Thursday, August 31, 2017

NFL Threatened By NAACP

                “There will be no football in the state of Georgia if Colin Kaepernick is not on a training camp roster and given an opportunity to pursue his career,” Gerald Griggs, vice-president of the Atlanta NAACP told WAGA-TV Fox 5. Griggs warned that if Kaepernick remains unsigned to a deal as of 5 p.m. September 17th, “We are going to have the world’s largest tailgate, and that tailgate will not go into Mercedes-Benz Stadium,” the new $1.6 billion home of the NFL’s Atlanta Falcons. He added, “We will take a knee, and we will continue to take a knee on the NFL until they act with one voice.” 
   This is not only an absurd shot across the bow to Commissioner Roger Goodell and all 32 of the league’s owners, but an unprecedented and preposterous attempt to dictate the actions of privately-held entities in a supposedly free market.
    Let’s step back and take a sober look at what’s really happening here. The NAACP is calling for a nationwide boycott of NFL games until and unless a single partially-black guy gets picked up by a team in the National Football League, whose players are nearly 70% black and whose average annual salary is over $2 million.
                “There will be no football in the state of Georgia… if Kaepernick remains unsigned to a deal as of 5 p.m. September 17th?” Do you think you can shut down college and high school football, too?  And is that a threat? What are you going to do to prevent people from getting into Mercedes-Benz Stadium, shoot them or fit them with cement shoes? Why must Goodell and the 32 owners speak with one voice? And whose voice must that be, yours? What gives you the right to make these demands? This sounds a lot like “hate speech” to me.

                Maybe whites should boycott baseball until Curt Schilling is back on a major league roster. Surely white people should refuse to attend NBA games until that league’s players are much more representative of our nation’s population. I mean, only 16% of Americans are black, but 80% of the players in the NBA are black. Moreover, the average salary in the NBA is over $6 million! This type of rank discrimination cannot be allowed to continue unchallenged. 

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