Sunday, October 2, 2022

Temple University To Host National Coming Out Week


As I’m sure you know, “National Coming Out Day” is coming up on October 11th. However, Temple University is planning to overachieve by hosting a full week of activities. (Isn’t overachieving or going the extra mile “ableist?”)

The school’s Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity, Advocacy and Leadership (IDEAL), located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, will host a National Coming Out Week (NCOW) from Oct. 3 to Oct. 7.

The festive extravaganza kicks off with NCOWFest and Come Out, Speak Out, an outdoor festival touted as featuring “all the LGBTQIA+ student organizations and numerous university offices.”

Not everyone is thrilled with the events, however. Some students are concerned with how the NOWCOWFest NCOWFest and other activities are being funded. They want to know if their student fees and tuition are paying for the events. One disgruntled student claimed that student fees and tuition are frequently redirected to “social events [that] benefit such a small portion of students.”

If you ask me, that student shouldn’t be such a sourpuss and should simply turn that frown upside down! I mean, with events like drag queen-themed bingo, NOWCOWFest NCOWFest is sure to deliver a bang for everybody’s buck! (Although, inclusivity aside, I do think it’s a bit odd that those in charge of NCOWFest’s drag queen-themed bingo chose a Muslim woman in a hijab to grace its website. But maybe that’s just me.)

What other games could universities offer during their National Coming Out Days or Weeks?

Perhaps Bisexual Bridge? Transgender Battleship? Lesbian LIFE!? Gay Poker (also called Five Studs with Cards)? Solitaire for Throuples? Polyamorous Risk? Queer Yahtzee? The possibilities are endless.

Much like the current number of recognized genders. And the acronym “LGBTQIA+.”




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