Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Gal Says "Guys" Should Not Be Used

                The word “guys” is now problematic according to a NowThisNews producer. Foluké Tuakli (be careful how you say that!) says saying “guys” is “lazy,” “inconsiderate,” and “reinforces the gender hierarchy” to boot. Tuakli said “guys” is just one among “many male default terms” that shouldn’t be normalized. She also noted that saying “guys” is the same as “only addressing the men in the room,” and that it has negative “cognitive impact on women and gender non-conforming folk.”
    Man, what a load of crap!  
                Some guys are lazy and inconsiderate and reinforce the gender hierarchy just by breathing, but simply saying “guys” is not at all the same as “only addressing the men in the room.”
                Here is a Collinsdictionary.com definition of “guys”: plural noun: Informal: persons of either sex. Example: “Hi, guys. How are you doing?”
                The only way someone saying “guys” could have a negative cognitive impact on women and gender non-conforming folk is if those women and gender non-conforming folk were desperately looking for something to have a negative cognitive impact on them.
                My advice to Tuakli? Get over it… dude.

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