Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Samaritan's Purse Booted From New York

                Samaritan’s Purse, a Christian humanitarian relief organization run by the Rev. Franklin Graham, established a field hospital in New York City’s Central Park a few weeks ago to help fight the coronavirus epidemic afflicting the city. Despite the organization’s desire to help those in need of medical care and its commitment to serve every single patient without discrimination, it ran afoul of leftists who disdain the organization’s Biblical views on sexuality.
                On Saturday, May 2nd, the Mount Sinai Health System (MSHS) announced it was shutting down the field hospital, due at least in part to its Christian beliefs, even though the several other field hospitals that were activated to treat COVID-19 patients will remain in place. The day before that announcement, Corey Johnson, speaker of the New York City Council, issued a remarkably vile, hypocritical and tone-deaf statement of his own. Johnson said, “It is time for Samaritan’s Purse to leave New York City. This group, which is led by the notoriously bigoted, hate-spewing Franklin Graham, came at a time when our city couldn’t in good conscience turn away any offer of help. That time has passed. As a city that values diversity and compassion for all, we cannot continue to allow a group with the track record of Samaritan’s Purse to remain here when we are past the point they are needed. Hate has no place in our beautiful city.”
                So, MSHS is shuttering a field hospital that an organization gifted them after taking advantage of that same field hospital and organization’s largess and compassion when it was “needed,” and is purporting to do so out of its tolerance and compassion? MSHS, and by its inference the city, obviously does not value diversity and compassion when it comes to Christianity and Samaritan’s Purse. Hate does indeed have a place in “your beautiful city,” Mayor de Blasio and MSHS, and that place is now on display front and center. Your actions and preposterously asinine and disingenuous characterization of Franklin Graham and Samaritan’s Purse proves that beyond a shadow of a doubt. You use the despicable, “bigoted, hate-spewing” group when you need it most, then cut it loose and blast it for its "intolerance." Who, in “good conscience,” could do a thing like that? You make decent people sick.

    Samaritan’s Purse tries to heal them.

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