First Avenue Nightclub and Danceteria
Minneapolis, MN.
April 20, 2023
(A heavily pierced and tatted
person with multicolored hair stands in front of a large crowd of similarly
adorned people, holding a microphone. He/she/they begins to speak)
“Welcome to the first annual
fundraiser to Help End Appropriation-- and Discrimination Against the
Transgendered, or HEADAT. If somebody asks you, ‘Where’s your head at?’ you
can honestly tell them ‘it’s right here!’ (Giggles.) Anyway, we are going to
have sooo much fun tonight, and will hopefully raise a lot of money for
two great causes! (Mild applause.)
“First, let me talk about the
scourge of ‘appropriation.’ It is deeply hurtful to take aspects of another
person’s or group’s culture, appearance-- or immutable characteristics—and try
to make them yours! I mean, that should be obvious, right? Common sense. So, if
I wear a sombrero, speak in Black slang, or eat a chalupa…I am appropriating
them, in essence stealing them from their rightful owners, right? This can be
demeaning to, in this case, Mexicans and Black people. Taken to an extreme,
this is literally violence against them. (Applause.)
“Speaking of violence, transphobia
can literally kill people! If we deny the natural right of a person to choose
which sex and gender they wish to be, how are we better than Hitler? Those who
would seek to prevent someone from getting puberty blockers, hormone treatments,
and/or adding or lopping off body parts, are no better than those who seek to prevent
pregnant people from having abortions. (Loud applause.) If
someone—anyone—wishes to be a member of the ‘opposite sex,’ who are we to say
they don’t have that right? If a man wants to have boobs and female genitalia…or
just wants to dress in ‘women’s’ clothing, what is wrong with that? Conversely,
if a woman wants a sack and a penis, or simply likes to dress like the ‘Marlboro
Man’ (giggles), everyone should have to support her desires! (Louder applause.)
I mean, who cares how anyone else acts, dresses, or looks like, right?! (Wild
“I am proud to announce that half of
the cover charge you all paid to get in tonight will go to the newly created
HEADAT fund! Also, more money will be raised by a raffle and a silent auction!
Just 5 bucks each will get you raffle tickets and a chance to win…ready for it?
(crowd replies ‘Yes!’)…an all expenses paid trip to the 2023 New York City
Pride Parade (crowd gasps)…and the entire series of Harry Potter books
that you can incinerate or destroy in any way you like! (More applause.) And, a
silent auction will be held in the ‘Two-Spirit’ room from 8 until 8:30 P.M.
this evening. You can place bids on items such as sex toys, modern art, a
lifetime supply of CBD products, and tickets to ‘The View.’
“Now feel free to avail yourselves
of the gluten-free, non-GMO, vegan food on the banquet tables at the back of this
hall while we breathlessly await tonight’s featured entertainment. That’s
right, the ‘Patrick Fitzmichael-Michael Fitzpatrick Band’ will take the stage
at 9 P.M.!
“And, remember: appropriation is not
appropriate. Now let’s have an awesome non-binary night! Thank you all for coming!”
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