Thursday, May 3, 2018

Boy Scouts To Drop "Boys"

                Boy, oh boy!

    The Boy Scouts of America recently announced that its hallmark “Boy Scouts” program for males aged 10-17 will no longer be called…(the) “Boy Scouts,” as of February 2019. The iconic organization is re-branding it as “Scouts BSA,” as it embarks on a campaign of laser-focused “inclusiveness.” The group will accept girls going forward in its push to become more gender-neutral. Younger members will continue to be called “Cub Scouts,” while older ones will be known simply as “Scouts.”
                The group said, via a press release, that its “Scout Me In” campaign “reinforces that the mission and core values in the Scout Oath and Scout Law are welcoming, inclusive and foundational for both young men and young women,” according to 
                The Boy Scouts started allowing openly gay male leaders in 2015 (what could possibly go wrong?) and began welcoming gender-confused girls shortly thereafter (“I’ll show you mine if you show me yours?”).
                In recent years, pro-family and pro-life advocates have distanced themselves from the Boy Scouts of America due to its policy of allowing homosexual scout leaders. (Proving the old adage: “You can’t separate the men from the boys.”). Similarly, many knowledgeable pro-lifers and devout Christians have backed away from the Girl Scouts of America for its affiliation with-- and support of-- pro-abortion organizations such as Planned Parenthood.
                According to the watchdog organization Girl Scouts, Why Not?, “The World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) advocates for both contraception and abortion rights on behalf of its girl members, the majority of whom are minors.” Well, that makes good nonsense: an organization for young girls lobbying for…fewer young girls.
                Surely, this will spark other gender-centric groups to re-evaluate their membership criteria. There are lots of women’s-only groups out there, not so many for men. But, any men’s groups that do exist can easily be repurposed as men’struating groups. The National Organization for Women (NOW) can, with just the smallest of tweaks, become the National Organization for Whomever (and keep the same acronym). The Financial Women’s Association can morph into the F—king Whoever Association, similarly keeping its existing acronym. Acquiescing to today’s cultural mores, Girls Inc. will likely become Girls with Dinks. Girls for a Change will take on entirely new meanings, as well, while the group Girls Today, Women Tomorrow will almost certainly be renamed Girls Today, Non-Binary Questioning Pan-genders Tomorrow. The League of Women Voters (of the United States), also known as the LWV, could be more inclusively branded as the League of LGBTQIA Voters (LLGBTQIAV), which would also be a nearly unbeatable Scrabble™ play if acronyms were allowed. The YMCA and YWCA (Young Men’s Christian Association and Young Women’s Christian Association, respectively) will, together, naturally be henceforth known as the Indeterminately Aged All-Gendered Non-Denominational Cooperative, or IAAGNDC.

                The group formerly known as the Boy Scouts had a famous motto: “Be Prepared.”

                These days one must be prepared for anything.

                It used to be said that “boys will be boys.” Now the girls will be too.

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