China’s government recently banned effeminate men from appearing on TV and instructed broadcasters to promote
“revolutionary culture.” This was done as part of an ever-growing campaign to
tighten the Chinese Communist Party’s control over business, education, culture
and religion. The CCP will spare no effort in its desire to enforce official morality
and position China for world domination. China’s President, Xi Jinping, has
called for a “national rejuvenation” to foster a healthier society and an even
more powerful China.
Chinese officials were concerned that the more girlish look of
some male South Korean and Japanese pop stars may have otherwise rubbed off on
China’s young men, effectively emasculating them to the detriment of Chinese
ambitions. Therefore, China’s National Radio and TV Administration declared
that broadcasters must “resolutely put an end to sissy men and other abnormal
The CCP has also forbidden those under 18 from playing video
games for more than three hours
a week.
Moreover, XI Jinping has
warned officials and citizens alike to “discard their illusions” about having an easy life and instead “dare to struggle” to protect the country’s integrity,
security and sovereignty. According to Xinhua, the state news agency, Xi stated:
“The great rejuvenation
of the Chinese nation has entered a key phase, and risks and challenges we face
are conspicuously increasing.”
Contrast that with what is happening here in America. Our
progressives are worried about “toxic masculinity” and are constantly
tabulating the number of new genders they claim to have discovered. They are
consumed with making sure those biological (bio-illogical?) men who claim to be
women can use women’s bathrooms and locker rooms-- and vice-versa. Americans
have gradually become feminized and infantilized. We are more worried about “microaggressions” than we are about
macroaggressions such as those perpetrated by China or the Taliban. Too many of
our college students run for their “safe spaces” if they hear something with
which they don’t agree or that may make them sad or confused… all while
exclaiming, “Where are my warm milk and cookies? Where is a furry little puppy?
Where’s the Play-Doh?”
Virtually all Democratic politicians-- whether male, female, or
other-- claim to be feminists, in touch with their feelings, empathetic. Yet
they just handed an entire nation over to a ruling mob that lops of women’s
clitorises and then forces them into sex slavery.
We are simply not a serious—or
sane—nation anymore.
We can no longer afford to listen to the
likes of AOC, Bernie Sanders, Chuck Schumer, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, or Ilhan
Omar. We can’t let crazed “progressives” tell us that the protest that occurred
on “January 6” was a massive, violent insurrection that nearly overthrew our
government while simultaneously telling us that the Taliban are our “brothers” and the
legitimate “government” of Afghanistan.
While The Left in the United States pushes
its fictitious and depraved “1619 Project” dogma on American schools, China has
embarked on a “2021 and Beyond Project.” Sadly, schools across the fruited
plain are now teaching “critical race theory” to
incite hatred and reverse racism. What we need is the understanding that it’s
critical we race to avoid being left behind by China. And that’s not
China is barring effeminate men from
appearing on television. Ironically, America is banning the Ten Commandments
from public spaces, free speech, truth, justice and the American way.
Gee, why do so many believe America is in
What will be the ultimate result of the
vastly different cultural and policy prescriptions between the two nation’s similarly
authoritarian governments? Who’s going to win and who will be left on the ash
heap of history?
At the rate things are going, we will
know by the day after tomorrow.
Hint: China is acting like the proverbial
bull in a China shop, America under Biden like a dull and frightened cow.
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