The individual means nothing anymore. It's all
about the state and sanctioned groups.
The Left should be
displaying American flags àla the Soviet Union’s hammer and sickle or the Third
Reich’s swastika on red banner. Conversely, conservatives should be loath
to fly Old Glory now due to the vast systemic racism directed against them,
manifested by the open bigotry shown to them and the trampling of their
rights—or refusal to acknowledge they have any. Further, the disregard of
natural law, disdain for due process and a jury of one’s peers, and the mocking
of the concept of limited government of by and for the people should have
soured conservatives on the nation that once embraced—indeed was founded on--
their beliefs and ethos. If these things did not thoroughly deter them from
their inherent patriotism, the radically unequal application of law should
have, under which if your last name happens to be, say, Clinton, Omar, or Biden
you can get away with anything, but if it happens to be, say, Trump, Palin or
Quayle, your every thought, utterance and action will be scrutinized, mocked
and held up for ridicule—or worse.
If you are of a
mind to burn and loot America’s cities and/or savage those with traditional
religious beliefs you are touted, subsidized, championed, held up as heroes,
but if you try to prevent that wanton destruction and/or defend
traditional morality, you are branded a racist, attacked, canceled. Moreover,
the inherent and now systemic corruption of the country’s intelligence and
defense agencies, such as the FBI, CIA, DOJ, NSA-- and all branches of the
military—should have permanently dissuaded red-blooded, red state Americans
from continuing to appreciate and celebrate the erstwhile Shining City on a
Hill, the Last Best Hope.
The American flag once
represented equal opportunity for individuals-- and freedom of speech,
assembly, religion, conscience and the right to life, liberty and the pursuit
of happiness. Several of the Founders did not believe the Bill of Rights was
necessary, because they thought it so obvious that everyone had
those rights, unimpeachable as they were/are, granted by the Creator. But,
truth be told, the flag now represents essentially the opposite: blind
allegiance to a particular political agenda, an agenda held by those in power
in government, Big tech, corporate boardrooms, academia, the mainstream media,
and “entertainment.” These close-minded elites, who gleefully marginalize
anyone who doesn’t openly profess agreement with their supposedly progressive
agenda, are the ones who should now be proudly flying the American flag, for
all they have made it stand for recently.
Our self-declared
“tolerant” rulers have simply brushed us aside, as if we were lint…as we have
let them. The concepts of limited government, the rule of law, and individual
sovereignty have been tossed out, permanently relegated to the ash heap of
history, by these “progressives.” These archaic concepts have been replaced by
their “wokester” political agenda of “some are more equal than others”…as determined
by skin color and other immutable characteristics…and sanctioned and defined by
the state. Meaning them.
The Star-Spangled Banner and all it
once stood for has been hijacked. It is, therefore, more than ironic that progressives
still kneel in dissent during the national anthem as it is in view…and that
conservatives still stand to honor it.
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