As someone once said, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”
The editorial board of The Daily Princetonian apparently agrees
wholeheartedly, as it is urging the school to switch to a pass/fail
grading system for the duration of the coronavirus pandemic-driven online-only
class schedule. The board opined that the alternative grading system would
“limit inequities, as well as the harms faced by the least-advantaged among
us.” Well, it would certainly limit inequities between those who study
diligently and those who don’t.
paper Tigers admitted that such a grading system might “deny many students a
valuable chance to lift their GPAs” and would not “sufficiently reward their
diligent work from the first half of this semester.” They concluded, however,
that “whatever negative effects result” from the proposed pass/fail policy
“will be washed out by a shared understanding of this crisis’ unprecedented
scale and severity.” Too bad if your hard work and 4.0 grade point average are
washed out, but at least you will have a shared understanding of the scale and
severity of the politicized pandemic. And of Socialism, for that matter.
Ivy League student groups have suggested that colleges provide free beer and
marijuana, complete with home delivery, to their students in an effort to
relieve stress caused by the pandemic and virtual coursework.
Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said that his plan would include giving every student
$10,000 and an ‘A,’ and would also include nationalizing marijuana production.
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