Francis recently criticized the West’s involvement in Afghanistan as an
outsider’s attempt to impose democracy. Unfortunately for the pontiff, he did so
by accidentally citing Russia’s Vladimir Putin while thinking he was actually quoting
Germany’s Angela Merkel.
Asked during a radio
interview about the new political map taking shape in Afghanistan after the
United States suddenly withdrew from the now Taliban-controlled country after
20 years of war, the pope said, “It’s necessary
to stop the irresponsible policy of enforcing its own values on
others and attempts to build democracy in other countries based on outside
models without taking into account historic, ethnic and religious issues and
fully ignoring other people’s traditions.” This was the Pope’s own translation
into English of a quote he attributed to the German chancellor, whom he touted
as “one of the world’s
greatest political figures.”
In any case, couldn’t one
say the same for Catholicism? Is it “irresponsible” for missionaries to travel
to foreign lands? Is it wrong to “enforce” our own values over other cultures’
traditions of, say, enforcing female genital mutilation and child marriage?
*Several Democratic lawmakers (now there is a frightening term) want the Federal
Reserve to focus on climate change and social justice and not concern itself
exclusively on its frivolous task of providing the nation with a safe,
flexible, and stable monetary and financial system. Most Democrats would like
the National Education Association, the Center for Disease Control, the National
Aeronautic and Space Administration, the Department of Defense, and the Girl
Scouts to focus on climate change and social justice.
If we really wanted to change the climate and get
closer to achieving social justice, we would toss Democrats out of Congress.
And the White House. And maybe the country. (Just kidding on the latter. Don’t
want to be accused of appropriation.)
*Schools in the United States are prioritizing diversity
over merit, allowing China to become the world’s leader in science, technology,
engineering and math (STEM). “Merit” is on the verge of becoming a bad word in
the U.S., symbolic of “white supremacy.” China doesn’t give a rat’s ass about
diversity, only competence and world domination.
President Joe Biden claims Texas’ abortion “heartbeat” law violates women’s Constitutional rights in light of the court’s Roe v. Wade
decision. Yes, there is a Constitutional right to take life, not to
life, Mr. President. Nice take! Is there a right to burglarize retail stores in
there, too, Sherlock? Or a right to sniff women’s hair with impunity? Does the
right to bear arms really only mean we can wear short-sleeved shirts?
University chaplains recently elected an atheist and humanist who says he doesn’t look to God for
answers as president of the Harvard Chaplains. Greg Epstein, no relation to
Harvey, says he looks to humans for answers. Nice job, Harvard
University chaplains. Greg God help us all.
Public Radio (NPR) recently aired a show during which various leftists ripped
the very concept of free speech. A recent “On The Media” episode featured the authors
of an article titled “Free Speech is Killing Us,” and the book “The Case
Against Free Speech,” among other anti-First Amendment zealots. A media outlet
against free speech? Seems to be a lot of that about these days. What
should that tell us?
an ostensibly free press reflexively savages everything one party—or one member
of that party—says, does, and believes, while going to truly preposterous
lengths to fawn over the alternative party or party member, regardless of the real
world affects of their respective policies…it doesn’t take a genius to predict
the outcome. When free speech is dispensed with, all other freedoms are soon to
*Project Veritas captured Advanced Placement
government teacher Gabriel Gipe on an undercover video saying, “I have 180 days
to turn them [students] into revolutionaries…scare the f*ck out of them.” Gipe, a teacher at
Inderkum High School in Sacramento, California, has rainbow and Antifa flags
adorning the walls of his classroom, as well as a portrait of Chairman Mao. He
told Project Veritas that a student complained about the Antifa flag, stating
that it made him uncomfortable. But, rather than asserting that he wanted every
student to feel safe, comfortable, and welcome, he opined: “If you feel
uncomfortable, I don’t really know what to tell you. Maybe you shouldn’t be aligning
with the values that this [Antifa flag] is antithetical to.” In other words, “Change
your beliefs, ignorant, intolerant scum.”
Gipe’s goal is to aid
and abet the fundamental transformation of America and its system of
government. And he uses and abuses his impressionable young students as a means
to that end. He notes: “What can we do now to root out this culture that keeps perpetuating
hyper-individualism, hyper-competitiveness, capitalist exploitation and
consolidation of wealth…I do think that it’s important to understand that as an
extension of an economic revolution, they [Chinese Communist Party] were
changing the base, and then they went to change the superstructure. You cannot
change one without the other. You can’t have cultural shifts without the
economic shift, and vice versa.”
Would NPR be against
Gipe’s abuse of “free speech?”
You get what you
tolerate. Period. Ignorance in the guise of “tolerance” can only lead to the
end of “the Grand Experiment” and our representative republic.
I am struck dumb by the
idiocy those in positions of power and influence exhibit on a daily basis.
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