Elon Musk recently posted what is—or
should be—a devastating video ad (“infomercial?”) by Western
Lensman exposing the Democrats plan to utilize The Great Replacement to
solidify their power for the foreseeable future. Please watch the video. It is
well worth one minute and thirty-nine seconds of your time. The video
illuminates the Democrats’ Seven-Step Program for winning elections and
obtaining a permanent majority, effectively making the United States a
one-party state. (Synonyms
for one-party state are: authoritarian regime, autocracy, oligarchy,
Marxist-Leninist regime, fascist regime, police state, people’s republic,
dictatorship, and banana republic, among others.)
Whether this is a formalized plan or
an ad hoc one—and I strongly believe it is the former—it is fiendishly clever
and already on the verge of success. It is no exaggeration to say that many of
today’s leading Democrats are utterly amoral…if not breathtakingly immoral.
Many—if not most—want nothing so much as unchallenged power in perpetuity. This
corrosive lust makes them do things like attempt to throw their political
opposition in jail and turn on their own citizens.
It is hard for a decent person to
believe, but the truth is they are using you and I to get rid of you and I-- or
at least render us irrelevant.
The Founders would be aghast. This makes
taxation without representation look like child’s play.
And makes those of us putting up with
this look like children.
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