Thursday, November 25, 2021

Media Now Seeks Only To Obfuscate, Lie


The mainstream media now seeks to obfuscate, misinform, disinform, omit or manufacture information to further its agenda, traffic in fake news, lie and deny. Or whatever the hell else it takes to advance the Leftist Agenda. Period. Of this there can be no doubt.

A Black rap musician with a long “rap sheet” (criminal history) drives thru a Christmas parade killing 5 and injuring dozens of others, including little children and elderly grandmothers? Yawn, nothing to see here, says the media. Actually, it might just be “Karma” for those darn Wisconsinites. Yet, what if Kyle Rittenhouse had done the exact same thing? There would be 24/7/365 Special Coverage of the “Waukesha Killer,” the tool of White Supremacy, the heinous, border-crossing, radical right-wing member of the cis-patriarchy!

If Hunter Biden’s laptop computer were instead Donald Trump, Jrs., replete with lurid pictures of hookers, underaged girls, the drugged-out laptop owner, and details of nepotism and influence peddling, do you believe the media would have bent over backward to hide that information and protect Don, Jr. as it did Hunter? (Uproarious laughter breaks out among sentient beings.)

And why was Aaron Rogers’ assertion of privacy and refusal to get vaccinated against COVID-19 a massive front-page story while the lurid story of Henry Ruggs III drunkenly plowing his Corvette into another person’s vehicle at over 100 miles per hour-- killing a woman and her child-- downplayed in the extreme by the mainstream media? Could it be that Rogers is white, Ruggs III Black, and that Rogers had recently said some things that could possibly be construed as of a conservative bent?

The Democrat-Media Complex solemnly swore—for nearly 4 years—that the reason Donald Trump won in 2016 was because of Russian collusion. Yet, in the face of multiple-- and serious-- questions about the integrity of the 2020 election which saw Joe Biden elected, the self-same Democrat-Media Complex vociferously asserted that substantive interference in an American presidential election was literally impossible, the stuff of right-wing lunatics fever dreams.

Etc., etc.

The mainstream media now seeks to obfuscate, misinform, disinform, omit or manufacture information to further its agenda, traffic in fake news, lie and deny. Or whatever the hell else it takes to advance the Leftist Agenda. Period.

 No honest person with an I.Q. greater than that of an eggplant can deny this any longer.

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