President Biden’s State Department recently
issued one of the dumbest statements ever uttered by man, expressing surprise
and concern over the lack of diversity
in the new Taliban government in Afghanistan.
“We have made clear our expectation
that the Afghan people deserve an inclusive government,” a State Department
spokesperson declared. The spokesperson added that the
leadership announced by the Taliban “consists exclusively of individuals
who are members of the Taliban or their close associates and no women.” Shocking.
To absolutely no one with an I.Q. greater than that of a housefly.
Note to the State Department: the
Taliban set women on fire when they screw up dinner. They take young girls as sex slaves.
They stone gays and lesbians to death. They don’t believe women are capable of
working in government. And this lack of diversity surprised and angered you?
Don’t tell me the folks at State
thought the Taliban leadership group would be shot through with gays, lesbians,
non-binary types, Jews and assorted other infidels. No sentient being expected
there to be anyone other than swarthy, bearded, Muslim males in control of the
new government.
Pathetic Western progressives such
as those currently besmirching the State Department will also be perturbed to
find out that the Taliban recently defaced a George Floyd mural by covering it up with Islamic
slogans. Which is odd, since they themselves recently celebrated the beheading of a police officer.
Most of the world understands that
diversity isn’t the be all and end all. Power is.
The U.S. must soon relearn that
lesson or face its impending doom.
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