo of her protest for all to see. The esteemed educator
tweeted: “Given platform to stand up for marginalized and oppressed people.
Like many before, I respectfully kneeled during Nat’l Anthem because, ‘No one
is free until we are all free.’ Not everybody is given the opportunity to have
a voice, and I can take a small moment, a respectful moment of protest, and
exercise my First Amendment rights, and stand up for my students and for
vulnerable adults and for people who are not treated in the way that they
should be.”
Oh, the inanity. Where to start?
She “stands up” for marginalized and oppressed people by taking a knee? A
person can’t “respectfully” disrespect the anthem and the flag…and all
those who sacrificed and died for what they stand for. “No one is free
until we are all free?” We are all free in this country, Holstine, but
that is a maudlin maxim no matter where one resides. That is like saying, “No
one is free from herpes/diaper rash/fill-in-the-blank until we are all free
from herpes/diaper rash/fill-in-the-blank.” The virtue-signaling instructor may
exercise her precious First Amendment rights by trashing Trump, but one wonders
whether she would welcome a Trump supporter or conservative into her classroom,
school-- or even community—to speak. If Holstine kneels during The
Star-Spangled Banner to stand up for “people who are not treated in the way
that they should be,” she should be doing so for the protesters in Hong Kong
courageously fighting Chinese oppression…and those in the streets of Iran
condemning the Mullahs for shooting down a passenger plane, killing 176
innocent human beings. Or for the girls and women of Muslim nations who are the
victims of genital mutilation and/or can’t travel without a male relative
chaperoning them. Oddly enough, however, I doubt she would proudly kneel during
the national anthems of China, Iran, or any Middle Eastern or North African
nation, if given the “platform” or “opportunity.”
If she is strictly concerned with
injustice in the United States, perhaps she could kneel for Ben Shapiro, Dennis
Prager, Michelle Malkin, Andy Ngo, or any of a myriad of other conservatives
who have been routinely prevented from speaking on college campuses and who
have been subjected to the most vile and unwarranted slurs and threats. Or for Sarah
Sanders, Tomi Lahren and others who have been forced to leave restaurants
and other public places due to the aggressive intolerance of “progressive”
thugs. Or for Mark Steyn, who was sued by Michael Mann, the Penn State
climatologist and creator of the breathtakingly bogus “hockey
stick graph,” for mocking Mann’s preposterously ridiculous chart, a suit
that has been ongoing for the better part of a decade. Or, for that matter, me.
I’m continuously exposed to leftist lunacy, transgender tripe, historical
heresy and anti-Christian crusading, via the mainstream media and/or the government-academia
complex. And, I was once the victim of slow and discourteous service at
my local DMV.
Ms. Holstine, the next time you’re
tempted to take a knee to stand up for someone who’s been mistreated, I hope
it’s in front of a cross.
The only thing you’ve taught us is
that (your) ignorance isn’t bliss.
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