A team of researchers at the University
of Texas has developed a noninvasive means by which human thoughts can be converted into text.
Though currently somewhat clunky, the
“semantic decoder” could one day be miniaturized and mobilized such that one’s
most private thoughts could be made apparent anywhere and endlessly.
The scientists’ paper, recently published
in the journal Nature Neuroscience (look for the centerfold!), indicated that a
“brain-computer interface that decodes continuous language from non-invasive
recordings would have many scientific and practical applications.” I’m sure
that is the case. You can bet that tyrannical governments from China to Canada,
and from Iran to Washington, D.C., would love to avail themselves of the “practical
applications” this interface would afford them. Regular citizens might not be
so excited by this prospect, however.
This new decoder utilizes functional
magnetic resonance brain imaging and artificial intelligence, unlike previous
brain-computer interfaces, which required invasive neurosurgery to decode
speech articulation and other signals from intracranial recordings. Easy-peasy,
According to an article on theblaze.com,
the research team was led by Jerry Tang, a doctoral student in computer
science, and Alex Huth, an assistant professor of neuroscience and computer
science at the University of Texas-Austin. During a UT-Austin podcast, Huth
stated, "For a noninvasive method, this is a real leap
forward compared to what’s been done before, which is typically single words or
short sentences.” He added, "We’re getting the model to decode continuous
language for extended periods of time with complicated ideas.” Wow.
The researchers claim to realize that the technology
raises some ethical concerns. Tang averred: "We take very seriously the
concerns that it could be used for bad purposes and have worked to avoid that.”
I’m sure the researchers at the lab in Wuhan said the same thing circa 2019.
At the very least, when this technology/capability
is perfected, it will be the end of marriage. When we can’t keep our most
private and unbidden thoughts about, say, the hot neighbor to ourselves—or
can’t get away with a diplomatic answer to the question, “Do these pants make
my butt look fat,” matrimony is finished. So, too, will be employment. When your
boss approaches you and glowingly asks, “What do you think of my
proposal, Johnson?” and you can’t hide the fact you think it is the dumbest
idea since New Coke…you might want to freshen up your resumé.
In all seriousness, free speech is being massively
curtailed by leftist tyrants around the world.
Free thought is obviously the next target, and this new brain-computer
interface technology will greatly aid them in their quest to make everyone
totally and unequivocally submit and swear fealty to The State.
We are witnessing—in real time-- the deliberate
destruction of the family and traditional values. Christianity is being mocked
and attacked. The number of people identifying as LGBTQ is exploding,
especially among our youth. Censorship is on the rise. “Misinformation boards”
are being considered—and created. Chinese style social credit scores are coming
soon to Canada, the U.S., and other Western nations. Say something your
government doesn’t like, and you could be put on a “Bias List.”
Lockdowns are now an approved tool of government. The Great Reset and the dismissal of Capitalism are upon us. Western nations, in the grip of some sort of mass
psychosis and delusion, are hell bent……on bankrupting themselves—and therefore
the global economy—in the needless and preposterous attempt to fight “climate
change.” We are being told to eat bugs. And that we will “own nothing”
and “be happy.” Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) is everywhere superseding
and supplanting merit. Governments are trying to institute Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) so they can monitor and control every aspect
of our lives via our finances.
On top of all this, soon we will likely be at the
mercy of “brain transparency.”
Can you guess what I’m thinking?
It all ties together. A dystopian future?
That seems almost optimistic. Only divine intervention can save us at
this point.
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