Many people around the country believe the current American
presidential race features the two worst candidates in the nation’s history,
and that this is a pivotal election.
It is more than that.
These are two of the three worst candidates in
American history, but this election, tragically, will seal the fate of the United States…forever. F.H. Buckley, a
professor of law at George Mason University, states that if we elect Hillary,
we will have chosen our leaders not only for the next four years but for the
rest of our lives.
also believe that this is a stark-choice election between two polar opposites.
It is not. Both Trump and Clinton have serious character flaws. Many, if not
most, believe Trump is a boorish, inexperienced lout.
He is worse than that.
He is
boorish, inexperienced (the least
troubling of his bad “qualities”), loutish, vain, cocky, immature (at
seventy-years-old, he often says things that would be embarrassing coming out
of the mouth of a twelve-year-old), arrogant, incredibly thin-skinned, often
exhibits poor self-control and is inarticulate and a bit of a bully. He is
certainly not a true conservative. He is, as I’ve often pointed out, the
Anti-Reagan (one of this writer’s favorite presidents).
enough and honest enough words for you, Trump-bashers? I may have even added a
few things to your list.
Clinton, for her part, is demonstrably even worse. She is, and always has been,
utterly careless about protecting sensitive information that could harm
America- and Americans. She and Bill will sell their souls to the highest
bidder(s). Always have. She, like Bill, is genetically incapable of telling the
truth. She bashes Wall Street while accepting millions of dollars from it. She
talks about the importance of higher-education and the unfairness of the high
costs of attending an institution thereof, even as she personally soaks them
for $200,000 to $300,000 per speech. She lost nine mobile devices during her time as Secretary of State. America
is vastly less secure, respected and admired around the world as a result of
her tenure- and President Obama’s. Unlike Trump, Clinton will continue to
utilize “prosecutorial discretion” to negate existing U.S. immigration law, by executive order if necessary. She
will double-down on Obamacare, pouring even more resources into a program that
is obviously failing in a catastrophic way, while ushering in the single payer
system. Remember, she was the first to propose this type of bogus healthcare
reform back in the early ‘90s, but in those days the electorate was still
gun-shy about a government takeover of one-sixth of the economy.
of gun-control…if Hillary and her new, hard-left Democratic Party take full
control of power in the capital city, the Second Amendment is in serious
jeopardy. Comically, Hillary believes climate change is a grave threat to
national security, not realizing that she herself is the biggest such threat.
She plans to have half a billion
solar panels installed by the end of her first term. Unlike Trump, Hillary came
out against the Keystone Pipeline and is hoping to greatly reduce oil
consumption. She has a plan to increase taxes on the American people by $1.5
trillion. She wants to offer “free” college tuition. It won’t be free to the
people who pay for it with their dramatically increased tax rates. Race
relations will continue to deteriorate.
is the only presidential candidate in history to win the endorsement of Planned
Parenthood, whose vice president called her “the strongest nominee we’ve ever
seen.” She wants to see increased public funding for Planned
Parenthood, something that even most Democrats oppose! She told Fox News Sunday
that giving “undocumented workers” legal status is on her “must-do list,” to
which host Chris Wallace asked whether she thought she would have authority to
do that. Her reply? “Whoever is president gets to determine what the priorities
You can
bet the “Fairness Act” and other such bald-faced attempts to forever silence
any and all conservative opposition will be revisited immediately upon her
election. Direct marketing savant Richard Viguerie, himself a conservative,
states that Hillary “will be Obama on steroids in terms of moving the country
to the left. They’ll now be in their third term, and I think that they will do
what they can to destroy all of their opponents.” The Clintons have a history
of doing just that.
also is on record as averring she will use government
force to attempt to exterminate Christian’s faith. Here is her remark to
the Women’s World Summit on April 23rd, 2015: “Laws have to be
backed up with resources and political will. And deep-seated religious beliefs
have to be changed.”
there is her desire to transfer U.S. sovereignty to the U.N. and one-world
governance. The Obama administration has famously eschewed any action taken
unilaterally by the U.S., and Hillary is more than willing to attempt to
dramatically strengthen the transnational-progressive agenda that directly
contravenes the Constitution of the United States.
then there is the Supreme Court. Of all the many important policy differences
amongst the two tragic-comically flawed candidates, their decisions regarding
the Supreme Court may well be the most important. The court’s liberals vote as
a bloc on major issues much more often than its conservatives do (which should
tell a sentient being something in itself). If Hillary wins, they would take
control of the court for the first time since 1971.
Steven Moore, a Newsmax magazine contributor, recently said: “If Obama/Clinton
wins a third straight presidential race, there won’t be a conservative movement
left to rebuild…this will be one of the greatest victories for liberal
governance of all time.” Some prominent economists have said that if Hillary
wins America may face financial ruin before
her first term is up. If she is elected it will be proof positive that
Americans have turned their backs on effort and accountability, freedom and
responsibility, and now prefer being
taken care of by an enormous government that treats them like livestock…not
quite realizing that they will figuratively share the livestock’s destiny. In
that case, “America,” that unique idea that set the world on fire and gave
freedom, hope and succor to untold millions, will cease to be, replaced by a
bunch of people on a large parcel of land, tolerant even of their own shackles.
summation, let me make one thing perfectly clear: the most immediate
existential threat- the “clear and present danger”- to the United States…is
For all
his prodigious faults, Trump would
very likely surround himself with experienced, qualified, competent, mature
adults. Rudy Guliani has been mentioned as a likely head of Homeland Security.
Marco Rubio, Chris Christie, Scott Walker, Rick Perry and even Ted Cruz, who
recently fulfilled his earlier promise to support the eventual Republican
nominee (despite that nominee’s personal attacks on him and his family), are
among an array of potential cabinet members. The crux of the matter is that
Hillary will almost certainly assemble a cabinet much like herself, a deeply
troubling notion, whereas The Donald would almost certainly assemble a cabinet
of near polar opposites, a soothing notion indeed.
It is a
tough decision to vote for a Donald trump. Life sometimes presents us with tough
decisions. God forbid, if your spouse or offspring were in a coma and on life
support, and there was any chance
they would be able to survive in some sort of vital and positive sense, for
their own and others benefit, even if in a diminished capacity, wouldn’t you
take that chance rather than pulling the plug? Most of us would.
In this election, as twisted, bizarre,
ironic, incredible- and distressing- as it may seem, a non-vote or a vote for
anyone but Trump is manifestly a de
facto vote for Hillary Clinton…and the extermination of the United States of
America and everything for which its founders stood.
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