Monday, December 1, 2014

The National Endowment for Abortion

January 22, 2016-    
The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Announces Abortion As ‘Performance Art’ With the New Broadway Play, “It’s Just a Fetus, Cletus.”
                The play will probe new ground and push the envelope of what’s ‘acceptable’ to the American public by having actual abortions performed live on a set that resembles a Catholic church.
                An NEA spokeswoman stated for the record that, “For hundreds of years the vast majority of people around the world haven’t accepted homosexual unions as a substitute for a man and wife because they are incapable of producing children on their own, which, they claim, is the very reason that two different sexes exist. With this play we clearly show that even a significant number of heterosexual people don’t want to reproduce, and that they do want to show everyone how inclusive their non-reproduction strategies are.”
                Some more aggressive pro-choice organizations are handing out “Have You Killed Your Kid Today?” or “No pants, no panties, no problem! Let’s get ‘em out! Minors welcome.”  bumper stickers.
                A few abortion ‘clinics’ around the country have even started handing out game cards to their clients. “Get them punched for every abortion you have and start accruing points towards winning such great gifts as a lifetime (yours, fortunately, not your babies) subscription to ‘NARAL Monthly’ magazine…you’ll love the centerfolds.”
The 'Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice' (RCRC) members are proudly pro-choice.  An offshoot of this group is the 'Spiritual Youth for Reproductive Freedom' (SYRF) comprised of kids as young as 16. According to the RCRC website, they are part of the ‘reproductive justice community’ (which does not include, it should be noted, any babies that have ever been aborted). They are against the ‘pain-capable Unborn Child Protection Act’ which would prohibit abortions after the five month mark of pregnancy or more, except under certain conditions.
   “When you want a holy abortion, let the Spirit move you to RCRC. We’ll do our best to make you feel special…on our sacred honor!”

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