Monday, May 15, 2023

Target Selling New Line Of LGBTQ "Pride" Clothing For Toddlers, Infants


Consumers’ Research, a Washington, DC-based conservative nonprofit organization, recently introduced “Woke Alerts,” text messages that inform consumers about products and companies that cater to a radical “woke agenda.”

A recent alert highlighted a new LGBTQ “pride” clothing collection from Target. The corporate behemoth has long been a champion of progressive dogma and policies, opening up bathrooms and dressing rooms to all genders, and eliminating separate “boys” and “girls” toy sections, etc. The left-leaning international retail giant has sold kids’ books with titles such as, “Are You a Boy or Are You a Girl?” and “The Hips on the Drag Queen Go Swish, Swish, Swish.”

The store’s new line of pro-LGBTQ clothing is aimed at kids…including infants. The company says the “take pride” apparel is about “being true to yourself and your community” and “is something to celebrate all year long.” (Of course, this would not be the case if “your community” happened to be a Christian or conservative one.)

Messages on the “Pride Kids’ & Baby Clothing” include: “Pride Baby ‘Be Kind’,” “Pride Baby ‘Always Proud’,” and “Pride Baby ‘It Takes All Kinds’.”

It is singularly repulsive to use your precious baby as a billboard for cultural Marxism and depravity. It is despicable for a mass retailer to place a Target on those who hold traditional and Biblical values. Or biologically correct beliefs, for that matter. This should be the Genesis of a boycott.

What kind of person feels the overwhelming need to politicize their baby’s clothing? To use their infant in an ad campaign? If you plan to let your children choose their own gender, why can’t you wait a while and let them choose what clothing to wear?

It should be obvious that this kind of kids’ apparel says more about the parent(s) than the child. It says: “I’m an insecure, intolerant, virtue-signaling jackass who values shallow attempted activism over my child’s dignity and inherent worth.”

Target forever besmirches itself by trying to profit from the sale of such merchandise.



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