The editorial board of the Case Western Reserve
University (CWRU) student newspaper savaged the school for its recent decision
to recognize the campus pro-life group Case for Life, which the paper
called “a
danger to the student body.”
The Observer’s editorial board wrote, “CWRU does not care about its students.
If they actually cared, they would have immediately considered concerns about
the student body’s immediate safety and the broader school-community impacts,
and they would have easily determined this organization to pose a danger.”
The board added: “It is not just that students have to
worry about laws that impose on their bodily autonomy, but they also have to
worry about being in an environment that is supposed to be safe but isn’t. Who
could care less if someone is pro-forced-birth, but when that someone takes
action to enforce that opinion on others—that’s when it becomes dangerous.”
You know what else is “an environment that is supposed
to be safe but isn’t? A womb. And, speaking of imposing on one’s “bodily
autonomy” and taking action to “enforce that opinion on others,” where does the
board stand on vaccine mandates?
The board’s deranged written rant continued: "We
already have to deal with anti-abortion laws dictated by governments that put
our lives in danger, but now we have to face the reality of our tuition going
to a club that makes the majority of the student body feel unsafe.”
A pro-life group makes the majority of a
student body feel unsafe?
Case for Life members
say its mission is to help “protect and promote respect for all life from
conception to natural death” through education, outreach, and volunteering at
local pregnancy centers.
Those bastards! Who wouldn’t be afraid of a
group like that?
The editorial also claimed that CRWU’s approval of
Case for Life was just another example of the broadening attack on
“reproductive rights.” No, board members, you have every right to reproduce. That
is, in fact, what Case for Life and other pro-life groups stand for. What you
fervently disapprove of is that pro-life groups would potentially make it slightly
more difficult for you to kill your babies. I mean, if you can’t be troubled to
exercise restraint or even take precautions if you do not wish to have a baby.
So you can’t exterminate your child after the
first six weeks of your pregnancy or so? Well, you can’t have a handful of
cocktails and drive yourself home, either.
Five unelected white guys, now all dead, concocted the
“right” to abortion out of thin air. Duly elected representatives of the people
passed the Texas law that you assert is “anti-democratic.” You can’t make this
sh*t up!
Case for Life is, of course, not a “danger” to
any “student body.” Pro-abortionists are a danger to every baby’s body.
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