Thursday, March 21, 2024

Today's News Nuggets


Today’s News Nuggets:


*Communist China has reportedly cozied up to Hamas, calling the terrorist group “part of the Palestinian national fabric.” Yes, much like the Nazis were once part of the German national fabric. And, sadly, like communists are now part of the Chinese national fabric.

*California is reportedly considering a Canadian-style euthanasia bill that would allow even early-stage dementia victims to consent to being medically assassinated.

“Gramma, you just asked me the same question a few minutes ago. Maybe you should consider assisted suicide!”

*According to the 2024 Edelman Trust Barometer Canada Report, most Canadians, like most Americans, believe their mainstream media and government are lying to them most of the time. They are correct. However, Canadians, being Canadians, are even less likely than modern day Americans to do anything about it.

*The National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) is preparing to launch new satellites that will enable the U.S. military and intelligence community to effectively track moving vehicles and people from space. The NRO says that this raises no real privacy concerns as the satellites won’t be routinely targeting innocent Americans. The NRO also stated that: “Oh, wait, is that a MAGA supporter?! Gotta go. Bye!”

*The Dominican Republic has erected a 12-foot-tall, 100-mile-long border wall to prevent Haitians from entering their country after riots and unrest devastated the neighboring nation. Because walls work. So, the Dominican Republic can build a wall to secure its border, but the United States can’t? Pathetic. But, of course the U.S. could build one. It’s just that the current administration refuses to do so.



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