Sunday, March 17, 2024

Bloomberg Philanthropies To Fund Mayors' Drive For...Funding?


Erstwhile New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is planning to spend more than $200 million on a global warming initiative purportedly seeking to reduce the carbon emissions of major cities across the fruited plain. According to Axios, the funds will come from Bloomberg Philanthropies, the charitable organization Bloomberg founded. Memo to Michael: maybe work on getting Beijing, Wuhan, Mumbai, and Moscow to reduce their emissions first.

According to American Greatness, “The program, formally known as the Bloomberg American Sustainable Cities (BASC), will provide the mayors with the funding and resources needed to gain access to expertise and further funding from the federal government, through such laws as the Inflation Reduction Act.”

The program will provide “the funding” needed to gain access to “further funding”…from the federal government?!” I have a question: will the funding provided to gain access to further funding be more than the amount of further funding? If so, is this particularly efficient? If not, couldn’t they have just decided on the total amount of funding “necessary” without funding the effort to gain that funding?

I have another question: what the hell is wrong with our government, leaders, and charitable organizations?!

And further funding from the feds will come via the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)? Yeah right, nothing relieves inflation like more spending! Spending $1.7 trillion in a purported attempt to reduce inflation is absurd. It is patently nonsensical. It’s like producing millions more gallons of vodka to reduce the number of alcoholics. (Or, conversely, like drastically cutting the number of police officers in order to reduce the crime rate. Oh wait, we actually have done that, too.)





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