Sunday, June 19, 2016

Russian Government Hackers Compromise Democratic National Committee Computer Network

                 “Russian government hackers penetrated the computer network of the Democratic National Committee and gained access to the entire database of opposition research on GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump,” the Washington Post reported recently. DNC officials said that the hackers so completely compromised the system that they were able to read all e-mail and even “chat” traffic. That must have been interesting. They could probably have gotten most of the same info off of Hillary’s personal server. What is it with Democrats, computers and e-mails?
                Reports indicate that the hackers had access to the DNC network for roughly one year, but that all were “expelled” over the weekend of June 11-12, in a “major computer clean-up campaign.” One full year?! Was the breach just discovered? If so, how do they know how long the system was compromised? If not, what prompted the security experts to finally launch the clean-up effort now?
                This didn’t make much of a news splash. I wonder what would’ve happened if the tables were turned and it was the RNC’s computer network that was compromised and it was the entire database of opposition research on Hillary Clinton that was breached?

                Where is the call for accountability? There appear to be no consequences whatsoever. Have the Russians even been rebuked? Shouldn’t the Clinton Campaign and the DNC at least have publicly apologized to the Donald?

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