This just in: A recent YouGov poll of 2,000
Germans found that more respondents believe American President Donald Trump
is a bigger threat to world peace than is Russian President Vladimir Putin,
North Korean Chairman Kim Jong Un, Chinese President Xi Jinping, or even Iran’s
“Supreme Leader” Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Putin just essentially had himself
declared dictator and has been touting extraordinary new weapons, Kim Jong Un is
a dictator and has been touting extraordinary new weapons, Xi Jinping is doing
everything in his power to take over the world, and the Ayatollah Khamenei has
been fomenting hatred and violence near and far. Yet, 41% of the poll’s
respondents declared Trump the greatest threat to mankind, as opposed to only
17% who thought Kim Jong Un was. Only 8% named Putin or Khamenei as the biggest
danger, and a mere 7% cited Jinping as the top threat. Germany is almost
entirely dependent on Russian energy, so that may explain the Kraut’s reticence
to criticize Putin, though we all know that they should be getting all their
energy from their own wind turbines, solar panels, and other sustainable methods,
such as harnessing the power of avalanches, yodeling and bicycle pedaling.
polling experts are skeptical of online polls’ veracity and prefer traditional
polling methods. I myself don’t believe the YouGov poll is an accurate
representation of Germans’ attitudes. Of course, that may be because I don’t
want to believe that it is. I have always liked Germany—and the Germans I’ve
met, with few exceptions. Therefore, I hope the poll isn’t indicative of
reality. (And I wonder what percentage of Germans think Trump is a Putin plant.
If those who think he’s pro-Putin also believe he is a bigger threat to peace
than Putin, it would make less than no sense).
Germans didn’t see Hitler as a threat, but as a savior. 11 million souls
perished during his reign. If they truly now see Trump as a bigger threat than
the world’s most brutal, power-hungry dictators, each of whom routinely
sentence their political opponents to torture and death, it would be a
remarkably sad day for The West. As an American once said, “You can’t fix
stupid.” (Du kannst dumm nicht reparieren).
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