“Sustainability” is a fast-growing branch of
social-justice-warring on college campuses across the ever more fruited plain.
The schools are teaching the students-- and the students are teaching the
schools-- that we must dramatically lessen our greenhouse gas emissions lest
the planet suddenly combust like a Molotov cocktail at an Antifa demonstration.
Waters Lake (!), Director of Sustainability (!) at the College of William &
Mary, told the school’s news service, “We’re trying
to keep in mind that our carbon footprint is something that can expand during
the holidays.” Much like many people’s waistlines. Waters Lake generously
offered students several tips for how to “be wise…through our purchases,
through food that we eat,” and “through the activities that we’re doing” over
the winter break. She suggested not buying anyone a Christmas gift, noting that
“Going out and doing something with the recipient to spend time with them may
be a better option.” If you’re selfish enough to buy gifts for someone else,
however, Waters Lake cautions against wrapping them and wasting the materials.
Which is also why she recommends not sending folks actual Christmas cards,
preferring that e-cards be sent instead. There’s nothing quite as intimate and
rewarding as opening up an e-card for Christmas, is there? Special.
Parker Angelos, the head of
Indiana University-Bloomington’s new sustainability department, is also urging his
school’s students to be kind to the Earth, the Indiana Daily Student has
reported. Mr. Angelos helpfully edified his fellow scholars, stating, “Living
sustainably is one of the easiest things you can do.” He then told them: “Turn
off your lights, unplug your electric devices, take shorter, cold showers.”
These bastions of higher
education have inspired me. We can all do so much more. What if we just turned
off our heat in the winter? Refused to turn on the air-conditioning this coming
summer? These two simple gestures alone would have a second-level benefit, over
and above reducing energy use. A large number of us would perish, greatly
reducing our carbon footprint! Moreover, what if we got rid of our ovens and
refrigerators? (And don’t cook things in a fire, either, as the smoke rises
into the atmosphere, contributing to greenhouse gas buildup, too). After all,
raw fruits and vegetables are the best things we can consume for our health…and
the health of our mother the Earth. If we all go vegan, we won’t need to kill
our fellow beings, nor cook them. We won’t need guns. We will only need
communal vegetable gardens. And, we should give up toilets as well as showers,
rendering other forms of fertilization unnecessary. We should all just poop on
our communally mandated garden plots. Talk about a “twofer?!” This just keeps
getting better and better.
more, if we give up air-conditioning and showers in the summer months, and
eschew toilets in favor of pooping on our garden plots, it is very unlikely we
will find anyone willing to mate with us, which will help to alleviate the
population crisis, further reducing greenhouse gas emissions going
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