Almost everything you are being
told to believe is a
The mainstream media has long since
chosen sides and will brazenly cover up anything that could reflect poorly on
Democrats, yet will assiduously traffic in any and all innuendo, hearsay, and
slander that they feel will harm Republicans/conservatives/Trump supporters.
They gleefully promulgate prevarication in their unending quest to damage
Democrats’ political opponents. Hatred-addled late night television hosts
compete to see who can spout the most ignorant inanities. Colleges and
universities no longer care about providing their students a well-rounded,
classical education. They care only of indoctrinating them into the anti-West,
anti-capitalist, anti-Christian ideology of multiculturalism and Critical
Race Theory, or CRT. Big, multinational corporations now reflexively parrot
the false rot emanating from Big Academia. And Big Tech now silences, stifles
and cancels anyone who believes in the founding principles of the United
States, the Constitution, or the Bill of Rights. Together they have become the
Father of Lies. Don’t
believe them.
And what are they lying about, you
ask? Virtually everything. They claim that if a white person eats, makes or
sells a taco, for instance, that it is a form of “cultural appropriation.” No,
it means they like tacos. It is a compliment to the culture that
originally produced them. It is the same for white people who are fond of blues
music. Is it likewise “appropriation” if a Black person wears Levi’s jeans or
anyone outside of China utilizes a printing press? Should Johannes Gutenberg be
reviled for making improvements on same? For that matter, should the rest of
the world be prohibited from climbing in an airplane, eating at McDonalds or
drinking Budweiser, all American inventions? But wait, beer wasn’t invented in
America, nor was the U.S. even around when it was commonly consumed elsewhere
on the planet, so maybe Anheuser-Busch should never have been allowed to
appropriate it. What is appropriate
appropriation? Hmm?
Yet, those advancing a leftist,
progressive agenda want nothing more than to make everyone believe that a man
who wishes to be a woman is a woman and vice-versa. This is the ultimate
appropriation! To think that one can simply take another sexes’ identity with
impunity and be praised for it is mind-boggling. Especially since it is
We have all been conditioned to
believe that tolerance is the highest virtue when in fact it is not a virtue at
all. It is neither good nor bad on its face. But our society has fallen into
the Tolerance Trap. We give everyone but ourselves a pass for any behavior
whatsoever but have come to believe that we are born of colonialism, racism,
sexism, homophobia, etc., even as we are—demonstrably—the most diverse and
successful nation in history. Elites tell us that any time the United States acts
outside of its porous borders it is guilty of colonialism, yet simultaneously
aver that the U.S. must allow everyone else from around the world to come here
without hindrance or question. You get what you tolerate, whatever that may be,
including rape, murder, female genital mutilation, or totalitarianism.
We were told not to refer to
COVID-19 as the Wuhan Flu, as that would be racist, and besides, there was
absolutely no concrete evidence that it really came from China. We were told
that the throngs of Antifa and BLM members rioting in the streets of America
all last summer were really noble members of the “resistance” to the evil
Orange Man. And then we were told that the protesters who breached the Capitol
building on January 6th were intent on an “insurrection,” even
though none of the “insurrectionists” ever fired a shot and the only people
killed that day were Trump supporters, including an unarmed female former Air
Force veteran.
We were informed that most of our
jobs really weren’t “essential,” whether we thought they were or not.
The response to the coronavirus pandemic, including lockdowns and social
distancing, devastated small businesses from coast to coast. Small businesses
had always been the backbone of America, employing as much as 90% of its
workforce, but the elites couldn’t care less. Then the riots hit…and the elites
couldn’t care less…urged them on, in fact. Because, though the pandemic was
such an existential threat to the planet that they had to keep the rest of us
from leaving our homes, the riots that burned and looted small businesses
across the nation were a healthy, indeed necessary, response to the existential
threat of white privilege. In truth, the lockdowns, riots and the Democrats’ coup
de’ gras, the push for a $15 an hour minimum wage are all designed to crush
small businesses, whose owners and employees tend to be conservative, while
paving the way for giant corporations to further consolidate their power.
We need to see all of this for what
it is, an attempt by the “Democratic” powers that be to eliminate all
opposition/competition while continuing to strengthen their own power and that
of their sycophants in Big Tech, Big Business, Big Academia and Big Media. All
while telling us they have our best interests in mind. The U.S. is now
an oligarchy run by our elite masters. And don’t look to “RINOs” for help. To
use an old expression, RINOs are as useless as teats on a boar. Though, come to
think of it, that boar may now identify as a sow. In any case, establishment
Republicans are weak and impotent.
We have arrived at a point where
stating obvious, verifiable truths, such as “a
woman is a woman,” can get us mocked, attacked, or fired. There is only one
viable alternative.
These are difficult truths to recognize or
admit-- but doing so is a necessary first step if we hope to ever again be set
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