Evil exists in the world. We should all realize that.
However, it is not always lurking where we might expect it.
fraudulently convince nearly every minority group that Republicans hate them.
This is true of women, Muslims, illegal immigrants in general, Latinos, the
LGBTQ community, transgenders, vegans, Prius owners, and many others. Then they
do everything in their power to make certain minority populations grow and
grow, the faster the better, no questions asked.
reasons for- and the results of- this tactic should be too obvious to require
elaboration, but I’ll elaborate a bit anyway. This is a simple, effective- and
deeply repugnant- way to guarantee your own power in perpetuity. It is, in
fact, pure evil, for several reasons:
off, their claim that Republicans don’t like minorities is ridiculous in the
extreme, and historically inaccurate. Second, the country is already majority minority. Add up all the women,
Muslims, Latinos, vegans, et. al., and that is simply a statement of fact.
White, Christian, straight males are, however, clearly a minority. And they are
under fire as never before. Third, progressive policy prescriptions not only adversely
affect these white males, but eventually make things worse for everyone.
Socialism doesn’t work. Letting law-breakers into your country as a matter of
policy is idiotic. It redounds to the detriment of everyone, except perhaps the
lawbreaker. Not vetting potential terrorists before allowing them across our
borders repeatedly gets those of all groups killed, as we just recently
witnessed- for the umpteenth time- in New York City. Fourth, needlessly
dividing people and sowing hatred, envy and feelings of entitlement is deeply
un-American and does real and lasting damage to the nation. And, finally, that
these Democratic/lefty politicians know
all of these things and still utilize this tactic to gain or retain power is
vile beyond description. Truly evil.
of a leftist bent reading this are unwilling to logically debate this point with
me, because they are unable to. It is much easier, and sadly more effective for
them, to simply shout “racist” or “bigot” at people who hold conservative views
and be on their merry way…to the next establishment cocktail party or Antifa
demonstration, as the case may be.
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