The preposterously woke have
reached new heights—actually lows—in their attempt to replace God as the
arbiters of life and reality.
More than a dozen
professors from two universities recently expressed deep concerns about the
impact of abortion bans on “trans men
and nonbinary people.” Several of these professors were quoted in Northwestern
Now, the esteemed university's news site, arguing that abortion is
necessary because without it a “trans man” who becomes pregnant will not be
able to conceal that he is not actually a biological male. I’m not sure that
these highly educated academics meant to admit that a “trans man” is not
actually a man, but it is nonetheless delightful.
The article in Northwestern
Now laments, “As his abdomen grows due to a pregnancy for which he can no
longer legally get an abortion, however, keeping identity private in public
spaces may become next to impossible.” Yes, it is truly heartbreaking when a
man can’t get an abortion. What does it say about a country when a man
can’t freely abort the child he carries within him?
Angela Chadhauri, one of
the doctors quoted in the article, added sadly: “Even the idea of becoming
pregnant often creates dysphoria, so forcing a patient to carry a pregnancy
against their will may lead to significant mental health needs in this
If “even the idea
of becoming pregnant often creates dysphoria” for a person, there is an easy
answer: don’t engage in behavior that can get you pregnant. No one is forcing
you to get pregnant against your will. Rather, it is a complete lack of self-control,
preparation and accountability on your part that makes this a possibility. Which
is all the more pronounced if you are a woman who wishes to be seen as a man.
We are the first society
in the history of the universe to believe we can choose our own gender-- and
that men can become pregnant. How is it possible for a society to arrive
at a point where it can countenance language (and thought) like, “So, when a
man’s vagina is penetrated by a woman’s penis, and his uterus harbors one of
his now fertilized eggs, he becomes pregnant with his wife’s child?”
This isn’t an example of transgenderism,
it’s evidence of trans-reality.
It is not tolerance, but insanity.
It is the opposite of enlightenment
and will soon lead to very dark times, indeed.
No matter our hubris, we cannot abort God’s
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