Thursday, October 18, 2018

Ubiquitous Diversity

                During the 2016-2017 school year, the University of Texas at Austin employed 112 diversity-related employees who earned approximately $9.5 Million in salaries and benefits, according to The College Fix. (The compensation figures cited were taken from a public database maintained by the Texas Tribune and were last updated in July 2017. The number of staffers was compiled based on information obtained from UT Austin’s website in September 2018).
                At some point, those staffers must lose the right to be called “diversity-related” employees. Ubiquitousness, pervasiveness, conformity and omnipresence are not indicative of diversity. When one diversity staffer becomes one-hundred, becomes 1,000, when thousands of dollars spent in the name of diversity morph into millions upon millions, it is not diversity that is being celebrated, but obedience.
                When campuses’ “free speech zones” (which the Founders intended to be the entirety of the United States of America), if they have them, are the size of a large closet, it is not diversity that is the goal, but conformity of thought, word and action.
                When the phrase “Black Lives Matter” is celebrated but the phrase “All Lives Matter” is taboo, it is not diversity that is sought, but acquiescence.
                Diversity is not, in and of itself, inherently good. It cannot properly be classified as a “virtue.” There can be—and is-- a diversity of illness, crime and hatred. There also exists a diverse array of mental illnesses, one of which leads one to believe that there are an infinite number of genders. Another of which causes people to think that diversity of everything but thought is beneficial, but that diversity of belief must be stymied and suppressed by any and all means.

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