Friday, December 22, 2017

University Deems Christmas Trees, Wrapped Gifts "Not Appropriate" For Holiday Season

                The University of Minnesota recently held an event dedicated to discussing how to make the “holiday season” on campus more inclusive. Those attending the “Dean’s Dialogues” meeting, which was hosted by the College of Food, Agriculture and Natural Resource Sciences, were provided a memo- titled “Religious Diversity and Holidays”- listing more than a dozen items that should not be used in holiday-themed displays on campus due to their “religious iconography.”*
                The items, which were described as “not appropriate,” include nativity scenes, the Star of Bethlehem, dreidels, angels, Christmas trees, doves, depictions of Santa Claus, bells, bows, and wrapped gifts. Think about this for a moment: we have reached a point in the West where our elite educators deem nativity scenes, the Star of Bethlehem, angels, and Christmas trees inappropriate for display during the Christmas season.
Obviously, then, they deem them inappropriate at all times. Yet some universities are providing prayer time, space (and rugs?) for Muslim students. That is not diversity, it is perversity.
The suggested exclusion of Santa Claus, bells, bows, doves, and wrapped gifts from holiday displays is simply mind-boggling. Aren’t doves symbols of peace? And what is wrong with wrapped gifts? Should we not wrap birthday presents, either? Wedding gifts?
Incredibly, the directive also recommended that decorations and displays not be themed around the colors red and green or blue and white. Red and green have been co-opted by Christians, apparently. (Though I seem to remember that communists have an affinity for red, and green is critical to the Muslim world and was the color of the flag of the last of the four Arab caliphates). And blue and white are just too…Jewish…and smack of unbridled Zionism.
So, no Santa, bells, bows, or gifts this holiday season? No colors, either? Apparently, the Deans want the campus to sport the same festive appearance that characterized East Germany and the gulags of the Soviet Union.
This does make some sense, though. The prevailing political ideology on college campuses is that of Marx and Lenin.
*Definition: the visual images, symbols, or modes of representation collectively associated with a person, cult, or movement. (Like depictions of Che Guevara, Antifa or Black Lives Matter? They’ve all been banned from campuses, too, I’m sure).

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