In the
latest example of political theater (or utter imbecility), President Joe Biden recently directed the Federal Trade
Commission (FTC) to investigate oil and gas companies to determine whether “illegal conduct” might be to
blame for the surging gasoline prices taking a chunk out of Americans'
If Biden is truly concerned about surging
prices and companies potentially making too much profit off of their widely
used products, perhaps he and his administration should sic his government on
Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and Moderna instead of lying in bed with them
and engaging in what amounts to mutual virtual masturbation. Is illegal conduct
to blame for the vaccine manufacturers making over $1,000 every second? If
there is any illegal conduct to be blamed, it is Brandon’s Biden’s.
It's pathetically hilarious that
Biden is casting aspersions on Big Oil now. Democrats always used to claim that
Big Oil arbitrarily jacked up gas prices when their Republican friends were in
power. Yet gas prices were historically low under the trump administration and
are now skyrocketing under Biden.
Every sentient and economically
literate being knows that gas prices are rising because Biden himself has cancelled
and shut down pipelines and because he and his Socialist puppet-masters are
threatening to ban the energy extraction industry in its entirety. When you
cancel pipelines, ban carbon-based energy exploration, threaten fracking, refuse
to build new nuclear power plants, demonize clean coal and even natural gas,
sign on to ridiculous “Climate Accords,” and waste trillions of dollars on
“renewable energy” subsidies, there is literally no other possible result.
One is
tempted to ask, “Can’t you even figure that out, Sherlock?” But the real
tragedy is that those in control of Biden do know exactly what they
are doing. They are deliberately trying to knock America down a peg. Moreover,
they now know a good crisis—or two or three—will scare Americans into letting
them get away with anything…allowing them to stay in power.
Even if they
still occasionally try to hide that fact.
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