The skyline of Manhattan wasn’t lit
up in pink (as far as I know), but Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) celebrated
the Senate’s failure to pass two pro-life bills this week. Neither the Born-Alive
Abortion Survivors Protection Act nor the Pain-Capable Unborn Child
Protection Act received the 60 votes necessary to be advanced. The former would
have mandated that babies surviving failed abortion attempts receive the “same
claim to the protection of the law that would arise for any newborn,” while the
latter would have banned most abortions after 20 weeks, as that is the age at
which most specialists believe the unborn child can feel pain. The bill
contained exceptions for rape, incest and protecting the life of the mother.
Gillibrand, speaking of the bills,
told MSNBC: “This is part of President Trump and Mitch McConnell’s all-out
assault on women. They’re trying to harm women. They’re trying to take away
their civil rights, their human rights, their ability to make the most
important, intimate decisions of their lives. They’re taking away their religious
freedom. They’re taking away their moral freedom.” No, Sen. Gillibrand, they
are not aborting women, nor harming them in any way. They are trying to
stem your party’s all-out assault on babies. I think deep down you know this,
and that’s why you try so hard—if pathetically-- to refute it. They are not
taking away women’s civil rights. You are not being enslaved or segregated.
That is an insult to those that were. They are protecting the human
rights of as yet unborn children. Many crimes are “intimate.” Is the fact that
rape isn’t legal taking away men’s ability to make the “most important,
intimate decisions of their lives?” Is it taking away their “moral freedom?” You
literally can’t be any more wrong, misguided, and hypocritical than this. Sen.
Gillibrand, words are like genders, try as you might, you can’t simply make
them mean whatever you want them to.
Sadly, Gillibrand wasn’t done. She
added, “These two measures that we’re voting on literally change the landscape
of how we treat a baby who was born...” Yes, by allowing them to live. She
noted that “parents want to be able to have those final moments with their
child.” Indeed. Instead of seeing them grow up. She finished by stating, “It is
a horrible, horrible choice by Mitch McConnell to force these votes and we’ve
voted on these measures before and they’ve lost. I think this is just a
political ploy to satisfy those who are attending the CPAC conference.” No,
Sen. Gillibrand, the “horrible, horrible” choices were made by the parents, and
your support for abortion is, in part, a political ploy to satisfy those women
who don’t wish to be burdened by the consequences of their decision to be
Meanwhile, in the House of
Representatives, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) recently berated her
fellow Congresspersons during a House Oversight Hearing on religious freedom.
Upset that those less “woke” than herself don’t sufficiently share her
radically “progressive” beliefs about medical care, abortion, LGBTQ issues,
and, well, pretty much everything else, the well-known Biblical scholar lashed
out. She said, “Sometimes, especially this body, I feel as though if Christ
himself walked through these doors and said what he said thousands of years
ago, that we should love our neighbor and our enemy, that we should welcome the
stranger, fight for the least of us…he would be maligned as a radical and
rejected from these doors.” In high dudgeon now, she added that she was “tired
of communities of faith being weaponized and being mischaracterized because the
only time religious freedom is invoked is in the name of bigotry and
discrimination. I’m tired of it.”
Yes, Sen. Gillibrand and Rep.
Ocasio-Cortez, I’m sure if Jesus was among us today He would be performing
abortions Himself. I
mean, who could be more pro-abortion than the Son of God, right? What was that
about “fighting for the least of us?”
Incredible. If we don’t wake up soon, it will be too late. It is
not “climate change” we have to worry about (the dumbest phrase in recorded
history), but our diminishing ability to separate good from evil, effective
policies from disastrous ones, and truth from bulls**t. Neither tolerance nor
intolerance is a virtue. Neither is always good or always bad. We have become
preposterously tolerant of everything from inanity to evil, and increasingly
intolerant of standards, decency and traditional morality.
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