Democrats are
hoping to force through Bill HR-1, a piece of legislation that would change the
United States forever and effectively make it a one-party state. HR-1 is bloated with
blatantly biased federal mandates– bans on voter ID laws, prohibitions on
cleaning voter rolls, requirements to accept late mail ballots and 700-plus
additional pages of prescriptions and proscriptions designed to destroy
republicanism and make the nation more closely resemble the erstwhile Soviet
Some Democratic witnesses and
apologists, when asked about cleaning up voter roles and eliminating fraud in
the context of HR-1, essentially reply that it would be unethical to do
so. Yes, we should not interfere with dead people’s natural and
unalienable right to vote. Only with living, straight, white males’ right to
The Founders extolled the God-given
right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. But, they were white
males, so what did they know? Besides, say progressives, “We don’t believe in
that God guy. We’re not that fond of life, either. But depriving ‘deplorables’
of their liberty gives us happiness. And we are better than them,
so there!”
So, if you are dead, underage, or in
the country illegally, get ready to vote. Early and often.
Ain’t democracy grand?!
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