Tuesday, September 16, 2014

U.S. Harvest to Set Records

                 “The nation’s corn and soybean farmers will bring in by far the largest harvest ever this year, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said Thursday, September 11th, in a new report. The yield of 172 bushels of corn per acre is significantly higher than the previous record set in 2009 of 165 bushels per acre. Ten states including Illinois, Iowa and Nebraska, the top three producers, have the highest number of ears per cornstalk ever.

                “A massive harvest has been expected this year as adequate rain and cool temperatures made for favorable growing conditions.

                “Despite the strong forecast, concerns have grown in recent days that early cold weather is creeping into the upper Midwest too soon as some crops are maturing later this year because a wet spring delayed planting in Northern states.”

                It’s a big concern because “a hard freeze, temperatures at 28 degrees or below for at least four hours, causes significant damage to crops.”

                To recap, record breaking harvests of crops are occurring in the U.S. this year in part because of cooler than normal temperatures. Despite wetter than normal spring weather (most climate-change models have warmer and wetter going together, and cooler and drier), these record crops should be brought in o.k. unless the unusually cold weather persists in these areas.

                Yes, with our help, and, apparently, climate change, the Earth is becoming ever more bountiful and there will be more food- and/ or fuel- for everyone…if it doesn’t freeze to death first.

                Yes, I know, global cooling is exactly what global warming predicts. 'Climate change'.

                That theory is kinda corny, though. And some scientists are full of beans.

                The good news is we all may be soon.
               ( "Quoted" excerpts from an Associated Press article by David Pitt. All emphases and italics mine).




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